NNL-00288: No cache flush currently scheduled

NNL-00288: No cache flush currently scheduled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00287: Cache flush occurs in string

NNL-00287: Cache flush occurs in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00286: Server does not own any domains

NNL-00286: Server does not own any domains

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00285: Server has no queued system queries

NNL-00285: Server has no queued system queries

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00284: Scheduled cache checkpoint to occur in string

NNL-00284: Scheduled cache checkpoint to occur in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00283: Next cache checkpoint occurs in string

NNL-00283: Next cache checkpoint occurs in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00282: Cancelled restart

NNL-00282: Cancelled restart

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00281: Scheduled restart to occur in string

NNL-00281: Scheduled restart to occur in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00280: No restart currently scheduled

NNL-00280: No restart currently scheduled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00279: Restart occurs in string

NNL-00279: Restart occurs in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00278: Maximum number of times a request can be reforwarded is now number

NNL-00278: Maximum number of times a request can be reforwarded is now number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00277: Maximum number of times a request can be reforwarded is currently number

NNL-00277: Maximum number of times a request can be reforwarded is currently number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00276: Trace level is now number

NNL-00276: Trace level is now number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00275: Trace level is currently number

NNL-00275: Trace level is currently number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00274: server not started, errors follow

NNL-00274: server not started, errors follow

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00273: server successfully started

NNL-00273: server successfully started

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00272: Removed name string from caches along the following path:

NNL-00272: Removed name string from caches along the following path:

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00271: Default domain is now string

NNL-00271: Default domain is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00270: Current default domain is string

NNL-00270: Current default domain is string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00268: Enter name server password:

NNL-00268: Enter name server password:

Cause: Prompt for password after user has issued set password

Action: Type password, invisibly.

NNL-00267: Address is string

NNL-00267: Address is string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00266: Round trip time is string

NNL-00266: Round trip time is string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00264: Request forwarding is now disabled

NNL-00264: Request forwarding is now disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00263: Request forwarding is now enabled

NNL-00263: Request forwarding is now enabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

PCB-00005: Command line option MODE=ANSI required with option NLS_ LOCAL=YES

PCB-00005: Command line option MODE=ANSI required with option NLS_ LOCAL=YES

Cause: The precompiler option NLS_LOCAL=YES was used without also specifying MODE=ANSI. The precompiler option MODE=ANSI must be specifiied if NLS_LOCAL=YES.

Action: Set the precompiler option MODE=ANSI in addition to NLS_ LOCAL=YES or do not set NLS_LOCAL=YES.

PCB-00004: UNSAFE_NULL=YES must be used with DBMS=V7 or V8 and MODE=ORACLE

PCB-00004: UNSAFE_NULL=YES must be used with DBMS=V7 or V8 and MODE=ORACLE

Cause: The option UNSAFE_NULL=YES has been used with DBMS=V6 or DBMS=NATIVE (the default) or has been used with MODE=ANSI or ANSI14 or ANSI13.

Action: Use DBMS=V7 or V8 and MODE=ORACLE (the default) when using UNSAFE_NULL=YES or do not use UNSAFE_NULL=YES.

PCB-00003: Value of DBMS option invalid with given value of MODE option

PCB-00003: Value of DBMS option invalid with given value of MODE option

Cause: When MODE={ANSI14 | ANSI13}, DBMS=V7 or V8 was specified, or when MODE=ANSI, DBMS=v6 was specified. These option settings are incompatible. Note that the DBMS option was not available before release 1.5 of the Oracle Precompilers.

Action: With DBMS=V7 or V8, instead of MODE={ANSI14 | ANSI13}, specify MODE={ANSI | ORACLE}. With DBMS=V6, instead of MODE=ANSI, specify MODE={ANSI14 | ANSI13 | ORACLE}, but MODE=ORACLE is recommended.

PCB-00002: Command line processor severe error

PCB-00002: Command line processor severe error

Cause: The command line processor encountered a severe error.

Action: After making sure that all the command-line options are specified correctly, call customer support with a full account of all the options and configuration files used.

PCB-00001: %s

PCB-00001: %s

Cause: This is a generic error message from the command-line processor.

Action: Correct the indicated error.

O2U-00212: An error occurred for which no message is available

O2U-00212: An error occurred for which no message is available

Cause: The cause of this error was not reported.

Action: Contact ORACLE customer support.

O2U-00211: A type without attributes was translated

O2U-00211: A type without attributes was translated

Cause: OTT translated a type without attributes. The corresponding C-type will be a struct without any components, which is not legal C. The empty type in the database may be the result of an error during type creation. Additionally, incomplete types may be used temporarily in the creation of types that reference one another.

Action: Re-create a full version of the type in the database and then re-run OTT.

O2U-00210: Unable to allocate memory

O2U-00210: Unable to allocate memory

Cause: OTT was unable to allocate memory.

Action: Contact ORACLE customer support.

O2U-00209: Attribute or function name to be translated was not found

O2U-00209: Attribute or function name to be translated was not found

Cause: This name, for which a translation was requested, is not the name of an attribute or a function of the current type.

Action: Make sure that the name is spelled correctly, and is the name of an attribute or function defined in the current type.

O2U-00208: One or more characters in an attribute name were not legal identifier characters

O2U-00208: One or more characters in an attribute name were not legal identifier characters

Cause: If an attribute name contains one or more characters that can not be translated to a legal C or C++ identifier character, the characters that can not be translated are replaced with underscores. To find the affected attribute or attributes, look in the declaration generated for this type for data member names that have extra underscores not present in the original attribute names.

Action: Specify explicit translations for the affected attribute names in the INTYPE file, or just use the translated attribute names with added underscores.

O2U-00207: None of the characters in an attribute name were legal identifier characters

O2U-00207: None of the characters in an attribute name were legal identifier characters

Cause: None of the characters in the name of an attribute of a type could be translated to a character that can begin a C or C++ identifier, such as a letter or an underscore. To find the affected attribute, look in the declaration generated for this type for data member names that are obviously incorrect.

Action: Specify an explicit translation for the attribute name in the INTYPE file.

O2U-00206: Some characters in a type name were not legal identifier characters

O2U-00206: Some characters in a type name were not legal identifier characters

Cause: One or more characters in the name of a user-define type could not be translated to a character that can appear in a C or C++ identifier, such as a letter, an underscore, or a digit. The characters that could not be translated were replaced with underscores.

Action: Specify an explicit translation for the type name in the INTYPE file, or just use the translated type name with added underscores.

O2U-00205: None of the characters in a type name were legal identifier characters

O2U-00205: None of the characters in a type name were legal identifier characters

Cause: None of the characters in the name of a user-defined type could be translated to a character that can begin a C or C++ identifier, such as a letter or an underscore.

Action: Specify an explicit translation for the type name in the INTYPE file.

O2U-00204: Unable to convert from the database character set to the compiler character set

O2U-00204: Unable to convert from the database character set to the compiler character set

Cause: The name of a type, attribute, or method cannot be converted from the client character set in effect when OTT was invoked to the compiler character set (typically ASCII or EBCDIC).

Action: A name is translated first from the database character set to the client character set, and then from the client character set to the compiler character set. The client character set is specified in a platform-dependent manner (On UNIX platforms, the client character set is specified by setting the NLS_LANG environment variable.) Use a client character set that includes the character set of the INTYPE file and can be translated to the compiler character set. The database character set is one such character set. Specify synonyms in the INTYPE file for any names of database objects that cannot be successfully translated to the client character set.

O2U-00203: Type to be declared must be an object type or a named collection type

O2U-00203: Type to be declared must be an object type or a named collection type

Cause: You have asked OTT to generate code for a type it does not support. When generating Java code, OTT will only generate code for object types. When generating C declarations, OTT will only generate declarations for object types and named collection types.

Action: You are probably asking OTT to declare a built-in type, or, if you are generating Java code, a named collection type. Do not ask OTT to generate a declaration for this type.

O2U-00202: Invalid data passed to function

O2U-00202: Invalid data passed to function

Cause: Arguments with incorrect values were passed to the function o2upt(). This is an internal error that should not be encountered by the end user.

Action: Contact ORACLE customer support.

O2U-00201: Illegal arguments to function o2upt()

O2U-00201: Illegal arguments to function o2upt()

Cause: Illegal arguments were passed to the function o2upt(). This is an internal error that should not be encountered by an end user.

Action: Contact ORACLE customer support.

O2U-00200: Internal error in OTT facility O2U

O2U-00200: Internal error in OTT facility O2U

Cause: An internal OTT error occurred in the O2U facility of OTT.

Action: Contact ORACLE customer support.

O2I-00133: An error occurred for which no message is available

O2I-00133: An error occurred for which no message is available

Cause: The cause of this error was not reported.

Action: Contact ORACLE customer support.

NZE-29017: The premaster secret length is incorrect.

NZE-29017: The premaster secret length is incorrect.

Cause: The premaster secret sent by the peer has an incorrect length.

Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt the connection again. Contact Oracle customer support with the trace output.

NZE-29016: inadequate PKCS1 message padding

NZE-29016: inadequate PKCS1 message padding

Cause: The message was not properly padded before encryption.

Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt the connection again. Contact Oracle customer support with the trace output.

NZE-29015: incorrect message length

NZE-29015: incorrect message length

Cause: The message length is not correct.

Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt the connection again. Contact Oracle customer support with the trace output.

NZE-29014: Maximum fragment length extension is incorrect.

NZE-29014: Maximum fragment length extension is incorrect.

Cause: The maximum fragment length extension specified is incorrect.

Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt the connection again. Contact Oracle customer support with the trace output.

NZE-29013: SSL MAC verification failure

NZE-29013: SSL MAC verification failure

Cause: Verification of SSL Record MAC failed.

Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt the connection again. Contact Oracle customer support with the trace output.

NZE-29012: Bad key argument length when using SSL 2.0

NZE-29012: Bad key argument length when using SSL 2.0

Cause: The key argument length of an SSL 2.0 Client Master Key handshake message is invalid.

Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt the connection again. Contact Oracle customer support with the trace output.

NZE-29011: Finished message is incorrect.

NZE-29011: Finished message is incorrect.

Cause: The FINISHED message data verifcation failed.

Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt the connection again. Contact Oracle customer support with the trace output.

NZE-29010: Export key length does not meet export restrictions.

NZE-29010: Export key length does not meet export restrictions.

Cause: The server sent a ServerKeyExchange message with an export key which does not meet export restrictions. For RSA, the export key must be exactly 512 bits.

Action: Obtain a certificate with the appropriate key length.

NZE-29009: Bad encrypted key length when using SSL 2.0

NZE-29009: Bad encrypted key length when using SSL 2.0

Cause: The encrypted key length of an SSL 2.0 Client Master key handshake message is invalid.

Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt the connection again. Contact Oracle customer support with the trace output.

NZE-29008: Bad DH Param key length

NZE-29008: Bad DH Param key length

Cause: The length of the Diffie-Hellman params exceeds export restrictions.

Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt the connection again. Contact Oracle customer support with the trace output.

NZE-29007: Bad Clear Key Length when using SSL 2.0

NZE-29007: Bad Clear Key Length when using SSL 2.0

Cause: The clear key length of an SSL 2.0 Client Master key handshake message is invalid.

Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt the connection again. Contact Oracle customer support with the trace output.

NZE-29006: The certificate request message is invalid when using SSL 2.0.

NZE-29006: The certificate request message is invalid when using SSL 2.0.

Cause: There is an error processing the SSL 2.0 REQUEST-CERTIFICATE message.

Action: Enable Oracle Net tracing and attempt the connection again. Contact Oracle customer support with the trace output.

NZE-29005: The certificate is invalid.

NZE-29005: The certificate is invalid.

Cause: The peer certificate encoding is invalid when using SSL 2.0.

Action: Refer to Oracle Wallet Manager documentation to find out how to obtain the peer s certificate. Then contact Oracle customer support with the peer s certificate chain.

NZE-29004: Callback Failure

NZE-29004: Callback Failure

Cause: The alert callback returns this error is the alert is not fatal.

Action: none

NZE-29003: SSL transport detected mismatched server certificate.

NZE-29003: SSL transport detected mismatched server certificate.

Cause: The client detected a mismatch between the server s distinguished name specified on the server s certificate and the server s SID or service name.

Action: Refer to the SSL chapter in Oracle Advanced Security Administrator s Guide for information about enabling server distinguished name matching. Contact your administrator to perform the appropriate action.

NZE-29002: SSL transport detected invalid or obsolete server certificate.

NZE-29002: SSL transport detected invalid or obsolete server certificate.

Cause: The client detected a mismatch between the server s distinguished name specified on the server s certificate and the server s SID or service name.

Action: Refer to the SSL chapter in Oracle Advanced Security Administrator s Guide for information about enabling server distinguished name matching. Contact your administrator to perform the appropriate action.

NZE-29000: Certificate not installed

NZE-29000: Certificate not installed

Cause: Trying to delete a certificate which has not been installed.

Action: Refer to the Oracle Wallet Manager documentation for information about delete option.