QSM-01132: query has a named array type column

QSM-01132: query has a named array type column

Cause: When the query has a column of named array type, query rewrite cannot be done

Action: none

QSM-01131: query has ONLY_MULTIMV_REWRITE hint

QSM-01131: query has ONLY_MULTIMV_REWRITE hint

Cause: When the query has this hint no multimv rewrite will be done if the query has a query block with no MVs in the from clause

Action: Remove hint from query

QSM-01130: Multi MV rewrite not allowed if at least one query block has no MVs

QSM-01130: Multi MV rewrite not allowed if at least one query block has no MVs

Cause: When only multimv query rewrite is enabled, every query block should have at least one MV in it s from clause

Action: Disable only multimv query rewrite with ALTER SESSION SET _ONLY_ MULTIMV_QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED = false .

QSM-01129: query has NO_MULTIMV_REWRITE hint

QSM-01129: query has NO_MULTIMV_REWRITE hint

Cause: WHen the query has this hint no multimv rewrite will be tried for this query

Action: Remove hint from query

QSM-01128: Multi MV rewrite is disabled

QSM-01128: Multi MV rewrite is disabled

Cause: When multimv query rewrite is disabled, no multimv query rewrite will take place.

Action: Enable multimv query rewrite with ALTER SESSION SET _MULTIMV_ QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED = true .

QSM-01127: query rewritten with materialized view(s), string

QSM-01127: query rewritten with materialized view(s), string

Cause: The query was succesfully rewritten with multiple MVs

Action: none

QSM-01126: query rewritten with set operator materialized view, string

QSM-01126: query rewritten with set operator materialized view, string

Cause: The specified set operator materialized view was used to rewrite the given query.

Action: none

QSM-01125: a more optimal set operator materialized view than string was used to rewrite

QSM-01125: a more optimal set operator materialized view than string was used to rewrite

Cause: Query Rewrite always chooses the most optimal set operator materialized view based on parameters, such as cardinality of the set operator materialized view, number of branches that the set operator materialized view can rewrite etc. The set operator materialized view specified was found to be less optimal.

Action: To force using a set operator materialized view, consider using a rewrite hint.

QSM-01124: set operator materialized view, string, doesn t have a marker column

QSM-01124: set operator materialized view, string, doesn t have a marker column

Cause: The specified set operator materialized view does not have a marker column.

Action: Add a marker column to the specified materialized view.

QSM-01123: self-join algorithm could not resolve multiple instances

QSM-01123: self-join algorithm could not resolve multiple instances

Cause: The generalized self-join algorithm could not resolve the mutliple instances, likely due to mismatch in joins or measures

Action: Consider using aliases in the query to match with the aliases in the materialized view

QSM-01121: materialized view, string, is TRUSTED in ENFORCED integrity mode

QSM-01121: materialized view, string, is TRUSTED in ENFORCED integrity mode

Cause: A stale materialized view created with USING TRUSTED CONSTRAINTS clause cannot be used when the query rewrite integrity mode is set ENFORCED.

Action: Alter materialized view such that it has the ENFORCED CONSTRAINTS ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;mvlamp;gt; REFRESH USING ENFORCED CONSTRAINTS

QSM-01120: recursive rewrite not allowed here

QSM-01120: recursive rewrite not allowed here

Cause: This query was possibly rewritten with an equivalence which doesn t allow further rewrites.

Action: none

QSM-01116: window function computability checks failed

QSM-01116: window function computability checks failed

Cause: The window function in the query could not be computed from the materialized view.

Action: none

QSM-01115: rollup took place on a column with a window function

QSM-01115: rollup took place on a column with a window function

Cause: There was a rollup to aggregate the data on a column with a window function.

Action: none

QSM-01113: HAVING clause of mv, string, is more restrictive than query

QSM-01113: HAVING clause of mv, string, is more restrictive than query

Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding selection condition in the request query.

Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at least as restrictive as the selection criteria in the materialized view, or drop and recreate the materialized view using less restrictive selection criteria.

QSM-01112: WHERE clause of mv, string, is more restrictive than query

QSM-01112: WHERE clause of mv, string, is more restrictive than query

Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the WHERE clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding selection condition in the request query.

Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at least as restrictive as the selection criteria in the materialized view, or drop and recreate the materialized view using less restrictive selection criteria.

QSM-01111: no partition key or partition marker found in MV, string

QSM-01111: no partition key or partition marker found in MV, string

Cause: In order to do query rewrite with fresh partitions of an MV, the MV should have a partiton key or partition marker.

Action: none

QSM-01110: query rewrite not possible with materialized view string because it contains a join between tables (string) that is not present in the query and that potentially eliminates rows needed by the query

QSM-01110: query rewrite not possible with materialized view string because it contains a join between tables (string) that is not present in the query and that potentially eliminates rows needed by the query

Cause: All lossy joins in the materialized view must be present in the query for query rewrite to occur.

Action: none

QSM-01109: while rewriting with MV, string, table, string, migrated to query delta

QSM-01109: while rewriting with MV, string, table, string, migrated to query delta

Cause: There was an unmatched join on the MV, so a table involved in the join was pushed to the query delta to see if the query can be rewritten

Action: none

QSM-01108: maximum number of disjuncts exceeded in the query string

QSM-01108: maximum number of disjuncts exceeded in the query string

Cause: Query rewrite engine cannot process the query if the number of disjuncts (OR s)in the WHERE clause exceeds the maximum allowed number. The number of disjuncts in the query and the maximum allowed disjuncts are given at the end of the message in the form of (no of disjuncts in query, maximum disjuncts allowed).

Action: none

QSM-01107: Partition Containment Tracking (PCT) rewrite is not allowed

QSM-01107: Partition Containment Tracking (PCT) rewrite is not allowed

Cause: Query rewrite is disabled for PCT through a session parameter

Action: none

QSM-01106: materialized view, string, is stale with respect to some partition(s) in the base table(s)

QSM-01106: materialized view, string, is stale with respect to some partition(s) in the base table(s)

Cause: Query is requesting some data from the MV that are stale with respect to some partitions in the base tables due to some updates.

Action: refresh the stale partitions and rerun the query

QSM-01105: no primary key or row id in MV, string, is found for table, string

QSM-01105: no primary key or row id in MV, string, is found for table, string

Cause: In order to obtain a missing column, the materialized view needs to join back to the above table. But it lacks the primary key or rowid for the table.

Action: none

QSM-01104: query is using flashback

QSM-01104: query is using flashback

Cause: Query rewrite does not support flashback.

Action: none

QSM-01103: there is a remote table, string, referenced in the query

QSM-01103: there is a remote table, string, referenced in the query

Cause: Query rewrite does not support query with remote tables.

Action: none

QSM-01102: materialized view, string, requires join back to table, string, on column, string

QSM-01102: materialized view, string, requires join back to table, string, on column, string

Cause: A column in the query does not appear in the materialized view. Query rewrite will try to obtain this column from the base table, by doing a join back to that column with the MV.

Action: none

QSM-01101: rollup(s) took place on mv, string

QSM-01101: rollup(s) took place on mv, string

Cause: If query s GROUP BY has one of the higher levels of columns found in the materialized view, then the lower level columns in the materialized view will be rolled up to compute the desired results.

Action: none

QSM-01100: containment check failed for mv, string

QSM-01100: containment check failed for mv, string

Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding selection condition in the request query.

Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at least as restrictive as the selection criteria in the materialized view, or drop and recreate the materialized view using less restrictive selection criteria.

QSM-01099: non-tolerated reference to stale portion of mv for table string

QSM-01099: non-tolerated reference to stale portion of mv for table string

Cause: The materialized view is partially stale. It is stale with respect to one or more partitions in one or more of its detail tables. The request query references one or more such detail partitions.

Action: (1) Change the selection criteria of the request to restrict the query to only the fresh portion of the materialized view, or (2) ALTER {SYSTEM|SESSION} QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = STALE_TOLERATED or (3) refresh the materialized view.

QSM-01098: mv string clause more restrictive than query string clause

QSM-01098: mv string clause more restrictive than query string clause

Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding selection condition in the request query.

Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at least as restrictive as the selection criteria in the materialized view, or drop and recreate the materialized view using less restrictive selection criteria.

QSM-01097: Materialized view with grouping sets has too long key

QSM-01097: Materialized view with grouping sets has too long key

Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets has more that 64 different keys in its GROUP BY. No rewrite is supported then.

Action: none

QSM-01096: Materialized view with grouping sets contains duplicates

QSM-01096: Materialized view with grouping sets contains duplicates

Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets contains duplicates and no rewrite is supported for it. For example, GROUP BY GROUPING SET ((a), (a)) is not supported for rewrite.

Action: none

QSM-01095: no suitable grouping_id found in MV with grouping sets

QSM-01095: no suitable grouping_id found in MV with grouping sets

Cause: If materialized aggregate view contains grouping sets, then it also must contain the grouping_id() function. This function must contain all columns in the MV GROUP BY.

Action: none

QSM-01094: outer-join filter not found in materialized join view

QSM-01094: outer-join filter not found in materialized join view

Cause: Materialized join view has outer join while the query inner join. For rewrite to succeed MV must have an anti-join marker like the rowid or primary key of the right tables of outer join

Action: none

QSM-01093: anti-join marker not found in materialized join view

QSM-01093: anti-join marker not found in materialized join view

Cause: Materialized join view has outer join while the query inner join. For rewrite to succeed MV must have an anti-join marker like the rowid or primary key of the right tables of outer join

Action: none

QSM-01092: mjv tries to rewrite a semi-join and primary key or rowid missing

QSM-01092: mjv tries to rewrite a semi-join and primary key or rowid missing

Cause: Materialized join view tries to rewrite a semi-join (IN sub-query) and the primary keys or rowids of left tables of semi-joins are missing from MJV.

Action: none

NID-00123: Magic number for datafile string is incorrect

NID-00123: Magic number for datafile string is incorrect

Cause: Block 0 header has an incorrect magic number for the specified datafile.

Action: Verify that the datafile is correct and retry the operation.

NID-00122: Database should have no offline immediate datafiles

NID-00122: Database should have no offline immediate datafiles

Cause: The database has one or more datafiles that are in OFFLINE IMMEDIATE mode.

Action: Drop the datafiles or recover them and bring them online.

NID-00121: Database should not be open

NID-00121: Database should not be open

Cause: The database was open. To change the DBID, the database must be mounted exclusively.

Action: Shutdown the database and mount it in exclusive mode.

NID-00120: Database should be mounted exclusively

NID-00120: Database should be mounted exclusively

Cause: The database was started in parallel mode. To change the DBID, the database must be mounted exclusively.

Action: Shut down the database and start it in exclusive mode.

NID-00115: Database should be mounted

NID-00115: Database should be mounted

Cause: The database was not mounted.

Action: Mount the database.

NID-00114: Must specify new database name when SETNAME is used

NID-00114: Must specify new database name when SETNAME is used

Cause: SETNAME=YES was specified but no DBNAME was provided.

Action: Specify DBNAME or remove the SETNAME=YES option.

NID-00113: Error reading answer - aborting

NID-00113: Error reading answer - aborting

Cause: Response caused an error.

Action: Retry the operation.

NID-00111: Oracle error reported from target database while executing string string

NID-00111: Oracle error reported from target database while executing string string

Cause: An Oracle error was reported when executing an OCI operation.

Action: Follow the actions for the specified Oracle error.

NID-00110: Cannot use REVERT and specify a database name at the same time

NID-00110: Cannot use REVERT and specify a database name at the same time

Cause: Conflicting options were specified in the command line.

Action: Choose only one of the options.

NID-00109: DBNAME string length number exceeds maximum length of number

NID-00109: DBNAME string length number exceeds maximum length of number

Cause: The specified new database name exceeded the maximum size.

Action: Specify a shorter, valid name.

NID-00107: File I or O error on datafile string during string operation (number or string)

NID-00107: File I or O error on datafile string during string operation (number or string)

Cause: An operating system error was reported while performing the specified operation in the specified file.

Action: Verify the datafile and check for operating system errors.

NID-00106: LOGIN to target database failed with Oracle error: string

NID-00106: LOGIN to target database failed with Oracle error: string

Cause: An Oracle error was reported while attempting to log in to the target database.

Action: Follow the actions for the specified Oracle error.

NID-00105: Need to specify LOGFILE=lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;logfilelamp;gt; when using APPEND=YES option

NID-00105: Need to specify LOGFILE=lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;logfilelamp;gt; when using APPEND=YES option

Cause: The APPEND parameter was specified without a LOGFILE.

Action: Specify APPEND=YES only when LOGFILE is also specified.

NID-00104: Need to specify TARGET connection parameter in command line

NID-00104: Need to specify TARGET connection parameter in command line

Cause: The mandatory parameter TARGET was not specified.

Action: Specify TARGET=lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;usernamelamp;gt; or lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;passwordlamp;gt; when invoking this utility.

NID-00103: Missing password in connect string string

NID-00103: Missing password in connect string string

Cause: Could not find the password in the supplied connect string. The connect string does not have the correct format.

Action: Refer to Oracle9i Database Concepts.

NID-00102: Garbled target string

NID-00102: Garbled target string

Cause: The supplied connect string could not be parsed. The connect string does not have the correct format.

Action: Refer to Oracle9i Database Concepts.

NID-00101: LOGFILE (string) not accessible

NID-00101: LOGFILE (string) not accessible

Cause: The specified log file could not be opened.

Action: Specify a log file that is writable.

NID-00100: Cannot open datafile string

NID-00100: Cannot open datafile string

Cause: The specified datafile could not be opened.

Action: Ensure that the specified datafile exists and is writable.

NID-00010: Password:

NID-00010: Password:

Cause: Password was not specified in command line.

Action: Type password at this prompt.

NID-00002: Parse error: string

NID-00002: Parse error: string

Cause: An error was encountered while parsing the command line.

Action: Remove offending operand.

NID-00001: Illegal command line syntax - parse error = (number)

NID-00001: Illegal command line syntax - parse error = (number)

Cause: Illegal operand on command line.

Action: Remove illegal operand.

DBV-00200: Block, dba number, already marked corrupted

DBV-00200: Block, dba number, already marked corrupted

Cause: The block was previously corrupted. It has been marked as corrupt by the Oracle database server.

Action: If the block is not currently allocated to a database object, then no action is required. If the block is allocated, then the options and required action depend on the type and nature of the object which owns the block. To repair an allocated block perform block or file media recovery.

UDI-00053: unrecognized client command string

UDI-00053: unrecognized client command string

Cause: Invalid interactive client command.

Action: Refer to documentation for valid client commands.

UDI-00052: incorrect Data Pump client for operation: string

UDI-00052: incorrect Data Pump client for operation: string

Cause: Import client attempted to attach to export job.

Action: Use appropriate client when attaching to an existing job