PLS-00487: Invalid reference to variable string

PLS-00487: Invalid reference to variable string

Cause: A variable was referenced in a way that is inconsistent with its datatype. For example, a scalar variable might have been mistakenly referenced as a record, as follows: DECLARE CURSOR emp_cur IS SELECT empno, ename, sal FROM emp; emp_rec emp_cur%ROWTYPE; my_sal NUMBER(7,2); BEGIN ... total_sal := total_sal + my_sal.sal; --invalid ...

Action: Check the spelling of the variable name. Make sure the variable was declared properly and that the declaration and reference are consistent regarding datatype.



Cause: A COMMUNITY keyword-value pair is missing within the COMMUNITY_COST_LIST in TNSNET.ORA.

Action: Define the communities with a COMMUNITY name and associated COST in COMMUNITY_COST_LIST.

TNS-00130: Failed to create Interchange s internal address

TNS-00130: Failed to create Interchange s internal address

Cause: There is an error in one of the addresses listed in TNSNET.ORA.

Action: Check the file for errors in defining Interchanges.

TNS-00129: Internal error - Failed to create new community

TNS-00129: Internal error - Failed to create new community

Cause: Internal Error. Should not normally occur. There may be a resource limitation problem on the machine.

Action: Stop and restart Interchange. If possible, make more memory available on the machine. If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.



Cause: One or more ADDRESSes does not have a COMMUNITY assigned.

Action: Ensure that all addresses have a COMMUNITY defined in TNSNET.ORA.

TNS-00127: Missing Connection Manager name in TNSNET.ORA

TNS-00127: Missing Connection Manager name in TNSNET.ORA

Cause: One or more Connection Manager names are missing.

Action: Ensure that each Connection Manager name is defined in TNSNET.ORA. Regenerate TNSNET.ORA.

TNS-00126: Missing Connection Manager name and address in TNSNET.ORA

TNS-00126: Missing Connection Manager name and address in TNSNET.ORA

Cause: The Interchange name specified in INTCHG.ORA is not defined in the TNSNET.ORA file.

Action: Define one Connection Manager name and set of addresses for each Interchange in the network. Regenerate the configuration files.

TNS-00125: Failed to get number of Interchanges in TNSNET.ORA

TNS-00125: Failed to get number of Interchanges in TNSNET.ORA

Cause: Error in the TNSNET.ORA file.

Action: Check the contents of TNSNET.ORA and eliminate errors. Regenerate the configuration files.

TNS-00124: Internal error - Unable to create empty address

TNS-00124: Internal error - Unable to create empty address

Cause: - Internal error. Should not normally occur.

Action: If problem persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00123: Unable to perform a listen on configured ADDRESS(es)

TNS-00123: Unable to perform a listen on configured ADDRESS(es)

Cause: Another process is already listening on this address or the ADDRESS is incorrectly defined.

Action: Check the ADDRESS(es) defined in TNSNET.ORA (for the Connection Manager) for errors. Verify that another program is not using them.

TNS-00122: Missing ADDRESS(es) in TNSNET.ORA file

TNS-00122: Missing ADDRESS(es) in TNSNET.ORA file

Cause: No ADDRESS or ADDRESS_LIST parameter specified in TNSNET.ORA.

Action: Define a valid set of ADDRESSes for the Connection Manager in the TNSNET.ORA file.



Cause: No CMANAGER_NAME parameter specified.

Action: Define the CMANAGER_NAME parameter in INTCHG.ORA; it must match the CMANAGER_NAME parameter used in TNSNET.ORA for that Interchange.

TNS-00120: Missing PUMPS in INTCHG.ORA

TNS-00120: Missing PUMPS in INTCHG.ORA

Cause: No PUMPS parameter specified.

Action: Add an appropriate number of PUMPS to INTCHG.ORA.



Cause: No PUMP_CONNECTIONS parameter specified in INTCHG.ORA.

Action: Add PUMP_CONNECTIONS parameter to INTCHG.ORA.

TNS-00117: Internal error-No data passed through pump

TNS-00117: Internal error-No data passed through pump

Cause: Internal error. Data expected has not arrived yet.

Action: If error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00116: Pump failed during initial bequeath

TNS-00116: Pump failed during initial bequeath

Cause: d by insufficient machine resources.

Action: Attempt the connection again. The pump should recover from such a failure. If machine resources appear to be the problem, add more resources or or or shut down some active applications. If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00115: Could not allocate pump global buffers

TNS-00115: Could not allocate pump global buffers

Cause: Not enough memory to allocate pump buffers.

Action: Decrease the number of PUMP_BUFFERS in INTCHG.ORA.

TNS-00114: Internal error-Allocation of addresses not performed

TNS-00114: Internal error-Allocation of addresses not performed

Cause: Internal error. Should not normally occur.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00113: Failed to open error log file

TNS-00113: Failed to open error log file

Cause: Could not open log file during startup of Navigator or Connection Manager due to read or write permission problems or non-existent error directory.

Action: Create the standard error directory or assure that if one is present the Interchange executables can write to it.

TNS-00112: Failed to find configuration file name

TNS-00112: Failed to find configuration file name

Cause: Name specified for configuration file was incorrect.

Action: Check for presence of the configuration file.

TNS-00111: Failed to get configuration data from file

TNS-00111: Failed to get configuration data from file

Cause: Poorly formed configuration information in network files TNSNET.ORA or TNSNAV.ORA.

Action: Check TNSNET.ORA and TNSNAV.ORA and confirm that they are correct.

TNS-00110: Could not initialize network from file TNSNET.ORA

TNS-00110: Could not initialize network from file TNSNET.ORA

Cause: Poorly formed network information in network file.

Action: Fix network configuration data to assure that at least one Interchange is defined in TNSNET.ORA.

TNS-00109: Message could not be printed; not enough memory

TNS-00109: Message could not be printed; not enough memory

Cause: Printing of message failed due to lack of memory. Not normally visible to user.

Action: Increase the resources on your machine. If error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00108: TNS_ADMIN not defined

TNS-00108: TNS_ADMIN not defined

Cause: TNS_ADMIN pointer is not set.

Action: Set the TNS_ADMIN pointer before running application

TNS-00107: Unable to initialize TNS global data

TNS-00107: Unable to initialize TNS global data

Cause: Not normally visible to the user.

Action: If error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00106: Failed to open log file

TNS-00106: Failed to open log file

Cause: Unable to access or obtain write permission to create log file.

Action: Check existence of or access to log file directory.

TNS-00105: Could not initialize tracing

TNS-00105: Could not initialize tracing

Cause: The INTCHG.ORA file is improperly configured. Verify the trace parameters specified.

Action: If error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00104: Data stream open or access error

TNS-00104: Data stream open or access error

Cause: Unable to open or access data stream for either log or trace files for the Interchange.

Action: Check read or write permissions on Oracle files and directories.

TNS-00103: Parameter file load error

TNS-00103: Parameter file load error

Cause: Parameter file process failed.

Action: Check to make sure that all parameter files necessary for the Interchange are present (TNSNAV.ORA, TNSNET.ORA and INTCHG.ORA). If these files are present and properly configured, turn on tracing and repeat the operation. Turn off tracing when the trace is complete. Look in the trace file for errors in the parameter loading process. If error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00102: Keyword-Value binding operation error

TNS-00102: Keyword-Value binding operation error

Cause: Not normally visible to the user. May indicate a shortage of memory.

Action: If error persists contact Oracle Customer Support.

TNS-00101: File operation error

TNS-00101: File operation error

Cause: Error in accessing reading or writing a particular file.

Action: Check existence of or operating system access to the log and trace file locations.

TNS-00100: Unable to allocate memory

TNS-00100: Unable to allocate memory

Cause: Out of memory on the machine.

Action: Add more memory or run fewer processes.

CLSR-00508: Invalid message number number

CLSR-00508: Invalid message number number

Cause: An incorrect message number is specified.

Action: Try again with a correct message number.

CLSR-00507: The length of the facility name string exceeds the limit (number)

CLSR-00507: The length of the facility name string exceeds the limit (number)

Cause: The given facility name is too long.

Action: Try again with a short facility name.

CLSR-00506: Unmatched resource name prefix string is specified

CLSR-00506: Unmatched resource name prefix string is specified

Cause: Specified resource name prefix does not match as required.

Action: Try again with a valid resource name prefix.

CLSR-00505: Empty event type is specified

CLSR-00505: Empty event type is specified

Cause: Empty event type is specified.

Action: Try again with a valid event type.

CLSR-00504: Error number encountered when posting an EVM event

CLSR-00504: Error number encountered when posting an EVM event

Cause: Error encountered when posting an EVM event.

Action: Contact customer support.

CLSR-00503: Error number encountered when creating an EVM event

CLSR-00503: Error number encountered when creating an EVM event

Cause: Error encountered when creating an EVM event.

Action: Contact customer support.

CLSR-00502: Error number encountered when subscribing an EVM event

CLSR-00502: Error number encountered when subscribing an EVM event

Cause: Error encountered when subscribing an EVM event.

Action: Contact customer support.

CLSR-00501: Error number encountered when connecting to EVM daemon

CLSR-00501: Error number encountered when connecting to EVM daemon

Cause: Error encountered when connecting to EVM daemon.

Action: Check status of EVM daemon and log file for detail.

CLSR-00007: Error encountered when reading file string

CLSR-00007: Error encountered when reading file string

Cause: Error when reading file.

Action: Check the permission and existence of the file.

CLSR-00006: Error encountered when writing file string

CLSR-00006: Error encountered when writing file string

Cause: Error when writing file.

Action: Check the permission of the file and the existence of its path.

CLSR-00005: Error encountered during memory allocation

CLSR-00005: Error encountered during memory allocation

Cause: System memory is insufficient.

Action: Check the availability of memory in the system before retrying.

CLSR-00004: Error encountered at string, category=number, operation=string, OS error=number

CLSR-00004: Error encountered at string, category=number, operation=string, OS error=number

Cause: Operating system error occurred.

Action: Check for the error message for more detail.

CLSR-00003: ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set

CLSR-00003: ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set

Cause: ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set.

Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.

CLSR-00002: Oracle error encountered while executing string

CLSR-00002: Oracle error encountered while executing string

Cause: Oracle-related error is encountered while executing a request.

Action: Check alert log for more detail.

CLSR-00001: Oracle error number encountered

CLSR-00001: Oracle error number encountered

Cause: Oracle-related error is encountered.

Action: Check alert log and trace file for more detail.

AMD-00160: Warning Exceeded maximum Custom Measure number of string

AMD-00160: Warning Exceeded maximum Custom Measure number of string

Cause: The system limit has been reached.

Action: Old Custom Measures created against the specified View have to be deleted before new Custom Measures can be created.

AMD-00159: The Workspace string is currently attached in read or write mode.

AMD-00159: The Workspace string is currently attached in read or write mode.

Cause: An invalid parameter was supplied.

Action: The Creation Mode parameter must be PERMANENT for a Workspace open in read or write mode.

AMD-00158: The Workspace string is currently open in read-only mode.

AMD-00158: The Workspace string is currently open in read-only mode.

Cause: An invalid parameter was supplied. You may not specify an operation which requires an update when the Workspace is open in read-only mode.

Action: The Creation Mode parameter must be TEMPORARY for a Workspace open in read-only mode.

AMD-00157: invalid attach mode string specified when attempting to attach Workspace string

AMD-00157: invalid attach mode string specified when attempting to attach Workspace string

Cause: An invalid parameter supplied.

Action: Attach mode must be RO (read only) or RW (read or write).

AMD-00156: formula string to modify does not exist in Workspace string

AMD-00156: formula string to modify does not exist in Workspace string

Cause: Formula does not exist in Workspace specified.

Action: Ensure that API parameters are correct.

AMD-00155: Object to delete string does not exist in Workspace string

AMD-00155: Object to delete string does not exist in Workspace string

Cause: The Object slated for deletion does not exist in the Workspace specified.

Action: Ensure that API parameters are correct.

AMD-00154: Cannot delete session object string in Workspace string

AMD-00154: Cannot delete session object string in Workspace string

Cause: You cannot delete a session object. These are deleted automatically when the session is ended.

Action: Ensure that API parameters are correct.

AMD-00153: error detaching workspace string

AMD-00153: error detaching workspace string

Cause: The Workspace was not attached or a program error occured.

Action: Ensure the Workspace name is correct and it is attached in the current session.

AMD-00152: Workspace string is not currently open.

AMD-00152: Workspace string is not currently open.

Cause: The Workspace must be attached before an operation can be performed on it.

Action: Attach the Workspace first before attempting operation.

AMD-00151: Creation of Custom Measure string in Workspace string failed

AMD-00151: Creation of Custom Measure string in Workspace string failed

Cause: Invalid parameters were supplied, or a program error occured.

Action: Ensure that API parameters are correct and sufficient system resources are available.

AMD-00150: Custom Measure to delete string not mapped to View string

AMD-00150: Custom Measure to delete string not mapped to View string

Cause: The Custom Measure to delete is not mapped to the View specified.

Action: Ensure that the Custom Measure and View Name name are correct, and mapped to each other.

AMD-00149: Custom Measure to delete string does not exist in Workspace string

AMD-00149: Custom Measure to delete string does not exist in Workspace string

Cause: The Custom Measure does not exist in specified Workspace.

Action: Ensure that the Custom Measure name is correct and exists in specified Workspace.

AMD-00148: Workspace string is not currently open. No update done.

AMD-00148: Workspace string is not currently open. No update done.

Cause: The Workspace must be attached before a Custom Measure can be updated.

Action: Attach Workspace first before attempting to modify Custom Measure.