AMD-00147: invalid Custom Measure creation mode string specified

AMD-00147: invalid Custom Measure creation mode string specified

Cause: Custom Measure creation mode must be PERMANENT or TEMPORARY.

Action: Ensure that the Custom Measure creation mode is correct.

AMD-00146: Custom Measure string already exists in Workspace string

AMD-00146: Custom Measure string already exists in Workspace string

Cause: You have attempted to create a Custom Measure when it already exists.

Action: Ensure that the Custom Measure name is correct and does not already exist in the specified Workspace.

AMD-00145: error attaching Workspace string in mode string

AMD-00145: error attaching Workspace string in mode string

Cause: Either the Workspace does not exist, is already attached in a different mode, or there are insufficient system resources to attach Workspace.

Action: Ensure that workspace name is correct and can be currently attached in the specified mode.

AMD-00144: Custom Measure string does not exist in Workspace string

AMD-00144: Custom Measure string does not exist in Workspace string

Cause: A required object does not exist in specified Workspace.

Action: Ensure that the parameter is correctly formed and valid.

AMD-00143: View name string must be fully qualified with the Owner.

AMD-00143: View name string must be fully qualified with the Owner.

Cause: A parameter was found to be invalid.

Action: Ensure that the parameter is correctly formed and valid. For example, SCOTT.EMP is a fully qualified name.

AMD-00142: Analytic Workspace name string must be fully qualified with the Owner.

AMD-00142: Analytic Workspace name string must be fully qualified with the Owner.

Cause: A parameter was found to be invalid.

Action: Ensure that the parameter is correctly formed and valid. For example, SCOTT.EMP is a fully qualified name.

PLS-00726: MODIFY ELEMENT is supported only on schema-level varray and nested tables

PLS-00726: MODIFY ELEMENT is supported only on schema-level varray and nested tables

Cause: An attempt was made to modify the limit of a type that was not a schema-level varray and nested table type.

Action: This is not a legal ALTER TYPE command for this type.

PLS-00725: type string must be a supertype or subtype of the TREAT expression

PLS-00725: type string must be a supertype or subtype of the TREAT expression

Cause: In TREAT(lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;exprlamp;gt; AS lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;typelamp;gt;), type must be a supertype or subtype of lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;exprlamp;gt;.

Action: none

PLS-00722: supertypes s AUTHID is different than subtype s AUTHID

PLS-00722: supertypes s AUTHID is different than subtype s AUTHID

Cause: The subtype s s AUTHID must be same as the supertype s AUTHID.

Action: Create the subtype with AUTHID of its supertype or do not specify AUTHID for subtype.

PLS-00721: string formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with string

PLS-00721: string formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with string

Cause: This compilation was aborted because the library unit that was compiled would have formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with some other library units. This happens when an attempt is made to compile types that have attributes of other types that may participate in a cycle with this type. Example: create type t1; create type t2 (a t1); create type t1 (a t2);

Action: Break the cycle (possibly by adding a REF or by using another type).

PLS-00720: type string has evolved

PLS-00720: type string has evolved

Cause: The type has evolved. The version of the type used by the compiled code is not the same as the latest version of the type.

Action: Recompile the code to use the latest version of the type.

PLS-00719: only widening of attribute string constraints is allowed

PLS-00719: only widening of attribute string constraints is allowed

Cause: Modification to the attribute did not widen its constraints or attempted to change the type of the attribute. For NUMBER type attributes, scale and precision can be changed to allow increase in number of digits after and before the decimal point. For VARCHAR2 and RAW type attributes the size can be increased. Other type attributes are not allowed to be modified. Change of type of attribute is also not allowed.

Action: Change the constraint specification so as to widen the existing constraints.To narrow the constraints or to change the type of the attribute, you must drop the attribute and add it with new constraints or new type. In that case you must also take appropriate steps to preserve your existing data based on the type (if you want to preserve it).Typically this will involve backing up the data and restoring it after the ALTER TYPE.

PLS-00718: type of attribute string does not allow modifications to the attribute

PLS-00718: type of attribute string does not allow modifications to the attribute

Cause: The type of the attribute to modify is not one of VARCHAR2, NUMBER, or RAW.

Action: Only VARCHAR2, NUMBER and RAW type attributes are allowed to be modified.

PLS-00717: method string does not have matching signature among existing methods

PLS-00717: method string does not have matching signature among existing methods

Cause: The method to be dropped matches the name of some existing method but does not match it in signature.

Action: Make sure that a matching method signature is provided for dropping a method.

PLS-00716: Attribute or method string can occur only once in an ALTER TYPE statement

PLS-00716: Attribute or method string can occur only once in an ALTER TYPE statement

Cause: User attempted more than one of ADD, DROP or MODIFY on an attribute in single ALTER TYPE statement. User attempted more than one of ADD or DROP on a method in single ALTER TYPE statement.

Action: Do only one ADD, DROP or MODIFY for an attribute in single ALTER TYPE statement. Do only one ADD or DROP for a method in single ALTER TYPE statement.

PLS-00715: attribute or method by name string does not exist

PLS-00715: attribute or method by name string does not exist

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a nonexistant method or attribute from the type being altered.

Action: Check the spelling of the attribute or method name. Make sure it is locally defined in the type and not inherited.

PLS-00714: supertypes s AUTHID is DEFINER but supertype and subtype are not in same schema

PLS-00714: supertypes s AUTHID is DEFINER but supertype and subtype are not in same schema

Cause: The supertype s AUTHID is DEFINER, but the supertype and subtype are defined in different schemas. SQL statements executed in dynamically dispatched methods can potentially pick up different values from database tables in the two schemas.

Action: Create the subtype in the same schema as the supertype.

PLS-00713: attempting to instantiate a type that is NOT INSTANTIABLE

PLS-00713: attempting to instantiate a type that is NOT INSTANTIABLE

Cause: An attempt was made to instantiate a type that is defined as NOT INSTANTIABLE.

Action: Avoid instantiating variables of this NOT INSTANTIABLE type, instead derive an INSTANTIABLE subtype from it and instantiate variables of the subtype.

PLS-00712: illegal option for subprogram string

PLS-00712: illegal option for subprogram string

Cause: Only top level subprograms or subprogram declarations in PACKAGE or TYPE specifications are allowed to have the options DETERMINISTIC or PARALLEL_ENABLE. For example, this error would be raised if the options are used in PACKAGE or TYPE body.

Action: remove the option.

PLS-00711: PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION cannot be declared twice

PLS-00711: PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION cannot be declared twice

Cause: The PRAGMA was declared twice in the same block.

Action: remove the duplicate declaration of the PRAGMA

PLS-00710: PRAGMA string cannot be specified here

PLS-00710: PRAGMA string cannot be specified here

Cause: The PRAGMA was specified in an inappropriate context.

Action: Remove or relocate the misplaced pragma. Check the documentation to determine the correct context for this pragma.

PLS-00709: pragma string must be declared in package specification and body

PLS-00709: pragma string must be declared in package specification and body

Cause: The named pragma was declared in a package specification but not in the corresponding package body or vice-versa, as well as the package body.

Action: Add the pragma to that part of the package declaration that does not have the pragma.

PLS-00708: Pragma string must be declared in a package specification

PLS-00708: Pragma string must be declared in a package specification

Cause: The named pragma was not declared in a package specification, as required. For example, the pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES must be declared in a package specification.

Action: Remove or relocate the misplaced pragma.

PLS-00707: unsupported construct or internal error (string(

PLS-00707: unsupported construct or internal error (string(

Cause: At run time, this is an internal error. At compile time, it indicates one of the following problems: --A call was made to a remote subprogram that has a parameter type or default expression not supported at the calling site. -- An incomplete upgrade or downgrade was done to a database that has stored procedures. Perhaps incorrect versions of system packages such as STANDARD.SQL were installed. -- A compiler bug was encountered. In such cases, legal PL or SQL syntax will fail to compile.

Action: Either report the internal error to your Customer Support representative or, depending on the problem, take one of the following actions: -- Revise the logic of the application to use parameter types and default expressions that are supported at both the local and remote sites. --Complete the upgrade or downgrade properly, making sure to install correct versions of all system packages. -- Report the legal-syntax error to your Customer Support representative. If there are line and column numbers displayed with the error message, they might help you find a workaround. For example, try recoding the offending line to avoid the bug.

PLS-00486: select list cannot be enclosed in parentheses

PLS-00486: select list cannot be enclosed in parentheses

Cause: In a SELECT statement, the select list was enclosed in parentheses, as in: SELECT (deptno, dname, loc) FROM dept INTO ... This breaks the rules of SQL syntax. Parentheses are not required because the keywords SELECT and FROM delimit the select list.

Action: Remove the parentheses enclosing the select list.

PLS-00485: in exception handler, string must be an exception name

PLS-00485: in exception handler, string must be an exception name

Cause: An identifier not declared as an exception appears in an exception handler WHEN clause. Only the name of an exception is valid in a WHEN clause.

Action: Check the spelling of the exception name and make sure the exception was declared properly.

PLS-00484: redundant exceptions string and string must appear in same exception handler

PLS-00484: redundant exceptions string and string must appear in same exception handler

Cause: Using the EXCEPTION_INIT pragma, different exceptions were initialized to the same Oracle error number; then, they were referenced in different exception handlers within the same exception-handling part. Such references conflict.

Action: Remove one of the exceptions or initialize it to a different Oracle error number.

PLS-00483: exception string may appear in at most one exception handler in this block

PLS-00483: exception string may appear in at most one exception handler in this block

Cause: An exception appears in two different WHEN clauses (that is, two different exception handlers) in the exception-handling part of a PL or SQL block or subprogram.

Action: Remove one of the references to the exception.

PLS-00462: nested subprogram string has to be REPEATABLE

PLS-00462: nested subprogram string has to be REPEATABLE

Cause: the nested subprogram of a REPEATABLE subprogram is not declared as REPEATABLE. If a subprogram is REPEATABLE, all of its nested subprograms has to be declared as REPEATABLE.

Action: declared the nested subprogram as REPEATABLE

PLS-00461: mismatch REPEATABLE information between specification and body of string

PLS-00461: mismatch REPEATABLE information between specification and body of string

Cause: REPEATABLE is declared at the subprogram s specification, but not at its body, or vice versa.

Action: make sure both specification and body are declared as REPEATABLE

PLS-00460: REPEATABLE subprogram string has to be RNDS, WNDS, RNPS, and WNPS

PLS-00460: REPEATABLE subprogram string has to be RNDS, WNDS, RNPS, and WNPS

Cause: Repeatable subprogram can neither read database state (RNDS), write database state (WNDS), read package state (RNPS), nor write package state (WNPS).

Action: make the subprogram to be RNDS, WNDS, RNPS, and WNPS or delete REPEATABLE

PLS-00459: this feature is not allowed in REPEATABLE subprogram

PLS-00459: this feature is not allowed in REPEATABLE subprogram

Cause: Having one of the followings feature in the REPEATABLE subprogram: dynamic SQL statements or autonomous transaction.

Action: delete the statements or delete REPEATABLE.

PLS-00458: subprogram string cannot be called from a REPEATABLE subprogram

PLS-00458: subprogram string cannot be called from a REPEATABLE subprogram

Cause: The subprogram is not REPEATABLE and cannot be called from a REPEATABLE subprogram.

Action: delete the call or delete REPEATABLE.

PLS-00457: expressions have to be of SQL types

PLS-00457: expressions have to be of SQL types

Cause: an expression of wrong type is in USING or dynamic RETURNING clause. In USING or dynamic RETURNING clause, an expression cannot be of non-SQL types such as BOOLEAN, INDEX TABLE, and record.

Action: change the expression type to a SQL type.

PLS-00456: item string is not a cursor

PLS-00456: item string is not a cursor

Cause: the given variable is not a cursor and therefore cannot be OPEN ed or FETCH ed from.

Action: check the spelling and declaration for the given variable.

PLS-00455: cursor string cannot be used in dynamic SQL OPEN statement

PLS-00455: cursor string cannot be used in dynamic SQL OPEN statement

Cause: dynamicly OPEN a REF CURSOR that has RETURN type. However, only REF CURSOR without RETURN type can be OPEN ed by an embebded dynamic OPEN statement.

Action: define a REF CURSOR without return type, and use it in the statement.

PLS-00454: with a returning into clause, the table expression cannot be remote or a subquery

PLS-00454: with a returning into clause, the table expression cannot be remote or a subquery

Cause: A reference to a remote table or subquery was found in a sql statement with a returning into clause.

Action: Do not refer to it, or do use a subsequent select statement.

PLS-00453: remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columns

PLS-00453: remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columns

Cause: A reference to a remote object tables or user-defined type column was found.

Action: Do not refer to it.

PLS-00452: Subprogram string violates its associated pragma

PLS-00452: Subprogram string violates its associated pragma

Cause: A packaged function cannot be called from SQL statements unless its purity level is asserted by coding a RESTRICT_REFERENCES pragma in the package specification. The pragma, which is used to control side effects, tells the PL or SQL compiler to deny the packaged function read or write access to database tables, public packaged variables, or both. A SQL statement that violates the pragma will cause a compilation error.

Action: Raise the purity level of the function, or relax the pragma restrictions.

PLS-00450: a variable of this private type cannot be declared here

PLS-00450: a variable of this private type cannot be declared here

Cause: A variable declaration uses a type that is declared PRIVATE in some other compilation unit.

Action: Do not use this type in a PRIVATE variable declaration.

PLS-00439: A LIMIT clause must be used within a BULK FETCH

PLS-00439: A LIMIT clause must be used within a BULK FETCH

Cause: A LIMIT clause is used within a non-bulk fetch

Action: Do not use a LIMIT clause when a non-bulk fetch is used.

PLS-00438: value in LIMIT clause: string use is invalid

PLS-00438: value in LIMIT clause: string use is invalid

Cause: The evaluation value in the LIMIT clause of a bulk fetch was found in an inappropriate context. For example, the following statement is illegal because the LIMIT clause in a bulk fetch expects a numeric value. FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO var_tab LIMIT 22333 ; --illegal

Action: Change the expression of the LIMIT clause so that the evaluation result is compatible to a numeric value.

PLS-00437: FORALL bulk index cannot be used in string clause

PLS-00437: FORALL bulk index cannot be used in string clause

Cause: RETURNING table(bulk_index) is not supported.


PLS-00436: implementation restriction: cannot reference fields of BULK In-BIND table of records

PLS-00436: implementation restriction: cannot reference fields of BULK In-BIND table of records

Cause: table(bulk_index).field is not supported at run-time yet.

Action: Use FOR loop with plain FORALL DML statement (SELECT or INSERT or DELETE or UPDATE) instead

PLS-00435: DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used inside FORALL

PLS-00435: DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used inside FORALL

Cause: The DML (SELECT or INSERT or DELETE or UPDATE) statement inside the FORALL statement does not contain BULK IN-BIND variables.

Action: The DML (SELECT or INSERT or DELETE or UPDATE) statement inside the FORALL statement must contain BULK IN-BIND variables.

PLS-00434: record field has unsupported type: string

PLS-00434: record field has unsupported type: string

Cause: An attempt was made to use an unsupported type for a record field. In this release, the use of the SQL92 datetime types (time, timestamp, time with time zone, timestamp with time zone, interval year to month, interval day to second) are not supported in record fields.

Action: Use only supported types for record fields.

PLS-00433: inconsistent package STANDARD

PLS-00433: inconsistent package STANDARD

Cause: PL or SQL compiler could not find the entries (such as type declarations) that should exist in the package STANDARD.

Action: Make sure that the correct version of package STANDARD is available in the current Oracle database, then retry compilation.

NNO-00632: warning: forwarder number has missing address, forwarder ignored

NNO-00632: warning: forwarder number has missing address, forwarder ignored

Cause: The server s configuration contains a forwarder description with a missing address.

Action: An internal error not normally visible to the user. Contact Worldwide Customer Support.

NNO-00631: warning: forwarder number has invalid name string , forwarder ignored

NNO-00631: warning: forwarder number has invalid name string , forwarder ignored

Cause: The server s configuration contains a forwarder description with an invalid server name.

Action: An internal error not normally visible to the user. Contact Worldwide Customer Support.

NNO-00630: setting request-processing delay to number seconds

NNO-00630: setting request-processing delay to number seconds

Cause: An informational message written to the log file when the server sets an artificial request-processing delay in response to a request from the Oracle Names control program.

Action: none

NNO-00629: warning: invalid forwarder list, no default forwarders loaded

NNO-00629: warning: invalid forwarder list, no default forwarders loaded

Cause: The server s configuration contains an invalid forwarder description list.

Action: An internal error not normally visible to the user. Contact Worldwide Customer Support.

NNO-00628: setting maximum reforwards per query to number

NNO-00628: setting maximum reforwards per query to number

Cause: An informational message written to the log file when the server changes its maximum-reforward count in response to a request from the Oracle Names control program.

Action: none

NNO-00627: cancelling auto-refresh of name string , type string

NNO-00627: cancelling auto-refresh of name string , type string

Cause: An informational message written to the log file when the server removes a query from the auto-refresh queue in response to a request from the Oracle Names control program.

Action: none

NNO-00626: cannot enable DEFAULT-FORWARDERS-ONLY mode, no default forwarders exist

NNO-00626: cannot enable DEFAULT-FORWARDERS-ONLY mode, no default forwarders exist

Cause: the Oracle Names control program issued a request to enable DEFAULT-FORWARDERS-ONLY mode, and the request was ignored because the server has no default forwarders.

Action: none

NNO-00625: overriding auto-refresh of name string , type string , refresh in number seconds

NNO-00625: overriding auto-refresh of name string , type string , refresh in number seconds

Cause: An informational message written to the log file when the server changes the time when an auto-refresh query is next issued. The message comes in response to a request from the Oracle Names control program.

Action: none

NNO-00624: setting auto-refresh expiration period to number seconds

NNO-00624: setting auto-refresh expiration period to number seconds

Cause: An informational message written to the log file when the server changes its auto-refresh expiration period in response to a request from the Oracle Names control program.

Action: none

NNO-00623: setting auto-refresh retry interval to number seconds

NNO-00623: setting auto-refresh retry interval to number seconds

Cause: An informational message written to the log file when the server changes its auto-refresh retry interval in response to a request from the Oracle Names control program.

Action: none

NNO-00622: warning: too many auto-refresh failures for name string , query expired

NNO-00622: warning: too many auto-refresh failures for name string , query expired

Cause: If an auto-refresh query is issued and continuously returns an error for three days, the query is removed from the auto-refresh queue and a warning logged. The query can be restarted from the Oracle Names control program.

Action: this message will be preceded by numerous warnings that the query in question is failing. Use the Oracle Names control program to describe the failing query. Make sure the server being queried is running and that there is network connectivity between the querying server and the server being queried.

NNO-00618: disabling AUTHORITY-REQUIRED on system queries

NNO-00618: disabling AUTHORITY-REQUIRED on system queries

Cause: An informational message written to the log file when the server disables the AUTHORITY-REQUIRED attribute on queries that it generates. The message comes in response to a request from the Oracle Names control program.

Action: none

NNO-00617: enabling AUTHORITY-REQUIRED on system queries

NNO-00617: enabling AUTHORITY-REQUIRED on system queries

Cause: An informational message written to the log file when the server enables the AUTHORITY-REQUIRED attribute on queries that it generates. The message comes in response to a request from the Oracle Names control program.

Action: none