IMG-02007: 2FF07 - positional color feature cannot be determined

IMG-02007: 2FF07 - positional color feature cannot be determined

Cause: There was a SQL or MM Still Image exception. Either the specified image was null, the image data in the specified image was null, or the positional color feature was not supported by the specified image format.

Action: Specify an image with non null image data and a supported format. Refer to the SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA views and the Oracle interMedia documentation for a list of supported image features and formats.

IMG-02006: 2FF06 - average color feature cannot be determined

IMG-02006: 2FF06 - average color feature cannot be determined

Cause: There was a SQL or MM Still Image exception. Either the specified image was null, the image data in the specified image was null, or the average color feature was not supported by the specified image format

Action: Specify an image with non null image data and a supported format. Refer to the SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA views and the Oracle interMedia documentation for a list of supported image formats and image features.

IMG-00560: input format does not support page selection

IMG-00560: input format does not support page selection

Cause: The page verb was specified for an input format that does not support selecting pages.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of which image formats support page selection.

IMG-00558: incorrect number of contrast values

IMG-00558: incorrect number of contrast values

Cause: An incorrect number of values were used to specify contrast enhancement. Contrast enhancement requires one, two, three, or six contrast values.

Action: Provide one or three values to specify contrast enhancement using percentages; provide two or six values to specify contrast enhancement using contrast bounds.

IMG-00557: invalid value for contrast enhancement

IMG-00557: invalid value for contrast enhancement

Cause: An invalid value was used to specify contrast enhancement.

Action: To specify contrast enhancement using percentages, provide values between 0 and 100. To specify contrast enhancement using bounds, provide values greater than 0.

IMG-00556: incorrect number of gamma values

IMG-00556: incorrect number of gamma values

Cause: An incorrect number of values were used to specify gamma correction. Gamma correction requires either one or three gamma values.

Action: Provide either one or three values to specify the gamma correction.

IMG-00555: invalid value for gamma correction

IMG-00555: invalid value for gamma correction

Cause: An invalid value was specified for gamma correction. Gamma values must be positive.

Action: Correct the statement by providing a positive gamma value.

IMG-00554: extra value in rotate operation

IMG-00554: extra value in rotate operation

Cause: Multiple arguments were used to specify image rotation. The rotate operation accepts only a single value.

Action: Provide a single value for the rotate operation.

IMG-00553: invalid rotate value

IMG-00553: invalid rotate value

Cause: An invalid value was specified for image rotation. Rotation values must be a floating point number.

Action: Correct the statement by providing a valid rotation value.

IMG-00552: invalid inputChannels specified

IMG-00552: invalid inputChannels specified

Cause: An invalid value was specified for the inputChannels verb.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of the correct usage and syntax for the image processing command string.

IMG-00551: invalid quantize method specified

IMG-00551: invalid quantize method specified

Cause: The specified quantization method was not valid.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of valid quantization method specifications.

IMG-00550: invalid scanlineOrder specified

IMG-00550: invalid scanlineOrder specified

Cause: The specified scanline order was not valid.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of valid scanlineOrder specifications.

IMG-00549: invalid pixelOrder specfied

IMG-00549: invalid pixelOrder specfied

Cause: The specified pixelOrder was not valid.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of valid pixelOrder specifications.

IMG-00548: invalid interleave specified

IMG-00548: invalid interleave specified

Cause: The specified interleave was not valid.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of valid interleave specifications.

IMG-00547: invalid channelOrder specified

IMG-00547: invalid channelOrder specified

Cause: The specified channelOrder was not valid.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of valid channelOrder specifications.

IMG-00546: invalid page number specified

IMG-00546: invalid page number specified

Cause: An invalid page number was specified.

Action: Specify page numbers that are not negative.

IMG-00545: invalid cut values specified

IMG-00545: invalid cut values specified

Cause: An invalid value was found while parsing the parameters for the cut operation.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of the correct usage and syntax for the image processing command string.

IMG-00544: invalid compressionQuality specified

IMG-00544: invalid compressionQuality specified

Cause: The specified compressionQuality was not valid.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of valid compressionQuality specifications.

IMG-00543: invalid compressionFormat specified

IMG-00543: invalid compressionFormat specified

Cause: The specified compressionFormat was not valid.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of valid compressionFormat specifications.

IMG-00542: contentFormat includes invalid extra information

IMG-00542: contentFormat includes invalid extra information

Cause: The specified contentFormat included invalid characters at the end of the parameter string.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of valid contentFormat specifications.

IMG-00541: invalid contentFormat specified

IMG-00541: invalid contentFormat specified

Cause: The specified contentFormat was not valid.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of valid contentFormat specifications.

IMG-00540: contentFormat and interleave conflict

IMG-00540: contentFormat and interleave conflict

Cause: Interleave values were specified using both the contentformat and interleave verbs.

Action: Specify interleave using either contentformat or interleave, but not both.

IMG-00531: empty or null image processing command

IMG-00531: empty or null image processing command

Cause: An empty or null image processing command was passed to the image process function.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of the correct usage and syntax for the image processing command string.

IMG-00530: internal error while parsing command

IMG-00530: internal error while parsing command

Cause: An internal error occurred while parsing the command passed to the image processing function or the foreign image setProperties function.

Action: If you are certain that your command is correct, then contact Oracle Support Services.

IMG-00526: error parsing foreign image description

IMG-00526: error parsing foreign image description

Cause: An internal error occurred while processing a foreign image.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

IMG-00525: locale error

IMG-00525: locale error

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

IMG-00524: mismatched quotes

IMG-00524: mismatched quotes

Cause: Quotation marks used within a process command string were not matched.

Action: Ensure that quotation marks occur in pairs.

IMG-00523: invalid process verb

IMG-00523: invalid process verb

Cause: A process verb was specified that is not understood by Oracle interMedia.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of valid process verbs.

IMG-00522: invalid format for parameter value

IMG-00522: invalid format for parameter value

Cause: A floating point value was specified where an integer is required, or a character value was specified where a numeric value is required.

Action: Specify the correct type of values for process parameters.

IMG-00521: invalid value for dataOffset

IMG-00521: invalid value for dataOffset

Cause: DataOffset was not a positive integer

Action: Specify dataOffset as a positive integer

IMG-00520: invalid value for numberOfBands

IMG-00520: invalid value for numberOfBands

Cause: NumberOfBands was not a positive integer

Action: Specify numberOfBands as a positive integer

IMG-00519: illegal combination of parameters

IMG-00519: illegal combination of parameters

Cause: Other than height, width, dataOffset, and userString no other parameters may be specified in the setProperties parameter string when CCITTG3 or CCITTG4 is used as the compressionFormat.

Action: Supply only the height and width when compessionFormat is either CCITTG3 or CCITTG4. The dataOffset and userString may optionally be supplied as well.

IMG-00518: invalid value for height or width

IMG-00518: invalid value for height or width

Cause: Height and or or width were not positive integers

Action: Specify both the height and width as positive integers

IMG-00517: height or width not present in parameter string

IMG-00517: height or width not present in parameter string

Cause: Height and or or width were not specified in the setProperties parameter string.

Action: Specify both the height and width.

IMG-00516: default channel out of range

IMG-00516: default channel out of range

Cause: An incorrect value was used to specify the default channel selection.

Action: Use a channel number which is less than or equal to the number of bands and greater than zero.

IMG-00515: incorrect number of input channels

IMG-00515: incorrect number of input channels

Cause: An incorrect number of values was used to specify input channels. InputChannels requires either one or three channels numbers for the gray or red, green, and blue channel assignments.

Action: Use either one or three values to specify the input channels.

IMG-00514: extra value in scaling operation

IMG-00514: extra value in scaling operation

Cause: An incorrect number of values was used to specify image dimensions. fixedScale and maxScale require exactly two integer values for the X and Y dimensions of the desired image.

Action: Use two values for fixedScale and maxScale.

IMG-00513: missing value in scaling operation

IMG-00513: missing value in scaling operation

Cause: An incorrect number of values was used to specify image dimensions. fixedScale and maxScale require exactly two integer values for the X and Y dimensions of the desired image.

Action: Use two values for fixedScale and maxScale.

IMG-00512: multiple incompatible scaling parameters found

IMG-00512: multiple incompatible scaling parameters found

Cause: Multiple incompatible scaling parameters were found in the image process command string. With the exception of XSCALE and YSCALE, which can be used together in a process command string, scaling functions are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined.

Action: Remove scaling functions until only one remains (or two, if they are XSCALE and YSCALE).

IMG-00511: %s

IMG-00511: %s

Cause: An error was found while accessing image data.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

IMG-00510: %s

IMG-00510: %s

Cause: A syntax error was found while parsing the parameters for the image process function.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of the correct usage and syntax for the image processing command string.

IMG-00506: extra value in CUT rectangle

IMG-00506: extra value in CUT rectangle

Cause: An incorrect number of values was used to specify a rectangle.

Action: Use exactly four integer values for the lower left and upper right vertices.

IMG-00505: missing value in CUT rectangle

IMG-00505: missing value in CUT rectangle

Cause: An incorrect number of values was used to specify a rectangle.

Action: Use exactly four integer values for the lower-left and upper- right vertices.

IMG-00502: invalid scale value

IMG-00502: invalid scale value

Cause: An invalid scale value was found while parsing the parameters for the image process function.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of the correct usage and syntax for the image processing command string.

IMG-00213: xmlData does not contain an lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;RDFlamp;gt; element

IMG-00213: xmlData does not contain an lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;RDFlamp;gt; element

Cause: The XML document did not contain an lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;RDFlamp;gt; element as a child of lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;xmpMetadatalamp;gt;.

Action: Create a schema valid document with an lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;RDFlamp;gt; element.

IMG-00212: encoding value string is invalid

IMG-00212: encoding value string is invalid

Cause: The encoding parameter value was NULL or invalid.

Action: Correct the encoding parameter value.

IMG-00211: metadataType value string is invalid

IMG-00211: metadataType value string is invalid

Cause: The metadataType parameter value was NULL or invalid.

Action: Correct the metadataType parameter value.

IMG-00210: unable to get metadata from an empty image

IMG-00210: unable to get metadata from an empty image

Cause: There was no data in the input image.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for information on how to populate image data into the image object.

IMG-00209: error parsing metadata

IMG-00209: error parsing metadata

Cause: There was an internal error while parsing the metadata.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

IMG-00208: metadata format parse error

IMG-00208: metadata format parse error

Cause: The parser detected an error in the embedded metadata.

Action: Verify that the metadata conforms to proper standards.

IMG-00207: input parameter is not valid

IMG-00207: input parameter is not valid

Cause: The input parameter value contained an invalid value.

Action: Correct the input parameter value.

IMG-00206: unsupported image format for putMetadata

IMG-00206: unsupported image format for putMetadata

Cause: Metadata could not be written to this image format.

Action: Use a different image format.

IMG-00205: cannot add a TIFF directory entry

IMG-00205: cannot add a TIFF directory entry

Cause: No new entries could be added to this directory.

Action: Use a different image format.

IMG-00204: input metadata too long

IMG-00204: input metadata too long

Cause: The metadata was too long to embed in this image format.

Action: Trim the metadata, or use a different image format.

IMG-00203: xmlData is invalid

IMG-00203: xmlData is invalid

Cause: The XML document was NULL or not schema valid.

Action: Create a schema valid document for input.

IMG-00202: unsupported character encoding

IMG-00202: unsupported character encoding

Cause: The character encoding was not supported for this image format.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation to select the proper encoding for this image.

IMG-00201: unsupported metadata type

IMG-00201: unsupported metadata type

Cause: The requested metadata type could not be read from or written to this image format.

Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation to select the proper metadata type for this image.

IMG-00003: exhausted memory while processing image

IMG-00003: exhausted memory while processing image

Cause: Oracle interMedia exhausted available Java memory during processing.

Action: Increase the JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter setting.

IMG-00002: unrecoverable error

IMG-00002: unrecoverable error

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

IMG-00001: unable to initialize Oracle interMedia environment

IMG-00001: unable to initialize Oracle interMedia environment

Cause: The image processing external procedure initialization process failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.