PLS-00146: duplicate external TRUSTED or UNTRUSTED specification in subprogram expression

PLS-00146: duplicate external TRUSTED or UNTRUSTED specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external TRUSTED or UNTRUSTED specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external external TRUSTED or UNTRUSTED specifications.

PLS-00145: duplicate external WITH CONTEXT specification in subprogram expression

PLS-00145: duplicate external WITH CONTEXT specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external WITH CONTEXT specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external WITH CONTEXT specifications.

PLS-00144: duplicate external CALLING STANDARD specification in subprogram expression

PLS-00144: duplicate external CALLING STANDARD specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external CALLING STANDARD specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external CALLING STANDARD specifications.

PLS-00143: duplicate external LANGUAGE specification in subprogram expression

PLS-00143: duplicate external LANGUAGE specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external LANGUAGE specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external LANGUAGE specifications.

PLS-00142: duplicate external PARAMETER list specification in subprogram expression

PLS-00142: duplicate external PARAMETER list specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external PARAMETER STYLE specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external PARAMETER STYLE specifications.

PLS-00141: duplicate external PARAMETER STYLE specification in subprogram expression

PLS-00141: duplicate external PARAMETER STYLE specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external PARAMETER STYLE specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external PARAMETER STYLE specifications.

PLS-00140: duplicate external LIBRARY specification in subprogram expression

PLS-00140: duplicate external LIBRARY specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external LIBRARY specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external LIBRARY specifications.

PLS-00139: duplicate external NAME specification in subprogram expression

PLS-00139: duplicate external NAME specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external NAME specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external NAME specifications.

PLS-00138: Precision for a binary type must be one of 8, 16, or 32

PLS-00138: Precision for a binary type must be one of 8, 16, or 32

Cause: Invalid precision was specified for a signed or unsigned binary type.

Action: Specify precision as one of 8, 16, or 32.

PLS-00135: Pragma string expects 3rd argument to be an identifier, string or numeric literal

PLS-00135: Pragma string expects 3rd argument to be an identifier, string or numeric literal

Cause: The fourth argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not a numeric literal, as required. The parameter might be miscoded, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the coding of the fourth parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00134: Pragma string expects 2nd argument to be an identifier or string-literal

PLS-00134: Pragma string expects 2nd argument to be an identifier or string-literal

Cause: The second argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not an identifier or string literal, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the second parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00133: Pragma string expects 1st argument to be an identifier or string-literal

PLS-00133: Pragma string expects 1st argument to be an identifier or string-literal

Cause: The first argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not an identifier or string literal, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the first parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00132: Pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES does not support string

PLS-00132: Pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES does not support string

Cause: One of the parameters passed to pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES was not among the following, as required: WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters)

Action: Check the spelling of all the parameters, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00131: Pragma string expects 2nd argument to be a procedure

PLS-00131: Pragma string expects 2nd argument to be a procedure

Cause: The second argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not the name of a procedure, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the second parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00130: Pragma string expects 1st argument to be a procedure or function or package or cursor

PLS-00130: Pragma string expects 1st argument to be a procedure or function or package or cursor

Cause: The first argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not the name of a subprogram, package, or cursor, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the first parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00129: Pragma INTERFACE only supports C as its first argument

PLS-00129: Pragma INTERFACE only supports C as its first argument

Cause: The first parameter passed to pragma INTERFACE specified a host language other than C. Currently, C is the only host language supported. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the first parameter, which should be C, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00128: Illegal number of arguments for pragma string

PLS-00128: Illegal number of arguments for pragma string

Cause: The number of arguments (actual parameters) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) is incorrect. A required argument was omitted from the argument list, or the pragma syntax is faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Supply the missing argument, or correct the faulty syntax.

PLS-00127: Pragma string is not a supported pragma

PLS-00127: Pragma string is not a supported pragma

Cause: The named pragma (compiler directive) is not among those supported by PL or SQL. The pragma name might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty.

Action: Check the spelling of the pragma name, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00126: selector ALL is not allowed

PLS-00126: selector ALL is not allowed

Cause: The ALL shortcut for specifying system privileges or statement options was used in a SQL statement. PL or SQL does not support the ALL shortcut.

Action: Remove the ALL shortcut from the SQL statement.

PLS-00125: type name expected

PLS-00125: type name expected

Cause: When a constant or variable was declared, its datatype was not specified. For example, the code might look like pi CONSTANT := 3.14159; -- should be CONSTANT REAL := 3.14159 Every constant and variable must have a datatype, which specifies a storage format, constraints, and valid range of values.

Action: Supply the type name

PLS-00124: name of exception expected for first arg in exception_init pragma

PLS-00124: name of exception expected for first arg in exception_init pragma

Cause: The first argument passed to the EXCEPTION_INIT pragma was something other than an exception name. The first argument must be the name of a legally declared exception.

Action: Replace the first argument with the name of a legally declared exception.

PLS-00123: program too large (string)

PLS-00123: program too large (string)

Cause: PL or SQL was designed primarily for robust transaction processing. One consequence of the special-purpose design is that the PL or SQL compiler imposes a limit on block size. The limit depends on the mix of statements in the PL or SQL block. Blocks that exceed the limit cause this error.

Action: The best solution is to modularize the program by defining subprograms, which can be stored in an Oracle database. Another solution is to break the program into two sub-blocks. Have the first block INSERT any data the second block needs into a temporary database table. Then, have the second block SELECT the data from the table.

PLS-00122: %s as separator is allowed only with specific built-in functions

PLS-00122: %s as separator is allowed only with specific built-in functions

Cause: A few built-in functions use keywords (instead of commas) as argument separators: Built-in function Argument separators TRAILING, LEADING, BOTH, FROM A function different from one of these built-in functions is using a keyword as an argument separator.

Action: Correct the argument list or change the function name.

PLS-00120: inappropriate argument in OPEN statement

PLS-00120: inappropriate argument in OPEN statement

Cause: The asterisk (*) option was used in the argument list of a SQL group function other than COUNT. For example, the code might look like SELECT SUM(*) INTO emp_count FROM emp; -- should be COUNT(*) Only COUNT permits the use of the asterisk option, which returns the number of rows in a table.

Action: Remove the asterisk option from the argument list and replace it with an expression that refers to one or more database columns.

PLS-00119: Duplicate having-clause in table expression

PLS-00119: Duplicate having-clause in table expression

Cause: Two or more HAVING clauses were found in a SELECT statement. The HAVING clause specifies a condition under which groups of rows (formed by the GROUP BY clause) are included in the result. The condition can include several logical expressions connected by AND or OR, but a statement can contain only one HAVING clause.

Action: Remove one of the HAVING clauses and, if necessary, connect logical expressions by AND or OR.

PLS-00118: Duplicate group-by clause in table expression

PLS-00118: Duplicate group-by clause in table expression

Cause: Two or more GROUP BY clauses were found in a SELECT statement. The GROUP BY clause lists column expressions used to form a summary row for each group of selected rows. The list can contain several column expressions separated by commas, but a statement can contain only one GROUP BY clause.

Action: Remove one of the GROUP BY clauses and, if necessary, separate column expressions by commas.

PLS-00117: Duplicate connect-by clause in table expression

PLS-00117: Duplicate connect-by clause in table expression

Cause: Two or more CONNECT BY clauses were found in a SELECT statement. The CONNECT BY clause defines a relationship used to return rows in a hierarchical order. The relationship can contain two expressions separated by a relational operator (such as = or =), but a statement can contain only one CONNECT BY clause.

Action: Remove one of the CONNECT BY clauses and, if necessary, separate expressions by a relational operator.

PLS-00116: Duplicate where-clause in table expression

PLS-00116: Duplicate where-clause in table expression

Cause: Two or more WHERE clauses were found in a DELETE, SELECT, or UPDATE statement. The WHERE clause specifies a condition under which rows in a table are processed. The condition can contain several logical expressions connected by AND or OR, but a statement can contain only one WHERE clause.

Action: Remove one of the WHERE clauses and, if necessary, connect logical expressions by AND or OR

PLS-00115: this PRAGMA must follow the declaration of string

PLS-00115: this PRAGMA must follow the declaration of string

Cause: The pragma refers to a PL or SQL object that was not declared or is not within the scope of the reference. Identifiers must be declared before they are used in a pragma; forward references are not allowed.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00114: identifier string too long

PLS-00114: identifier string too long

Cause: The name of a PL or SQL variable is longer than 30 characters. Legal identifiers (including quoted identifiers) have a maximum length of 30 characters. A string literal might have been mistakenly enclosed in double quotes instead of single quotes, in which case PL or SQL considers it a quoted identifier.

Action: Shorten the identifier.

PLS-00113: END identifier string must match string at line string, column string

PLS-00113: END identifier string must match string at line string, column string

Cause: Following the keyword END, which terminates some language constructs (such as loops, blocks, functions, and procedures), you can optionally place the name of that construct. For example, at the end of the definition of loop L you might write END L. This error occurs when the optional name does not match the name given to the language construct. It is usually caused by a misspelled identifier or by faulty block structure.

Action: Make sure the spelling of the END identifier matches the name given to the language construct and that the block structure is correct.

PLS-00112: end-of-line in quoted identifier

PLS-00112: end-of-line in quoted identifier

Cause: A quoted identifier had a beginning quote ( ), but before the ending quote ( ) was found, an end-of-line marker was encountered.

Action: Remove the beginning quote or add the ending quote. The line and column numbers accompanying the error message refer to the beginning of the quoted identifier.

PLS-00111: end-of-file in comment

PLS-00111: end-of-file in comment

Cause: A Comment had a comment initiator ( or *), but before the

Action: Remove the Comment initiator or add a comment terminator. The line and column numbers accompanying the error message refer to the beginning of the last legal token before the Comment initiator.

LFI-01004: Unable to empty buffer.

LFI-01004: Unable to empty buffer.

Cause: The buffer manager is probably unable to write to the underlying file.

Action: Examine underlying errors for more information.

LFI-01003: Unable to read string bytes from file.

LFI-01003: Unable to read string bytes from file.

Cause: The file being read from may no longer be open.

Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.

LFI-01002: Unable to read line from file.

LFI-01002: Unable to read line from file.

Cause: The file being read from may no longer be open.

Action: Examine underlying errors for more information.

LFI-01001: Unable to write string bytes to file.

LFI-01001: Unable to write string bytes to file.

Cause: The file being written to may no longer be open or we may have reached the end of the file.

Action: Examine underlying errors for more information.

LFI-01000: Unable to write line to file.

LFI-01000: Unable to write line to file.

Cause: The file being written to may no longer be open or we may have reached the end of the file.

Action: Examine underlying errors for more information.

LFI-00152: Read operation (byte mode) failed.

LFI-00152: Read operation (byte mode) failed.

Cause: Byte mode read operation failed. Probably due to incorrect parameters or flags, or trying to read beyond end of file.

Action: Check syntax of the read command and size of file.

LFI-00151: Error on inserting into hash table in function string

LFI-00151: Error on inserting into hash table in function string

Cause: routine failed to insert into hash table

Action: make sure there is enough memory for allocation and that the hash table exists.

LFI-00150: Error on creating hash table in function string

LFI-00150: Error on creating hash table in function string

Cause: routine failed to create path object hash table

Action: make sure that startsize lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;= LHTQMAXSLOTS

LFI-00149: Error on destroying hash table in function string

LFI-00149: Error on destroying hash table in function string

Cause: We were expecting the cache path object and it does not.

Action: In order to use this function, the path object should be cache path object.

LFI-00148: %s can be called only on files opened in byte mode

LFI-00148: %s can be called only on files opened in byte mode

Cause: A routine that should be used only for files in byte mode was called for a file that was opened in record mode

Action: In order to use this function, the file should be opened in byte mode.

LFI-00147: File string.string does not exist

LFI-00147: File string.string does not exist

Cause: The file does not exist.

Action: Check to make sure the file exists and retry the operation.

LFI-00146: copy does not expect the file string.string to exist

LFI-00146: copy does not expect the file string.string to exist

Cause: We are expecting the destination file not to exist and it does.

Action: Find out why the file does exist.

LFI-00145: User buffer too short.

LFI-00145: User buffer too short.

Cause: The buffer that was passed is not large enough.

Action: Allocate a larger buffer and retry the operation.

LFI-00144: File (string((string( does not exist

LFI-00144: File (string((string( does not exist

Cause: The file does not exist.

Action: Check to make sure the file exists and retry the operation.

LFI-00143: Unable to delete non-existent file string.

LFI-00143: Unable to delete non-existent file string.

Cause: The file to be deleted does not exist.

Action: Check the underlying errors for more information.

LFI-00142: Unable to delete an existing file (string((string( not owned by Oracle.

LFI-00142: Unable to delete an existing file (string((string( not owned by Oracle.

Cause: The file was not created by Oracle.

Action: Change owner of file to Oracle or give Oracle access privileges to delete it.

LFI-00141: Unable to abort file in operation string.

LFI-00141: Unable to abort file in operation string.

Cause: The abort operation failed.

Action: Check the underlying errors for more information.

LFI-00140: Invalid option string were specified on input-output file.

LFI-00140: Invalid option string were specified on input-output file.

Cause: The file was opened as input-output and one of the mode options (LFIOPTY_DELETE or non-LFIOPTY_RANDOM) was specified.

Action: Check to see how you intend to open this file and make the necessary changes.

LFI-00139: Option string cannot be used with option string in calling string.

LFI-00139: Option string cannot be used with option string in calling string.

Cause: First option cannot be used with second option in such a function call.

Action: Re-examine code to determine which option is needed.

LFI-00138: Unable to perform string on a name object that is string.

LFI-00138: Unable to perform string on a name object that is string.

Cause: Unable to perform an LFI operation on a name object for the given reason.

Action: Take the appropriate corrective measure.

LFI-00137: Unable to perform string on a file object that is string.

LFI-00137: Unable to perform string on a file object that is string.

Cause: Unable to perform an LFI operation on a file object for the given reason.

Action: Take the appropriate corrective measure. For example if a file is supposed to be opened before the operation can be performed, client code will need to open the file first.

LFI-00136: Unable to change type of open file.

LFI-00136: Unable to change type of open file.

Cause: The function lfichty() was called on an opened file.

Action: This is a bug in the client code. lfichty() cannot be used in this case.

LFI-00135: Unable to remove temporary file.

LFI-00135: Unable to remove temporary file.

Cause: A temporary file was created to protect a file and when the the tempfile was nolonger needed it LFI attempted to remove it and was unable to do so.

Action: Check the permissions and where the temp files are being created.

LFI-00134: Unable to protect a file for an append operation.

LFI-00134: Unable to protect a file for an append operation.

Cause: The LFILOPTY_APPEND and LFILOPTY_PROT options were both specified for the file. This is currently not allowed because it would require copying the entire file at open time.

Action: Decide if you really need to protect the file for append. If so then think about making a copy of it before appending.

LFI-00133: Trying to create file string that already exists.

LFI-00133: Trying to create file string that already exists.

Cause: The file object was initialized with LFILOPTY_OUTPUT and without LFILOPTY_REPLACE and yet a file by this name already exists.

Action: Check to make sure that you are creating the right file. If you intend to overwrite the file if it exists that specify the replace option LFILOPTY_REPLACE when initializing the file object.

LFI-00132: Record length string is greater than max length of string.

LFI-00132: Record length string is greater than max length of string.

Cause: The record length specified for the file is greater than the max supported by this platform.

Action: Decrease the record length.

LFI-00131: No open type specified.

LFI-00131: No open type specified.

Cause: The file object was created without an open type (that is, LFILOPTY_ INPUT, LFILOPTY_OUTPUT, etc.).

Action: Decide how the file should be accessed and specify one of the open types.