PCC-01009: For hostlan = COB74, a SQL statement must be followed by ELSE or .

PCC-01009: For hostlan = COB74, a SQL statement must be followed by ELSE or .

Cause: In a Pro*COBOL program, an EXEC SQL statement is followed by another statement in the same sentence. An EXEC SQL statement must be the last statement in a COBOL-74 sentence and so must be terminated by the keyword ELSE or a period.

Action: Change the program logic, making the EXEC SQL statement the last statement in the sentence.

PCC-01008: Multiple element records not allowed in DECLARE section

PCC-01008: Multiple element records not allowed in DECLARE section

Cause: A few COBOL compilers do not allow group items to be passed as parameters in a CALL statement. (Check the COBOL compiler user s guide.) If the compiler is one of these, group items within the Declare Section can contain only one elementary item.

Action: Assign each host variable its own group item.



Cause: The precompiler could not find the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION header in a Pro*COBOL program, probably because a keyword is missing or misspelled, or the wrong value for the FORMAT option might have been specified.

Action: Check that the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION header is in place and spelled correctly and that the right value for the FORMAT option is specified.

PCC-01006: EXEC statement cannot begin in Area A at line number in file string

PCC-01006: EXEC statement cannot begin in Area A at line number in file string

Cause: In a Pro*COBOL program, EXEC statements must begin in Area B, but the precompiler found a statement beginning in Area A.

Action: Move the statement rightward so that it begins in Area B.



Cause: The precompiler could not find the PROCEDURE DIVISION header in a Pro*COBOL program. Some possible causes follow: o A keyword in the header is missing or misspelled. o There is an apostrophe in the REMARKS section (the precompiler mistook the apostrophe for the beginning of a string literal). o There is an unterminated literal in the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. o The wrong value for the FORMAT option was specified.

Action: Check that the PROCEDURE DIVISION header is in place and spelled correctly, that there is no apostrophe in the REMARKS section, that all literals in the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION are terminated, and that the right value for the FORMAT option is specified.

PCC-01004: In an EXEC statement at end-of-file

PCC-01004: In an EXEC statement at end-of-file

Cause: In a Pro*COBOL input file, the last EXEC statement was not terminated properly.

Action: Terminate the last EXEC statement with an END-EXEC.

PCC-01003: Invalid continuation at line number in file string

PCC-01003: Invalid continuation at line number in file string

Cause: In a PRO*COBOL program, a continuation line was completely blank, except for the continuation character.

Action: Remove or replace the empty continuation line.

PCC-01002: Invalid character character in indicator area at line number in file string

PCC-01002: Invalid character character in indicator area at line number in file string

Cause: In a Pro*COBOL Precompiler program, only a blank, hyphen (-), asterisk (*), slash ( or ), or letter D is allowed in the indicator area, but the precompiler found another character.

Action: Remove or replace the invalid character. If the FORMAT=ANSI option is specified, check for an end-of-line in column 7.

PCC-01001: Your Pro*COBOL authorization is about to expire

PCC-01001: Your Pro*COBOL authorization is about to expire

Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*COBOL Precompiler is about to expire.

Action: Call customer support for assistance.

PCC-01000: You are not authorized to run Pro*COBOL

PCC-01000: You are not authorized to run Pro*COBOL

Cause: The authorization or license to run the Pro*COBOL Precompiler has expired.

Action: Call customer support for assistance.

PCC-00147: DBMS=V6 no longer supported; using DBMS=NATIVE

PCC-00147: DBMS=V6 no longer supported; using DBMS=NATIVE

Cause: V6 compatibility is no longer supported. The precompiler will precompile as though DBMS=NATIVE was specified.

Action: Revise the specified DBMS option value from v6 to another value as desired.

PCC-00146: Illegal value for host option, ignored

PCC-00146: Illegal value for host option, ignored

Cause: An invalid host language was specified using the command-line host option. The host option valid values are pro* language specific. For example, for profor, the only valid value is FORTRAN. For procob, the only valid values are COBOL and COB74.

Action: Specify a valid host language with the host option.

PCC-00145: This statement can only be used with THREADS=YES

PCC-00145: This statement can only be used with THREADS=YES

Cause: EXEC SQL ENABLE THREADS or one of the EXEC SQL CONTEXT statements has been used, even though option THREADS is set to NO.

Action: Specify option THREADS=YES or remove the EXEC ENABLE THREADS or EXEC SQL CONTEXT statement from the source code.

PCC-00144: UNSAFE_NULL=YES must be used with DBMS=V7 and MODE=ORACLE

PCC-00144: UNSAFE_NULL=YES must be used with DBMS=V7 and MODE=ORACLE

Cause: The option UNSAFE_NULL=YES has been used with DBMS=V6 or DBMS=NATIVE (the default) or has been used with MODE=ANSI or ANSI14 or ANSI13.

Action: Either specify DBMS=V7 and MODE=ORACLE (the default) when using UNSAFE_NULL=YES or do not use UNSAFE_NULL=YES.

PCC-00143: Runtime context variable not of correct type

PCC-00143: Runtime context variable not of correct type

Cause: The runtime context variable referecned in an EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE statement is not of type sql_context.

Action: Declare your runtime context variable of type sql_context.

PCC-00142: No EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE statement encountered

PCC-00142: No EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE statement encountered

Cause: No EXEC SQL CONTEXT USE statement was encountered and the option threads=yes was requested.

Action: Ensure that the necessary context variable (of type sql_context) has been declared, ALLOCATEd, and USEd prior to any executable SQL statements.

PCC-00141: Thread Safety is not implemented in this precompiler

PCC-00141: Thread Safety is not implemented in this precompiler

Cause: There has been an attempt to use CONTEXT sql statements. The thread safety feature is not implemented in PRO*Pascal, Pro*PL or I, or Pro*C 1.x.

Action: Rewrite your host-language code to not use contexts.

PCC-00140: CREATE FUNCTION or PROCEDURE or PACKAGE or TRIGGER are Oracle extensions

PCC-00140: CREATE FUNCTION or PROCEDURE or PACKAGE or TRIGGER are Oracle extensions

Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, one of the following statements was used: o CREATE FUNCTION o CREATE PROCEDURE o CREATE PACKAGE o CREATE TRIGGER These statements are Oracle extensions to the ANSI or ISO SQL standards. This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action is required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, do not use any of these statements.

PCC-00139: Cannot change MAXLITERAL after an EXEC SQL statement

PCC-00139: Cannot change MAXLITERAL after an EXEC SQL statement

Cause: The MAXLITERAL option has been used in an inline EXEC ORACLE OPTION statement after and EXEC SQL, EXEC TOOLS, or EXEC IAF statement. This is not allowed.

Action: Use the MAXLITERAL option only on the command line or in an EXEC ORACLE OPTION statement placed at the beginning of the input source file.

PCC-00138: Result Set Cursors are not implemented in this precompiler

PCC-00138: Result Set Cursors are not implemented in this precompiler

Cause: There was an attempt to reference a host variable as a cursor reference. Cursor variables are not implemented in PRO*Pascal or Pro*PL or I.

Action: Rewrite your host-language code to use standard SQL cursors.

PCC-00137: Invalid use of SQL cursor host variable

PCC-00137: Invalid use of SQL cursor host variable

Cause: A SQL_CURSOR variable was used in an INTO or WHERE clause. SQL_ CURSOR variables can be used only where ordinary cursor identifiers would be used or, in a PL or SQL block, where a cursor would normally be used.

Action: Remove the SQL cursor variable reference from the INTO clause or WHERE clause, or use a host variable of another type in the INTO or WHERE clause.

PCC-00136: Invalid SQL_CURSOR declaration

PCC-00136: Invalid SQL_CURSOR declaration

Cause: An array of SQL_CURSOR host variables was declared or, if Pro*COBOL, a PICTURE clause was specified in the SQL-CURSOR declaration. In Pro*FORTRAN, a length specification (i.e. *n ) on the SQL_CURSOR declaration could have been specified. These usages are not supported.

Action: Check that the SQL_CURSOR variable is not declared as an array or, if Pro*COBOL, that no PICTURE clause is specified for the SQL_CURSOR. In Pro*FORTRAN, check that there is no length specification (i.e. *n ) for the SQL_ CURSOR.

PCC-00135: Result Set Cursor usage is not standard SQL

PCC-00135: Result Set Cursor usage is not standard SQL

Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, an Oracle Result Set Cursor has been used. This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, do not use Result Set Cursors.

PCC-00133: Command line option MODE=ANSI required with option NLS_ LOCAL=YES

PCC-00133: Command line option MODE=ANSI required with option NLS_ LOCAL=YES

Cause: The precompiler option NLS_LOCAL=YES was used without also specifying MODE=ANSI. The precompiler option MODE=ANSI must be specifiied if NLS_LOCAL=YES.

Action: Set the precompiler option MODE=ANSI in addition to NLS_ LOCAL=YES or do not set NLS_LOCAL=YES.

PCC-00132: Indicator array size must not be less than its host variable

PCC-00132: Indicator array size must not be less than its host variable

Cause: An host variable array was used with an indicator array declared with a smaller dimension. For example: EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int dept_no(20(; short dept_no_ind(10(; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; ... SELECT ... INTO dept_no:dept_no_ind ...

Action: Increase the size of the indicator array.

PCC-00129: Option string must be given

PCC-00129: Option string must be given

Cause: A required command-line option is missing. For example, the INAME option, which specifies the name of the input file, might be missing.

Action: Supply the missing command-line option.

PCC-00128: Command line processor severe error

PCC-00128: Command line processor severe error

Cause: The command line processor encountered a severe error.

Action: After making sure that all the command-line options are specified correctly, call customer support with a full account of all the options and configuration files used.

PCC-00127: %s

PCC-00127: %s

Cause: This is a generic error message from the command-line processor.

Action: Correct the indicated error.

PCC-00126: Could not find or open system configuration file

PCC-00126: Could not find or open system configuration file

Cause: The precompiler was unable to find or open the system configuration file (a text file containing preset command-line options, which the precompiler uses by default). Some possible causes follow: o The file does not exist. o The search path to the file is incorrect. o File access privileges are insufficient. o There are too many open files. However, this message is just a warning. Processing continues even if the system configuration file does not exist.

Action: Check that the file exists, that the search path to the file is correct, and that sufficient privileges exist to access the file. Also check that the limit for open files is set high enough (check with the system manager).

PCC-00124: COMMON_NAME option is specified too late

PCC-00124: COMMON_NAME option is specified too late

Cause: In a FORTRAN program, subroutine, or function, the precompiler option COMMON_NAME was mistakenly specified after the PROGRAM, SUBROUTINE, or FUNCTION statement. If COMMON_NAME is specified inline, its EXEC ORACLE OPTION statement must precede the PROGRAM SUBROUTINE, or FUNCTION statement.

Action: Relocate the EXEC ORACLE OPTION statement or specify COMMON_ NAME on the command line.

PCC-00123: Entire VARCHAR declaration must be on same line

PCC-00123: Entire VARCHAR declaration must be on same line

Cause: In a Pro*C program, a VARCHAR declaration spans more than one line, which is not allowed.

Action: Revise the declaration so that it uses only one line.

PCC-00122: Input file name and output file name are identical

PCC-00122: Input file name and output file name are identical

Cause: On the command line, the same pathname for INAME and ONAME was specified, which designates the precompiler input and output files, respectively.

Action: Change one of the path or filenames.

PCC-00121: Arrays of VARCHAR pointers are not supported

PCC-00121: Arrays of VARCHAR pointers are not supported

Cause: An array of pointers was declared, which is not allowed. However, pointers to scalar types are allowed. With Pro*C, declare pointers to char(n( and varchar(n( variables as pointers to CHAR or VARCHAR (with no length specification).

Action: Correct or remove the declaration.

PCC-00120: File I or O error during code generation

PCC-00120: File I or O error during code generation

Cause: d by insufficient disk space.

Action: Check that there is enough disk space.

PCC-00119: Value of const variable in INTO clause will be modified

PCC-00119: Value of const variable in INTO clause will be modified

Cause: A variable declared with the type specifier const was used in an INTO clause. Such variables should not be modified and should not be used in an INTO clause.

Action: Check the spelling of all identifiers in the INTO clause. If necessary, remove const from the host variable declaration or use a different host variable.

PCC-00118: Use of host variable initialization not supported by ANSI SQL

PCC-00118: Use of host variable initialization not supported by ANSI SQL

Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, a host variable was initialized in its declaration, as shown in the following Pro*C example: EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int dept_ number = 20; -- not ANSI or ISO-compliant EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, do not initialize host variables in their declarations.

PCC-00117: Invalid ARRAYLEN length variable type

PCC-00117: Invalid ARRAYLEN length variable type

Cause: A valid array dimension was not specified in an ARRAYLEN statement. The array dimension must be specified using a previously declared 4-byte integer host variable, not a literal or expression. For example, the offending code might look like: EXEC SQL ARRAYLEN ename_array (25); --illegal dimension

Action: Supply a valid array dimension. If necessary, declare a 4-byte integer host variable for use in the ARRAYLEN statement.

PCC-00116: This array already given in an ARRAYLEN statement

PCC-00116: This array already given in an ARRAYLEN statement

Cause: The same host array was specified in two different ARRAYLEN statements. A given host array cannot be specified in more than one ARRAYLEN statement.

Action: Check the spelling of the host array names in both ARRAYLEN statements. Change one of the names so that they refer to different host arrays or remove one of the ARRAYLEN statements.

PCC-00115: Array required here

PCC-00115: Array required here

Cause: In an ARRAYLEN statement, the name of a previously declared host array was not specified. The first host variable in an ARRAYLEN statement must be an array. The second host variable, which specifies an array dimension, must be a 4-byte integer. The correct syntax follows: EXEC SQL ARRAYLEN host_array (dimension); The ARRAYLEN statement must appear in the Declare Section along with, but somewhere after, the declarations of host_array and dimension.

Action: Check the spelling of both identifiers in the ARRAYLEN statement. If necessary, supply the missing host array name.

PCC-00114: Length spec required in EXEC SQL VAR statements for VARxxx types

PCC-00114: Length spec required in EXEC SQL VAR statements for VARxxx types

Cause: In an EXEC SQL VAR statement, a VARCHAR or VARRAW external datatype was specified without a length. Unlike other types, the maximum length of the data field must be specified for VARCHAR and VARRAW.

Action: Add a length specification to the EXEC SQL VAR statement.

PCC-00113: Value of DBMS option invalid with given value of MODE option

PCC-00113: Value of DBMS option invalid with given value of MODE option

Cause: When MODE={ANSI14 | ANSI13}, DBMS=V7 was specified, or when MODE=ANSI, DBMS=v6 was specified. These option settings are incompatible. Note that the DBMS option was not available before release 1.5 of the Oracle Precompilers.

Action: With DBMS=V7, instead of MODE={ANSI14 | ANSI13}, specify MODE={ANSI | ORACLE}. With DBMS=V6, instead of MODE=ANSI, specify MODE={ANSI14 | ANSI13 | ORACLE}, but MODE=ORACLE is recommended.

PCC-00112: Datatype not supported by ANSI

PCC-00112: Datatype not supported by ANSI

Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO standard was used. Specifically, aa pointer or nonconforming datatype such as VARCHAR was used. For example, the offending code might look like: EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION VARCHAR username(20(; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, do not use pointers or nonconforming datatypes.

PCC-00111: SQLCHECK value in EXEC ORACLE statement exceeds command line value

PCC-00111: SQLCHECK value in EXEC ORACLE statement exceeds command line value

Cause: The SQLCHECK option was entered inline and specified a level of checking higher than the level specified (or accepted by default) on the command line. This is not allowed. For example, if SQLCHECK={SYNTAX | LIMITED} is specified on the command line, SQLCHECK={SEMANTICS | FULL} cannot be specified inline.

Action: Revise the EXEC ORACLE statement or specify a lower level of checking on the command line.

PCC-00108: This statement is not supported by ANSI

PCC-00108: This statement is not supported by ANSI

Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, a nonconforming SQL statement such as PREPARE was used. For example, the offending code might look like: EXEC SQL PREPARE sql_statement FROM :sql_string; This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, do not use the nonconforming statement.

PCC-00107: The CONNECT statement is Oracle implementation dependent

PCC-00107: The CONNECT statement is Oracle implementation dependent

Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the CONNECT statement was used to log on to ORACLE. For example, the offending code might look like: EXEC SQL CONNECT :username IDENTIFIED BY :password; This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, specify the AUTO_CONNECT command-line option instead of using a CONNECT statement.

PCC-00106: RELEASE is an Oracle extension to the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements

PCC-00106: RELEASE is an Oracle extension to the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements

Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the parameter RELEASE was used in a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement. For example, the offending code might look like: EXEC SQL ROLLBACK RELEASE; This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, do not use the parameter RELEASE;

PCC-00105: Keyword WORK required here by ANSI

PCC-00105: Keyword WORK required here by ANSI

Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the keyword WORK was used in a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement. For example, the offending code might look like: EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK RELEASE; This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, do not use the keyword WORK.

PCC-00104: FOR clause is an Oracle extension

PCC-00104: FOR clause is an Oracle extension

Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the FOR clause was used in an array-processing SQL statement. For example, the offending code might look like: EXEC SQL FOR :limit INSERT INTO EMP (EMPNO, JOB, DEPTNO) VALUES (:emp_number, :job_title, :dept_number); This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, do not use the FOR clause.

PCC-00103: AT clause is an Oracle extension

PCC-00103: AT clause is an Oracle extension

Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the AT lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;db_namelamp;gt; clause was used in a SQL statement. For example, the offending code might look like: EXEC SQL AT oracle3 COMMIT RELEASE; This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, do not use the AT lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;db_namelamp;gt; clause.

PCC-00102: FOR UPDATE is an Oracle extension

PCC-00102: FOR UPDATE is an Oracle extension

Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, the FOR UPDATE OF clause was used in a cursor declaration. For example, the offending code might look like: EXEC SQL DECLARE emp_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT ENAME, SAL FROM EMP WHERE DEPTNO = :dept_ number FOR UPDATE OF SAL; This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, do not use the FOR UPDATE OF clause.

PCC-00101: Lower case e in floating point number is not ANSI

PCC-00101: Lower case e in floating point number is not ANSI

Cause: A Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, a lowercase e was used in scientific notation. For example, the offending code might look like: maxnum = 10e38; This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, use an uppercase E in scientific notation.

PCC-00100: Non integer label is not ANSI

PCC-00100: Non integer label is not ANSI

Cause: An Oracle extension to the ANSI or ISO SQL standard was used. Specifically, a non-integer WHENEVER ... GOTO label was in a Pro*Pascal program. For example, the offending code might look like: EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND GOTO quit; This informational message is issued by the FIPS Flagger when FIPS=YES.

Action: No action required. However, for ANSI or ISO compliance, use only integer WHENEVER... GOTO labels in a Pro*Pascal program.

PCC-00099: Length cannot be given for types ROWID, DATE, or MLSLABEL

PCC-00099: Length cannot be given for types ROWID, DATE, or MLSLABEL

Cause: A length for the ROWID, DATE, or MLSLABEL external datatype was specified in an EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement. This is unnecessary because those are fixed length types.

Action: Remove the length specification from the EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement.

PCC-00098: Scale specification cannot be used in this context

PCC-00098: Scale specification cannot be used in this context

Cause: In a Pro*C, Pro*FORTRAN, Pro*Pascal program, scale in an EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement in the current context cannot be specified.

Action: Remove the scale specification from the EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement.

PCC-00097: Use of DECIMAL and DISPLAY types allowed only for COBOL and PL or I

PCC-00097: Use of DECIMAL and DISPLAY types allowed only for COBOL and PL or I

Cause: The DECIMAL and DISPLAY external datatype was used in an EXEC SQL VAR or EXEC SQL TYPE statement with an Oracle precompiler other than Pro*COBOL or PRO*PL or I. These external datatypes are available only in Pro*COBOL and PRO*PL or I.

Action: Remove the reference to the DECIMAL or DISPLAY external datatype from the EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement.

PCC-00096: Array FETCH not allowed for mode=ANSI14

PCC-00096: Array FETCH not allowed for mode=ANSI14

Cause: When MODE=ANSI14, an array SELECT or FETCH was attempted. However, array operations are not allowed with MODE=ANSI14.

Action: If MODE=ANSI14 must be specified, place the SELECT or FETCH statement in a host-language loop, instead of using the array interface.



Cause: FORTRAN source files are expected to have at least one PROGRAM, SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, or BLOCK DATA statement, which the precompiler uses to detect the beginning of a routine or compilation unit.

Action: Add one of these statements to the source file.

PCC-00094: Array length for char(n( datatype must be lamp;gt;= 2

PCC-00094: Array length for char(n( datatype must be lamp;gt;= 2

Cause: When MODE={ANSI | ANSI14}, a length of less than 2 characters for a char(n( host variable was specified or a simple char variable was specified. When MODE={ANSI | ANSI14}, the length must be at least 2 characters. This message is issued only by the Pro*C precompiler.

Action: Correct the declaration so that it specifies a length of at least 2 characters.

PCC-00093: Invalid or obsolete option, ignored

PCC-00093: Invalid or obsolete option, ignored

Cause: The precompiler found an option available in a prior version or different host language but not in the current version or host language.

Action: Remove the option specification.

PCC-00092: Length and or or scale incompatible with specified Oracle datatype

PCC-00092: Length and or or scale incompatible with specified Oracle datatype

Cause: An invalid length or scale for an Oracle external datatype in an EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement was specified.

Action: Check that a length large enough to accommodate the external datatype is specified. If a scale is specified, check that it lies in the range -84..99.