QSM-02133: agg(expr) requires correspondng MIN(expr) function

QSM-02133: agg(expr) requires correspondng MIN(expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the MIN function on the same argument.

Action: Add the MIN function to the select list.

QSM-02132: agg(expr) requires correspondng COUNT(expr) function

QSM-02132: agg(expr) requires correspondng COUNT(expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the COUNT function on the same argument.

Action: Add the COUNT function to the select list.

QSM-02131: agg(expr) requires correspondng SUM(expr) function

QSM-02131: agg(expr) requires correspondng SUM(expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the SUM function on the same argument.

Action: Add the SUM function to the select list.

QSM-02130: expression not supported for fast refresh

QSM-02130: expression not supported for fast refresh

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references certain, complex expressions.

Action: Re-phrase the query to simplify the expression.

QSM-02129: join or filter condition(s) are complex

QSM-02129: join or filter condition(s) are complex

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a complex join or filter condition.

Action: Re-phrase the query to simplify the join or filter condition.

QSM-02128: does not meet the requirements of a primary key mv

QSM-02128: does not meet the requirements of a primary key mv

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view fails to meet the requirements of a primary key materialized view.

Action: Examine the relevant primary key materialized view replication documentation and address the problem.

QSM-02127: not supported for this type mv by Oracle version at master site

QSM-02127: not supported for this type mv by Oracle version at master site

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain constructs and references an older version, remote Oracle instance.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the construct or upgrade the remote Oracle instance.

QSM-02126: no rowid at master site

QSM-02126: no rowid at master site

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a remote site that does not support rowids.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the remote site.

QSM-02125: subquery join conditions don t meet requirements for capability

QSM-02125: subquery join conditions don t meet requirements for capability

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a subquery in a join in this way.

Action: Examine the relevant replication documentation concerning subquery materialized views and address the problem.

QSM-02124: object type in WHERE clause

QSM-02124: object type in WHERE clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references an object type in the WHERE clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the object type.

QSM-02123: subquery and UNION mv s must be primary key mv s

QSM-02123: subquery and UNION mv s must be primary key mv s

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view is not a primary key materialized view and uses subqueries or the union operator in this context.

Action: Re-create the materialized view as a primary key materialized view.

QSM-02122: compatibility mode must be 8.1 or higher

QSM-02122: compatibility mode must be 8.1 or higher

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the compatibility mode is less than 8.1.

Action: Set the compatibility mode to 8.1 or higher.

QSM-02121: set operator in a context not supported for fast refresh

QSM-02121: set operator in a context not supported for fast refresh

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a set operator in this context.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the set operator.

QSM-02120: compatibility mode must be 9.0 or higher

QSM-02120: compatibility mode must be 9.0 or higher

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the compatibility mode is less than 9.0.

Action: Set the compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher.

QSM-02119: internal error while analyzing required supporting aggregates

QSM-02119: internal error while analyzing required supporting aggregates

Cause: An internal Oracle error has occurred.

Action: Report the problem through your normal support channels.

QSM-02118: duplicate grouping sets

QSM-02118: duplicate grouping sets

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view redundantly references grouping sets.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the redundant grouping sets.

QSM-02117: missing GROUPING_ID or GROUPING functions on GROUP BY column(s)

QSM-02117: missing GROUPING_ID or GROUPING functions on GROUP BY column(s)

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses grouping sets but omits the relevant GROUPING_ID or GROUPING functions.

Action: Re-phrase the query to include the relevant GROUPING_ID or GROUPING functions.

QSM-02116: mupltiple master sites

QSM-02116: mupltiple master sites

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references multiple remote objects that reside at different remote instances.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of multiple master sites.

QSM-02115: mv references a remote object and is refreshed ON COMMIT

QSM-02115: mv references a remote object and is refreshed ON COMMIT

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a remote object and is refreshed ON COMMIT.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the remote object or alter the materialized view to be refreshed ON DEMAND.

QSM-02114: no GROUP BY clause, no aggregates and not lamp;gt;= 9.0 compatibility

QSM-02114: no GROUP BY clause, no aggregates and not lamp;gt;= 9.0 compatibility

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view has no GROUP BY clause, no aggregates and compatibility mode is less than 9.0.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the include a GROUP BY clause or an aggregate function. Or set compatibility mode to 9.0 or greater.

QSM-02113: expression in select list references multiple tables or views

QSM-02113: expression in select list references multiple tables or views

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view includes an expression in the select list that references multiple tables or views.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the such expressions.

QSM-02112: top level query has LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER or FULL OUTER join

QSM-02112: top level query has LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER or FULL OUTER join

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses these types of joins.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of these types of joins.

QSM-02106: mv uses a filter condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause

QSM-02106: mv uses a filter condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view includes a filter condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of filter conditions in the WHERE or HAVING clauses.

QSM-02104: aggregate function in a filter condition in the HAVING clause

QSM-02104: aggregate function in a filter condition in the HAVING clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references an aggregate function in a filter condition in the HAVING clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of aggregates in filter conditions in the HAVING clause.

QSM-02102: mv FROM list references an object in the SYS schema

QSM-02102: mv FROM list references an object in the SYS schema

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references an object in the SYS schema.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the SYS schema.

QSM-02101: mv references a synonym in the FROM list

QSM-02101: mv references a synonym in the FROM list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a synonym in the FROM list.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the synonym.

QSM-02099: mv references a remote table or view in the FROM list

QSM-02099: mv references a remote table or view in the FROM list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a remote table or view in the FROM list.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid references to remote tables or views.

QSM-02096: mv references a named view

QSM-02096: mv references a named view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a view.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid references to views.

QSM-02093: mv uses an object REF clause

QSM-02093: mv uses an object REF clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses an object REF clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of an object REF clause.

QSM-02092: mv references a sequence number

QSM-02092: mv references a sequence number

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a sequence number.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to sequence numbers.

QSM-02091: mv references a non-repeatable or session-sensitive expression

QSM-02091: mv references a non-repeatable or session-sensitive expression

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses an expression that may not return the same value each time it is invoked against the same set of rows or that may return different values depending on session parameters.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of such expressions.

QSM-02090: SELECT includes an expression that is not just a column

QSM-02090: SELECT includes an expression that is not just a column

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses an expression in the select list that is not a simple column reference.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the expressions that are not simple column references.

QSM-02088: mv omits at least one grouping key from the select list

QSM-02088: mv omits at least one grouping key from the select list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view omits any grouping expressions from the select list.

Action: Include all GROUP BY expressions in the select list.

QSM-02086: mv uses the MIN or MAX aggregate functions

QSM-02086: mv uses the MIN or MAX aggregate functions

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the MIN or MAX function.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the MIN or MAX functions.

QSM-02084: DISTINCT clause on a duplicate sensitive aggregate function

QSM-02084: DISTINCT clause on a duplicate sensitive aggregate function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the DISTINCT clause in this context.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the DISTINCT clause.

QSM-02083: mv references PL or SQL function that maintains state

QSM-02083: mv references PL or SQL function that maintains state

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a PL or SQL function that maintains state and which may not return the same value every time it is invoked against the same set of rows.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid such a PL or SQL function. Or modify the PL or SQL function to avoid state maintenance and change its declaration accordingly.

QSM-02082: problem with mv log

QSM-02082: problem with mv log

Cause: The capability in question is not supported because of a problem the materialized view log in question.

Action: Examine the relevant materialized view log and fast refresh documentation in the Warehouse Guide and address the problem.

QSM-02081: mv log does not have all necessary columns

QSM-02081: mv log does not have all necessary columns

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized view log omits columns referenced in the select list of the materialized view.

Action: Re-create the materialized view log and include all columns referenced in the select list.

QSM-02080: mv log must have primary key

QSM-02080: mv log must have primary key

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized view log omits primary keys.

Action: Re-create the materialized view log using the PRIMARY KEY clause.

QSM-02079: mv log must have ROWID

QSM-02079: mv log must have ROWID

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized view log omits ROWIDs.

Action: Re-create the materialized view log using the ROWID clause.

QSM-02078: mv log must have new values

QSM-02078: mv log must have new values

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized view log omits new values.

Action: Re-create the materialized view log using the NEW VALUES clause.

QSM-02077: mv log is newer than last full refresh

QSM-02077: mv log is newer than last full refresh

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized view log was created after the creation or most recent complete refresh of the materialized view.

Action: Perform a complete refresh of the materialized view.

QSM-02076: sequence number in the mv log is newer than last refresh

QSM-02076: sequence number in the mv log is newer than last refresh

Cause: The timestamp of the sequence number in the mv log was after the last refresh time.

Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh.

QSM-02075: materialized view on synonym

QSM-02075: materialized view on synonym

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a synonym, if the compatible parameter is earlier than 10.2.0.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the synonyms.

QSM-02074: materialized view over Heterogeneous Services link

QSM-02074: materialized view over Heterogeneous Services link

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a heterogeneous link.

Action: Re-design the materialized view to avoid the use of the heterogeneous links.

QSM-02073: non-primary key RepAPI mv is not fast refreshable

QSM-02073: non-primary key RepAPI mv is not fast refreshable

Cause: Fast refresh is supported for RepAPI materialized views only if it is also a primary key materialized view.

Action: Re-design the materialized view to be a primary key materialized view.

QSM-02072: requirements not satisfied for fast refresh of nested mv

QSM-02072: requirements not satisfied for fast refresh of nested mv

Cause: The capability in question is not supported because one or more of the requirements for this capability have not been satisfied.

Action: Examine the relevant nested materialized view documentation in the Warehouse Guide and address the problem.

QSM-02071: internal error: undefined PCT failure code

QSM-02071: internal error: undefined PCT failure code

Cause: An internal Oracle error has occurred.

Action: Report the problem through your normal support channels.

QSM-02070: PCT not supported with this type of partitioning

QSM-02070: PCT not supported with this type of partitioning

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the table in question uses certain types of partitioning.

Action: Re-phrase the query to reference a table that is uses a type of partitioning that is supported for this capability.

QSM-02069: PCT not supported with multi-column partition key

QSM-02069: PCT not supported with multi-column partition key

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the table in is partitioned on a multi-column key.

Action: Re-phrase the query to reference a table partitioned on a single column key.

QSM-02068: relation is not a partitioned table

QSM-02068: relation is not a partitioned table

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relation in question is not a partitioned table.

Action: Change the query to reference a partitioned table.

QSM-02067: no partition key or PMARKER or join dependent expression in select list

QSM-02067: no partition key or PMARKER or join dependent expression in select list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view unless the select list (and group by list if a GROUP BY clause is present) includes the partition key or PMARKER function reference to the table in question or an expression join dependent on the partitioning column of the table in question.

Action: Add the partition key or a PMARKER function reference or a join dependent expression to the select list (and the GROUP BY clause, if present).

QSM-02066: Oracle error: see RELATED_NUM and RELATED_TEXT for details

QSM-02066: Oracle error: see RELATED_NUM and RELATED_TEXT for details

Cause: The capability in question is not supported because an attempt to create the materialized view would result in an error.

Action: Examine the associated Oracle error code in the RELATED_NUM column and the Oracle error text in the RELATED_TEXT column and address the problem.

QSM-02064: subquery in mv

QSM-02064: subquery in mv

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a subquery.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the subqueries.

QSM-02063: aggregate function in mv

QSM-02063: aggregate function in mv

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses an aggregate function.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the aggregate functions.

QSM-02062: GROUP BY clause in mv

QSM-02062: GROUP BY clause in mv

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the GROUP BY clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the GROUP BY clause.

QSM-02061: one or more joins present in mv

QSM-02061: one or more joins present in mv

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view contains joins.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the joins.

QSM-02059: join may produce duplicate rows in mv

QSM-02059: join may produce duplicate rows in mv

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view contains a join condition that can result in duplicate rows in the materialized view.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the occurrence of duplicate rows in the materialized view.

QSM-02058: set operator in mv and compatibility mode is less than 9.0

QSM-02058: set operator in mv and compatibility mode is less than 9.0

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a set operator and the compatibility mode is less than 9.0.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of set operators or set the compatibility mode to 9.0 or greater.

QSM-02057: ROWNUM referenced in mv

QSM-02057: ROWNUM referenced in mv

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references the ROWNUM function.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the ROWNUM function.