AUD-00809: ORDSpeechIndex: unable to ALTER REBUILD internal Text index

AUD-00809: ORDSpeechIndex: unable to ALTER REBUILD internal Text index

Cause: ALTER INDEX REBUILD for ORDSpeechIndex failed when trying to alter rebuild internal Text index.

Action: Make sure that you are supplying a valid parameter string. See SpeechIndexing and Oracle Text documentation for descriptions of a valid parameter string for ALTER INDEX REBUILD. To return to a consistent state, issue a ALTER INDEX REBUILD PARAMETERS( optimize full ) command.

AUD-00808: ORDSpeechIndex: unable to CREATE internal Text index

AUD-00808: ORDSpeechIndex: unable to CREATE internal Text index

Cause: CREATE INDEX for ORDSpeechIndex failed when trying to create internal Text index.

Action: Make sure that you are supplying a valid parameter string. See SpeechIndexing and Oracle Text documentation for descriptions of a valid parameter string for CREATE INDEX. To return to a consistent state, issue a DROP INDEX command.

AUD-00807: SpeechContains: index of indextype ORDSpeechIndex is required

AUD-00807: SpeechContains: index of indextype ORDSpeechIndex is required

Cause: SpeechContains was used without an associated index of indextype ORDSpeechIndex.

Action: Make sure that SpeechContains is used in the context of an index of indextype ORDSpeechIndex. See the Oracle interMedia documentation for sample usage scenarios.

AUD-00806: first argument to SpeechContains must be a column

AUD-00806: first argument to SpeechContains must be a column

Cause: The first argument to SpeechContains is not a column. This is not allowed.

Action: Make sure that the first argument to SpeechContains is a column in a database table.

AUD-00803: internal error while processing WHERE clause

AUD-00803: internal error while processing WHERE clause

Cause: The WHERE clause could not be properly processed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

AUD-00802: name of index is limited to 22 characters

AUD-00802: name of index is limited to 22 characters

Cause: The user specified an index name that is more than 22 characters long.

Action: Drop this index, and issue the CREATE INDEX statement again with a name that is at most 22 characters long.

AUD-00721: unable to find format plug-in package ORDPLUGINS.ORDX_string_ AUDIO

AUD-00721: unable to find format plug-in package ORDPLUGINS.ORDX_string_ AUDIO

Cause: Custom audio plug-in for user-specified format was not found.

Action: Ensure correct audio format is specified or proper custom audio plug-in package is installed.

AUD-00714: internal error

AUD-00714: internal error

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

AUD-00713: internal error while parsing audio data

AUD-00713: internal error while parsing audio data

Cause: An internal error occurred during parsing.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

AUD-00707: unable to read empty audio data

AUD-00707: unable to read empty audio data

Cause: There is no data in the audio object.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for information on how to populate the audio object with audio data.

AUD-00706: unsupported or corrupted input format

AUD-00706: unsupported or corrupted input format

Cause: The audio data was either corrupted or the file format was not supported.

Action: Refer to the interMedia documentation for supported formats. If the audio data is not corrupted and is in a supported file format, contact Oracle Support Services.

AUD-00705: unsupported input format

AUD-00705: unsupported input format

Cause: The file format of the audio data was not supported. This error can only occur in the DEFAULT format plug-in package.

Action: Refer to the interMedia documentation for supported formats.

AUD-00704: invalid input format

AUD-00704: invalid input format

Cause: The audio data in the source was not in the format specified by the format field of the audio object. In some unusual cases, the audio data is actually corrupted.

Action: Provide a correct value in the format field. If the correct value is unknown, put NULL in the format field to invoke the DEFAULT format plug-in.

AUD-00703: unable to read audio data

AUD-00703: unable to read audio data

Cause: An error occurred while accessing the audio source.

Action: Make sure the audio source is valid. For external sources, make sure all access priviliges are granted.

AUD-00702: unable to initialize audio processing environment

AUD-00702: unable to initialize audio processing environment

Cause: The initalization of the audio processing procedure failed.

Action: See the database administrator to make sure that enough memory has been allocated to JServer. If JServer does have enough memory, contact Oracle Support Services.

AUD-00614: I or O error during export

AUD-00614: I or O error during export

Cause: The export operation failed because of an I or O error.

Action: Check OS logs and contact Oracle Support Services.

AUD-00613: export destination access denied

AUD-00613: export destination access denied

Cause: Permission to write to destination file was denied.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for information on granting privileges for the export() method.

AUD-00612: unable to open export destination file

AUD-00612: unable to open export destination file

Cause: The file could not be created or opened.

Action: Check that the file does not refer to an existing directory. Check that the file is not locked by another application.

AUD-00611: unable to access the BLOB for reading

AUD-00611: unable to access the BLOB for reading

Cause: The BLOB could not be opened for reading.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

SQL-02157: Source or destination lob is invalid

SQL-02157: Source or destination lob is invalid

Cause: One of the lobs used in the lob append call is invalid or possibly null.

Action: Make sure the lobs used in the append call are non-null.

SQL-02156: Invalid type for Indicator or Returned Length

SQL-02156: Invalid type for Indicator or Returned Length

Cause: A host variable associated with the item Indicator or Returned Length must be of type short or s9(4) comp. If value semantics and scalar they may also be gotten into display sign leading separate host variables

Action: Use signed short for indicator, ref indicator and returned length, ref returned length host variables in C. For COBOL use s9(4) comp. for GETs only with non-arrays and you may use display sign leading separate host variables

SQL-02155: Date Time Interval only valid with Dynamic=ANSI

SQL-02155: Date Time Interval only valid with Dynamic=ANSI

Cause: An attempt to access the datetime interval code or precision was encountered when type_code option not set to ANSI

Action: Use precompiler option type_code=ansi to access the date time interval code or date time interval precision

SQL-02154: Invalid or unset data type for host variable in ANSI Dynamic

SQL-02154: Invalid or unset data type for host variable in ANSI Dynamic

Cause: An ANSI Dynamic SET statement with item name DATA was encountered with out a valid TYPE having been previously set and option mode=ansi was used

Action: With mode=ansi, you must set the TYPE before setting the DATA. Issue a SET statement with correct item TYPE or, for output issue a DESCRBE to set the item type. Or use mode=oracle which allows the type to default to the type of the bind or define host variable

SQL-02153: Invalid character variable for use in a GET or SET statement

SQL-02153: Invalid character variable for use in a GET or SET statement

Cause: An host variable with type other than character, string or varchar was found as an item name (other than DATA item) in an ANSI Dynamic GET or SET descriptor statement.

Action: Host variable types for character items (other than the DATA item) in ANSI dynamic GET or SET descriptor statements must not be of type LONG or LONG VARCHAR. Redeclare the variable to be character, string or varchar type

SQL-02152: Invalid numeric variable for use in an array GET or SET statement

SQL-02152: Invalid numeric variable for use in an array GET or SET statement

Cause: An host variable with type other than int or short for C or S9(4) or S9(9) binary or comp was used for an exact numeric with and array size lamp;gt; 1.

Action: Use only int or short for C or S9(4) or S(9) binary or comp for COBOL when supplying an exact numeric in conjunction with the for clause to indicate arrays. Specifically, display sign leading separate is not allowed in this context.

SQL-02151: Invalid host variable for exact numeric SET statement item

SQL-02151: Invalid host variable for exact numeric SET statement item

Cause: An host variable with an invalid type or length was used to get or set an exact numeric item in an ANSI dynamic statement.

Action: Make sure your host variable is and int or short for C or for COBOL, S9(4) or S9(9) binary or comp or display sign leading separate.

SQL-02150: Encountered zero length in ANSI dynamic SET statement

SQL-02150: Encountered zero length in ANSI dynamic SET statement

Cause: An invalid length of zero was encountered in an ANSI dynamic statement.

Action: Set the length to a non-zero value

SQL-02149: ANSI Dynamic insufficient item descriptor areas

SQL-02149: ANSI Dynamic insufficient item descriptor areas

Cause: The SQL statement being described contains more output items (or columns) than were allocated in the descriptor.

Action: Increase the MAX number of occurrences when allocating the descriptor.

SQL-02148: ANSI Dynamic count value out of range

SQL-02148: ANSI Dynamic count value out of range

Cause: The count in a dynamic GET or SET statement is less than one or greater than MAX given for descriptor allocation.

Action: Supply a number for the COUNT clause between 1 and the MAX occurrences supplied when the descriptor was allocated.

SQL-02147: ANSI Dynamic occurrence value out of range

SQL-02147: ANSI Dynamic occurrence value out of range

Cause: The value clause in a dynamic GET or SET statement is less than one or greater than MAX given for descriptor allocation.

Action: Supply a number for the VALUE clause between 1 and the MAX occurrences supplied when the descriptor was allocated.

SQL-02146: Attempt to allocate an existing descriptor

SQL-02146: Attempt to allocate an existing descriptor

Cause: An attempt allocated a descriptor which has previously been allocated was encountered.

Action: Use and unique descriptor name or deallocate the descriptor before attempting to reallocate it.

SQL-02145: Invalid dynamic descriptor

SQL-02145: Invalid dynamic descriptor

Cause: An attempt to access an unallocated or invalid descriptor was encountered.

Action: For ANSI descriptors, check that descriptor name is valid and descriptor has been allocated and not previously deallocated. Or if using Oracle descriptors (sqlda) with mode=ansi also use dynamic=oracle.

SQL-02144: Invalid ANSI dynamic usage

SQL-02144: Invalid ANSI dynamic usage

Cause: An ANSI allocate, deallocate, get or set descriptor statement was encountered when dynamic option was not set.

Action: Precompile your source with option dynamic=ansi.

SQL-02143: Target object has not been properly allocated

SQL-02143: Target object has not been properly allocated

Cause: An attempt was made to retrieve elements from a collection into an unallocated object pointer.

Action: Allocate the object pointer with the EXEC SQL ALLOCATE statement.

SQL-02142: Collection is NULL

SQL-02142: Collection is NULL

Cause: The collection referenced in an EXEC SQL COLLECTION statement is null.

Action: Check the status of the associated indicator variable prior to executing an EXEC SQL COLLECTION statement.

SQL-02141: Collection descriptor has not been allocated

SQL-02141: Collection descriptor has not been allocated

Cause: An unallocated collection descriptor was referenced in a COLLECTION SET or COLLECTION GET statement.

Action: Allocate the collection descriptor with the EXEC SQL ALLOCATE statement. e.g. EXEC SQL ALLOCATE :coldesc_p;

SQL-02140: An unnamed connection already exists

SQL-02140: An unnamed connection already exists

Cause: An attempt to register an external procedure context was made when an unnamed connection already exists for the runtime context.

Action: Do not attempt to establish any connections with the EXEC SQL CONNECT statement from external procedures.

SQL-02139: Unable to get the OCI handles

SQL-02139: Unable to get the OCI handles

Cause: The call to OCIExtProcGetEnv failed.

Action: Ensure that the OCIExtProcContext that the external procedure has been created with a CONTEXT parameter and that this context is correctly referenced in the EXEC SQL REGISTER CONNECT statement.

SQL-02138: No external procedure context exists

SQL-02138: No external procedure context exists

Cause: The external procedure context passed in the EXEC SQL REGISTER CONNECT statement is not valid.

Action: Ensure that you have done the following: 1. Created the PL or SQL procedure or function with a CONTEXT parameter. 2. Included OCIExtProcContext in the formal parameter list of the external procedure 3. Correctly passed the OCIExtProcContext to the EXEC SQL REGISTER CONNECT statement.

SQL-02137: Multi-threaded agent with no RETURNING clause present

SQL-02137: Multi-threaded agent with no RETURNING clause present

Cause: The EXEC SQL REGISTER CONNECT statement does not contain a RETURNING clause and the agent is running in threaded mode.

Action: Re-code the statement to use a RETURNING clause that references a declared sql_context host variable.

SQL-02136: Invalid NCHAR character set id

SQL-02136: Invalid NCHAR character set id

Cause: An attempt was made to bind or define an NCHAR host variable, and the NLS_NCHAR variable was not set correctly.

Action: Set the NLS_NCHAR environment variable to a valid fixed width character set id and run the application again.

SQL-02135: Unable to initialize date format using supplied mask

SQL-02135: Unable to initialize date format using supplied mask

Cause: The runtime library was unable to issue a set date format statement with the date format mask supplied.

Action: Check the validity of the date format and correct if necessary. Check the ORA error number for further information.

SQL-02134: Invalid runtime context

SQL-02134: Invalid runtime context

Cause: The runtime context associated with this statement has not been properly allocated.

Action: Rewrite the application to execute the EXEC SQL CONTEXT ALLOCATE statement before executing any SQL statements.

SQL-02133: Unable to initialize process for use with threads

SQL-02133: Unable to initialize process for use with threads

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Call customer support.

SQL-02132: Unable to allocate runtime context sdfla asdjklfajs jfja ajsdf

SQL-02132: Unable to allocate runtime context sdfla asdjklfajs jfja ajsdf

Cause: An attempt to allocate a runtime context failed.

Action: This error typically occurs when the process memory is low. Allocate more memory and run the application again.

SQL-02131: Runtime context in use

SQL-02131: Runtime context in use

Cause: Your application attempted to execute a SQL statement using a runtime context that is already in use.

Action: Rewrite the application to either wait for one thread to complete before executing another SQL statement with the same runtime context, or to allocate and use a separate runtime context for each thread.

SQL-02130: EXEC TOOLS interface is not available.

SQL-02130: EXEC TOOLS interface is not available.

Cause: An attempt was made to link with a version of an Oracle tool that does not support the EXEC TOOLS interface. EXEC TOOLS interface.

Action: Either upgrade the Oracle tool, or use the EXEC IAF interface.

SQL-02129: Fetched number of bytes is odd.

SQL-02129: Fetched number of bytes is odd.

Cause: The program tried to FETCH an invalid column value into a multi-byte NLS host variable. Specifically, the column did not contain valid double-byte data.

Action: Make sure the column contains only double-byte data. To verify this, use SQL*Plus or Server Manager.

SQL-02128: Sessions still exist, not logged off

SQL-02128: Sessions still exist, not logged off

Cause: A host was not removed ( logged off ) from SQLLIB because XA still has sessions associated with that host.

Action: Before calling SQLXDH to drop a host, XA must either drop all sessions for that host or set the doit_anyway flag. *Note: This error *msg* is never actually used. The error *number* is used, given as a possible return value to the sqllib xa function sqlxdh.

SQL-02127: Precompiler or SQLLIB version mismatch

SQL-02127: Precompiler or SQLLIB version mismatch

Cause: The program was linked to an older version of SQLLIB, which is incompatible with this release of the Oracle Precompilers.

Action: Relink the program with a newer version of SQLLIB

SQL-02126: Count of array elements cannot be negative (i.e. lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; 0)

SQL-02126: Count of array elements cannot be negative (i.e. lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; 0)

Cause: The precompiler found a negative number of array elements in the the N or F element of the SQLDA (SQL Descriptor Area, which is used with dynamic SQL Method 4). Before executing the DESCRIBE statement, N must be set to the dimension of the descriptor arrays. After executing the DESCRIBE statement, N must be reset to the actual number of variables DESCRIBEd, which is stored in the F variable.

Action: Check that the N or F variables are set to non-negative values.

SQL-02125: Connect error, can t get error text

SQL-02125: Connect error, can t get error text

Cause: No connection (not even to the default host) was available, so SQLLIB could not get the message text for the Oracle error that occurred. However, SQLLIB returns the Oracle error number, which can be used to look up the message.

Action: Look up the appropriate message in the Oracle7 Server Messages manual, and follow the Cause and Action information provided.

SQL-02124: NULL value returned by EXEC TOOLS statement

SQL-02124: NULL value returned by EXEC TOOLS statement

Cause: A NULL value was returned by EXEC TOOLS for a host variable that lacks an indicator variable. This error is returned only when MODE=ANSI. When MODE=ORACLE, although the value of the host variable is indeterminate, no error is generated.

Action: Associate an indicator variable with each host variable to which nulls might be returned.

SQL-02123: Context referenced in EXEC TOOLS GET CONTEXT statement not found

SQL-02123: Context referenced in EXEC TOOLS GET CONTEXT statement not found

Cause: The context name given in the EXEC TOOLS GET CONTEXT statement was never stored with an EXEC TOOLS SET CONTEXT statement.

Action: Use the EXEC TOOLS SET CONTEXT statement to save any contexts to be retrieved later.

SQL-02122: Invalid OPEN or PREPARE for this database connection

SQL-02122: Invalid OPEN or PREPARE for this database connection

Cause: An attempt was made to execute an OPEN or a PREPARE statement using a cursor that is currently open for another database connection and, therefore, cannot be used for this connection.

Action: Close the cursor to make it available for this connection or use a different cursor for this connection.

SQL-02121: Invalid host name

SQL-02121: Invalid host name

Cause: The host name passed into a SQLFCN call was not used in a previous call to SQLRCN.

Action: Use the same identifier used in the corresponding SQLRCN call. *Note: This error *msg* is never actually used. The error *number* is used, given as the return value of sqlfcn if this error occurs.

SQL-02120: First and second arguments to SQLRCN both null

SQL-02120: First and second arguments to SQLRCN both null

Cause: Both the first and second arguments to sqlrcn were null. An HSTDEF must be passed into SQLRCN in either the form of an OCI lda (first argument) or as an HSTDEF pointer itself (second argument).

Action: Pass in either an OCI LDA or an HSTDEF, but not both. *Note: This error *msg* is never actually used. The error *number* is used, given as the return value of sqlrcn if this error occurs.

SQL-02119: Invalid HSTDEF argument

SQL-02119: Invalid HSTDEF argument

Cause: A non-null ptr was given for a hstdef as the second argument to a call to sqlrcn when the first argument was also used. Either the first or the second argument to SQLRCN must be null.

Action: Pass a null pointer in either the first or second argument to SQLRCN. *Note: This error *msg* is never actually used. The error *number* is used, given as the return value of sqlrcn if this error occurs.

SQL-02118: Invalid row for a WHERE CURRENT OF operation

SQL-02118: Invalid row for a WHERE CURRENT OF operation

Cause: An attempt was made to reference a nonexistent row using the CURRENT OF clause in an UPDATE or DELETE statement. This happens when no FETCH has been executed or when FETCH returns a no data found error that the program fails to trap.

Action: Check that the last cursor operation succeeded and that the current row of the cursor is valid. The outcome of a cursor operation can be checked in two ways: implicit checking with the WHENEVER statement or explicit checking of SQLCODE in the SQLCA.

SQL-02117: Invalid SQL Cursor usage: trying to OPEN an OPENed cursor

SQL-02117: Invalid SQL Cursor usage: trying to OPEN an OPENed cursor

Cause: An attempt was made to OPEN a cursor that was already OPENed with MODE={ANSI|ANSI14|ANSI13}. An open cursor can be re-OPENed only when MODE=ORACLE.

Action: When MODE={ANSI|ANSI14|ANSI13}, verify that a cursor is not already OPENed before trying to OPEN it. Specify MODE=ORACLE if an OPENed cursor is to be re-OPENed.