QSM-00771: the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload because it has no valid table references

QSM-00771: the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload because it has no valid table references

Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that contains table references that are either system-specified or user-specified invalid tables.

Action: Validate the workload statement and retry the operation.

QSM-00770: the specified workload string is already referenced by task string

QSM-00770: the specified workload string is already referenced by task string

Cause: The user attempted to add a workload reference to a task when the task already contains the reference.

Action: Validate the workload reference and retry the operation.

QSM-00769: the SQL statement string was not found for workload string

QSM-00769: the SQL statement string was not found for workload string

Cause: The user attempted to access a SQL statement that does not exist in the workload.

Action: Validate the SQL statement identifier and retry the operation.

QSM-00768: the search condition is invalid for the requested operation

QSM-00768: the search condition is invalid for the requested operation

Cause: The user provided a invalid SEARCH argument to an Access Advisor workload operation. A search condition must be a valid SQL search condition using only the column names specified in the procedure documentation.

Action: Correct the search condition and retry the operation.

QSM-00767: a SQL cache is not available to user string

QSM-00767: a SQL cache is not available to user string

Cause: The user attempted to collect a workload from the SQL without having authorization.

Action: Validate the user account and retry the operation.

QSM-00766: a SQL statement is required for the current workload operation

QSM-00766: a SQL statement is required for the current workload operation

Cause: The user attempted to create an entry in a workload collection without specifying a SQL statement.

Action: Validate the SQL statement and retry the operation.

QSM-00765: cannot validate user-defined workload because table string.string is invalid.

QSM-00765: cannot validate user-defined workload because table string.string is invalid.

Cause: The user attempted to import an advisor workload from a table that is not accessible.

Action: Validate the location of the user-defined workload.

QSM-00764: the column string was not found in the user-defined workload table string.string

QSM-00764: the column string was not found in the user-defined workload table string.string

Cause: The user attempted to import an advisor workload from a user table that does not contain the required column.

Action: Validate the user-defined workload table and retry the operation.

QSM-00763: the owner string was not found while validating user-defined workload string.string

QSM-00763: the owner string was not found while validating user-defined workload string.string

Cause: The user attempted to import an advisor workload from a user who may not access to the table.

Action: Validate the location of the user-defined workload.

QSM-00761: the priority string is invalid for the current operation

QSM-00761: the priority string is invalid for the current operation

Cause: The user attempted to store data in the repository with an invalid priority.

Action: Use one of the following valid values: 1, 2, 3.

QSM-00760: the import mode string is invalid for the current operation

QSM-00760: the import mode string is invalid for the current operation

Cause: The user attempted to store data in the repository with an invalid import mode.

Action: Use one of the following valid values: NEW, APPEND, or REPLACE.

QSM-00759: the user string does not exist for the specified workload statement

QSM-00759: the user string does not exist for the specified workload statement

Cause: The user attempted to add a new SQL statement with an invalid username.

Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.

QSM-00758: the specified parameter string is not valid for workload string

QSM-00758: the specified parameter string is not valid for workload string

Cause: The user attempted to access a workload parameter that is does not exist for the specified workload. The parameter may be misspelled or the user selected a parameter that is not supported by the particular advisor.

Action: Validate the parameter name and retry the operation.

QSM-00757: the specified workload string is not referenced by task string

QSM-00757: the specified workload string is not referenced by task string

Cause: The user attempted to delete invalid workload reference from the task.

Action: Validate the workload reference and retry the operation.

QSM-00756: the specified workload string is being used by one or more advisor tasks

QSM-00756: the specified workload string is being used by one or more advisor tasks

Cause: The user attempted to modify or delete a workload that is currently being used by another task.

Action: Remove the workload reference from the advisor task and retry the operation.

QSM-01298: materialized view string clause more restrictive than query string clause

QSM-01298: materialized view string clause more restrictive than query string clause

Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding selection condition in the request query.

Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at least as restrictive as the selection criteria in the materialized view, or drop and recreate the materialized view using less restrictive selection criteria.

QSM-01297: query rewrite not possible because materialized view with grouping sets has more than 64 different keys

QSM-01297: query rewrite not possible because materialized view with grouping sets has more than 64 different keys

Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets has more that 64 different keys in its GROUP BY. No rewrite is supported then.

Action: none

QSM-01296: query rewrite not possible because materialized view contains duplicate grouping sets

QSM-01296: query rewrite not possible because materialized view contains duplicate grouping sets

Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets contains duplicates and no rewrite is supported for it. For example, GROUP BY GROUPING SET ((a), (a)) is not supported for rewrite.

Action: none

QSM-01295: no suitable grouping_id found in materialized view with grouping sets

QSM-01295: no suitable grouping_id found in materialized view with grouping sets

Cause: If materialized view contains grouping sets, then it also must contain the grouping_id() function. This function must contain all columns in the MV GROUP BY.

Action: none

QSM-01293: anti-join marker not found in materialized view with joins

QSM-01293: anti-join marker not found in materialized view with joins

Cause: Materialized view has outer join while the query has inner join. For rewrite to succeed MV must have an anti-join marker like the rowid or primary key of the right tables of outer join

Action: none

QSM-01284: materialized view string has an anchor table string not found in query

QSM-01284: materialized view string has an anchor table string not found in query

Cause: A table in a materialized view is an anchor, (a) if it is not joined to any other table or (b) joined to other tables but each of its joins is not guaranteed to provide all the rows or joined with the above table being child-side table. If an anchor which is present in the materialized view is not found in the query, then query rewrite will not take place.

Action: none

QSM-01281: query rewrite not possible because either a primary key or a row id is required to join table string with MV string

QSM-01281: query rewrite not possible because either a primary key or a row id is required to join table string with MV string

Cause: In order to obtain a missing column, the materialized view needs to join back to the above table. But it lacks the primary key or rowid for the table.

Action: none

QSM-01279: query rewrite not possible because DML operation occurred on a table referenced by materialized view string

QSM-01279: query rewrite not possible because DML operation occurred on a table referenced by materialized view string

Cause: If any dependent tables of a materialized view undergoes a DML operation, query rewrite may be restricted depending on the query rewrite integrity mode for the session. In this situation, query rewrite will take place only if the rewrite integrity mode is STALE_TOLERATED.

Action: Consider refreshing the materialized view changing the rewrite integrity mode to STALE_TOLERATED.

QSM-01274: query rewrite not possible because materialized view string and query have different number of joins between tables string

QSM-01274: query rewrite not possible because materialized view string and query have different number of joins between tables string

Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the query has some joins that the materialized view does not have between the same pair of tables.

Action: none

QSM-01273: query rewrite not possible because materialized view string has a join not found in query

QSM-01273: query rewrite not possible because materialized view string has a join not found in query

Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the materialized view has some joins that query does not have

Action: none

QSM-01271: query rewrite not possible because a join in materialized view string with table string has eliminated some rows found in query

QSM-01271: query rewrite not possible because a join in materialized view string with table string has eliminated some rows found in query

Cause: A join from the materialized view to any table that eliminates some rows should be be present in the query. Otherwise query rewrite will not occur.

Action: none

QSM-01263: query rewrite not possible when query references a dictionary table or view

QSM-01263: query rewrite not possible when query references a dictionary table or view

Cause: Query rewrite is not allowed if query references any dictionary tables or views.

Action: none

QSM-01257: query rewrite not possible for this DML statement

QSM-01257: query rewrite not possible for this DML statement

Cause: Current DML is being done using an updatable view, so it is not eligible for rewrite.

Action: none

QSM-01256: query rewrite not possible for this DDL statement

QSM-01256: query rewrite not possible for this DDL statement

Cause: Some SELECT statements which are part of a DDL expression may be eligible for rewrite. These include CREATE AS SELECT and CREATE OUTLINE statements. The given query expression is a DDL expression, which doesn t fall in this category.

Action: none

QSM-01251: query rewrite cannot perform rollup due to the presence of a window function

QSM-01251: query rewrite cannot perform rollup due to the presence of a window function

Cause: No query rewrite if a window function is present on a column that requires a roll-up to compute a measure.

Action: none

QSM-01248: materialized view does not have the join back level(s) (string)

QSM-01248: materialized view does not have the join back level(s) (string)

Cause: Query Rewrite requires joining back to level of a dimension to find missing information.

Action: Consider creating a dimension.

QSM-01247: join back cannot be done on a materialized view that does not have an aggregate (string)

QSM-01247: join back cannot be done on a materialized view that does not have an aggregate (string)

Cause: Query Rewrite can occur by means of a complex join back only during a MAV rewrite.

Action: none

QSM-01246: join back on correlated columns not allowed (string)

QSM-01246: join back on correlated columns not allowed (string)

Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back is required on a column that is referenced by a sub-query.

Action: none

QSM-01244: join back could not be done on a view for string

QSM-01244: join back could not be done on a view for string

Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back to a table is required to find any missing columns.

Action: none

QSM-01241: query measure cannot be derived from the materialized view string

QSM-01241: query measure cannot be derived from the materialized view string

Cause: If a measure (such as SUM, AVERAGE) in the query cannot be matched or computed from the materialized view, it will not be used for rewrite.

Action: none

QSM-01222: materialized view string is less optimal than string

QSM-01222: materialized view string is less optimal than string

Cause: Query Rewrite always chooses the most optimal materialized view based on certain parameters, such as cardinality of the materialized view, number of joins etc. The materialized view specified was found to be less optimal.

Action: To force using a materialized view, consider using a rewrite hint.

QSM-01220: materialized view, string, is disabled, stale or unusable

QSM-01220: materialized view, string, is disabled, stale or unusable

Cause: Materialized view is probably disabled or stale.

Action: Consider enabling the materialized view for rewrite or refreshing it.

QSM-01219: no suitable materialized view found to rewrite this query

QSM-01219: no suitable materialized view found to rewrite this query

Cause: There doesn t exist any materialized view in the database that can be used to rewrite this query.

Action: Consider creating a new materialized view.

QSM-01218: query rewrite is likely more expensive due to a single table match between materialized view and query

QSM-01218: query rewrite is likely more expensive due to a single table match between materialized view and query

Cause: Materialized join view is more expensive for rewrite than using the base table

Action: none.

QSM-01215: query rewrite not possible when query GROUP BY clause has non-columns

QSM-01215: query rewrite not possible when query GROUP BY clause has non-columns

Cause: No query rewrite, if there is no valid column in the GROUP BY clause.

Action: none

QSM-01214: query rewrite not possible if OR is the top level operator in query WHERE clause

QSM-01214: query rewrite not possible if OR is the top level operator in query WHERE clause

Cause: If the top-level operator in the WHERE clause is an OR and there is more than one table in the FROM list, then query rewrite will not take place.

Action: none

QSM-01213: query rewrite not possible when nested aggregates or CONNECT BY or START WITH clause is present

QSM-01213: query rewrite not possible when nested aggregates or CONNECT BY or START WITH clause is present

Cause: If the query contains nested aggregates, CONNECT BY clause, or START WITH clause, query rewrite will not take place

Action: none

QSM-01212: query rewrite not possible when SAMPLE clause is present in FROM

QSM-01212: query rewrite not possible when SAMPLE clause is present in FROM

Cause: If a query contains a SAMPLE clause, query rewrite will not take place

Action: none

QSM-01211: query rewrite not possible when stored outline does not have a rewrite hint

QSM-01211: query rewrite not possible when stored outline does not have a rewrite hint

Cause: When using a stored outline, a rewrite hint is required for query rewrite

Action: none

QSM-01210: query rewrite not possible because no common table(s) found between materialized view string and query

QSM-01210: query rewrite not possible because no common table(s) found between materialized view string and query

Cause: If the materialized view does not reference the base tables found in the query, it cannot be used for rewrite

Action: none

QSM-01209: query rewritten with materialized view, string, using text match algorithm

QSM-01209: query rewritten with materialized view, string, using text match algorithm

Cause: The query was rewritten using a materialized view, because query text matched the definition of the materialized view

Action: none

QSM-01208: query rewrite not possible for update queries

QSM-01208: query rewrite not possible for update queries

Cause: If a query or part of it has any DML update operations, no query rewrite will take place.

Action: none

QSM-01207: query rewrite not possible when query has a NOREWRITE hint

QSM-01207: query rewrite not possible when query has a NOREWRITE hint

Cause: When query contains a NOREWRITE hint, no query rewrite will take place for that query block.

Action: Remove the NOREWRITE hint from the query

QSM-01205: query rewrite not possible when query has slave SQL

QSM-01205: query rewrite not possible when query has slave SQL

Cause: Current prcess is a kxfx slave

Action: none

QSM-01204: query rewrite not possible before view merging

QSM-01204: query rewrite not possible before view merging

Cause: Internal session parameter _QUERY_REWRITE_2 is set to FALSE

Action: Change session parameter with ALTER SESSION command.

QSM-01203: query rewrite not possible on DDL queries

QSM-01203: query rewrite not possible on DDL queries

Cause: If query contains any data definition operations, no query rewrite will take place.

Action: none.

QSM-01202: query rewrite not possible when OPTIMIZER_MODE is set to rule based

QSM-01202: query rewrite not possible when OPTIMIZER_MODE is set to rule based

Cause: Query rewrite did not occur because the OPTIMIZER_MODE was set to RULE.

Action: Change the optimizer mode using the OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter.

QSM-01169: query rewrite not possible for a CREATE or ALTER VIEW statement

QSM-01169: query rewrite not possible for a CREATE or ALTER VIEW statement

Cause: Query rewrite could not take place because the incoming query was either a CREATE or ALTER VIEW statement

Action: none

QSM-01168: query rewrite not possible when Fine Grain Auditing is present on a base table

QSM-01168: query rewrite not possible when Fine Grain Auditing is present on a base table

Cause: Query rewrite could not take place because Fine Grain Auditing (FGA) was present on a base table in the query

Action: none

QSM-01150: query did not rewrite

QSM-01150: query did not rewrite

Cause: See the other messages from explain_rewrite() for explanation

Action: none

QSM-01137: dimension level, string, marked as SKIP WHEN NULL

QSM-01137: dimension level, string, marked as SKIP WHEN NULL

Cause: Join back is not possible on a level marked as SKIP WHEN NULL in a dimension

Action: none

QSM-01136: query has a nested table column

QSM-01136: query has a nested table column

Cause: When the query has a nested table column, query rewrite cannot be done

Action: none

QSM-01135: query has an LOB column

QSM-01135: query has an LOB column

Cause: When the query has a column stored in LOB, query rewrite cannot be done

Action: none

QSM-01134: query has a hidden or nested table column

QSM-01134: query has a hidden or nested table column

Cause: When the query has a hidden or nested table column, query rewrite cannot be done

Action: none

QSM-01133: query has an ADT column

QSM-01133: query has an ADT column

Cause: When the query has a column of ADT type, query rewrite cannot be done

Action: none