DRG-10817: CONTAINS term consists of stopword or phrase of stopwords: string

DRG-10817: CONTAINS term consists of stopword or phrase of stopwords: string

Cause: One or more terms within a CONTAINS query consist of just a stopword or a phrase of just stopwords

Action: Replace the stopword or use stopwords within phrases containing

DRG-10816: display or highlight call failed

DRG-10816: display or highlight call failed

Cause: See the next error on the stack.

Action: See the next error on the stack.

DRG-10801: cannot create an SQE for another user

DRG-10801: cannot create an SQE for another user

Cause: You tried to create an SQE for another user

Action: Remove owner from SQE name specification

DRG-10800: query failed: string string string

DRG-10800: query failed: string string string

Cause: Failed to process the query

Action: Check the errors on stack and take appropriate action

DRG-10762: index owner does not have access to procedure string

DRG-10762: index owner does not have access to procedure string

Cause: the index owner does not have execute privilege on the specified procedure

Action: grant index owner execute permission on the procedure

DRG-10761: procedure string does not exist

DRG-10761: procedure string does not exist

Cause: the specified procedure could not be found

Action: check input. Try a fully-specified format such as OWNER.OBJECT

DRG-10760: illegal format for procedure name

DRG-10760: illegal format for procedure name

Cause: the procedure name specified is invalid. For instance, it may have a semicolon

Action: check the procedure name

DRG-10759: invalid role

DRG-10759: invalid role

Cause: the role does not exist in the database

Action: check the role name or create the role

DRG-10758: index owner does not have the privilege to use this preference

DRG-10758: index owner does not have the privilege to use this preference

Cause: index owner does not have the role defined in FILE_DATATSTORE_ROLE

Action: grant index owner the appropriate role

DRG-10757: stoplist cannot have more than 4096 stopwords

DRG-10757: stoplist cannot have more than 4096 stopwords

Cause: a stoplist cannot have more than 4096 stopwords. This includes stopthemes.

Action: none required

DRG-10756: neither text indexing nor theme indexing has been selected

DRG-10756: neither text indexing nor theme indexing has been selected

Cause: INDEX_TEXT and INDEX_THEMES preferences both cannot be FALSE.

Action: Set either of INDEX_TEXT or INDEX_THEMES or both to TRUE.

DRG-10755: %(1)s and string have characters in common

DRG-10755: %(1)s and string have characters in common

Cause: the join character sets cannot have characters in common

Action: Correct the attribute values and resubmit

DRG-10754: memory size must be between string and string

DRG-10754: memory size must be between string and string

Cause: You specified a memory size which is outside the allowed range

Action: Specify a memory size within the allowed range

DRG-10753: invalid memory size string string

DRG-10753: invalid memory size string string

Cause: You specified an incorrectly formatted memory string

Action: Specify a correctly formatted memory string

DRG-10752: DEFAULT_INDEX_MEMORY cannot be greater than MAX_INDEX_ MEMORY

DRG-10752: DEFAULT_INDEX_MEMORY cannot be greater than MAX_INDEX_ MEMORY

Cause: You tried to set DEFAULT_INDEX_MEMORY to a value higher than the maximum set in MAX_INDEX_MEMORY

Action: Specify a lower value

DRG-10751: invalid value for parameter

DRG-10751: invalid value for parameter

Cause: Wrong data type or out of range

Action: Specify correct parameter value

DRG-10750: unknown parameter string

DRG-10750: unknown parameter string

Cause: Unrecognized parameter

Action: Specify correct parameter

DRG-10709: this preference is referenced by string and cannot be dropped

DRG-10709: this preference is referenced by string and cannot be dropped

Cause: the specified preference is used as part of another preference and cannot be dropped until the referring preference is modified

Action: modify the referring preference

DRG-10708: invalid class id string for preference string

DRG-10708: invalid class id string for preference string

Cause: the specified class id is not correct for the specified preference

Action: specify the correct class id

DRG-10707: a value is required for attribute string of preference string

DRG-10707: a value is required for attribute string of preference string

Cause: A required attribute was not provided

Action: Correct preference setting and resubmit

DRG-10706: length of string exceeds maximum size of string

DRG-10706: length of string exceeds maximum size of string

Cause: Parameter is too many bytes

Action: Correct preference setting and resubmit

DRG-10705: invalid value string for attribute string

DRG-10705: invalid value string for attribute string

Cause: you tried to set an illegal value for an attribute

Action: specify the correct attribute value for the datatype of the attribute

DRG-10704: preference string does not have an attribute named string

DRG-10704: preference string does not have an attribute named string

Cause: you tried to set value for a invalid attribute (not supported by the object.

Action: specify the correct attribute name

DRG-10703: invalid framework object string

DRG-10703: invalid framework object string

Cause: you specified an invalid object type

Action: use a valid framework object

DRG-10702: cannot create or modify preference in another user s schema

DRG-10702: cannot create or modify preference in another user s schema

Cause: you tried to create a preference for another user

Action: owner or CTXSYS or a user who has CTXADMIN role should create preference

DRG-10701: preference string.string already exists

DRG-10701: preference string.string already exists

Cause: the specified preference already exists

Action: must drop the preference if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10700: preference does not exist: string

DRG-10700: preference does not exist: string

Cause: the preference name specified does not exists

Action: retry with the correct preference name

DRG-10606: server failed to access the DML Queue

DRG-10606: server failed to access the DML Queue

Cause: The server was had an error accessing the DML Queue

Action: See next error on stack.

DRG-10602: failed to queue DML change to column string for primary key string

DRG-10602: failed to queue DML change to column string for primary key string

Cause: The system could not record that a change had been made to the given column

Action: See next error on stack to determine course of action. Call Oracle support if necessary. Until this error is fixed, updates to all text columns in the given table may not be indexed.

DRG-10601: failed to remove pending DML for this index

DRG-10601: failed to remove pending DML for this index

Cause: The system could not remove triggers setup to monitor updates to the requested table

Action: See next error on stack to determine course of action. Call Oracle support if necessary. Until this error is fixed, updates to all text columns in the given table may not be indexed.

LSX-00212: value ~1s whose total digits exceeds ~2d

LSX-00212: value ~1s whose total digits exceeds ~2d

Cause: Too many digits in the decimal data.

Action: Remove the extra digits.

LSX-00211: value ~1S whose fractional digits exceeds ~2d

LSX-00211: value ~1S whose fractional digits exceeds ~2d

Cause: Too many fractional digits after the decimal point.

Action: Remove the extra fractional digits.

LSX-00210: value ~1S out of range for type ~2S

LSX-00210: value ~1S out of range for type ~2S

Cause: Value is out of range for the data with a specific type.

Action: Fix the value.

LSX-00206: substitution for element ~S is disallowed

LSX-00206: substitution for element ~S is disallowed

Cause: An attempt was made to substitute an element that violated a constraint.

Action: Change to a valid new element that can be substituted for the headElement.

LSX-00205: element ~1S value ~2S is wrong (must be ~3S )

LSX-00205: element ~1S value ~2S is wrong (must be ~3S )

Cause: The element had a value other than its fixed value.

Action: Use the fixed value as its value.

LSX-00204: extra data at end of complex element

LSX-00204: extra data at end of complex element

Cause: Extra nodes exist at the end of an element with a complex type definition.

Action: Remove the offending nodes or check the definition of the complex type.

LSX-00202: contents of ~S should be text only

LSX-00202: contents of ~S should be text only

Cause: Node with type other than text , processing instruction , or comment exists in the content of the violating element.

Action: Remove the offending nodes.

LSX-00201: contents of ~S should be elements only

LSX-00201: contents of ~S should be elements only

Cause: Node with type other than element , processing instruction , or comment exists in the content of the violating element.

Action: Remove the offending nodes.

LSX-00200: element ~S not empty

LSX-00200: element ~S not empty

Cause: Content of the element must be empty.

Action: Remove any schema components in the content.

LSX-00176: circular reference detected in schema component named ~S

LSX-00176: circular reference detected in schema component named ~S

Cause: An attempt was made to use a circular reference. This is not allowed. For example, it is not possible to return to an element declaration by repeatedly following the {substitution group affiliation} property. Or, within the {particles} of a group there must not be at any depth a particle whose {term} is the group itself.

Action: Modify one of the schema components in the loop.

LSX-00175: a complex base within simpleContent must have simple content

LSX-00175: a complex base within simpleContent must have simple content

Cause: A complex base within simpleContent was not restricted to contain only simple content.

Action: Modify the base type or the derived type definition.

LSX-00174: ~S is not a valid derivation of ~S

LSX-00174: ~S is not a valid derivation of ~S

Cause: The schema component constraint, Derivation Valid (Restriction, simple), (Restriction, complex) or (Extension), was violated.

Action: Modify the base type or the derived type definition.

LSX-00173: ~S of ~S type is not a valid restriction of ~S of ~S type

LSX-00173: ~S of ~S type is not a valid restriction of ~S of ~S type

Cause: The schema component constraint, Particle Restriction OK (Elt:Elt -- NameAndTypeOK), was violated.

Action: Modify either or both element declaration particles.

LSX-00172: ~S is not a valid restriction of ~S

LSX-00172: ~S is not a valid restriction of ~S

Cause: The schema component constraint, Derivation Valid (Restriction, Complex) or Particle Valid (Restriction), was violated.

Action: Modify the base type (particle) or the restricted type (particle) definition.

LSX-00171: missing required sub-element ~S

LSX-00171: missing required sub-element ~S

Cause: The sub-element specified in the error message was required.

Action: Add the required sub-element.

LSX-00170: union must have memberTypes attribute or some simpleType children

LSX-00170: union must have memberTypes attribute or some simpleType children

Cause: There was no member type definition for the union declaration.

Action: Add memberTypes attribute or simpleType children.

LSX-00169: circular group reference is disallowed outside lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;redefinelamp;gt;

LSX-00169: circular group reference is disallowed outside lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;redefinelamp;gt;

Cause: There was a circular group reference.

Action: One of the group references needs to be changed to a group definition.

LSX-00168: referring form of ~S must NOT occur at the top level

LSX-00168: referring form of ~S must NOT occur at the top level

Cause: The referring form did not occur within a complex type definition or an attribute group definition.

Action: Move the attributeGroup definition to within a complex type definition or an attribute group definition. Or, move the group definition to within a complex type, restriction, extension, choice, or sequence.

LSX-00167: defining form of ~S must occur at the top level

LSX-00167: defining form of ~S must occur at the top level

Cause: The defining form did not occur at the top level of a schema.

Action: Move attributeGroup or group definition to the top level of the schema.

LSX-00166: both content types must be mixed or both must be element-only

LSX-00166: both content types must be mixed or both must be element-only

Cause: If the content types of the derived type and base type are not the same simple type definition and the content type of the base type is not empty, then both content types must be mixed or both must be element-only. This was not the case, resulting in this error.

Action: Add attribute mixed= true or remove it.

LSX-00165: content type of ~S must be simple type

LSX-00165: content type of ~S must be simple type

Cause: The content type of the type definition was not a simple type definition.

Action: Use complexContent instead of simpleContent .

LSX-00164: no content specified in ~S

LSX-00164: no content specified in ~S

Cause: In a simpleContent specification, either restriction or extension was not specified as a child.

Action: Add either a restriction or an extension element information item.

LSX-00163: duplicated content specification in ~S

LSX-00163: duplicated content specification in ~S

Cause: There was a duplicate content specification in the children of complexType.

Action: Remove the duplicate content specification.

LSX-00162: string ~S is an invalid default for the complex type

LSX-00162: string ~S is an invalid default for the complex type

Cause: If the {content type} is a simple type definition, then the string must be valid with regard to the simple type definition as defined by String Valid (3.14.4). If the {content type} is mixed, then the {content type} s particle must be emptiable as defined by Particle Emptiable (3.9.6). However, one of these conditions was not met, resulting in this error.

Action: Make the default string a valid default with regard to the complex type definition.

LSX-00161: disallowed type substitution between ~S and ~S

LSX-00161: disallowed type substitution between ~S and ~S

Cause: There was a substituted type whose deriving method falls in the union of the {disallowed substitutions} and the {type definition} s {prohibited substitutions}.

Action: Remove the offending deriving method from the element s {disallowed substitutions} list or the {type definition} s {prohibited substitutions} list.

LSX-00160: invalid substitution group affiliation between ~S and ~S

LSX-00160: invalid substitution group affiliation between ~S and ~S

Cause: There was an error in that {substitution group exclusions} prevented substitution group affiliation by type restriction or type extension.

Action: Remove the offending deriving method from the {substitution group exclusions} list.

LSX-00159: list content of multiple simple types is not allowed

LSX-00159: list content of multiple simple types is not allowed

Cause: Two or more simple types were specified within the list content .

Action: Specify only one simple type.

LSX-00158: base type of ~S must be simple type or primitive datatype

LSX-00158: base type of ~S must be simple type or primitive datatype

Cause: The derivation constraint was violated.

Action: Use complexType instead of simpleType.

LPX-00214: CDATA section did not end in ((lamp;gt;

LPX-00214: CDATA section did not end in ((lamp;gt;

Cause: A syntax error was detected in the CDATA section.

Action: Be sure to end the CDATA section with ((lamp;gt; .

LPX-00213: comment did not end in --lamp;gt;

LPX-00213: comment did not end in --lamp;gt;

Cause: A syntax error was detected in the comment.

Action: Be sure to end the comment with --lamp;gt; .