OCI-21609: memory being resized without being allocated first

OCI-21609: memory being resized without being allocated first

Cause: Attempt to resize memory without allocating it first.

Action: Allocate the memory first before resizing it.

OCI-21608: duration is invalid for this function

OCI-21608: duration is invalid for this function

Cause: Attempt to use a duration not valid for this function.

Action: Use a valid duration - a previously created user duration or OCI_ DURATION_STATEMENT or OCI_DURATION_SESSION. For callout duration or external procedure duration, use OCIExtProcAllocCallMemory.

OCI-21607: memory cartridge service handle not initialized

OCI-21607: memory cartridge service handle not initialized

Cause: Attempt to use the handle without initializing it.

Action: Initialize the memory cartridge service handle.

OCI-21606: can not free this object

OCI-21606: can not free this object

Cause: Trying to free an object that is persistent and dirty and the OCI_ OBJECTFREE_FORCE flag is not specified.

Action: Either flush the persistent object or set the flag to OCI_OBJECTFREE_ FORCE

OCI-21605: property (string( is not a property of value instances

OCI-21605: property (string( is not a property of value instances

Cause: Trying to get a property which applies only to persistent and transient objects.

Action: User should check the lifetime and only get this property for persistent and transient objects.

OCI-21604: property (string( is not a property of transient or value instances

OCI-21604: property (string( is not a property of transient or value instances

Cause: Trying to get a property which applies only to persistent objects.

Action: User should check the lifetime and only get this property for persistent objects.

OCI-21603: property id (string( is invalid

OCI-21603: property id (string( is invalid

Cause: The specified property id is invalid.

Action: User should specify a valid property id. Valid property ids are enumerated by OCIObjectPropId.

OCI-21602: operation does not support the specified typecode

OCI-21602: operation does not support the specified typecode

Cause: The user attempts to perform an operation that does not support the specified typecode.

Action: User should use the range of valid typecodes that are supported by this operation.

OCI-21601: attribute is not an object

OCI-21601: attribute is not an object

Cause: The user attempts to perform an operation (that is valid only for an object) to an attribute of a built-in type. An example of such an illegal operation is to dynamically set a null structure to an attribute of a built-in type.

Action: User should avoid performing such operation to an attribute of built-in type.

OCI-21600: path expression too long

OCI-21600: path expression too long

Cause: The path expression that is supplied by the user is too long. The path expression is used to specify the position of an attribute in an object. This error occurs when one of the intermediate elements in the path expression refers to an attribute of a built-in type. Thus, the OCI function cannot proceed on to process the rest of the elements in the path expression.

Action: User should pass in the correct path expression to locate the attribute.

OCI-21560: argument string is null, invalid, or out of range

OCI-21560: argument string is null, invalid, or out of range

Cause: The argument is expecting a non-null, valid value but the argument value passed in is null, invalid, or out of range. Examples include when the LOB or FILE positional or size argument has a value outside the range 1 through (4GB - 1), or when an invalid open mode is used to open a file, etc.

Action: Check your program and correct the caller of the routine to not pass a null, invalid or out-of-range argument value.

OCI-21527: internal OMS driver error

OCI-21527: internal OMS driver error

Cause: A process has encountered an exceptional condition. This is the generic internal error number for Oracle object management services exceptions.

Action: Report this as a bug to Oracle Support Services.

OCI-21526: initialization failed

OCI-21526: initialization failed

Cause: The initialization sequence failed. This can happen, for example, if an environment variable such as NLS_DATE_FORMAT is set to an invalid value.

Action: Check that all NLS environment variables are well-formed.

OCI-21525: attribute number (or collection element at index) string violated its constraints

OCI-21525: attribute number (or collection element at index) string violated its constraints

Cause: Attribute value or collection element value violated its constraint.

Action: Change the value of the attribute or collection element such that it meets its constraints. The constraints are specified as part of the attribute or collection element s schema information.

OCI-21524: object type mismatch

OCI-21524: object type mismatch

Cause: The object type of the object is different from what is specified.

Action: Check the type of the object and correct it.

OCI-21523: functionality not supported by the server (object mode only)

OCI-21523: functionality not supported by the server (object mode only)

Cause: User attempted to use a functionality that the server does not support.

Action: Upgrade the server

OCI-21522: attempted to use an invalid connection in OCI (object mode only)

OCI-21522: attempted to use an invalid connection in OCI (object mode only)

Cause: User attempted to use an invalid connection or a connection that has been terminated in an OCI environment (object mode), or user attempted to dereference a REF obtained from a connection which has been terminated.

Action: Ensure that the connection exists and is still valid.

OCI-21521: exceeded maximum number of connections in OCI (object mode only)

OCI-21521: exceeded maximum number of connections in OCI (object mode only)

Cause: User exceeded the maximum number of connections (255) that can be supported by an OCI environment in object mode.

Action: Close some of existing and unused connections before opening more connections.

OCI-21520: database server driver not installed

OCI-21520: database server driver not installed

Cause: User attempted to access a database server through an object-mode OCI environment but the necessary driver for supporting such access to the database server is not installed or linked in.

Action: Check if the driver corresponding to the database server has been installed or linked in and entered in the server driver table.

OCI-21503: program terminated by fatal error

OCI-21503: program terminated by fatal error

Cause: A program is in an unrecoverable error state.

Action: Report as a bug.

OCI-21501: program could not allocate memory

OCI-21501: program could not allocate memory

Cause: The operating system has run out of memory.

Action: Take action to make more memory available to the program.

OCI-21500: internal error code, arguments: (string(, (string(, (string(, (string(, (string(, (string(, (string(, (string(

OCI-21500: internal error code, arguments: (string(, (string(, (string(, (string(, (string(, (string(, (string(, (string(

Cause: This is the generic error number for the OCI environment (client-side) internal errors. This indicates that the OCI environment has encountered an exceptional condition.

Action: Report as a bug - the first argument is the internal error number.

OCI-21301: not initialized in object mode

OCI-21301: not initialized in object mode

Cause: This function requires the oci process to be initialized in object mode.

Action: Specify OCI_OBJECT mode when calling OCIInitialize().

OCI-21300: objects option not installed

OCI-21300: objects option not installed

Cause: The objects option is not installed at this site. Object types and other object features are, therefore, unavailable.

Action: Install the objects option. The objects option is not part of the Oracle Server product and must be purchased separately. Contact an Oracle sales representative if the objects option needs to be purchased.

OCI-19212: no key columns specified before call to DBMS_ XMLSTORE.updateXML()

OCI-19212: no key columns specified before call to DBMS_ XMLSTORE.updateXML()

Cause: No columns were specified as key columns before the call to DBMS_ XMLSTORE.updateXML.

Action: Use DBMS_XMLSTORE.setKeyColumn() to specify key columns

OCI-19211: column string , specified as key using DBMS_ XMLSTORE.setKeyColumn() , must be of scalar type

OCI-19211: column string , specified as key using DBMS_ XMLSTORE.setKeyColumn() , must be of scalar type

Cause: The column specified using setKeyColumn() was a non-scalar type column.

Action: Change the column specified to be a scalar column in the table

OCI-19210: column string , specified to be a key or update column for DBMS_ XMLSTORE, does not not exist in table string

OCI-19210: column string , specified to be a key or update column for DBMS_ XMLSTORE, does not not exist in table string

Cause: The column specified using setKeyColumn() or setUpdateColumn() did not exist in the table.

Action: Change the column specified to be a column in the table

OCI-19209: invalid or unsupported formatting argument

OCI-19209: invalid or unsupported formatting argument

Cause: An invalid or unsupported formatting argument was supplied

Action: Change the formatting argument to legal supported values

OCI-19208: parameter string of function string must be aliased

OCI-19208: parameter string of function string must be aliased

Cause: The indicated parameter of the XML generation function has not been aliased, although it is an expression.

Action: Specify an alias for the expression using the AS clause.

OCI-19207: scalar parameter string of XMLELEMENT cannot have an alias.

OCI-19207: scalar parameter string of XMLELEMENT cannot have an alias.

Cause: The scalar parameter to XMLELEMENT has been qualified with an alias.

Action: Remove the AS clause of the scalar element.

OCI-19206: Invalid value for query or REF CURSOR parameter

OCI-19206: Invalid value for query or REF CURSOR parameter

Cause: The queryString argument passed to DBMS_XMLGEN.newContext was not a valid query, or REF CURSOR.

Action: Rewrite the query so that the queryString argument is a valid query or REF CURSOR.

OCI-19205: Attribute string qualifies a non-scalar value in the select list

OCI-19205: Attribute string qualifies a non-scalar value in the select list

Cause: The attribute immediately follows a value of object or collection type in the select list or type definition.

Action: Remove the sign, or make the previous value a scalar.

OCI-19204: Non-scalar value string is marked as XML attribute

OCI-19204: Non-scalar value string is marked as XML attribute

Cause: Only scalar values (i.e. values which are not of object or collection type) can be marked as XML attribute,i.e. is prefixed by . In this case, a non-scalar value was prefixed with

Action: Remove the sign, or make the value a scalar.

OCI-19203: Error occurred in DBMS_XMLGEN processingstring

OCI-19203: Error occurred in DBMS_XMLGEN processingstring

Cause: An error occurred when processing the DBMS_XMLGEN functions

Action: Check the given error message and fix the appropriate problem

OCI-19202: Error occurred in XML processingstring

OCI-19202: Error occurred in XML processingstring

Cause: An error occurred when processing the XML function

Action: Check the given error message and fix the appropriate problem

OCI-19201: Datatype not supported

OCI-19201: Datatype not supported

Cause: The particular datatype is not supported in the XMLGEN operator

Action: Specify only supported datatypes as arguments to the XMLGEN operator

OCI-19200: Invalid column specification

OCI-19200: Invalid column specification

Cause: All input arguments must be valid columns

Action: Specify a valid list of columns

OCI-04068: existing state of packagesstringstringstring has been discarded

OCI-04068: existing state of packagesstringstringstring has been discarded

Cause: One of errors 4060 - 4067 when attempt to execute a stored procedure.

Action: Try again after proper re-initialization of any application s state.

OCI-04067: not executed, string does not exist

OCI-04067: not executed, string does not exist

Cause: Attempt to execute a non-existent stored procedure.

Action: Make sure that a correct name is given.

OCI-04066: non-executable object, string

OCI-04066: non-executable object, string

Cause: Attempt to execute a non-procedure.

Action: Make sure that a correct name is given.

OCI-04065: not executed, altered or dropped string

OCI-04065: not executed, altered or dropped string

Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure that has been altered or dropped thus making it not callable from the calling procedure.

Action: Recompile its dependents.

OCI-04064: not executed, invalidated string

OCI-04064: not executed, invalidated string

Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure that has been invalidated.

Action: Recompile it.

OCI-04062: timestamp of string has been changed

OCI-04062: timestamp of string has been changed

Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure to serve an RPC stub which specifies a timestamp that is different from the current timestamp of the procedure.

Action: Recompile the caller in order to pick up the new timestamp.

OCI-04061: existing state of string has been invalidated

OCI-04061: existing state of string has been invalidated

Cause: Attempt to resume the execution of a stored procedure using the existing state which has become invalid or inconsistent with the stored procedure because the procedure has been altered or dropped.

Action: Try again; this error should have caused the existing state of all packages to be re-initialized.

OCI-04060: insufficient privileges to execute string

OCI-04060: insufficient privileges to execute string

Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure without sufficient privileges.

Action: Get necessary privileges.

OCI-04031: unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory ( string , string , string )

OCI-04031: unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory ( string , string , string )

Cause: More shared memory is needed than was allocated in the shared pool.

Action: Either use the dbms_shared_pool package to pin large packages, reduce your use of shared memory, or increase the amount of available shared memory by increasing the value of the init.ora parameter shared_pool_size .

OCI-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes (string,string)

OCI-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes (string,string)

Cause: Operating system process private memory has been exhausted

Action: none

OCI-04029: error ORA-string occurred when querying stringstringstring

OCI-04029: error ORA-string occurred when querying stringstringstring

Cause: The table or view being queried might be missing. The error number indicates the error.

Action: Fix the error.

OCI-04028: cannot generate diana for object stringstringstringstringstring

OCI-04028: cannot generate diana for object stringstringstringstringstring

Cause: Cannot generate diana for an object because of lock conflict.

Action: Please report this error to your support representative.

OCI-04022: nowait requested, but had to wait to lock dictionary object

OCI-04022: nowait requested, but had to wait to lock dictionary object

Cause: Had to wait to lock a library object during a nowait request.

Action: Retry the operation later.

OCI-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object stringstringstringstringstring

OCI-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object stringstringstringstringstring

Cause: While waiting to lock a library object, a timeout is occurred.

Action: Retry the operation later.

OCI-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object stringstringstringstringstring

OCI-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object stringstringstringstringstring

Cause: While trying to lock a library object, a deadlock is detected.

Action: Retry the operation later.

OCI-02084: database name is missing a component

OCI-02084: database name is missing a component

Cause: Supplied database name cannot contain a leading . , trailing . or , or two . or in a row.

Action: none

OCI-02083: database name has illegal character string

OCI-02083: database name has illegal character string

Cause: Supplied database name can contain only A-Z, 0-9, _ , # , $ . and characters.

Action: none

OCI-01898: too many precision specifiers

OCI-01898: too many precision specifiers

Cause: While trying to truncate or round dates, extra data was found in the date format picture

Action: Check the syntax of the date format picture and retry.

OCI-01865: not a valid era

OCI-01865: not a valid era

Cause: Era input does not match a known era.

Action: Provide a valid era on input.

OCI-01864: the date is out of range for the current calendar

OCI-01864: the date is out of range for the current calendar

Cause: Your calendar doesn t extend to the specified date.

Action: Specify a date which is legal for this calendar.

OCI-01862: wrong number of digits for this format item

OCI-01862: wrong number of digits for this format item

Cause: The number of digits used for this format item is not equal to the number necessary for this format when specifying Format eXact ( FX ) for this item.

Action: Fill out this format item with leading zeros to the number necessary for this format. (This is generally the number of characters in the format code--DD needs 2 digits, for example. The exceptions are HH24 HH12, which both need 2, and J, which needs 9.)

OCI-01861: literal does not match format string

OCI-01861: literal does not match format string

Cause: Literals in the input must be the same length as literals in the format string (with the exception of leading whitespace). If the FX modifier has been toggled on, the literal must match exactly, with no extra whitespace.

Action: Correct the format string to match the literal.

OCI-01859: a non-alphabetic character was found where an alphabetic was expected

OCI-01859: a non-alphabetic character was found where an alphabetic was expected

Cause: The input data to be converted using a date format model was incorrect. The input data did not contain a letter where a letter was required by the format model.

Action: Fix the input data or the date format model to make sure the elements match in number and type. Then retry the operation.