DRG-11209: filename for string exceeds maximum length of string

DRG-11209: filename for string exceeds maximum length of string

Cause: Value of the file name is too long

Action: Specify a shorter filename

DRG-11208: ORACLE_HOME is not set

DRG-11208: ORACLE_HOME is not set

Cause: ORACLE_HOME is not set

Action: make sure ORACLE_HOME is set when running ctxsrv

DRG-11207: user filter command exited with status string

DRG-11207: user filter command exited with status string

Cause: The user filter command exited with the given error status.

Action: See any DRG-11220, DRG-11221, DRG-11222, DRG-11223, DRG-11224,

DRG-11206: user filter command string could not be executed

DRG-11206: user filter command string could not be executed

Cause: The user filter command could not be executed.

Action: Check that the command exists in $ORACLE_HOME or ctx or bin, and that it is executable.

DRG-11205: user filter command contains illegal characters

DRG-11205: user filter command contains illegal characters

Cause: The user filter command cannot contain special characters such as slashes, parentheses, semicolons, etc.

Action: Correct command specification

DRG-11204: user filter command is too long

DRG-11204: user filter command is too long

Cause: The user filter command must be 32 characters or less

Action: Specify a shorted user filter command

DRG-11203: INSO filter not supported on this platform

DRG-11203: INSO filter not supported on this platform

Cause: You tried to use the INSO filter on a platform which does not support it

Action: Do not use the INSO filter

DRG-11132: Invalid character in logfile name

DRG-11132: Invalid character in logfile name

Cause: The logfile parameter to CTX_OUTPUT.START_LOG or CTX_ OUTPUT.START_QUERY_LOG contains an invalid character (such as a forward slash)

Action: Remove the invalid character

DRG-11131: Error from Oracle XML parser: string

DRG-11131: Error from Oracle XML parser: string

Cause: The Oracle XML parser reported an error

Action: Check the document for the error, and fix if necessary

DRG-11130: no data found in the collection

DRG-11130: no data found in the collection

Cause: feature preparation program can not find any feature in the specified collection

Action: check the setting for extracting features.

DRG-11129: the rule table is empty

DRG-11129: the rule table is empty

Cause: the rule table is empty

Action: populate the rule table by training

DRG-11128: invalid format of rule

DRG-11128: invalid format of rule

Cause: the rule format is not valid for this operation

Action: check the rule type and operation type

DRG-11127: inconsistent index policy with trained rule

DRG-11127: inconsistent index policy with trained rule

Cause: the ctxrule index policy is inconsistent with the policy in which the rule was trained

Action: change the ctxrule index policy

DRG-11126: context index is empty

DRG-11126: context index is empty

Cause: the training table is empty or the context index of training table is not populated

Action: populate the training table or context index

DRG-11125: invalid format of existing log file string

DRG-11125: invalid format of existing log file string

Cause: the file specified by START_LOG already exists, and is not a previously written log file

Action: specify a new file, or remove the existing file

DRG-11124: invalid value string

DRG-11124: invalid value string

Cause: you specified an invalid value

Action: specify a valid value

DRG-11123: theme indexing is not supported

DRG-11123: theme indexing is not supported

Cause: theme indexing is on in the lexer preference for functional contains

Action: turn off theme indexing

DRG-11122: unsupported section group

DRG-11122: unsupported section group

Cause: unsupported section group is specified for functional contains

Action: change the section group to NULL_SECTION_GROUP

DRG-11121: failed to read from file string

DRG-11121: failed to read from file string

Cause: failed to read from a file

Action: check whether the file exist or access permission available

DRG-11120: failed to write to file string

DRG-11120: failed to write to file string

Cause: failed to write to a file

Action: check whether the file exist or access permission available

DRG-11119: operation is not supported by this index type

DRG-11119: operation is not supported by this index type

Cause: You tried to invoke an operation on an index which is not supported by the index type

Action: none

DRG-11118: object string does not exist

DRG-11118: object string does not exist

Cause: You tried to modify or drop an object which does not exist

Action: Specify correct object name

DRG-11117: name is already used by an existing object

DRG-11117: name is already used by an existing object

Cause: You tried to create an object whose name conflicts with an object of that type which already exists

Action: Specify a new name

DRG-11116: value of string must be less than or equal to value of string

DRG-11116: value of string must be less than or equal to value of string

Cause: You specified values for the two parameters which are invalid

Action: Specify valid values for the parameters

DRG-11115: a value for string must be specified

DRG-11115: a value for string must be specified

Cause: You did not specify a value for the parameter

Action: Specify a value for the parameter

DRG-11114: result table format is not correct for this operation

DRG-11114: result table format is not correct for this operation

Cause: You specified a result table which has the wrong number, type, or names of columns for this operation.

Action: Check result table. Refer to the documentation for the correct format for each operation

DRG-11113: value of string must be one of string

DRG-11113: value of string must be one of string

Cause: You specified a value for the parameter which is invalid

Action: Specify a valid value for the parameter

DRG-11112: length of string exceeds maximum of string

DRG-11112: length of string exceeds maximum of string

Cause: You specified a value for the parameter which is too long

Action: Specify a value which is less than or equal to the maximum length

DRG-11111: value of string must be between string and string

DRG-11111: value of string must be between string and string

Cause: You specified a value for the parameter which is out of range

Action: Specify a value which is in the allowed range

DRG-11109: assigned lexer does not support string query operator

DRG-11109: assigned lexer does not support string query operator

Cause: This lexer does not support this query operator

Action: do not use the operator in your query

DRG-11108: invalid filename specified: string

DRG-11108: invalid filename specified: string

Cause: the filename specified is not valid

Action: check the filename for beginning or trailing spaces, invalid characters, or other such problems.

DRG-11107: invalid path specification: string

DRG-11107: invalid path specification: string

Cause: the path specified is not valid

Action: check the path specification

DRG-11106: user database session has terminated during this operation

DRG-11106: user database session has terminated during this operation

Cause: this database session does not exist or has terminated

Action: determine why the user database session terminated while the operation was still being carried out.

DRG-11104: Oracle Text error:

DRG-11104: Oracle Text error:

Cause: See the next error on stack

Action: See the next error on stack

DRG-11102: assigned lexer can not operate on string language setting

DRG-11102: assigned lexer can not operate on string language setting

Cause: Single byte lexer selected in multibyte language setting

Action: check RDBMS language setting or text columns lexer setting

DRG-11101: failed to open file string

DRG-11101: failed to open file string

Cause: failed to open a file

Action: check whether the file exist or access permission available

LSX-00343: ~S is not nillable

LSX-00343: ~S is not nillable

Cause: Attribute nillable was set to be false in element s declaration.

Action: Remove attribute xsi:nil from the instance document.

LSX-00342: value of attribute base must be a complex type definition

LSX-00342: value of attribute base must be a complex type definition

Cause: If the complexContent alternative is chosen, then the type definition resolved to by the actual value of the attribute base must be a complex type definition.

Action: Choose a complex type definition as its base type.

LSX-00341: ENTITY or ENTITIES type may only be used in attributes

LSX-00341: ENTITY or ENTITIES type may only be used in attributes

Cause: For compatibility, ENTITY or ENTITIES should be used only on attributes.

Action: Remove the ENTITY or ENTITIES.

LSX-00340: improper namespace value for the imported element

LSX-00340: improper namespace value for the imported element

Cause: If the namespace attribute is present, then its actual value must not match the actual value of the enclosing schema s targetNamespace attribute. If the namespace attribute is not present, then the enclosing schema must have a targetNamespace attribute.

Action: Match namespace value.

LSX-00333: literal ~S is not valid with respect to the pattern

LSX-00333: literal ~S is not valid with respect to the pattern

Cause: Literal is not valid with respect to the pattern.

Action: Choose correct characters in the literal.

LSX-00332: bad decimal digits in a quantifier specification

LSX-00332: bad decimal digits in a quantifier specification

Cause: Quatifier has invalid characters.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00331: missing comma

LSX-00331: missing comma

Cause: A comma is missing in a range specification.

Action: Add the missing characters.

LSX-00330: missing range start character

LSX-00330: missing range start character

Cause: Missing range start character in a character range specification.

Action: Add the missing characters.

LSX-00320: missing required elements in lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;alllamp;gt;

LSX-00320: missing required elements in lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;alllamp;gt;

Cause: Some required elements in all particle are missing.

Action: Add the missing elements.

LSX-00311: local element or attribute shouldn t be namespace qualified

LSX-00311: local element or attribute shouldn t be namespace qualified

Cause: Element or attribute name is namespace qualified.

Action: Remove prefix or default namespace URI declaration from itself or ancestors.

LSX-00310: local element or attribute should be namespace qualified

LSX-00310: local element or attribute should be namespace qualified

Cause: Element or attribute name is not namespace qualified.

Action: Add prefix or default namespace URI declaration.

LSX-00300: group must have name or ref but not both

LSX-00300: group must have name or ref but not both

Cause: ref or name attributes are either both missing or have both been specified.

Action: Specify either ref , name , but not both.

LSX-00295: field element ~S is not a simple type

LSX-00295: field element ~S is not a simple type

Cause: The field element evaluated to a node-set with a member that was not a simple type.

Action: Change the field element s type.

LSX-00294: field ~S produced multiple hits

LSX-00294: field ~S produced multiple hits

Cause: XPath expressions relative to each element selected by a {selector}are specified by {fields}. These XPath expressions must identify a single node (element or attribute) whose content or value was used in the constraint. This content or value must be of a simple type.

Action: Remove duplicate elements or attributes.

LSX-00293: missing one or more fields from element ~S

LSX-00293: missing one or more fields from element ~S

Cause: The required fields were missing from the content of the element.

Action: Add the fields.

LSX-00292: value ~1S is greater than maximum ~2S (~3S)

LSX-00292: value ~1S is greater than maximum ~2S (~3S)

Cause: Data has a value greater than maximum.

Action: Decrease the value.

LSX-00291: value ~1S is less than minimum ~2S (~3S)

LSX-00291: value ~1S is less than minimum ~2S (~3S)

Cause: Data has a value less than required minimum.

Action: Increase the value.

LSX-00290: invalid enumeration choice ~S

LSX-00290: invalid enumeration choice ~S

Cause: The value of the data is not one of the enumeration choice.

Action: Select one of the enumeration choice as its value.

LSX-00287: duplicate key ~S

LSX-00287: duplicate key ~S

Cause: The key value was not unique within its scope.

Action: Change the key value.

LSX-00286: duplicate key ~S for { ~S } ~S

LSX-00286: duplicate key ~S for { ~S } ~S

Cause: The key value was not unique within its scope.

Action: Change the key value.

LSX-00285: referenced key ~S is not defined

LSX-00285: referenced key ~S is not defined

Cause: Referenced key name is not defined within the schema scope.

Action: Define the key.

LSX-00284: duplicate constraint name ~S

LSX-00284: duplicate constraint name ~S

Cause: Each constraint declaration has a name which exists in a single symbol space for constraints.

Action: Choose a different name.

LSX-00283: referenced notation ~S is not defined

LSX-00283: referenced notation ~S is not defined

Cause: Referenced notation name is not defined within the schema scope.

Action: Define the element.

LSX-00282: duplicate notation name ~S

LSX-00282: duplicate notation name ~S

Cause: The name of the notation element is not unique within the schema scope.

Action: Rename the element.