TNS-00002: INTCTL: error while starting the Interchange

TNS-00002: INTCTL: error while starting the Interchange

Cause: of the problem. Be sure to turn tracing off when the problem has been rectified.

Action: Check the Interchange configuration files (INTCHG.ORA, TNSNET.ORA and TNSNAV.ORA) for errors and confirm that no other programs are using the ADDRESS(es) specified. If error continues, turn on tracing in the Interchange components and examine the trace files to determine the

TNS-00001: INTCTL: error while getting command line from the terminal

TNS-00001: INTCTL: error while getting command line from the terminal

Cause: Improper standard input connection from the terminal.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Start the INTCTL program again. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00000: Not An Error

TNS-00000: Not An Error

Cause: Everything is working as it should.

Action: Don t worry: Be happy.

PROT-00807: Please ensure you have file creation privileges in the above directory before running this tool.

PROT-00807: Please ensure you have file creation privileges in the above directory before running this tool.

Cause: ocrcheck called with incorrect or missing options

Action: Use ocrcheck with correct options

PROT-00715: Device or File integrity check failed n

PROT-00715: Device or File integrity check failed n

Cause: ocrcheck called

Action: None

PROT-00602: Failed to retrieve data from the cluster registry

PROT-00602: Failed to retrieve data from the cluster registry

Cause: Unable to retrieve necessary information from the cluster registry

Action: Check the availability of the cluster registry and the details of the failure from the log file

PROT-00601: Failed to initialize ocrcheck

PROT-00601: Failed to initialize ocrcheck

Cause: Unable to initialize and start ocrcheck

Action: Check log file for details about the failure

PROT-00415: Make sure you have file creation privileges in the above directory before running this tool.

PROT-00415: Make sure you have file creation privileges in the above directory before running this tool.

Cause: ocrdump called with incorrect or missing options

Action: Use ocrdump with correct options

PROT-00307: The specified key does not exist in cluster registry

PROT-00307: The specified key does not exist in cluster registry

Cause: Unable to retrieve the specified key from cluster registry

Action: Check log file for the key name

PROT-00306: Failed to retrieve cluster registry data

PROT-00306: Failed to retrieve cluster registry data

Cause: Unable to read cluster registry data

Action: Check log file for details about the failure

PROT-00305: Failed to write to dump file (string(

PROT-00305: Failed to write to dump file (string(

Cause: Unable to write to dump file while dumping cluster registry data

Action: Check access privilege or disk space of the requested path

PLW-06002: Unreachable code

PLW-06002: Unreachable code

Cause: Static program analysis determined that some code on the specified line would never be reached during execution. This may come as a result of expression evaluation at compile time.

Action: Inspect program logic for possible defects. Disable the warning if much code is made unreachable intentionally and the warning message is more annoying than helpful.

PLW-05006: shadow type generation resulted in warning: string

PLW-05006: shadow type generation resulted in warning: string

Cause: Compilation of a table function causes the creation of internally- generated types. A problem occurred during creation of these types which was not severe enough to prevent the creation of the types, but which may impact the usage of the table function. See the accompanying error message for more information.

Action: Fix the issue reported in the accompanying error message.

PLW-05005: function string returns without value at line string

PLW-05005: function string returns without value at line string

Cause: The function exited without a return value. Return statements are required for all PL or SQL functions.

Action: Inspect the function source code for exit points, and place a return at each point so that no runtime error will be generated when the function exits. NLS_ DO_NOT_TRANSLATE (5400,5401(

PLW-05004: identifier string is also declared in STANDARD or is a SQL builtin

PLW-05004: identifier string is also declared in STANDARD or is a SQL builtin

Cause: The indicated identifier was also either: o) declared in package STANDARD, or o) a SQL builtin function, or o) a pseudo-column. This situation can result in name resolution issues since the STANDARD or builtin declaration will be chosen over the local declaration in SQL statements; however the local declaration will be chosen over the STANDARD or builtin declaration outside SQL scope. (See the documentation on PL or SQL name resolution.)

Action: Either: o) rename the given identifier, o) qualify any references to the identifier with the containing scope s name, or o) make sure the intended resolution occurs if using the identifier in SQL scope.

PLW-05003: same actual parameter(string and string) at IN and NOCOPY may have side effects

PLW-05003: same actual parameter(string and string) at IN and NOCOPY may have side effects

Cause: The indicated parameter was declared with the NOCOPY hint in the subprogram specification but not in the body, or it was declared with the NOCOPY hint in the body but not in the specification.

Action: Ensure that the specification and the body agree in their use of NOCOPY. If this mismatch is not corrected, the program will obey the declaration given in the specification, ignoring that in the body.

PLW-05001: previous use of string (at line string) conflicts with this use

PLW-05001: previous use of string (at line string) conflicts with this use

Cause: While looking for prior declarations of a variable, constant, or label, the compiler found another declaration with the same name in the same scope. Or, the headers of subprogram in a package specification and body were not identical.

Action: Check the spelling of the variable, constant, or label name. Also check the names of all parameters and exceptions declared in the same scope. Then, remove or rename the object with the duplicate name. Or, change the headers of the packaged subprogram in the package specification or body so that they are identical.

PLW-05000: mismatch in NOCOPY qualification between specification and body

PLW-05000: mismatch in NOCOPY qualification between specification and body

Cause: The indicated parameter was declared with the NOCOPY hint in the subprogram specification but not in the body, or it was declared with the NOCOPY hint in the body but not in the specification.

Action: Ensure that the specification and the body agree in their use of NOCOPY. If this mismatch is not corrected, the program will obey the declaration given in the specification, ignoring that in the body.

PLS-01913: : instance must of be of type string or one of its subtypes

PLS-01913: : instance must of be of type string or one of its subtypes

Cause: The run-time type of the instance is the not declared type or one of its subtypes. e.g. TREAT(supertype AS subtype) fails.

Action: Catch the exception.

PLS-01912: : instance must of be of type string

PLS-01912: : instance must of be of type string

Cause: The run-time type of the instance is not the declared type. e.g. If the return value of a user defined constructor is wrong.

Action: Return the correct type.

PLS-01911: : associative array key violates its type constraints

PLS-01911: : associative array key violates its type constraints

Cause: The key value of an element being inserted into an associative array violates the the key type constraints.

Action: Relax the constraints if the key value is meant to be acceptable. Otherwise, apply a valid key value when inserting an element.

PLS-01910: : associative array shape is not consistent with session parameters

PLS-01910: : associative array shape is not consistent with session parameters

Cause: NLS parameters affecting comparison of keys have been altered dynamically. The associative array s index is invalid.

Action: Avoid using associative arrays with string keys in applications which require frequent changes of NLS_COMP and or or NLS_SORT.

PLS-01909: : cannot assign supertype instance to subtype

PLS-01909: : cannot assign supertype instance to subtype

Cause: An attempt was made to assign or copy a supertype instance to a container (destination) that can only hold a subtype instance.

Action: Make sure the runtime type of the source of the assignment or copy is the same type as the destination or is a subtype of the destination type

PLS-01908: : RETURNING INTO buffer too small

PLS-01908: : RETURNING INTO buffer too small

Cause: PL or SQL determined that a server side DML with a RETURNING INTO clause does not use a buffer that is large enough to hold the data being returned.

Action: Increase the size of the RETURNING INTO clause buffer.

PLS-01907: : number precision too large

PLS-01907: : number precision too large

Cause: The number begin copied or assigned had too many digits to the left of the decimal and did not fit into its destination. In other words, there is a number precision mismatch. This error may also occur if, for example, an attempt is made to assign a character string to a number, as demonstrated below. a varchar2(4); b number(1,1); a := 10.1 ; b := a;

Action: First, check explicit number precision value mismatches. If none are found, then consider implicit conversions of other types to numbers, including conversions performed during binds.

PLS-01906: : raw variable length too long

PLS-01906: : raw variable length too long

Cause: The length of a raw variable being copied or assigned was too long to fit into its destination.

Action: Make sure the raw variable length is correct.

PLS-01905: : character string buffer too small

PLS-01905: : character string buffer too small

Cause: An error was encountered while moving a character string from a source to a destination. This error occurs if, for example, an attempt is made to move a a character string of 10 characters into a 1 character buffer. The cause of this error may not always be obvious. For example, the following will result in this error: a varchar2(1); b number; b := 10; a := b; An error results because an implicit conversion causes the number 10 to become the character string 10 , which does not fit in the character buffer of 1 allocated for the variable a.

Action: First, look for character string assignment statements where the buffer size is mismatched. If there are none found, then consider the implicit conversion case illustrated in the example above.

PLS-00608: the value of the USING clause must match that of the supertype

PLS-00608: the value of the USING clause must match that of the supertype

Cause: You were trying to create a SQLJ Object Type with a different value of the USING clause from the USING clause specified in its supertype.

Action: Change the value of the USING clause to match the USING clause in its supertype.

PLS-00607: SQLJ Object Types can have only SQLJ Types as its supertype or subtype

PLS-00607: SQLJ Object Types can have only SQLJ Types as its supertype or subtype

Cause: You were trying to create a SQLJ Object Type under a non-SQLJ Object Type.

Action: Recreate the type as a SQLJ Object Type.

PLS-00606: cursor subquery is not supported on client side in this release

PLS-00606: cursor subquery is not supported on client side in this release

Cause: A query that contains a cursor subquery is being used from client side.

Action: Use this feature from serevr side only.

PLS-00605: set operators are not yet supported as an argument to a MULTISET operator

PLS-00605: set operators are not yet supported as an argument to a MULTISET operator

Cause: A set operator was used in a subquery that was the argument to a MULTISET operator.

Action: Rewrite your SQL statement so that it does not use a set operator in the subquery that is the argument to the MULTISET operator.

PLS-00604: aggregate function is not allowed here

PLS-00604: aggregate function is not allowed here

Cause: One of the functions, such as AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, STDDEV or VARIANCE, was used in a WHERE or GROUP BY clause

Action: Remove the group function from the WHERE or GROUP BY clause. The desired result may be achieved by including the function in a subquery or HAVING clause.

PLS-00603: GROUPING function supported only with GROUP BY CUBE or ROLLUP

PLS-00603: GROUPING function supported only with GROUP BY CUBE or ROLLUP

Cause: User attempted to use the GROUPING function without GROUP BY CUBE or GROUP BY ROLLUP

Action: Avoid using the GROUPING function without GROUP BY CUBE or ROLLUP

PLS-00602: CUBE and ROLLUP may appear only in a GROUP BY clause

PLS-00602: CUBE and ROLLUP may appear only in a GROUP BY clause

Cause: User attempted to use the keywords CUBE or ROLLUP outside a GROUP BY clause

Action: Avoid using the keywords CUBE and ROLLUP outside the GROUP BY clause

PLS-00601: partition extended object names may only be used with tables

PLS-00601: partition extended object names may only be used with tables

Cause: User attempted to use a partition-extended object name with an object which is not a table.

Action: Avoid using partition-extended name syntax with objects which are not tables

PLS-00600: SAMPLE cannot be applied to a remote object

PLS-00600: SAMPLE cannot be applied to a remote object

Cause: SAMPLE applying to a remote object is not supported

Action: Do not use SAMPLE with a remote object

PLS-00599: SAMPLE percentage must be in the range (0.000001,100)

PLS-00599: SAMPLE percentage must be in the range (0.000001,100)

Cause: The percentage number is not in the range (0.000001,100)

Action: Use a percentage number in the range (0.000001,100)

PLS-00598: comparison of object with NULL using string is not allowed

PLS-00598: comparison of object with NULL using string is not allowed

Cause: An object is compared with NULL using a relational operator.

Action: Use IS NULL comparison operator.

PLS-00597: expression string in the INTO list is of wrong type

PLS-00597: expression string in the INTO list is of wrong type

Cause: This exception is raised for the following errors: legal SQL datatypes nor of PL or SQL RECORD datatype statement.

Action: Use expression with correct datatype in the INTO clause

PLS-00595: the TABLE operator is not allowed in this context

PLS-00595: the TABLE operator is not allowed in this context

Cause: This feature is not yet implemented.

Action: Don t use weak ref cursors with bulk binds.

PLS-00594: the SELF parameter can be declared only as IN or as IN OUT

PLS-00594: the SELF parameter can be declared only as IN or as IN OUT

Cause: The SELF parameter was declared as an OUT parameter.

Action: Declare the SELF parameter as either an IN or an IN OUT parameter.

PLS-00593: default value of parameter string in body must match that of spec

PLS-00593: default value of parameter string in body must match that of spec

Cause: The default value initialization of a parameter in a subprogram body contained in a package body did not match that of the corresponding subprogram specification in the corresponding package specification.

Action: Change the default initialization of the parameter in body to match that of spec.

PLS-00592: the type of a object table must be an object type

PLS-00592: the type of a object table must be an object type

Cause: You have defined a typed-table of a non-object type.

Action: Replace the non-object type with an object-type.

PLS-00591: this feature is not supported in client-side programs

PLS-00591: this feature is not supported in client-side programs

Cause: One of the following features was used in a wrong context: pragma AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION, dynamic SQL statements, (e.g. EXECUTE IMMEDIATE), and bulk binds. These listed features can only be used in server-side programs but not client-side programs.

Action: Remove it or define a server-side subprogram to do the work and call the subprogram from the client.

PLS-00590: attempting to create a subtype UNDER a FINAL type

PLS-00590: attempting to create a subtype UNDER a FINAL type

Cause: An attempt was made to create a subtype UNDER a FINAL type.

Action: Avoid deriving a subtype from this FINAL type.

PLS-00589: no attributes found in object type string

PLS-00589: no attributes found in object type string

Cause: Table of non adt type is defined.

Action: Table of type should be of ADT type only

PLS-00588: unqualified instance attribute references allowed only in member methods

PLS-00588: unqualified instance attribute references allowed only in member methods

Cause: An attempt was made to use the name of an object instance attribute in the body of a static method, or in an initialization default value on another attribute. If the instance attribute is not qualified with a particular object instance that supplies a value, the instance attribute can be named only when it is inside a member method.

Action: Qualify the attribute reference with the name of an object value, or change the containing method to a member method rather than a static method.

PLS-00587: a static method cannot be invoked on an instance value

PLS-00587: a static method cannot be invoked on an instance value

Cause: An attempt was made to use an object instance value, not a typename, as the qualifier of the name of a method invocation, but only a typename can be used as the qualifier when calling a static method.

Action: Use the typename, not an object instance value, to qualify the name of a method if the method is static.

PLS-00586: a static method cannot declare a parameter named SELF

PLS-00586: a static method cannot declare a parameter named SELF

Cause: An attempt was made to name a parameter SELF when declaring a static method. SELF is reserved as a parameter name in methods, to hold the object instance on which the method is applied. A parameter named SELF is not allowed in static methods because static methods do not apply to a particular object instance.

Action: Change the name of the parameter in the declaration.

PLS-00585: declared support library for opaque type is not a library

PLS-00585: declared support library for opaque type is not a library

Cause: An attempt was made to name a support library for an opaque type, but the name refers to an object that is not a library.

Action: Change the declaration to name a valid library.

PLS-00584: size of an opaque type must be between 1 and 4000 bytes

PLS-00584: size of an opaque type must be between 1 and 4000 bytes

Cause: An attempt was made to specify an explicit size for an opaque type, but the specified size was out of the valid range.

Action: Change the explicit size to be between 1 and 4000 bytes, or change the declaration to be varying-length without an explicit size.

PLS-00583: size must be specified if opaque type is fixed-length

PLS-00583: size must be specified if opaque type is fixed-length

Cause: An attempt was made to declare a fixed-length opaque type without specifying an explicit size.

Action: Specify an explicit size, or change the declaration to be varying-length.

TNS-00522: Operation was interrupted

TNS-00522: Operation was interrupted

Cause: An internal operation was interrupted and could not complete.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00521: Missing keyword

TNS-00521: Missing keyword

Cause: The supplied connect descriptor is missing one or more TNS keywords.

Action: Check the syntax, and ensure all required keywords are present.

TNS-00520: Syntax error

TNS-00520: Syntax error

Cause: The supplied connect descriptor contains illegal syntax.

Action: Check the syntax of the connect descriptor for correct syntax.

TNS-00519: Operating system resource quota exceeded

TNS-00519: Operating system resource quota exceeded

Cause: The current user has exceeded the allotted resource assigned in the operating system.

Action: Acquire more operating system resource, or perform a different function.

TNS-00518: Incomplete read or write

TNS-00518: Incomplete read or write

Cause: A data send or receive failed.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00517: Lost contact

TNS-00517: Lost contact

Cause: Partner has unexpectedly gone away.

Action: Investigate partner application for abnormal termination.

TNS-00516: Permission denied

TNS-00516: Permission denied

Cause: User has insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation.

Action: Acquire necessary privileges and try again.

TNS-00515: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

TNS-00515: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

Cause: The address specified is not valid, or the program being connected to does not exist.

Action: Ensure the ADDRESS parameters have been entered correctly; the most likely incorrect parameter is the node name. Ensure that the executable for the server exists (perhaps oracle is missing.)