PLS-00542: CLOB and NCLOB cannot use varying-width character sets in the server

PLS-00542: CLOB and NCLOB cannot use varying-width character sets in the server

Cause: A server type is being created with an embedded CLOB or NCLOB atttribute which uses a varying-width character set.

Action: Use VARCHAR2 instead of CLOB, or use a fixed-width character set.

PLS-00541: size or length specified is too large.

PLS-00541: size or length specified is too large.

Cause: A length or size that is too large was specified for a data item.

Action: Specify a smaller value and retry the operation.

PLS-00540: object not supported in this context.

PLS-00540: object not supported in this context.

Cause: An object was declared inside a local scope (Function, Procedure, or anonymous block), or in a package scope which is not supported.

Action: Declare the type in a global or data base scope.

PLS-00539: subprogram string is declared in an object type body and must be defined in the object type specification

PLS-00539: subprogram string is declared in an object type body and must be defined in the object type specification

Cause: The specified subprogram is declared in an object type s body, but is not defined in the object type s specification. Notice cursor bodies can exist without a specification.

Action: Define the subprogram in the object type s specification, or remove the declaration from the body.

PLS-00538: subprogram or cursor string is declared in an object type specification and must be defined in the object type body

PLS-00538: subprogram or cursor string is declared in an object type specification and must be defined in the object type body

Cause: The specified subprogram is declared in an object type s specification, but is not defined in the object type body.

Action: Define the subprogram in the object type body, or remove the declaration from the specification.

PLS-00537: A VARRAY must have a positive limit

PLS-00537: A VARRAY must have a positive limit

Cause: A VARRAY type was declared with a non-positive limit, for example VARRAY(0).

Action: Declare the VARRAY with a positive limit and retry the operation.

PLS-00536: Navigation through REF variables is not supported in PL or SQL.

PLS-00536: Navigation through REF variables is not supported in PL or SQL.

Cause: The expression of the form refvar.field was entered. This is not supported in PL or SQL, ver 8.0.

Action: none

PLS-00535: A VARRAY type may not contain a NESTED TABLE, VARRAY or LOB

PLS-00535: A VARRAY type may not contain a NESTED TABLE, VARRAY or LOB

Cause: An attempt was made to do one of the following: define a VARRAY type containing a nested collection type or LOB or define a VARRAY type of an object type that has a nested attribute which is one of NESTED TABLE, VARRAY or LOB type.

Action: Check the VARRAY definitions to be sure that they do not contain nested colection types, LOBs or nested attributes.

PLS-00534: A Table type may not contain a nested table type or VARRAY.

PLS-00534: A Table type may not contain a nested table type or VARRAY.

Cause: An attempt was made to do one of the following: define a table type which contained nested collection types. or define an object table that has (perhaps nested) another table type or VARRAY type.

Action: Check the table definitions to be sure that they do not contain nested tables or VARRAYs.

PLS-00533: Tables of non_queryable types are not supported.

PLS-00533: Tables of non_queryable types are not supported.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a table of a type which cannot be queried. Tables of such types are not supported.

Action: Create an object type containing the non-queryable type. Then create a table of the object type.

PLS-00532: Target of REF must be a complete or incomplete object type.

PLS-00532: Target of REF must be a complete or incomplete object type.

Cause: The target of a REF can only be a complete or an incomplete object type.

Action: If a REF is to be used, change the type; otherwise, remove the REF.

PLS-00531: Unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE type: string .

PLS-00531: Unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE type: string .

Cause: An attempt was made to use an unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE type.

Action: Use only supported types in a VARRAY or TABLE type.

PLS-00530: Illegal type used for object type attribute: string .

PLS-00530: Illegal type used for object type attribute: string .

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid type for an object type attribute.

Action: Use only supported types for the object type attribute.

PLS-00529: Bad column name string in INSERT statement (must be an identifier)

PLS-00529: Bad column name string in INSERT statement (must be an identifier)

Cause: In an INSERT statement, an attempt was made to use a column name that is not an identifier. In any INSERT statement with explicit column list a column name must be a simple identifier.

Action: Rewrite the INSERT statement, using a simple identifier for the column name.

PLS-00528: The parameters to an ORDER function must have IN mode

PLS-00528: The parameters to an ORDER function must have IN mode

Cause: You declared parameter to an ORDER function to have OUT or IN OUT mode.

Action: Correct the parameter to use IN mode only.

PLS-00527: MAP or ORDER functions require a PRAGMA RESTRICT_ REFERENCES specifying :WNDS,WNPS,RNPS,RNDS.

PLS-00527: MAP or ORDER functions require a PRAGMA RESTRICT_ REFERENCES specifying :WNDS,WNPS,RNPS,RNDS.

Cause: Either a PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES was not specified or it was specified without one of the following: WNDS, WNPS, RNPS, or RNDS.

Action: Add or correct the PRAGMA and retry the operation.

PLS-00526: A MAP or ORDER function is required for comparing objects in PL or SQL.

PLS-00526: A MAP or ORDER function is required for comparing objects in PL or SQL.

Cause: Within stand alone PL or SQL, an attempt was made to compare objects without a map or order function.

Action: Provide a map or order function and retry the operation.

PLS-00525: Within SQL statements, only equality comparisons of objects are allowed without a map or order function.

PLS-00525: Within SQL statements, only equality comparisons of objects are allowed without a map or order function.

Cause: A map or order function was not provided for a relational comparison. Only equality comparisons may be used when a map or order function is not supplied.

Action: Supply either a map or order function for the object. Otherwise change the program to use only equality comparisons.

PLS-00524: The parameter type in an ORDER method must be the containing object type.

PLS-00524: The parameter type in an ORDER method must be the containing object type.

Cause: An order member function was declared without the user- specified parameter. Order member functions have two parameters, one is the default SELF parameter which is added by the compiler. the second parameter is added by the user and must declare an order method which must be the same type as the containing object type.

Action: Check and correct the way the parameter is specified.

PLS-00523: ORDER methods must return an INTEGER.

PLS-00523: ORDER methods must return an INTEGER.

Cause: An order member function was written such that it returns something other than an integer type.

Action: Rewrite the ORDER method such that it returns an integer type.

PLS-00522: MAP methods must return a scalar type.

PLS-00522: MAP methods must return a scalar type.

Cause: The MAP member function was written such that it returns something other than a scalar type.

Action: Rewrite the MAP function such that it returns a scalar type.

PLS-00521: ORDER methods must be declared with 1 (one) parameter in addition to (optional) SELF.

PLS-00521: ORDER methods must be declared with 1 (one) parameter in addition to (optional) SELF.

Cause: An order member function was declared without the user-specified parameter. Order member functions have two parameters, one is the default SELF parameter which is added by the compiler. the second parameter is added by the user and must declare an order method which must be the same type as the containing object type.

Action: Check and correct the way the parameter is specified.

PLS-00520: MAP methods must be declared without any parameters other than (optional) SELF.

PLS-00520: MAP methods must be declared without any parameters other than (optional) SELF.

Cause: A MAP member function was declared with a parameter. Map member functions can have only one parameter: the default SELF parameter. Map methods must be declared without any parameters. The compiler adds the SELF parameter.

Action: Remove the parameter from the map member function.

TNS-00259: Disabled Interchange list:

TNS-00259: Disabled Interchange list:

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None.

TNS-00258: Number of Failed Requests : number

TNS-00258: Number of Failed Requests : number

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None.

TNS-00257: Number of Successful Requests : number

TNS-00257: Number of Successful Requests : number

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None.

TNS-00256: Status of Navigator:

TNS-00256: Status of Navigator:

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None.

TNS-00255: Closing down log, stopping Navigator

TNS-00255: Closing down log, stopping Navigator

Cause: Log message when Navigator is stopped.

Action: None.

TNS-00254: Navigator has been stopped

TNS-00254: Navigator has been stopped

Cause: Message sent to Interchange control program by Navigator confirming it has been stopped.

Action: None.

TNS-00253: Error in reading network configuration data from file string with error string

TNS-00253: Error in reading network configuration data from file string with error string

Cause: TNSNET.ORA is poorly configured or nonexistent.

Action: Check to make sure that TNSNET.ORA is properly configured.

TNS-00252: Unable to handle route request: string

TNS-00252: Unable to handle route request: string

Cause: Command requested did not exist.

Action: None.

TNS-00251: Failure in nstest:

TNS-00251: Failure in nstest:

Cause: NS test operation failed due to internal error.

Action: If the problem persists there may be a network problem or resource limitations on the machine. If these do not seem to be causing the problem, call Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00250: Navigator has been started

TNS-00250: Navigator has been started

Cause: Message to log file on Navigator startup.

Action: None.

TNS-00249: Unable to read network configuration data from file string with error: string

TNS-00249: Unable to read network configuration data from file string with error: string

Cause: Network configuration file TNSNET.ORA is missing or poorly configured.

Action: Check to make sure that TNSNET.ORA is properly configured.

TNS-00248: Unable to get information from file :string: Exiting with NR error:number

TNS-00248: Unable to get information from file :string: Exiting with NR error:number

Cause: TNSNAV.ORA poorly configured or addresses provided are already being used by another application.

Action: Check the syntax of the TNSNAV.ORA file; if necessary, assign new addresses.

TNS-00247: Unable to allocate memory for configuration data from TNSNET.ORA file

TNS-00247: Unable to allocate memory for configuration data from TNSNET.ORA file

Cause: Navigator failed to allocate enough memory for TNSNET.ORA configuration file.

Action: Increase machine resources available for running the Interchange or remove some other running applications from the machine.

TNS-00246: Connection Manager: Failed to start tracing

TNS-00246: Connection Manager: Failed to start tracing

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None.

TNS-00245: Connection Manager: Failed to open log file

TNS-00245: Connection Manager: Failed to open log file

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None.

TNS-00244: Connection Manager: Request Failed

TNS-00244: Connection Manager: Request Failed

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None.

TNS-00243: Connection Manager: Tracing is now OFF

TNS-00243: Connection Manager: Tracing is now OFF

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None.

TNS-00242: Connection Manager: Tracing is now ON

TNS-00242: Connection Manager: Tracing is now ON

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None.

TNS-00241: Connection Manager: Logging is now OFF

TNS-00241: Connection Manager: Logging is now OFF

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None.

TNS-00240: Connection Manager: Logging is now ON

TNS-00240: Connection Manager: Logging is now ON

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None.

TNS-00239: Connection Manager has been stopped

TNS-00239: Connection Manager has been stopped

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None.

TNS-00238: Pump number : string:

TNS-00238: Pump number : string:

Cause: Prepended message to all pump log messages.

Action: None.

TNS-00237: Failed to refuse connection

TNS-00237: Failed to refuse connection

Cause: Connection may have aborted before error took place in Pump.

Action: None.

TNS-00236: Failed to initialize tracing

TNS-00236: Failed to initialize tracing

Cause: Pump failed to initialize tracing.

Action: Check that INTCHG.ORA is properly configured.

TNS-00235: Aborting connection: Protocol Apapter errors: string;number,number string;number,number

TNS-00235: Aborting connection: Protocol Apapter errors: string;number,number string;number,number

Cause: Pump aborting connection because connection has been up too long, or some other network error on the connection.

Action: None.

TNS-00234: Connect data for failed call: CALL DATA = string RECEIVE DATA = :string:

TNS-00234: Connect data for failed call: CALL DATA = string RECEIVE DATA = :string:

Cause: Connect data supplied for error 00233.

Action: None

TNS-00233: Interchange failed to make contact with destination with errors: string string string

TNS-00233: Interchange failed to make contact with destination with errors: string string string

Cause: Pump call to destination failed.

Action: Check destination.

TNS-00232: Unable to setup connection

TNS-00232: Unable to setup connection

Cause: Error log message sent from pump to indicate failure in initiating connection because of errors in the call string: network problem or resource limitations.

Action: None.

TNS-00231: Pump is alive

TNS-00231: Pump is alive

Cause: Pump log message sent to Interchange listener.

Action: None.

TNS-00230: Cannot start new pump process: string string Protocol Adapter errors:number

TNS-00230: Cannot start new pump process: string string Protocol Adapter errors:number

Cause: Unable to create a new process; possibly there are too many processes on the machine.

Action: Free machine resources by exiting other applications on the Interchange machine. If the problem continues you may need more memory on the machine. If you believe there are sufficient resources on the machine but the problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00229: Error in call: unable to deliver message :string: string string string

TNS-00229: Error in call: unable to deliver message :string: string string string

Cause: Destination for call is unavailable.

Action: None.

TNS-00228: Failure in finding pump data

TNS-00228: Failure in finding pump data

Cause: Internal problem with data passed back from pump.

Action: None.

TNS-00227: Unable to contact pump; Connection Manager declared pump dead

TNS-00227: Unable to contact pump; Connection Manager declared pump dead

Cause: A pump became an orphaned process. A protocol adapter is not working properly or machine network resources are being over used.

Action: This error is not immediately fatal; the orphaned pump may continue to function. Restart the Interchange when convenient. If the problem persists, call Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00226: Unable to contact pump number to send broadcast message string

TNS-00226: Unable to contact pump number to send broadcast message string

Cause: Could not call a particular pump.

Action: None, but if the problem persists call Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00225: Unable to bequeath connection to pump

TNS-00225: Unable to bequeath connection to pump

Cause: Unable to start a pump because either the executable cannot be found or too many processes aare currently running on a particular machine.

Action: Reduce the number of processes on the machine or increase the resources on the machine.

TNS-00224: No more connections available

TNS-00224: No more connections available

Cause: More connections were made to the Interchange than are configured in INTCHG.ORA.

Action: Wait until the Interchange is not as busy or change the number of connections allowed in INTCHG.ORA and restart the Interchange.

TNS-00223: numbernumbernumbernumber

TNS-00223: numbernumbernumbernumber

Cause: Part of status request.

Action: None