NNL-00235: Auto-refresh failure-retry expiration period is now string

NNL-00235: Auto-refresh failure-retry expiration period is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00234: Auto-refresh failure-retry expiration period is currently string

NNL-00234: Auto-refresh failure-retry expiration period is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00233: Auto-refresh failure-retry interval is now string

NNL-00233: Auto-refresh failure-retry interval is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00232: Auto-refresh failure-retry interval is currently string

NNL-00232: Auto-refresh failure-retry interval is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00231: Controller NOCONFIRM mode is now string

NNL-00231: Controller NOCONFIRM mode is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00230: Controller NOCONFIRM mode is currently string

NNL-00230: Controller NOCONFIRM mode is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00229: Request-processing delay is now disabled

NNL-00229: Request-processing delay is now disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00228: Request-processing delay is now string

NNL-00228: Request-processing delay is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00227: Request-processing delay is currently disabled

NNL-00227: Request-processing delay is currently disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00226: Current request-processing delay is string

NNL-00226: Current request-processing delay is string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00225: Currently managing name server string

NNL-00225: Currently managing name server string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00224: Scheduled statistic counters to be logged in string

NNL-00224: Scheduled statistic counters to be logged in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00223: Statistic counters are next logged in string

NNL-00223: Statistic counters are next logged in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00222: Statistic counter logging is now disabled

NNL-00222: Statistic counter logging is now disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00221: Statistic counter logging interval is now string

NNL-00221: Statistic counter logging interval is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00220: Statistic counter logging is currently disabled

NNL-00220: Statistic counter logging is currently disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00219: Statistic counter logging interval is currently string

NNL-00219: Statistic counter logging interval is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00218: Ignoring spurious trailing text string

NNL-00218: Ignoring spurious trailing text string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00217: Controller is sleeping for number seconds

NNL-00217: Controller is sleeping for number seconds

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00216: Disabled auto-refresh for specified index number

NNL-00216: Disabled auto-refresh for specified index number

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00215: Scheduled specified index number s next auto-refresh to occur in string

NNL-00215: Scheduled specified index number s next auto-refresh to occur in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00214: Next auto-refresh for specified index number occurs in string

NNL-00214: Next auto-refresh for specified index number occurs in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00213: No entry with specified index number, try SHOW SYSTEM_ QUERIES

NNL-00213: No entry with specified index number, try SHOW SYSTEM_ QUERIES

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00212: Cache checkpointing is now disabled

NNL-00212: Cache checkpointing is now disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00211: Cache checkpoint interval is now string

NNL-00211: Cache checkpoint interval is now string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00210: Cache checkpointing is currently disabled

NNL-00210: Cache checkpointing is currently disabled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00209: Cache checkpoint interval is currently string

NNL-00209: Cache checkpoint interval is currently string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00208: Cancelled reload check

NNL-00208: Cancelled reload check

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00207: Scheduled reload check to occur in string

NNL-00207: Scheduled reload check to occur in string

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

NNL-00206: No reload check currently scheduled

NNL-00206: No reload check currently scheduled

Cause: Control program general message.

Action: None.

DRG-10502: index string does not exist

DRG-10502: index string does not exist

Cause: the specified index does not exist or you do not have access to it.

Action: Specify an existing index

DRG-10501: invalid stopword: string

DRG-10501: invalid stopword: string

Cause: The stopword specified cound be lexed into multiple tokens with current lexer preference

Action: Check lexer preference and Respecifies the stopword

DRG-10500: CREATE_INDEX failed: column spec string

DRG-10500: CREATE_INDEX failed: column spec string

Cause: failed to create text index on the specified column

Action: See the next errors on stack and take appropriate action

DRG-10315: logging is not supported on MTS

DRG-10315: logging is not supported on MTS

Cause: You tried to start logging on MTS

Action: none

DRG-10314: logging has not been started

DRG-10314: logging has not been started

Cause: You tried to stop logging even though logging has not been started

Action: Start logging first, or ignore

DRG-10313: logging has already been started

DRG-10313: logging has already been started

Cause: You tried to start logging even though logging has already been started

Action: Stop logging first, or ignore

DRG-10312: logfile name must be specified

DRG-10312: logfile name must be specified

Cause: You tried to start logging without specifying a logfile name

Action: Specify a logfile name

DRG-10311: remote send not supported

DRG-10311: remote send not supported

Cause: You tried to specify a database link in an index specification

Action: Specify only local index names

DRG-10310: servers were shutdown before processing request

DRG-10310: servers were shutdown before processing request

Cause: The command could not be completed because the servers were shut down or terminated before processing the request.

Action: Start another server with the correct personality mask.

DRG-10309: not enough job queue processes

DRG-10309: not enough job queue processes

Cause: Could not process command because no servers with the correct personality mask are running.

Action: increase the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES initialization parameter or reduce the parallel degree for this statement.

DRG-10308: no server with the required string personality mask is running

DRG-10308: no server with the required string personality mask is running

Cause: Could not process command because no servers are running with the correct personality mask.

Action: Start some servers with correct personality mask.

DRG-10307: no servers running

DRG-10307: no servers running

Cause: Could not process command because no servers are running with the correct personality mask.

Action: Start some servers with correct personality mask.

DRG-10306: server terminated unexpectedly while processing command

DRG-10306: server terminated unexpectedly while processing command

Cause: The server shutdown during execution of your command. This could be caused by a shutdown abort, or by an internal error in the server.

Action: If the server terminated had an internal error, contact customer support.

DRG-10305: pipe string is full

DRG-10305: pipe string is full

Cause: Could not send command to pipe, because the pipe was full

Action: Check if any servers are running to process the commands on that pipe

DRG-10304: unexpected error sending command(s) to Oracle Text server

DRG-10304: unexpected error sending command(s) to Oracle Text server

Cause: There was an unexpected error sending command(s) to server

Action: Call customer support.

DRG-10303: could not queue given commands to be processed

DRG-10303: could not queue given commands to be processed

Cause: The given command or commands could not (all) be queued. This could indicate an extremely high system load, but it is more likely an internal error.

Action: Check if any servers are running to process the command.

DRG-10302: interrupted waiting for responses from servers

DRG-10302: interrupted waiting for responses from servers

Cause: User interrupted the request before it was completed

Action: Restart the request

DRG-10301: timed out waiting for responses from servers

DRG-10301: timed out waiting for responses from servers

Cause: Not enough servers are running to handle the current system load, and a large backlog of commands has accumulated; perhaps no servers are running. This message could also indicate an internal error where one of the servers has crashed trying to process a given request

Action: Check that enough servers are running, and that they are processing commands of the correct type. For instance, a DDL command might timeout if all the servers are setup to exclusively process query commands. Also, check the server log files.

DRG-10206: failed to perform recovery for a server or client

DRG-10206: failed to perform recovery for a server or client

Cause: Contact oracle support

Action: Contact oracle support

DRG-10205: server deregister failed

DRG-10205: server deregister failed

Cause: the attempt to deregister the server from the data dictionary failed

Action: look at the next error on the stack

DRG-10204: server update failed

DRG-10204: server update failed

Cause: the attempt to update the server failed

Action: look at the next error on the stack

DRG-10203: server named string does not exist

DRG-10203: server named string does not exist

Cause: update was called with the name of a server that does not exist

Action: correct the name of the server

DRG-10202: server failed to register

DRG-10202: server failed to register

Cause: the server failed to register itself with the data dictionary

Action: look at the next error on the stack

DRG-10200: invalid server personality mask: string

DRG-10200: invalid server personality mask: string

Cause: the specification for the server personality mask is invalid

Action: check the documentation and specify the correct mask

DRG-10103: illegal value for argument: string

DRG-10103: illegal value for argument: string

Cause: an illegal value was passed to this argument

Action: check the documentation for the legal values for this argument

DRG-10102: mandatory argument missing: string

DRG-10102: mandatory argument missing: string

Cause: this argument is mandatory

Action: re-execute the command and specify the argument

DRG-10101: no value for argument: string

DRG-10101: no value for argument: string

Cause: this argument requires value(s)

Action: re-execute the command with the correct argument value(s)

DRG-10100: invalid argument found: string

DRG-10100: invalid argument found: string

Cause: invalid command argument was specified

Action: check the documentation for the legal arguments and re-execute the command

DRG-10017: you must be string to do this: string

DRG-10017: you must be string to do this: string

Cause: you tried to modify an object which you have no privilege

Action: have the owner modify the object

DRG-10016: you must be the owner to modify this object

DRG-10016: you must be the owner to modify this object

Cause: you tried to modify an object which you do not own

Action: have the owner modify the object