RMAN-08549: database name (or database unique name) used for search: string

RMAN-08549: database name (or database unique name) used for search: string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08548: recovery area destination: string

RMAN-08548: recovery area destination: string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08547: channel string: no autobackups found in the recovery area

RMAN-08547: channel string: no autobackups found in the recovery area

Cause: The recovery area does not have desired autobackup.

Action: Check the option UNTIL TIME in case an existing autobackup does satisfy the criteria specified in the restore command. Otherwise, verify the init.ora parameters DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST and LOCK_NAME_SPACE to verify whether the recovery area location is set correctly. Note that the parameters can be specified as options to the restore command.

RMAN-08546: channel string: autobackup found in the recovery area

RMAN-08546: channel string: autobackup found in the recovery area

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08545: flashback command failed: See trace file for details

RMAN-08545: flashback command failed: See trace file for details

Cause: An attempt was made to issue a flashback command which failed due to errors. See trace file for details.

Action: See trace file for details of the problem.

RMAN-08544: channel string: specifying archivelog(s) for proxy restore

RMAN-08544: channel string: specifying archivelog(s) for proxy restore

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08543: channel string: specifying archivelog(s) for proxy backup

RMAN-08543: channel string: specifying archivelog(s) for proxy backup

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08542: channel string: starting proxy archivelog backup at string

RMAN-08542: channel string: starting proxy archivelog backup at string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08541: channel string: SPFILE restore from autobackup complete

RMAN-08541: channel string: SPFILE restore from autobackup complete

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08540: channel string: backup set complete, elapsed time: string

RMAN-08540: channel string: backup set complete, elapsed time: string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08539: backup set key=string recid=string stamp=string

RMAN-08539: backup set key=string recid=string stamp=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08538: channel string: no autobackup in string days found

RMAN-08538: channel string: no autobackup in string days found

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08537: channel string: skipped, autobackup already found

RMAN-08537: channel string: skipped, autobackup already found

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08536: channel string: autobackup found: string

RMAN-08536: channel string: autobackup found: string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08535: channel string: looking for autobackup on day: string

RMAN-08535: channel string: looking for autobackup on day: string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08534: channel string: control file restore from autobackup complete

RMAN-08534: channel string: control file restore from autobackup complete

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08533: restoring blocks of datafile string

RMAN-08533: restoring blocks of datafile string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08532: channel string: restoring block(s) from datafile copy string

RMAN-08532: channel string: restoring block(s) from datafile copy string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08531: channel string: proxy copy string is string in media management catalog

RMAN-08531: channel string: proxy copy string is string in media management catalog

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08530: piece handle=string tag=string comment=string

RMAN-08530: piece handle=string tag=string comment=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08529: proxy file handle=string

RMAN-08529: proxy file handle=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08528: channel string: proxy copy complete, elapsed time: string

RMAN-08528: channel string: proxy copy complete, elapsed time: string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08527: channel string: starting string proxy datafile backup at string

RMAN-08527: channel string: starting string proxy datafile backup at string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08526: channel string: string

RMAN-08526: channel string: string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08524: input control file copy name=string

RMAN-08524: input control file copy name=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08523: restoring datafile string to string

RMAN-08523: restoring datafile string to string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=string name=string

RMAN-08522: input datafile fno=string name=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08521: offline range recid=string stamp=string

RMAN-08521: offline range recid=string stamp=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08520: channel string: scanning archive log string

RMAN-08520: channel string: scanning archive log string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08519: channel string: scanning datafile copy string

RMAN-08519: channel string: scanning datafile copy string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08518: channel string: scanning control file copy string

RMAN-08518: channel string: scanning control file copy string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08517: backup piece handle=string recid=string stamp=string

RMAN-08517: backup piece handle=string recid=string stamp=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08516: control file copy filename=string recid=string stamp=string

RMAN-08516: control file copy filename=string recid=string stamp=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08515: archive log filename=string thread=string sequence=string

RMAN-08515: archive log filename=string thread=string sequence=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08514: archive log filename=string recid=string stamp=string

RMAN-08514: archive log filename=string recid=string stamp=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08513: datafile copy filename=string recid=string stamp=string

RMAN-08513: datafile copy filename=string recid=string stamp=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08512: waiting for snapshot control file enqueue

RMAN-08512: waiting for snapshot control file enqueue

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08511: piece handle=string tag=string

RMAN-08511: piece handle=string tag=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08510: archive log thread=string sequence=string

RMAN-08510: archive log thread=string sequence=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08509: destination for restore of datafile string: string

RMAN-08509: destination for restore of datafile string: string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08508: archive log destination=string

RMAN-08508: archive log destination=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08507: input datafile copy recid=string stamp=string filename=string

RMAN-08507: input datafile copy recid=string stamp=string filename=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08506: input filename=string

RMAN-08506: input filename=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08505: output filename=string

RMAN-08505: output filename=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-08504: input archive log thread=string sequence=string recid=string stamp=string

RMAN-08504: input archive log thread=string sequence=string recid=string stamp=string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

LFI-00127: No Record Format was specified, default is variable.

LFI-00127: No Record Format was specified, default is variable.

Cause: Neither LFILRF_FIXED (fixed) or LFILRF_VAR (variable) were specified for record format. One of the two must be specified for each file.

Action: The default is LFILRF_VAR, but this should be explicitly set during file object creation.

LFI-00126: Record format can only be one of Fixed or Variable.

LFI-00126: Record format can only be one of Fixed or Variable.

Cause: Both LFILRF_FIXED (fixed) and LFILRF_VAR (variable) were specified during file object creation. Only one of the two is allowed for a given file.

Action: Determine how the file is organized and choose the option that matches.

LFI-00125: Random access only allowed on fixed length record files.

LFI-00125: Random access only allowed on fixed length record files.

Cause: The LFILFA_RANDOM flag was specified on a file that was not organized into fixed-length records. Random access is only allowed on fixed-length record files.

Action: Determine if the organization of your data needs to be in variable-length records and if you need to have random access to the file. If both conditions are true then you might need to buffer the entire file or enough of it to remove your need for random access. Another option is to close and rescan the file although this is not the optimal solution.

LFI-00124: No access mode was specified, default is sequential.

LFI-00124: No access mode was specified, default is sequential.

Cause: Neither LFILFA_SEQ (sequential) or LFILFA_RANDOM (random) were specified during file object creation.

Action: The default is sequential but this should be explicitly set.

LFI-00123: Cannot access file Sequentially and Randomly.

LFI-00123: Cannot access file Sequentially and Randomly.

Cause: Both the LFILFA_SEQ (sequential) and LFILFA_RANDOM (random) flags were specified during the file object creation. This is not allowed. Only one of the two may be specified.

Action: Choose how you wish to access the file. If you choose random you can still access sequentially by just not using the repositioning functions.

LFI-00122: Can only delete a file if we create it.

LFI-00122: Can only delete a file if we create it.

Cause: The delete file flag was specified for a file that was not created by this file operation. The ability to delete a file is not portable. As such the only deletion that is allowed by this package is if we know we want to delete the file when we create it.

Action: You can only delete a file that you create. If you need to delete a file that you do not create then you will have to find another means of doing so.

LFI-00121: Only one of REPLACE, or PROT allowed for opty.

LFI-00121: Only one of REPLACE, or PROT allowed for opty.

Cause: Two or more of the following open type options were specified for the lfilini() function: LFILOPTY_REPLACE, or LFILOPTY_PROT.

Action: Remove one or more the of options such that you are only passing in one of the three.

LFI-00120: Unable to parse root filename string.

LFI-00120: Unable to parse root filename string.

Cause: The root filename that was given to lfimknam() is not in a format that this platform understands.

Action: Check the format of the filename and retry the operation.

LFI-00119: Unable to Abort an Unprotected file.

LFI-00119: Unable to Abort an Unprotected file.

Cause: The Abort function lfiabt() was called on a file that was not opened as a protected file. As such the abort operation is not valid.

Action: Check to see if you intended to open the file as a protected file.

LFI-00118: Unable to change type to Unknown.

LFI-00118: Unable to change type to Unknown.

Cause: The function lfichty() was called to change the file extension to LFIEXUNK (Unknown). This is not a valid operation.

Action: Check why you are doing this. If the extension is already unknown then you do not need to do this. If you just want no extension then use the extension type LFIEXNONE.

LFI-00117: Unable to rename file.

LFI-00117: Unable to rename file.

Cause: The rename operation failed. Rename is called when we are protecting a file by operating on a temp file.

Action: Check to make sure that the process has the correct access rights to perform a rename.

LFI-00116: Unable to close file in operation string.

LFI-00116: Unable to close file in operation string.

Cause: The file close operation failed.

Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.

LFI-00115: Buffer free failed.

LFI-00115: Buffer free failed.

Cause: Probably do to the buffer flush failing.

Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.

LFI-00114: Append is not allowed with string.

LFI-00114: Append is not allowed with string.

Cause: Attempting to append using certain options.

Action: Check the flag options to verify its usage.

LFI-00113: Unable to initialize the Standard File object string.

LFI-00113: Unable to initialize the Standard File object string.

Cause: The call to open the standard file object failed.

Action: Check the underlying errors for more information.