UDI-00051: unable to set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to required defaults.

UDI-00051: unable to set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to required defaults.

Cause: Import was unable to set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to .,

Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as an Import internal error to Oracle Customer Support.

UDI-00050: unable to setup parameter processing.

UDI-00050: unable to setup parameter processing.

Cause: An unexpected error occurred during parameter manager initialization.

Action: Record the messages that follow and report this to Oracle Customer Support as an Import internal bug.

UDI-00019: string parameter list is too long.

UDI-00019: string parameter list is too long.

Cause: Requested parameter list exceeds 4000 character maximum.

Action: Reduce the specified number of parameter values and rerun.

UDI-00018: Import utility version can not be more recent than the Data Pump server.

UDI-00018: Import utility version can not be more recent than the Data Pump server.

Cause: The Import utility is at a higher version than the database version and is thereby incompatible.

Action: Use the same version of Import utility as the database.

UDI-00017: Data Pump job is already executing.

UDI-00017: Data Pump job is already executing.

Cause: Incorrect Data Pump job state for requested operation.

Action: Refer to documentation for correct usage.

UDI-00016: string parameter requires a value.

UDI-00016: string parameter requires a value.

Cause: Parameter was specified without a value.

Action: Refer to documentation for correct parameter usage.

UDI-00015: invalid context or job state for parameter, string .

UDI-00015: invalid context or job state for parameter, string .

Cause: Invalid job state or context for specified parameter.

Action: Refer to documentation for correct parameter usage.

UDI-00014: invalid value for parameter, string

UDI-00014: invalid value for parameter, string

Cause: Could not parse the specified parameter or parameter value.

Action: Refer to documentation for valid parameter values.

UDI-00013: internal impdp error.

UDI-00013: internal impdp error.

Cause: Fatal internal Data Pump client error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

UDI-00012: table mode imports only allow objects from one schema

UDI-00012: table mode imports only allow objects from one schema

Cause: Multiple schemas were selected for import.

Action: Retry import specifying only one schema.

UDI-00011: parameter string is incompatible with parameter string

UDI-00011: parameter string is incompatible with parameter string

Cause: An invalid combination of parameters was specified.

Action: Refer to documentation for the set of valid modes, then retry.

UDI-00010: multiple job modes requested, string and string.

UDI-00010: multiple job modes requested, string and string.

Cause: Invalid job mode was specified.

Action: Specify only one valid mode, then retry.

QSM-00755: a set of workload statements already exists for workload string

QSM-00755: a set of workload statements already exists for workload string

Cause: The user attempted to save workload data into an existing workload that already contains data without specifying APPEND or REPLACE.

Action: Validate the import mode retry the operation.

QSM-00754: task string does not reference a valid workload and therefore cannot be executed

QSM-00754: task string does not reference a valid workload and therefore cannot be executed

Cause: The user attempted to execute a advisor task that requires a workload.

Action: Specify a workload for the task and retry the operation.

QSM-00753: the specified value string is out of the acceptable range of string to string for parameter string

QSM-00753: the specified value string is out of the acceptable range of string to string for parameter string

Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using invalid data.

Action: Adjust the data value and retry the operation.

QSM-00752: the parameter string contains an invalid combination of options string

QSM-00752: the parameter string contains an invalid combination of options string

Cause: The user specified correct option keywords, but entered a combination that is not supported within Access Advisor.

Action: Validate the correct option usage and retry the operation.

QSM-00751: the file string could not be opened for write access

QSM-00751: the file string could not be opened for write access

Cause: Access Advisor could not create the script or report due to a file system error.

Action: Verify the location for file write access and retry the operation.

QSM-00750: the specified value string for parameter string is invalid or contains an invalid item

QSM-00750: the specified value string for parameter string is invalid or contains an invalid item

Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using invalid data.

Action: Adjust the data value and retry the operation.

QSM-00710: data access error in module string

QSM-00710: data access error in module string

Cause: SQL Access Advisor detected a severe error while accessing the advisor repository.

Action: See the accompanying error message for approprate actions.

QSM-00519: Summary Advisor is not installed. Please execute INITQSMA.SQL.

QSM-00519: Summary Advisor is not installed. Please execute INITQSMA.SQL.

Cause: The current database has has not be created or upgraded to support Summary Advisor. Summary Advisor requires several Java stored procedures.

Action: Log into the database with SYSDBA privileges. Execute the INITQSMA.SQL script found in the ADMIN directory under the ORACLE home. **** **** Messages 520-700 are in the 9i Summary Advisor Java modules 701-708 are Hypothetical Workload generator journal messages

QSM-00518: Java is not enabled. Please execute INITJVM.SQL and INITQSMA.SQL

QSM-00518: Java is not enabled. Please execute INITJVM.SQL and INITQSMA.SQL

Cause: The current database has has not be created or upgraded to support Java stored procedures. Summary Advisor requires Java stored procedures.

Action: Log into the database with SYSDBA privileges. Execute the INITJVM.SQL script which is found in the ORACLE home directory under JAVAVM. Next, execute the INITQSMA.SQL script found in the ADMIN directory under the ORACLE home.

QSM-00517: Summary Advisor requires a COMPATIBLE setting of or greater

QSM-00517: Summary Advisor requires a COMPATIBLE setting of or greater

Cause: The current database has a compatibility setting that is earlier than the supported server version.

Action: Adjust the instance parameter COMPATIBLE to or greater.

QSM-00516: illegal status detected for run

QSM-00516: illegal status detected for run

Cause: The run has encountered an illegal value in the status field of the mview$_ adv_log table. This could be internal error or an application error.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

QSM-00515: operation cancelled by user

QSM-00515: operation cancelled by user

Cause: The operation has been cancelled by the user

Action: None

QSM-00514: the size of must-retain summaries exceeds specified space limit

QSM-00514: the size of must-retain summaries exceeds specified space limit

Cause: The specified space limit is greater than the size of must-retain summaries.

Action: Reduce the number of must-retain summaries or increase the space limit

QSM-00513: one or more of the workload tables is missing

QSM-00513: one or more of the workload tables is missing

Cause: One or both of the workload tables are missing. The two workload tables which should be present in the user s schema are V_192216243_F_5_E_14_8_1 and V_192216243_F_5_E_15_8_1; the former is mapped to WORK$_IDEAL_MVIEW and the latter to WORK$_MVIEW_USAGE. The workload tables are created by the Oracle Trace Formatter when the data-collection-file (oraclesm.dat) is formatted by the user.

Action: Check whether the Formatter succeeded in formatting the data collection. Sometimes the V_192216243_F_5_E_14_8_1 (i.e WORK$_IDEAL_MVIEW) may not be created whereas the other table is created. The most likely cause of this is the init.ora parameters needed to invoke mview-rewrite are not enabled. Check your documentation for all the init.ora parameters which need to be set for mview-rewrite to occur. Another possibility is no GROUP BY queries were issued during the time the data was collected, in which case, run the Trace collection for a longer time to get a representative sampling of the queries issued in the data warehouse.

QSM-00512: invalid summaries specified in the retention-list

QSM-00512: invalid summaries specified in the retention-list

Cause: The summaries specified in the retention-list are not valid.

Action: Check the spelling of the summary-names; check that they are valid; and the user has privileges to access them.

QSM-00511: invalid fact-tables specified in fact-filter

QSM-00511: invalid fact-tables specified in fact-filter

Cause: The tables specified in the fact-filter are not valid fact-tables. A fact-table must have foreign-key constraints to one or more of the dimension-tables in the data warehouse.

Action: Check the fact-filter is correctly specified; check that appropriate constraints exist; and the user has privileges to access the tables

QSM-00510: statistics missing on materialized views

QSM-00510: statistics missing on materialized views

Cause: The system metadata does not contain statistics on one or more materialized views. The Advisor needs cardinalities of all materialized views in the data warehouse.

Action: Run ANALYZE on the tables and materialized views in the warehouse to collect statistics.

QSM-00509: invalid parameter

QSM-00509: invalid parameter

Cause: The indicated parameter has an invalid value

Action: Supply a value in the proper range

QSM-00508: statistics missing on tables or columns

QSM-00508: statistics missing on tables or columns

Cause: The system metadata does not contain statistics on one or more tables or columns. The Advisor needs cardinalities of all fact-tables, and of the level-keys of all dimensions in the data warehouse.

Action: Run ANALYZE on the tables and summaries in the warehouse to collect statistics

QSM-00507: no dimensions could be found

QSM-00507: no dimensions could be found

Cause: The database does not have any dimensions

Action: Create the dimensions in your warehouse

QSM-00506: no fact-tables could be found

QSM-00506: no fact-tables could be found

Cause: The fact-filter is not specified, and there are no fact-tables in the warehouse. A fact-table is a table having foreign-key constraints to one or more of the dimension-tables in the data warehouse.

Action: Check the fact-filter is correctly specified; check that appropriate constraints exist; and the user has privileges to access the tables

QSM-00505: syntax error

QSM-00505: syntax error

Cause: A syntax error occurred.

Action: Correct syntax error if possible or contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

QSM-00504: internal error

QSM-00504: internal error

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

QSM-00503: out of memory

QSM-00503: out of memory

Cause: Summary Advisor failed to allocate the necessary memory.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

QSM-00502: OCI error

QSM-00502: OCI error

Cause: A OCI callback routine reported an error

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

QSM-00501: unable to initialize Summary Advisor environment

QSM-00501: unable to initialize Summary Advisor environment

Cause: The Summary Advisor external procedure initialization process failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.

LCD-00219: nested include file (string( is too large

LCD-00219: nested include file (string( is too large

Cause: There is a limit on the size of a parameter file, and it was exceeded. This limit is now 8192 bytes.

Action: Remove characters from the file to make it smaller, or use another level of nesting.

LCD-00218: error in file (string(

LCD-00218: error in file (string(

Cause: An error occurred in the particular file.

Action: Refer to the other messages for the specific error.

LCD-00217: failure while processing file parameter (string(

LCD-00217: failure while processing file parameter (string(

Cause: An error occurred while processing the specified file parameter

Action: Specific details will appear in other messges

LCD-00215: parameter files nested too deep (string(

LCD-00215: parameter files nested too deep (string(

Cause: Too many levels of indirection of file parameters. Maximum is 3.

Action: Reduce the level of indirection to less than 3

LCD-00212: runaway quoted string (string(

LCD-00212: runaway quoted string (string(

Cause: The parameter value was quoted on the left side but not on the right

Action: Quote the parameter value on both sides

LCD-00211: unexpected delimiter (string(

LCD-00211: unexpected delimiter (string(

Cause: An invalid delimiter was found between values

Action: A comma or a space is a valid delimiter

LCD-00210: illegal assignment operator (string(

LCD-00210: illegal assignment operator (string(

Cause: You used a sign other than = to assign a keyword a value

Action: Use only the = sign

LCD-00209: missing value for keyword at end of string (string(

LCD-00209: missing value for keyword at end of string (string(

Cause: A keyword is specified with no value

Action: Specify a valid value for the keyword

LCD-00208: unexpected keyword in value list (string(

LCD-00208: unexpected keyword in value list (string(

Cause: A keyword was found instead of a value

Action: Insert an appropriate value for the given parameter

LCD-00207: nested parentheses encountered (string(

LCD-00207: nested parentheses encountered (string(

Cause: Only one set of parentheses is permitted

Action: Remove the nested parentheses

LCD-00206: positional parameter entered after keyword (string(

LCD-00206: positional parameter entered after keyword (string(

Cause: An = sign is missing

Action: All keywords must be followed by = signs

LCD-00205: unbalanced parentheses (string(

LCD-00205: unbalanced parentheses (string(

Cause: Self explanatory

Action: Balance the parentheses

LCD-00204: left parenth and no parameter specified (string(

LCD-00204: left parenth and no parameter specified (string(

Cause: A parameter list was started but no parameter was specified

Action: Add an appropriate list of values and close the parameter list

LCD-00203: missing keyword (string(

LCD-00203: missing keyword (string(

Cause: A keyword is expected but none was found

Action: Add a keyword followed by an = sign and a parameter value

LCD-00201: could not open specified filename (string(

LCD-00201: could not open specified filename (string(

Cause: The file specified does not exist

Action: Create an appropriate parameter file

LCD-00161: ORACLE error (possible syntax error) parameter (string(

LCD-00161: ORACLE error (possible syntax error) parameter (string(

Cause: Possible syntax error. Additional messages follow.

Action: Correct the parameter in error.

LCD-00128: invalid positional parameter value (string(

LCD-00128: invalid positional parameter value (string(

Cause: An invalid positional parameter value has been entered

Action: Remove the invalid positional parameter

LCD-00122: unrecognized keyword (string(

LCD-00122: unrecognized keyword (string(

Cause: You have misspelled the parameter name

Action: Spell the parameter name correctly

LCD-00114: illegal boolean response (string(

LCD-00114: illegal boolean response (string(

Cause: You a value than TRUE or FALSE to a boolean parameter

Action: Boolean parameters only take TRUE or FALSE

LCD-00113: integer conversion error or negative integer (string(

LCD-00113: integer conversion error or negative integer (string(

Cause: A bad or negative integer was assigned to an integer parameter

Action: Self explanatory

LCD-00112: illegal integer radix specification (string(

LCD-00112: illegal integer radix specification (string(

Cause: Self Explanatory

Action: valid characters are d , h , D and H

LCD-00111: value not in legal range (string(

LCD-00111: value not in legal range (string(

Cause: The value of the parameter is outside bounds

Action: Refer to the manual for the bounds on the parameter