RMAN-06071: could not open datafile string

RMAN-06071: could not open datafile string

Cause: An error was encountered when trying to open the specified datafile.

Action: Ensure that the datafile exists and is accessible.

RMAN-06070: DBWR could not identify datafile string

RMAN-06070: DBWR could not identify datafile string

Cause: DBWR could not find the specified datafile.

Action: Ensure that the datafile exists and is accessible.

RMAN-06069: the filename for datafile string is missing in the control file

RMAN-06069: the filename for datafile string is missing in the control file

Cause: Media recovery of a backup control file added this datafile to the control file, but it does not set the filename because that is unsafe.

Action: If the datafile is on disk, then issue ALTER DATABASE RENAME to correct the control file. Otherwise, RESTORE the datafile, and then use SWITCH to make it known to the control file. If the tablespace containing this datafile will be dropped, then reissue the RECOVER command with a SKIP clause to skip recovery of this tablespace.

RMAN-06067: RECOVER DATABASE required with a backup or created control file

RMAN-06067: RECOVER DATABASE required with a backup or created control file

Cause: The control file has been restored from a backup or was created via ALTER DATABASE CREATE CONTROLFILE.

Action: Use the RECOVER DATABASE command to perform the recovery.

RMAN-06066: the target database must be mounted when issuing a RECOVER command

RMAN-06066: the target database must be mounted when issuing a RECOVER command

Cause: A RECOVER command was issued, but the target database control file is not mounted.

Action: Mount the target database control file by issuing ALTER DATABASE MOUNT via Enterprise Manager or Server Manager.

RMAN-06065: The backup operand (string( conflicts with another specified operand.

RMAN-06065: The backup operand (string( conflicts with another specified operand.

Cause: The user attempted to use two (or more) conflicting operands within the same statement.

Action: Remove one or both of the conflicting operands.

RMAN-06064: creating datafile fno=string name=string

RMAN-06064: creating datafile fno=string name=string

Cause: RESTORE or RECOVER command was issued and there were no backup available for the datafile.

Action: This is an informational message only.

RMAN-06063: DBID is not found in the recovery catalog

RMAN-06063: DBID is not found in the recovery catalog

Cause: DBID is not found in the recovery catalog.

Action: Verify that the DBID is correct and restart the command.

RMAN-06062: can not backup SPFILE because the instance was not started with SPFILE

RMAN-06062: can not backup SPFILE because the instance was not started with SPFILE

Cause: A backup command requested a backup of the SPFILE, but no SPFILE was used to startup the instance.

Action: Create an SPFILE and re-start the instance using the SPFILE or modify the command.

RMAN-06061: WARNING: skipping archivelog compromises recoverability

RMAN-06061: WARNING: skipping archivelog compromises recoverability

Cause: SKIP INACCESSIBLE option resulted in skipping archivelogs during BACKUP. If the archived log has in fact been lost and there is no backup, then the database is no longer recoverable across the point in time covered by the archived log. This may occur because archived log was removed by an outside utility without updating the repository.

Action: If the archived log has been removed with an outside utility and the archivelog has already been backed up, then you can synchronize the repository by running CROSSCHECK ARCHIVELOG ALL. If the archivelog has not been previously backed up, then you should take a full backup of the database and archivelogs to preserve recoverability. Previous backups are not fully recoverable.

RMAN-06060: WARNING: skipping datafile compromises tablespace string recoverability

RMAN-06060: WARNING: skipping datafile compromises tablespace string recoverability

Cause: SKIP INACCESSIBLE or SKIP OFFLINE option resulted in skipping datafiles during BACKUP. If the datafile has in fact been lost and there is no backup, then the tablespace is no longer recoverable without ALL archive logs since datafile creation. This may occur because the datafile was deleted by an outside utility or the datafile is made OFFLINE (DROP(.

Action: If there is no backup of skipped datafiles and the tablespace has to be recoverable without ALL archive logs since datafile creation, then you should make these datafiles available for backup.

RMAN-06059: expected archived log not found, lost of archived log compromises recoverability

RMAN-06059: expected archived log not found, lost of archived log compromises recoverability

Cause: The archived log was not found. The repository thinks it does exist. If the archived log has in fact been lost and there is no backup, then the database is no longer recoverable across the point in time covered by the archived log. This may occur because the archived log was removed by an outside utility without updating the repository.

Action: If the archived log has been removed with an outside utility and the archivelog has already been backed up, then you can synchronize the repository by running CROSSCHECK ARCHIVELOG ALL. If the archivelog has not been previously backed up, then you should take a full backup of the database and archivelogs to preserve recoverability. Previous backups are not fully recoverable.

RMAN-06058: a current control file cannot be included along with a standby control file

RMAN-06058: a current control file cannot be included along with a standby control file

Cause: standby controlfile was specified along with current controlfile .

Action: Remove standby controlfile or current controlfile from backup specification.

RMAN-06057: a standby control file cannot be included along with a current control file

RMAN-06057: a standby control file cannot be included along with a current control file

Cause: current controlfile was specified along with standby controlfile .

Action: Remove current controlfile or standby controlfile from backup specification.

RMAN-06056: could not access datafile number

RMAN-06056: could not access datafile number

Cause: A backup or copy could not proceed because the datafile header could not be read or the header was not valid.

Action: Make the datafile accessible or skip it.

RMAN-06055: could not find log sequence string thread string

RMAN-06055: could not find log sequence string thread string

Cause: A log which was on disk at the start of media recovery or which should have been restored from a backup set could not be found.

Action: Check the Recovery Manager message log to see if the log was restored by a previous job step. If so, then check the V$ARCHIVED_LOG view to see if the log is listed in the control file. If so, then validate that the log exists on disk and is readable. If the log was not restored, or was restored but no record of the log exists in V$ARCHIVED_LOG, then contact Oracle Customer Support.

RMAN-06054: media recovery requesting unknown log: thread string seq string lowscn string

RMAN-06054: media recovery requesting unknown log: thread string seq string lowscn string

Cause: Media recovery is requesting a log whose existance is not recorded in the recovery catalog or control file.

Action: If a copy of the log is available, then add it to the recovery catalog and or or control file via a CATALOG command and then retry the RECOVER command. If not, then a point in time recovery up to the missing log is the only alternative and database can be opened using ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS command.

RMAN-06053: unable to perform media recovery because of missing log

RMAN-06053: unable to perform media recovery because of missing log

Cause: This message is accompanied with another message identifying the missing log. The log would be needed to perform the media recovery, but the log is not on disk and no backup set containing the log is available.

Action: Determine if a backup set containing the log can be made available. If so, then use the CHANGE command to make the backup set available and retry the command. If not, then a point in time recovery up to the missing log is the only alternative.

RMAN-06052: no parent backup or copy of datafile number found

RMAN-06052: no parent backup or copy of datafile number found

Cause: An incremental backup at level 1 or higher could not find any parent backup or copy of the indicated datafile. A level 0 backup of the datafile will be taken automatically.

Action: This is an informational message only.

RMAN-06051: DELETE INPUT option not implemented yet

RMAN-06051: DELETE INPUT option not implemented yet

Cause: This option was specified in a backup specification.

Action: Remove the DELETE INPUT option.

RMAN-06050: archive log thread number sequence number is already on disk as file string

RMAN-06050: archive log thread number sequence number is already on disk as file string

Cause: An archive log which was requested to be restored (either explicitely or via a range specification) does not need to be restored because it already exists on disk.

Action: None -this is an informational message

RMAN-06049: CHECK LOGICAL option not supported for archive log or current or standby control file copies

RMAN-06049: CHECK LOGICAL option not supported for archive log or current or standby control file copies

Cause: The check logical option was supplied but does not apply to this type of copy.

Action: Remove the CHECK LOGICAL operand and re-enter the command

RMAN-06048: duplicate control file specified for restoration from copy

RMAN-06048: duplicate control file specified for restoration from copy

Cause: The control file was specified more than once in the same RESTORE command.

Action: Correct and resubmit the RESTORE command.

RMAN-06047: duplicate datafile number specified for restoration from copy

RMAN-06047: duplicate datafile number specified for restoration from copy

Cause: The indicated datafile was specified more than once in the same restore command.

Action: Correct and resubmit the RESTORE command.

RMAN-06046: archive log name: string

RMAN-06046: archive log name: string

Cause: An error occurred while translating an archive log name to its recovery catalog recid or timestamp. This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

Action: Check the accompanying errors.

RMAN-06045: LEVEL option not supported for archive log or current or standby control file copies

RMAN-06045: LEVEL option not supported for archive log or current or standby control file copies

Cause: The LEVEL option was supplied but does not apply to this type of copy.

Action: Remove the LEVEL operand and re-enter the command.

RMAN-06043: TAG option not supported for archive log copies

RMAN-06043: TAG option not supported for archive log copies

Cause: The tag option was supplied but does not apply to this type of copy.

Action: Remove the TAG operand and re-enter the command

RMAN-06042: PLUS ARCHIVELOG option is not supported with non-datafile backups

RMAN-06042: PLUS ARCHIVELOG option is not supported with non-datafile backups

Cause: The PLUS ARCHIVELOG option was supplied but does not apply to this type of backup.

Action: Remove the PLUS ARCHIVELOG operand and re-enter the command.

RMAN-06041: cannot switch file number to copy of file number

RMAN-06041: cannot switch file number to copy of file number

Cause: An attempt was made to switch a datafile to a copy of a different datafile.

Action: Correct and resubmit the SWITCH command.

RMAN-06040: control file is already restored to file string

RMAN-06040: control file is already restored to file string

Cause: The best candidate control file for restoration is the one that is named in the RESTORE CONTROLFILE command, hence no action need be taken.

Action: None -this is an informational message.

RMAN-06039: no set newname command has been issued for datafile number

RMAN-06039: no set newname command has been issued for datafile number

Cause: A SWITCH command was specified for a datafile, but no destination was specified and no SET NEWNAME command has been previously issued for that file. An explicit file to switch to must be specified if no SET NEWNAME command has been issued.

Action: Correct and resubmit the SWITCH command.

RMAN-06038: recovery catalog package detected an error

RMAN-06038: recovery catalog package detected an error

Cause: A call to dbms_rcvman returned an error.

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

RMAN-06036: datafile number is already restored to file string

RMAN-06036: datafile number is already restored to file string

Cause: A SET NEWNAME command was issued to restore a datafile to a location other than the original datafile, and Recovery Manager determined that the best candidate for restoring the file is the datafile copy with the same name, therefore the file is already restored and no action need be taken.

Action: None -this is an informational message.

RMAN-06035: wrong version of recover.bsq, expecting string, found string

RMAN-06035: wrong version of recover.bsq, expecting string, found string

Cause: The recover.bsq file is incompatible with the RMAN executable.

Action: Install the correct version of recover.bsq.

RMAN-06034: at least 1 channel must be allocated to execute this command

RMAN-06034: at least 1 channel must be allocated to execute this command

Cause: No channels were allocated.

Action: ALLOCATE a channel.

RMAN-06033: channel string not allocated

RMAN-06033: channel string not allocated

Cause: An rman command requests a specific channel, but the requested channel has not been allocated.

Action: ALLOCATE the channel, or correct the channel identifier.

RMAN-06032: at least 1 channel of TYPE DISK must be allocated to execute a COPY command

RMAN-06032: at least 1 channel of TYPE DISK must be allocated to execute a COPY command

Cause: No channel of TYPE DISK was allocated.

Action: Allocate a channel of TYPE DISK and re-issue the command.

RMAN-06031: could not translate database keyword

RMAN-06031: could not translate database keyword

Cause: An error was received when calling dbms_rcvman

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

RMAN-06030: the DELETE (ALL( INPUT option may not be used with a datafile backup set

RMAN-06030: the DELETE (ALL( INPUT option may not be used with a datafile backup set

Cause: The DELETE (ALL( INPUT option was specified for a backup that contains the current control file or datafiles.

Action: Remove the option and resubmit the command.

RMAN-06029: the control file may be included only in a datafile backup set

RMAN-06029: the control file may be included only in a datafile backup set

Cause: The include current or standby control file option was specified for an archive log backup set.

Action: Use this option only for datafile backup sets.

RMAN-06028: duplicate operand specified in restore specification: string

RMAN-06028: duplicate operand specified in restore specification: string

Cause: The CHANNEL, TAG, FROM, PARMS, VALIDATE, DEVICE TYPE, CHECK READONLY or DB_UNIQUE_NAME option was specified more than once in the restore command or in one of the restore specifications.

Action: Correct and resubmit the comand.

RMAN-06027: no archive logs found that match specification

RMAN-06027: no archive logs found that match specification

Cause: An archive log record specifier did not match any archive logs in the recovery catalog.

Action: Resubmit the command with a different archive log record specifier. The rman LIST command can be used to display all archive logs that Recovery Manager knows about.

RMAN-06026: some targets not found - aborting restore

RMAN-06026: some targets not found - aborting restore

Cause: Some of the files specified for restore could not be found. Message 6023, 6024, or 6025 is also issued to indicate which files could not be found. Some common reasons why a file can not be restored are that there is no backup or copy of the file that is known to recovery manager, or there are no backups or copies that fall within the criteria specified on the RESTORE command, or some datafile copies have been made but not cataloged.

Action: The Recovery Manager LIST command can be used to display the backups and copies that Recovery Manager knows about. Select the files to be restored from that list.

RMAN-06025: no backup of log thread number seq number lowscn string found to restore

RMAN-06025: no backup of log thread number seq number lowscn string found to restore

Cause: An archive log restore restore could not proceed because no backup of the indicated archived log was found. It may be the case that a backup of this file exists but does not satisfy the criteria specified in the user s restore operands.

Action: None -this is an informational message. See message 6026 for further details.

RMAN-06024: no backup or copy of the control file found to restore

RMAN-06024: no backup or copy of the control file found to restore

Cause: A control file restore could not proceed because no backup or copy of the control file was found. It may be the case that a backup or copy of this file exists but does not satisfy the criteria specified in the user s restore operands.

Action: None -this is an informational message. See message 6026 for further details.

RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile number found to restore

RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile number found to restore

Cause: A datafile, tablespace, or database restore could not proceed because no backup or copy of the indicated file was found. It may be the case that a backup or copy of this file exists but does not satisfy the criteria specified in the user s restore operands.

Action: None -this is an informational message. See message 6026 for further details.

RMAN-06022: invalid level specified for image copy: number

RMAN-06022: invalid level specified for image copy: number

Cause: An invalid incremental backup level was specified for an image copy.

Action: Incremental backup level must be 0 for image copies.

RMAN-06021: FROM DATAFILECCOPY or BACKUPSET may not be specified with archive logs

RMAN-06021: FROM DATAFILECCOPY or BACKUPSET may not be specified with archive logs

Cause: The FROM DATAFILECCOPY or BACKUPSET option applies only to datafile and control file restores.

Action: Use this option only for datafile and control file restores.

RMAN-06020: connected to auxiliary database (not started)

RMAN-06020: connected to auxiliary database (not started)

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-06019: could not translate tablespace name string

RMAN-06019: could not translate tablespace name string

Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified tablespace name in the recovery catalog or target database control file.

Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the failure. Ensure that the tablespace is entered correctly. If the tablespace was added recently, then a RESYNC CATALOG must be done to update the recovery catalog.

RMAN-06018: duplicate operand specified in backup specification: string

RMAN-06018: duplicate operand specified in backup specification: string

Cause: A backup specification operand appears more than once in a backup specification.

Action: Delete the duplicate operand.

RMAN-06017: initialization of parser failed

RMAN-06017: initialization of parser failed

Cause: The parser package initialization routine returned an error.

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

RMAN-06016: duplicate backup operand specified: string

RMAN-06016: duplicate backup operand specified: string

Cause: The specified operand appears more than once in the same backup specifier or backup command.

Action: Delete the duplicated operand.

RMAN-06015: error while looking up datafile copy name: string

RMAN-06015: error while looking up datafile copy name: string

Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified datafile copy name in the recovery catalog or target database control file.

Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the failure. Ensure that the filename is entered correctly. If the datafilevopy was created when the recovery catalog was not available, then a RESYNC CATALOG must be done to update the recovery catalog.

OCI-31033: Requested number of XML children string exceeds maximum string

OCI-31033: Requested number of XML children string exceeds maximum string

Cause: An attempt was made to add more than the maximum number of allowable children in an XML element.

Action: Redefine the schema to allow breaking up of the children among siblings.

OCI-31030: Unable to retrieve XML document

OCI-31030: Unable to retrieve XML document

Cause: The resource had an invalid (dangling) REF to an XML document.

Action: Rebind the resource using a valid XMLType REF.

OCI-31029: Cannot bind to unsaved resource

OCI-31029: Cannot bind to unsaved resource

Cause: An attempt was made to bind to a resource that had not been saved to disk.

Action: Bind only to saved resources.

OCI-31028: Resource metadata length string exceeded maximum length string

OCI-31028: Resource metadata length string exceeded maximum length string

Cause: An attempt was made to insert resource metadata that exceeded the maximum length of that type of metadata.

Action: Keep resource metadata within its allowed length.

OCI-31027: Path name or handle string does not point to a resource

OCI-31027: Path name or handle string does not point to a resource

Cause: An attempt was made to retrieve a resource based on a path name or resource handle that points to an entity other than a resource.

Action: Do not attempt to retrieve a resource based on that path name or resource handle.

OCI-31025: Invalid document element

OCI-31025: Invalid document element

Cause: An attempt was made to replace the data at an invalid index number in the XML document

Action: Supply a correct occurrence number and try again.