OCI-31023: Index size error

OCI-31023: Index size error

Cause: The index is greater than the allowed value.

Action: Make sure the index is less than allowed value.

OCI-31022: Element not found

OCI-31022: Element not found

Cause: The element was not found.

Action: Make sure the specified element exists.

OCI-31021: Element definition not found

OCI-31021: Element definition not found

Cause: The element definition was not found.

Action: Supply the definition for the element or use a defined element.

OCI-31020: The operation is not allowed, Reason: string

OCI-31020: The operation is not allowed, Reason: string

Cause: The operation attempted is not allowed

Action: See reason and change to a valid operation.

OCI-31019: Recursive deletion snapshot too old for string or string

OCI-31019: Recursive deletion snapshot too old for string or string

Cause: Changes were made to the structure of a directory while it was being recursively deleted.

Action: Try deleting the directory again.

OCI-31018: Error deleting XML document

OCI-31018: Error deleting XML document

Cause: The XMLType object pointed to by the given REF could not be deleted because either the REF was invalid or it pointed to a non-existent table.

Action: Either use FORCE deletion or supply a valid REF.

OCI-31017: Error generating unique OID for XML document

OCI-31017: Error generating unique OID for XML document

Cause: An error occurred while generating a globally unique OID for storing an XML document.

Action: none

OCI-31016: Attempted to delete entry without name

OCI-31016: Attempted to delete entry without name

Cause: An attempt was made to delete an entry from the hierarchical resolver without a child name.

Action: Supply a child name and try deleting again.

OCI-31015: Attempted to insert entry without name

OCI-31015: Attempted to insert entry without name

Cause: An attempt was made to insert an entry into the hierarchical resolver without a child name.

Action: Supply a child name and try inserting again.

OCI-31014: Attempted to delete the root container

OCI-31014: Attempted to delete the root container

Cause: An attempt was made to delete the root container in the hierarchical index.

Action: Do not delete the root container.

OCI-31013: Invalid XPATH expression

OCI-31013: Invalid XPATH expression

Cause: XPATH expression passed to the function is invalid.

Action: Check the xpath expression for possible syntax errors.

OCI-31012: Given XPATH expression not supported

OCI-31012: Given XPATH expression not supported

Cause: XPATH expression passed to the function is currently unsupported.

Action: Check the xpath expression and change it to use a supported expression.

OCI-31011: XML parsing failed

OCI-31011: XML parsing failed

Cause: XML parser returned an error while trying to parse the document.

Action: Check if the document to be parsed is valid.

OCI-31010: XML element index string exceeds maximum insertion index string

OCI-31010: XML element index string exceeds maximum insertion index string

Cause: An attempt was made to insert an XML element at an invalid index location in the node.

Action: Choose a new index that falls within the allowed range.

OCI-31009: Access denied for property string

OCI-31009: Access denied for property string

Cause: An attempt was made to access a property you don t have access to

Action: Check the ACL to see what privileges you have for this property

OCI-31007: Attempted to delete non-empty container string or string

OCI-31007: Attempted to delete non-empty container string or string

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a non-empty container in the XDB hierarchical resolver.

Action: Either perform a recursive deletion, or first delete the contents of the container.

OCI-31006: Path name segment length string exceeds maximum length string

OCI-31006: Path name segment length string exceeds maximum length string

Cause: The length of a path name segment passed to the XDB hierarchical resolver exceeded the maximum length of a path name segment.

Action: Choose a shorter path name segment.

OCI-31005: Path name length string exceeds maximum length string

OCI-31005: Path name length string exceeds maximum length string

Cause: The length of a path name passed to the XDB hierarchical resolver exceeded the maximum length.

Action: Choose a shorter path name.

OCI-31004: Length string of the BLOB in XDB$H_INDEX is below the minimum string

OCI-31004: Length string of the BLOB in XDB$H_INDEX is below the minimum string

Cause: In the XDB$H_INDEX table, the CHILDREN column, a BLOB, must have a certain minimum length without being chained. The calculated length of the LOB was less than the stated minimum.

Action: Set the value of the init.ora parameter db_block_size to at least 2K. For XDB to run at its fastest, set db_block_size to 8K.

OCI-31003: Parent string already contains child entry string

OCI-31003: Parent string already contains child entry string

Cause: An attempt was made to insert a duplicate child into the XDB hierarchical resolver.

Action: Insert a unique name into the container.

OCI-31002: Path name string is not a container

OCI-31002: Path name string is not a container

Cause: XDB expected the given path name to represent a container.

Action: Pass a path name or resource handle that represents a container.

OCI-31001: Invalid resource handle or path name string

OCI-31001: Invalid resource handle or path name string

Cause: An invalid resource handle or path name was passed to the XDB hierarchical resolver.

Action: Pass a valid resouce handle or path name to the hierarchical resolver.

OCI-31000: Resource string is not an XDB schema document

OCI-31000: Resource string is not an XDB schema document

Cause: The given schema URL does not refer to a registered XDB schema

Action: Make sure the specified schema has been registered in XDB

OCI-30991: cannot use DOM to add special attribute to schema-based parent

OCI-30991: cannot use DOM to add special attribute to schema-based parent

Cause: An attempt was made to add or remove an xsi:schemaLocation, xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation, xsi:type, or xsi:nil attribute to or from a schema-based XML node using DOM.

Action: Use the updateXML operator instead of DOM.

OCI-30990: insufficient privileges to change owner of resource string

OCI-30990: insufficient privileges to change owner of resource string

Cause: An attempt was made to change the lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;Ownerlamp;gt; field of an XML DB resource without sufficient privileges to do so.

Action: Switch to SYS before performing the ownership change, or have the intended recipient of the resource perform the transfer.

RMAN-01009: syntax error: found string : expecting one of: string

RMAN-01009: syntax error: found string : expecting one of: string

Cause: A syntax error was signalled during parsing.

Action: Correct the input.

RMAN-01008: the bad identifier was: string

RMAN-01008: the bad identifier was: string

Cause: This is an informational message indicating the identifier token that caused a syntax error.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-01007: at line number column number file: string

RMAN-01007: at line number column number file: string

Cause: This is an informational message indicating the line and column where a syntax error was detected.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-01006: error signalled during parse

RMAN-01006: error signalled during parse

Cause: An error was signalled during parsing.

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

RMAN-00703: The cmdfile has no syntax errors

RMAN-00703: The cmdfile has no syntax errors

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-00702: The command has no syntax errors

RMAN-00702: The command has no syntax errors

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-00701: SCRIPT requires that CATALOG be specified on the command line

RMAN-00701: SCRIPT requires that CATALOG be specified on the command line

Cause: A SCRIPT option was included on the RMAN command line without a specified CATALOG recovery catalog.

Action: Specify the CATALOG option on the RMAN command line.

RMAN-00700: SCRIPT requires that TARGET be specified on the command line

RMAN-00700: SCRIPT requires that TARGET be specified on the command line

Cause: A SCRIPT option was included on the RMAN command line without a specified TARGET database.

Action: Specify the TARGET option on the RMAN command line.

RMAN-00601: fatal error in recovery manager

RMAN-00601: fatal error in recovery manager

Cause: A fatal error has occurred.

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

RMAN-00600: internal error, arguments (string( (string( (string( (string( (string(

RMAN-00600: internal error, arguments (string( (string( (string( (string( (string(

Cause: An internal error in recovery manager occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

RMAN-00579: SCRIPT cannot be used with CMDFILE

RMAN-00579: SCRIPT cannot be used with CMDFILE

Cause: The SCRIPT and CMDFILE options cannot be used together. When using the SCRIPT option, RMAN executes only the specified script.

Action: Remove either the SCRIPT or CMDFILE option.

RMAN-00578: pipe string is not private and owned by SYS

RMAN-00578: pipe string is not private and owned by SYS

Cause: The pipe that RMAN needs to use for its input or output is either a public pipe or a private pipe that is not owned by SYS. This is a potential security problem, because it allows a non-SYS user to issue commands to RMAN or to retrieve the RMAN output.

Action: If you are attempting to put data on the RMAN input pipe prior to starting RMAN, so RMAN will process the data on the pipe as soon as it starts, you must be connected as SYS and you must first use the dbms_pipe.create_pipe function to explicitely create the pipe as a private pipe.

RMAN-00577: PIPE requires that TARGET be specified on the command line

RMAN-00577: PIPE requires that TARGET be specified on the command line

Cause: The PIPE option obtains its input from, and writes its output to, an Oracle database pipe in the target database. Therefore, the target database connection must be specified on the command line, so that RMAN can connect to the target database to receive its input from the pipe.

Action: Specify the TARGET option on the RMAN command line.

RMAN-00576: PIPE cannot be used with CMDFILE

RMAN-00576: PIPE cannot be used with CMDFILE

Cause: The PIPE and CMDFILE options cannot be used together. When using the PIPE option, RMAN must obtain its input from the input pipe.

Action: Remove either the PIPE or CMDFILE option.

RMAN-00575: timeout while trying to write to dbms_pipe

RMAN-00575: timeout while trying to write to dbms_pipe

Cause: d by death of the process that was talking to rman.

Action: RMAN will abort.

RMAN-00574: rman aborting due to errors read or writing dbms_pipe

RMAN-00574: rman aborting due to errors read or writing dbms_pipe

Cause: RMAN was run with input or output being sent to dbms_pipe. An error was encountered while reading from or writing to the pipe. This error should be preceeded by information describing the error.

Action: RMAN terminates. Refer to the cause or action for the preceding errors.

RMAN-00573: dbms_pipe.next_item_time returned unknown type code: number

RMAN-00573: dbms_pipe.next_item_time returned unknown type code: number

Cause: This is an internal error

Action: contact Oracle Customer Support.

RMAN-00572: waiting for dbms_pipe input

RMAN-00572: waiting for dbms_pipe input

Cause: This message is used only when the PIPE option was specified.

Action: enqueue some RMAN input into the pipe

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

Cause: Displayed to highlight the error message stack.

Action: The errors are printed in last-in first-out order. So to interpret them correctly, read from the bottom to the top.

RMAN-00570: **end-of-file**

RMAN-00570: **end-of-file**

Cause: The end of an inline cmdfile was reached. This is just an informational message.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============

RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============

Cause: This message preceeds an error message stack.

Action: The errors are printed in last-in first-out order. So to interpret them correctly, read from the bottom to the top.

RMAN-00568: user interrupt received

RMAN-00568: user interrupt received

Cause: The user typed ^C or ATTN.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-00567: Recovery Manager could not print some error messages

RMAN-00567: Recovery Manager could not print some error messages

Cause: An error occurred while trying to print the error message stack.

Action: If the associated error message indicates a condition that can be corrected, do so, otherwise contact Oracle.

RMAN-00566: could not open TRACE string

RMAN-00566: could not open TRACE string

Cause: An error occurred when trying to open the file.

Action: Check that the filename was specified correctly and that the user running RMAN has write permission for the file.

RMAN-00565: unable to read input file

RMAN-00565: unable to read input file

Cause: An error occurred while trying to read from STDIN or from the CMDFILE.

Action: Ensure that the cmdfile is readable. The cmdfile must be a text file with 1 line per record.

RMAN-00564: host data too long

RMAN-00564: host data too long

Cause: The SQL*NET host connect string exceeds the maximum allowable length.

Action: Correct the host string.

RMAN-00563: password too long

RMAN-00563: password too long

Cause: The specified password exceeds the maximum allowable password length.

Action: Correct the password.

RMAN-00562: username too long

RMAN-00562: username too long

Cause: The specified user name exceeds the maximum allowable username length.

Action: Correct the username.

RMAN-00558: error encountered while parsing input commands

RMAN-00558: error encountered while parsing input commands

Cause: The parser detected a syntax error.

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

RMAN-00557: could not open MSGLOG string

RMAN-00557: could not open MSGLOG string

Cause: An error occurred when trying to open the file.

Action: Check that the filename was specified correctly and that the file exists and that the user running RMAN has write permission for the file.

RMAN-00556: could not open CMDFILE string

RMAN-00556: could not open CMDFILE string

Cause: An error occurred when trying to open the file.

Action: Check that the filename was specified correctly and that the file exists and that the user running RMAN has read permission for the file.

RMAN-00555: target database connect string must be specified

RMAN-00555: target database connect string must be specified

Cause: The TARGET parameter was not specified.

Action: Supply the necessary parameter.

RMAN-00554: initialization of internal recovery manager package failed

RMAN-00554: initialization of internal recovery manager package failed

Cause: The internal package initialization routine returned an error.

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

RMAN-00553: internal recovery manager package failed to load

RMAN-00553: internal recovery manager package failed to load

Cause: lpmloadpkg() return an error indication.

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

RMAN-00552: syntax error in command line arguments

RMAN-00552: syntax error in command line arguments

Cause: The arguments supplied to RMAN could not be parsed, or no arguments were supplied at all.

Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.