SQL*Loader-00971: parallel load option not allowed when loading lob columns

SQL*Loader-00971: parallel load option not allowed when loading lob columns

Cause: An attempt was made to load lob columns using parallel=true. This error will also be issued when loading columns stored as lobs (such as varrays and xml types)

Action: Do not use the parallel option when loading lob columns.

SQL*Loader-00970: enabled constraint on an XML column not allowed in direct path

SQL*Loader-00970: enabled constraint on an XML column not allowed in direct path

Cause: An enabled check constraint existed on an XML column.

Action: Disable the check constraint before attempting to load the table data using the direct path mode, or leave the constraint enabled but use the conventional path mode instead.

SQL*Loader-00969: Error performing file name translation on kernel side

SQL*Loader-00969: Error performing file name translation on kernel side

Cause: File specified for parallel load is probably not a valid database file.

Action: Specify a valid database file.

SQL*Loader-00966: Error number disabling all triggers on table string

SQL*Loader-00966: Error number disabling all triggers on table string

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00965: Error number disabling constraint string on table string

SQL*Loader-00965: Error number disabling constraint string on table string

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00963: Error clearing user-side Ctrl-C handler

SQL*Loader-00963: Error clearing user-side Ctrl-C handler

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00962: Error setting user-side Ctrl-C handler

SQL*Loader-00962: Error setting user-side Ctrl-C handler

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00961: Error calling once or load finishing for table string

SQL*Loader-00961: Error calling once or load finishing for table string

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00959: Error shipping buffer across 2-task

SQL*Loader-00959: Error shipping buffer across 2-task

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00958: Error popping data relocation address stack

SQL*Loader-00958: Error popping data relocation address stack

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00957: Error shipping text string across 2-task

SQL*Loader-00957: Error shipping text string across 2-task

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00956: Error calling once or data file finishing

SQL*Loader-00956: Error calling once or data file finishing

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00955: Error calling col array build, block formatter

SQL*Loader-00955: Error calling col array build, block formatter

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00954: Error shipping index to read buffer across 2-task

SQL*Loader-00954: Error shipping index to read buffer across 2-task

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00953: Error shipping read buffer across 2-task

SQL*Loader-00953: Error shipping read buffer across 2-task

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00952: Error calling once or data file initialization

SQL*Loader-00952: Error calling once or data file initialization

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00951: Error calling once or load initialization

SQL*Loader-00951: Error calling once or load initialization

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00950: Error shipping data structures across 2-task

SQL*Loader-00950: Error shipping data structures across 2-task

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the error(s) below it for more information.

SQL*Loader-00949: incorrect datafile string specified for table string subpartition string

SQL*Loader-00949: incorrect datafile string specified for table string subpartition string

Cause: The specified datafile is not in the tablespace of the specified subpartition. Due to use of FILE= keyword on a subpartitioned table. When loading all subpartitions of a subpartitioned table, the subpartitions must be in the same tablespace. When loading a single subpartition, the tablespace of the subpartition being loaded must be the same as the tablespace in which the specified datafile file resides.

Action: none

SQL*Loader-00948: subpartition string not part of table string

SQL*Loader-00948: subpartition string not part of table string

Cause: the specified subpartition is not part of the specified table

Action: none

SQL*Loader-00947: subpartition load requested and string has enabled triggers or constraints

SQL*Loader-00947: subpartition load requested and string has enabled triggers or constraints

Cause: A request was made for a direct load of a single subpartition, but the object to be loaded has an enabled constraint (check, referential) and or or enabled triggers.

Action: Disable the offending enabled constraints and or or triggers and retry the parallel direct load.

SQL*Loader-00946: OCI error while string for table string subpartition string

SQL*Loader-00946: OCI error while string for table string subpartition string

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the following errors for more information. The table or subpartition referenced may not be accessible.

SQL*Loader-00945: record size number too large for direct path

SQL*Loader-00945: record size number too large for direct path

Cause: The maximum size of records in the data file is larger than the maximum size supported by direct path, which is 65535

Action: Load the data file using conventional path.

SQL*Loader-00944: error preparing insert statement for table string.

SQL*Loader-00944: error preparing insert statement for table string.

Cause: A call to OCIStmtPrepare for the table s insert statement returned an error.

Action: Refer to the message that follows for information about the error returned by OCIStmtPrepare. Make sure the syntax is correct for all SQL strings specified in the SQL*Loader control file.

SQL*Loader-00943: incorrect datafile string specified for table string partition string

SQL*Loader-00943: incorrect datafile string specified for table string partition string

Cause: The specified datafile is not in the tablespace of the specified partition. Due to use of FILE= keyword on a partitioned table. When loading all partitions of a partitioned table, the partitions must be in the same tablespace. When loading a single partition, the tablespace of the partition being loaded must be the same as the tablespace in which the specified datafile file resides.

Action: none

SQL*Loader-00942: partition string not part of table string

SQL*Loader-00942: partition string not part of table string

Cause: the specified partition is not part of the specified table

Action: none

SQL*Loader-00941: Error during describe of table string

SQL*Loader-00941: Error during describe of table string

Cause: Error while executing a describe of a select list on the given table. Check the error immediately preceding this error.

Action: none

SQL*Loader-00940: UPI error while setting NCHAR bind attributes for column string table string

SQL*Loader-00940: UPI error while setting NCHAR bind attributes for column string table string

Cause: An error occured while setting the charsetform attribute of an NCHAR column.

Action: This is an internal error. Report to ORACLE support.

SQL*Loader-00939: OCI error while string for table string partition string

SQL*Loader-00939: OCI error while string for table string partition string

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the following errors for more information. The table or partition referenced may not be accessible.

SQL*Loader-00938: partition load requested and string has enabled triggers or constraints

SQL*Loader-00938: partition load requested and string has enabled triggers or constraints

Cause: A request was made for a direct load of a single partition, but the object to be loaded has an enabled constraint (check, referential) and or or enabled triggers.

Action: Disable the offending enabled constraints and or or triggers and retry the parallel direct load.

SQL*Loader-00937: parallel load requested and string has enabled triggers or constraints

SQL*Loader-00937: parallel load requested and string has enabled triggers or constraints

Cause: A request was made for a parallel direct load, but the object to be loaded has an enabled constraint (check, referential) and or or enabled triggers.

Action: Disable the offending enabled constraints and or or triggers and retry the parallel direct load.

SQL*Loader-00935: Error verifying required option for parallel load.

SQL*Loader-00935: Error verifying required option for parallel load.

Cause: An error was encountered because a required option was not found or was invalid.

Action: Correct the problem as described in the accompanying Oracle message.

SQL*Loader-00934: Incorrect data file string specified for table string

SQL*Loader-00934: Incorrect data file string specified for table string

Cause: A datafile name was given to load the table that is not a part of the tablespace in which the table resides.

Action: Specify a valid datafile.

SQL*Loader-00933: Specified file string not part of database

SQL*Loader-00933: Specified file string not part of database

Cause: The specified filename to load the table is not a database file.

Action: Specify a valid datafile.

SQL*Loader-00932: Could not truncate table string.

SQL*Loader-00932: Could not truncate table string.

Cause: Truncation of the table was attempted and failed.

Action: Check the following errors for more information. Truncation due to referential constraints should not occur.

SQL*Loader-00931: OCI error while binding variable for column string in table string

SQL*Loader-00931: OCI error while binding variable for column string in table string

Cause: An OCI error has occurred.

Action: Check the errors below it for more information. The SQL string for this column may be in error.

SQL*Loader-00930: Error parsing insert statement for table string column string.

SQL*Loader-00930: Error parsing insert statement for table string column string.

Cause: The named column s INSERT statement caused a parse error.

Action: Check the message below this one in the log file for more information. Check the SQL string used for this column.

SQL*Loader-00929: Error parsing insert statement for table string.

SQL*Loader-00929: Error parsing insert statement for table string.

Cause: The table s insert statement caused a parse error.

Action: Check all SQL strings that were used.

SQL*Loader-00926: OCI error while string for table string

SQL*Loader-00926: OCI error while string for table string

Cause: An OCI error has occurred.

Action: Check the message below this one in the log file for more information. The table or column referenced may not be accessible.

SQL*Loader-00925: Error while string

SQL*Loader-00925: Error while string

Cause: An internal error has occurred.

Action: Check the message below this one in the log file for more information. The table or column referenced may not be accessible.

SQL*Loader-00919: Error during upi fetch: (number(

SQL*Loader-00919: Error during upi fetch: (number(

Cause: An internal error has occurred.

Action: Check the message below this one in the log file for more information.

SQL*Loader-00918: The catalog must be loaded (as SYS) for SQL*Loader to be used

SQL*Loader-00918: The catalog must be loaded (as SYS) for SQL*Loader to be used

Cause: The catalog is not loaded.

Action: Logon as user SYS and load the Oracle7 catalog and the views in the script ULVIEW.SQL.

SQL*Loader-00915: Error closing cursor: (number(

SQL*Loader-00915: Error closing cursor: (number(

Cause: Header message.

Action: CCheck the message below this one in the log file for more information.

SQL*Loader-00914: Error locking table string in exclusive mode.

SQL*Loader-00914: Error locking table string in exclusive mode.

Cause: The direct path mode could not lock the named table.

Action: Check the message below this one in the log file for more information. Check that the necessary privileges have been granted.

SQL*Loader-00913: Error fetching results of select statement (upi): (number(

SQL*Loader-00913: Error fetching results of select statement (upi): (number(

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the message below this one in the log file for more information.

SQL*Loader-00911: Error defining output variable(s) for upi: (number(

SQL*Loader-00911: Error defining output variable(s) for upi: (number(

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the message below this one in the log file for more information.

SQL*Loader-00910: Error binding input variables for upi: (number(

SQL*Loader-00910: Error binding input variables for upi: (number(

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the message below this one in the log file for more information.

SQL*Loader-00909: Loader views must be loaded (as SYS) for direct path to be used

SQL*Loader-00909: Loader views must be loaded (as SYS) for direct path to be used

Cause: Database views required for the direct path mode are not present.

Action: The Oracle7 Server Administrator s Guide details how to run the required scripts as user SYS for loading the required views.

SQL*Loader-00906: Error executing SQL statement for upi: (number(

SQL*Loader-00906: Error executing SQL statement for upi: (number(

Cause: An internal error has occurred.

Action: Check the message below this one in the log file for more information.

SQL*Loader-00905: Error parsing SQL statement for upi: (number(

SQL*Loader-00905: Error parsing SQL statement for upi: (number(

Cause: Header message.

Action: Check the message below this one in the log file for more information.

SQL*Loader-00904: You cannot used the direct path when linked with v5 of the database

SQL*Loader-00904: You cannot used the direct path when linked with v5 of the database

Cause: The direct path mode is being used after SQL*Loader has been linked with a Version 5 database.

Action: Use the conventional path.

SQL*Loader-00903: Database must be at least version number.number.number.number.number for direct path

SQL*Loader-00903: Database must be at least version number.number.number.number.number for direct path

Cause: The direct path load mode is being used with an incompatible database.

Action: Upgrade the database to the specified version or else use the conventional path load.

SQL*Loader-00902: Error opening cursor: (number(

SQL*Loader-00902: Error opening cursor: (number(

Cause: An internal error has occurred.

Action: Check the Oracle messages below this one in the log file and contact customer support.

SQL*Loader-00901: Error logging on to ORACLE:

SQL*Loader-00901: Error logging on to ORACLE:

Cause: An attempt was made to log on to Oracle in direct path load mode.

Action: Ensure that the instance is up and running. Check the Oracle messages below this one in the log file for more information.

SQL*Loader-00823: TREAT AS clause for object tables not supported for external tables

SQL*Loader-00823: TREAT AS clause for object tables not supported for external tables

Cause: A TREAT AS clause was specified in the INTO TABLE clause for an object table in the SQL*Loader control file and the EXTERNAL_TABLES command line parameter was set to either EXECUTE or GENERATE_ONLY. External tables can be used to load the data, but SQL*Loader does not generate the correct SQL statements to do this.

Action: Use SQL*Loader direct path or SQL*Loader conventional path to load the table.

SQL*Loader-00822: operation not supported on external organized table

SQL*Loader-00822: operation not supported on external organized table

Cause: User attempted on operation on an external table which is not supported.

Action: Don t do that

SQL*Loader-00821: switching to GENERATE_ONLY

SQL*Loader-00821: switching to GENERATE_ONLY

Cause: SQL Loader is not able to execute the SQL statements it generated for loading the data using external tables. See previous messages for more information.

Action: none

SQL*Loader-00820: cannot create where clause with range for table string

SQL*Loader-00820: cannot create where clause with range for table string

Cause: The EXTERNAL_TABLE parameter was specified for a multi-table load, and a WHEN clause for one of the tables contains a reference to a range of bytes in the record. SQL Loader uses the WHEN clause from the control file to generate the WHERE clause in the INSERT statement. If the WHERE clause contains a reference to a range of bytes in the table, then a valid WHERE clause can not be generated. Note that SQL Loader will proceed as if GENERATE_ONLY was specified for the EXTERNAL_TABLE parameter.

Action: Modify the control file to only use field references in the WHEN clause. Note that this may require creating a filler field. Another alternative is to create one control file for each table to be loaded and load the table separately.

SQL*Loader-00817: error dropping directory object string

SQL*Loader-00817: error dropping directory object string

Cause: SQL Loader created a directory object as part of an external table load. An attempt to cleanup the directory object failed.

Action: See messages following this one for more information about the error.

SQL*Loader-00816: error creating temporary directory object string for file string

SQL*Loader-00816: error creating temporary directory object string for file string

Cause: No existing directory object was found in the database for the directory containing the file. Since all files loaded by external tables must be in a directory named by a directory object, SQL Loader tried to create a directory object for the file.

Action: See error messages that follow this message for more information.