SQL*Loader-00521: lfilini failed for file (string)

SQL*Loader-00521: lfilini failed for file (string)

Cause: LFI failed to create or initialize a file object for the file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

SQL*Loader-00520: lfimknam failed for file (string)

SQL*Loader-00520: lfimknam failed for file (string)

Cause: LFI failed to make a name object for the file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

SQL*Loader-00518: Error reassembling file name (string)

SQL*Loader-00518: Error reassembling file name (string)

Cause: SQL*Loader could not put the filename back together again from its components.

Action: Check the filename for illegal characters.

SQL*Loader-00517: Error decomposing file name (string)

SQL*Loader-00517: Error decomposing file name (string)

Cause: SQL*Loader could not break down the filename into its component parts.

Action: Check the filename for illegal characters.

SQL*Loader-00516: Control file (string) has no contents

SQL*Loader-00516: Control file (string) has no contents

Cause: The named file was found to be empty.

Action: Check that the intended file was referenced and that it is not empty.

SQL*Loader-00515: Error getting CPU time

SQL*Loader-00515: Error getting CPU time

Cause: SQL*Loader could not get the CPU time from the system.

Action: No action required.

SQL*Loader-00514: Error getting elapsed time

SQL*Loader-00514: Error getting elapsed time

Cause: SQL*Loader could not get the elapsed time from the system.

Action: No action required.

SQL*Loader-00513: Unable to close file (string)

SQL*Loader-00513: Unable to close file (string)

Cause: SQL*Loader could not close the named file.

Action: Check the errors below this message in the log file for more information.

SQL*Loader-00512: Unable to free read buffer

SQL*Loader-00512: Unable to free read buffer

Cause: An internal error has occurred.

Action: Contact customer support.

SQL*Loader-00511: Unable to initialize read functions

SQL*Loader-00511: Unable to initialize read functions

Cause: SQL*Loader could not initialize the read functions.

Action: Check the errors below this message in the log file for more information.

SQL*Loader-00510: Physical record in data file (string) is longer than the maximum(number)

SQL*Loader-00510: Physical record in data file (string) is longer than the maximum(number)

Cause: The datafile has a physical record that is too long.

Action: Use CONCATENATE or CONTINUEIF. Break up the physical records.

SQL*Loader control file. SQL*Loader-00509: System error: string

SQL*Loader control file. SQL*Loader-00509: System error: string

Cause: A platform-specific error was returned during an operation. This message is used to display the text of the error.

Action: none

SQL*Loader-00508: record formating error in data file string

SQL*Loader-00508: record formating error in data file string

Cause: The data found in the data file does not correspond to the record format in the SQL*Loader control file.

Action: Verify that all records in the data file match the format as described in the

SQL*Loader-00507: unexpected EOF reading SDF or LOBFILE string for column string in table string

SQL*Loader-00507: unexpected EOF reading SDF or LOBFILE string for column string in table string

Cause: The end of file was reached for a secondary data file or LOBFILE before the data for the current row was found.

Action: If the file is a LOBFILE, verify the correct datatype was specified for the field. If the file is a secondary data file, make sure the record format is specified correctly in the SQL*Loader control file.

SQL*Loader-00506: formatting error reading SDF or LOBFILE string for column string in table string

SQL*Loader-00506: formatting error reading SDF or LOBFILE string for column string in table string

Cause: The the record format of the named LOBFILE or SDF file is incorrect.

Action: Fix the record formatting problems in the file.

SQL*Loader-00505: error reading LOBFILE

SQL*Loader-00505: error reading LOBFILE

Cause: An attempt to read a secondary data file failed.

Action: Check the operating system message that follows this message for more information.

SQL*Loader-00504: Error skipping records in file (string)

SQL*Loader-00504: Error skipping records in file (string)

Cause: SQL*Loader could not open the file or could not read from it.

Action: Check that the file is where it is expected and that read access has been granted.

SQL*Loader-00503: Error appending extension to file (string)

SQL*Loader-00503: Error appending extension to file (string)

Cause: SQL*Loader could not append the default extension to create the filename. The given name could be too long or contain illegal characters.

Action: Check the specified filename.

SQL*Loader-00502: unable to open data file string for field string table string

SQL*Loader-00502: unable to open data file string for field string table string

Cause: An attempt to open a LOBFILE or secondary data file failed.

Action: Check the operating system messages following this message for information on why the open failed. Verify that the correct name is specified for the LOBFILE or secondary data file.

SQL*Loader-00501: Unable to read file (string)

SQL*Loader-00501: Unable to read file (string)

Cause: SQL*Loader could not read the named file.

Action: Check the operating system messages following this message in the log file.

SQL*Loader to load data into this table. SQL*Loader-00500: Unable to open file (string)

SQL*Loader to load data into this table. SQL*Loader-00500: Unable to open file (string)

Cause: SQL*Loader could not open the named file.

Action: Check the operating system messages below this one in the log file.

SQL*Loader-00489: cannot insert NULL object into object table string, row number

SQL*Loader-00489: cannot insert NULL object into object table string, row number

Cause: There was no data specified in the control file, a lob file, or a secondary data file for this object column.

Action: Place valid data for this column in the appropriate file prior to invoking

SQL*Loader-00488: %s not a named collection type for filler field string

SQL*Loader-00488: %s not a named collection type for filler field string

Cause: The FILLER option was specified for a VARRAY or NESTED TABLE field in the SQL Loader control file. However, the type name specified for the field is not the name of a VARRAY or NESTED TABLE type.

Action: Verify that the correct type name was specified. If the type is defined in a different schema, also verify that the correct schema name is specified.

SQL*Loader-00487: COUNT clause required for collection string

SQL*Loader-00487: COUNT clause required for collection string

Cause: A VARRAY or NESTED TABLE was defined in the SQL Loader control file and all of the fields in the VARRAY or NESTED TABLE are generated by SQL Loader and do not come from a data file. SQL Loader requires a COUNT clause be specified so that it knows how many elements to add to the VARRAY or NESTED TABLE for each row.

Action: Add a COUNT clause to the VARRAY or NESTED TABLE definition.

SQL*Loader-00486: sql-strings may not be specified for collection field string

SQL*Loader-00486: sql-strings may not be specified for collection field string

Cause: A sql-string was specified as part of the description of the field that is inside a nested table or varray. Sql-strings cannot be used to load a field in a varrary or nested tables.

Action: Remove the sql-string from the field description. Modify the data file so that it contains the values to be loaded into the column in the collection.

SQL*Loader-00481: HIDDEN may not be used with non-scalar fields.

SQL*Loader-00481: HIDDEN may not be used with non-scalar fields.

Cause: The HIDDEN keyword is only allowed for scalar fields.

Action: Remove the HIDDEN keyword from the non-scalar field in the control file.

SQL*Loader-00480: EXPRESSION may not be used with elements of a collection.

SQL*Loader-00480: EXPRESSION may not be used with elements of a collection.

Cause: The EXPRESSION keyword is followed by a required SQL string expression and is used to load a column with the result of the SQL string expression instead of with a value from the input data file. However, this capability is not allowed with elements of a collection.

Action: Remove the EXPRESSION keyword and associated SQL string from the collection element in the control file.

SQL*Loader-00479: REF directive for column string expects number arguments; found number.

SQL*Loader-00479: REF directive for column string expects number arguments; found number.

Cause: The number of arguments in the REF directive for the column is incorrect.

Action: Specify the correct number of arguments for REF. Remember that the REF directive always requires a table name. Also, primary key REFs require one arguments for each field in the primary key.

SQL*Loader-00478: unable to continue due to missing filename for LOBFILE or SDF

SQL*Loader-00478: unable to continue due to missing filename for LOBFILE or SDF

Cause: The name for a LOBFILE or secondary data file is either missing or NULL for the current row. SQL*Loader is unable to continue loading since it can t determine how to get the LOB for the next row.

Action: Correct the data file so that there are valid values for all fields containing the names of LOBFILEs and secondary data files.

SQL*Loader-00477: REF directive for field string requires at least two arguments

SQL*Loader-00477: REF directive for field string requires at least two arguments

Cause: The SQL Loader control file contains a REF directive for the field, but only one argument was supplied for the directive. The REF directive always requires at least two arguments.

Action: Supply the missing argument to the REF directive. Remember that you must always supply a table name to the REF directive even if the REF is scoped.

SQL*Loader-00476: count of elements for collection is not set or null, 0 will be used

SQL*Loader-00476: count of elements for collection is not set or null, 0 will be used

Cause: This message is displayed following a message that identifies the column and row that contained the problem. The message indicates that the collection field named in the previous message has the count of elements in the collection stored in another field. This message is displayed if the field containing the count does not have a value or is set to NULL. When this happens, SQL*Loader uses 0 as the number of elements.

Action: If 0 is not the count of elementsfor the collection, correct the data in the data file.

SQL*Loader-00475: field for dynamic file name is string in table string

SQL*Loader-00475: field for dynamic file name is string in table string

Cause: This message is always displayed after message 474.

Action: none

SQL*Loader-00474: no value set for dynamic file for column string in table string row number

SQL*Loader-00474: no value set for dynamic file for column string in table string row number

Cause: The data for the named column is in a dynamic LOBFILE or secondary data file. This message is returned when the field containing the name of the file with the data for this field has not been set or is NULL. This could be because the record in the data file does not match the format described by the SQL*Loader control file.

Action: Correct any errors in the data file or the SQL*Loader control file.

SQL*Loader-00473: nesting of collections is not allowed.

SQL*Loader-00473: nesting of collections is not allowed.

Cause: Nesting of one collection type field description within another is not allowed.

Action: Verify that collection nesting is attempted in the SQL*Loader control file. Correct the mistake.

SQL*Loader-00472: collections can contain only one non FILLER field specification

SQL*Loader-00472: collections can contain only one non FILLER field specification

Cause: More than one non filler field specification is found in a collection field s member field list.

Action: See correct syntax in the Utilities Manual. If indeed there is more than one attribute that makes up the particular collection, then it must be a collection of a object type which needs to be specified using the COLUMN OBJECT field specification syntax.

SQL*Loader-00471: OID or SID clause has an argument that is CONSTANT

SQL*Loader-00471: OID or SID clause has an argument that is CONSTANT

Cause: You specified a CONSTANT as an argument in an OID clause for an object table or in the SID clause for a nested table column. Since these columns must have unique values, SQL Loader does not allow the a constant to be specified for their values.

Action: Store the OID for each row in a filler field and specify the name of the filler field as an argument.

SQL*Loader-00470: table string does not have system generated OID

SQL*Loader-00470: table string does not have system generated OID

Cause: You specified an OID clause for a table but the table is either not an object table or the table is an object table but the OIDs for the rows are not system generated.

Action: Verify that the you are loading the correct table. If you are, then you must not specify the OID clause for this table. You should use the OID clause only when the table is an object table, has system generated OIDs and when you want to specify OIDs to be assigned to each row of the table.

SQL*Loader-00469: SID directive expects 1 argument, number found.

SQL*Loader-00469: SID directive expects 1 argument, number found.

Cause: More than one argument was specified for a SID clause.

Action: Only specify the name of the field containing the value to use for the SID in the SID clause.

SQL*Loader control file. Also verify that the column name is spelled correctly. SQL*Loader-00468: OID directive expects 1 argument, number found.

SQL*Loader control file. Also verify that the column name is spelled correctly. SQL*Loader-00468: OID directive expects 1 argument, number found.

Cause: More than one argument was specified for an OID clause.

Action: Specify the name of the field containing the value to use for the OID. If the OID for the table is user-defined, then do not use the OID clause in the control file.

SQL*Loader-00467: attribute string does not exist in type string for table string.

SQL*Loader-00467: attribute string does not exist in type string for table string.

Cause: The SQL*Loader control file specified an attribute that does not exist for the specified type. The table that contains the type is also identified in the error message.

Action: Verify that the correct table in the correct schema is named in the

SQL*Loader-00466: Column string does not exist in table string.

SQL*Loader-00466: Column string does not exist in table string.

Cause: The SQL*Loader control file specified a table column that does not exist.

Action: none

SQL*Loader-00464: file offset for beginning of lob is string

SQL*Loader-00464: file offset for beginning of lob is string

Cause: The offset into the secondary data file that contains the start of the LOB that was being written when an error occured.

Action: none

SQL*Loader-00463: secondary data file for LOB is string

SQL*Loader-00463: secondary data file for LOB is string

Cause: The secondary data file that was in use for populating the LOB when an error occured.

Action: none

SQL*Loader-00462: error inserting LOB into column string, row number, table string

SQL*Loader-00462: error inserting LOB into column string, row number, table string

Cause: An error occurred while attempting to write a lob into a row.

Action: See accompanying messages describing why the LOB could not be loaded, what actions sqlldr took (if any), and where the errors may be in order to reload.

SQL*Loader-00461: direct path loading of datatype for column string not supported

SQL*Loader-00461: direct path loading of datatype for column string not supported

Cause: The datatype for the specified column is one that cannot be loaded with direct path.

Action: If the datatype is supported with conventional path, load the table using conventional path.

SQL*Loader-00460: Column (string), form of use (number) does not match char set id of (number)

SQL*Loader-00460: Column (string), form of use (number) does not match char set id of (number)

Cause: The given column with the given form of use does not have the same character set ID as a previous column with the same form of use.

Action: This should not happen. Contact ORACLE support and supply the following information: DDL for the table being loaded, and the SQL*Loader control file. ADDED in 8.1

SQL*Loader-00459: error fetching numeric value for sequence on column (string)

SQL*Loader-00459: error fetching numeric value for sequence on column (string)

Cause: An attempt was made to retrieve a non-numeric value for a sequenced column.

Action: Verify that the data for the sequenced column is numeric. Then retry the operation.

SQL*Loader-00458: Comparison text ( string ) of CONTINUEIF LAST must be non-whitespace

SQL*Loader-00458: Comparison text ( string ) of CONTINUEIF LAST must be non-whitespace

Cause: The comparison text is a whitespace character (blank or tab).

Action: Change the comparison text to a non-whitespace character.

SQL*Loader-00457: Comparison text of CONTINUEIF LAST must have length 1 not number

SQL*Loader-00457: Comparison text of CONTINUEIF LAST must have length 1 not number

Cause: The comparison text is too long. It can only be one character.

Action: Reduce the comparison text to one character.

SQL*Loader-00456: end of collection found after number elements when looking for number elements

SQL*Loader-00456: end of collection found after number elements when looking for number elements

Cause: A count value was specified for a varray or nested table column and the number of rows found is less than the number of rows specified

Action: Verify that the count field has the correct value and that there is no missing data for the collection.

SQL*Loader-00440: Invalid table specified as scope of a REF

SQL*Loader-00440: Invalid table specified as scope of a REF

Cause: As part of the REF directive one specifies the table name or another fields name which contains the table name of the table which the REF references.

Action: Make sure that the right referenced table name is specified.

SQL*Loader-00436: error converting GUID

SQL*Loader-00436: error converting GUID

Cause: The value of the field named in the message is used to populate the column named in the messsage. Because column is a Set ID or an Object ID, the field needs to be converted. This message indicates that there was a conversion error. If the field is a character field, then the conversion error could be caused by too many or too few haxeadecimal charactersI. Also, one or more of the characters in the field might not be a valid hexadecimal character. If the field contains RAW data, then either too many or to few bytes were specified for the field.

Action: Fix the data and reload the row.

SQL*Loader-00417: SQL string (on column string) not allowed in direct path.

SQL*Loader-00417: SQL string (on column string) not allowed in direct path.

Cause: Because the direct path bypasses SQL processing, the SQL string cannot be used.

Action: Remove the SQL string or use the conventional path.

SQL*Loader-00416: SDF clause for field string in table string references a non existent field.

SQL*Loader-00416: SDF clause for field string in table string references a non existent field.

Cause: The secondary data file clause for the field identified another field that doesn t exist in the table definition for the SQL*Loader control file.

Action: Verify the definition of the secondary data file to make sure it identifies the intended field.

SQL*Loader-00415: column string in table string cannot use and be the object of an SDF or LOBFILE

SQL*Loader-00415: column string in table string cannot use and be the object of an SDF or LOBFILE

Cause: The named column is identified as the target of a secondary data file (SDF) or LOBFILE clause. However, the column also gets it s value from an SDF or LOBFILE. If a field name is named in an SDF or LOBFILE clause, then that field cannot have an SDF or LOBFILE clause.

Action: Verify that the SDF and LOBFILE clauses in the SQL*Loader control file name the correct fields. Also verify that the SDF and LOBFILE clauses are specified for the correct field.

SQL*Loader-00414: no columns to load for table string

SQL*Loader-00414: no columns to load for table string

Cause: There were no fields in the data file to be loaded for the table. Probably all fields were identified as FILLER fields.

Action: Verify that the FILLER attribute was set correctly for the fields.

SQL*Loader-00413: NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause specified for filler field string in table string.

SQL*Loader-00413: NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause specified for filler field string in table string.

Cause: A NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause was specified in the SQL*Loader control file for the named filler field. These options cannot be specified for filler fields.

Action: Remove the NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause from the field definition.

SQL*Loader-00412: More columns specified for table string than the maximum (number)

SQL*Loader-00412: More columns specified for table string than the maximum (number)

Cause: More columns were specified for the table than the maximum number allowed by the database.

Action: Remove the extraneous columns.

SQL*Loader-00411: Only a direct path load may be continued

SQL*Loader-00411: Only a direct path load may be continued

Cause: The load is specified with CONTINUE_LOAD, but DIRECT=FALSE. CONTINUE_LOAD is only possible for a direct path load and is only necessary for a multiple-table, direct path load when a different number of records have been loaded into each table. See also messages 409 and 410 for more information.

Action: If CONTINUE_LOAD is necessary, specify a direct load and put the number of records to skip in each INTO TABLE statement. Otherwise, use the command line or OPTIONS clause to specify the number of records to skip and use LOAD DATA instead of CONTINUE_LOAD.

SQL*Loader-00409: Number to skip must be table-level, not load-level on continued loads

SQL*Loader-00409: Number to skip must be table-level, not load-level on continued loads

Cause: The SKIP parameter was specified on the command line or in the OPTIONS statement, but the load was specified as continued with CONTINUE_ LOAD. When a multiple-table direct load is interrupted, it is possible that a different number of records were loaded into each table. As a result, the number of records to skip must be specified for each table when continuing the load. In this case, the load is specified as continued with the CONTINUE_LOAD statement, and the number of records to skip is given in each INTO TABLE statement. See also messages 410 and 411 for more information.

Action: Check the log file to determine the appropriate number of records to skip for each table and specify this number in the INTO TABLE statement for each table in a continued load or with the command-line SKIP parameter in a standard load.