PCC-02329: found reference to undeclared function

PCC-02329: found reference to undeclared function

Cause: A function was referenced that was not declared. All function references must be declared.

Action: Declare the function.

PCC-02328: undefined struct member

PCC-02328: undefined struct member

Cause: A structure component was referenced that was not declared as part of the structure.

Action: Redefine the structure member.

PCC-02327: struct or struct pointer required

PCC-02327: struct or struct pointer required

Cause: A scalar host variable was used in a context where a structure (or its pointer) is required.

Action: Make the host variable a structure or add more scalar host variables to satisfy the SQL syntax requirements.

PCC-02326: illegal structure reference operation

PCC-02326: illegal structure reference operation

Cause: A structure component using invalid syntax was referenced. For example, a -lamp;gt; operator was used instead of a required `. operator.

Action: Correct the invalid reference.

PCC-02325: illegal indirection operation

PCC-02325: illegal indirection operation

Cause: An attempt was made to use a non-pointer type as a pointer.

Action: Rewrite the expression.

PCC-02324: found variable name used as a typedef name

PCC-02324: found variable name used as a typedef name

Cause: The name of a variable was found where a typedef was expected.

Action: Rewrite the expression and specify the correct typedef reference.

PCC-02323: found typedef name used in an expression (expecting a value)

PCC-02323: found typedef name used in an expression (expecting a value)

Cause: The name of a typedef was found where a variable was expected.

Action: Rewrite the expression and remove the reference to the typedef.

PCC-02322: found undefined identifier

PCC-02322: found undefined identifier

Cause: An identifier used in a SQL statement was not defined. For example, a cursor name was referenced that had not been declared, or in a DECLARE CURSOR statement, a statement name was used that had not been PREPAREd.

Action: Provide a declaration for the variable and or or its type identifier.

PCC-02321: only subtraction between two pointers is permitted

PCC-02321: only subtraction between two pointers is permitted

Cause: Pointer values cannot be added, multiplied, or divided. The only arithmetic operation permitted with pointers is subtraction.

Action: Recode to avoid this error message.

PCC-02320: arithmetic expression does not have correct operand types

PCC-02320: arithmetic expression does not have correct operand types

Cause: The arithmetic expression must be specified with integral types.

Action: Rewrite the expression using integral types.

PCC-02319: expression type does not match usage

PCC-02319: expression type does not match usage

Cause: The type of a variable does not match is usage. For example, in dynamic SQL, a host variable containing the text of a SQL statement must be declared as a C character type or be equivalenced to the SQL type STRING.

Action: Remove the declaration.

PCC-02318: missing type expression

PCC-02318: missing type expression

Cause: The specified expression is missing the declaration of a type.

Action: Specify a type for the expression.

PCC-02317: illegal cast type expression

PCC-02317: illegal cast type expression

Cause: An illegal cast is present in the expression.

Action: Remove the illegal cast.

PCC-02316: illegal operator in constant expression

PCC-02316: illegal operator in constant expression

Cause: A non-arithmetic operator was present in a constant expression.

Action: Rewrite the expression to eliminate the non-arithmetic operator.

PCC-02315: cannot evaluate expression as constant

PCC-02315: cannot evaluate expression as constant

Cause: The specified expression does not evaluate to a constant. Such expressions are required, for example, as the length of a VARCHAR.

Action: Replace the expression with one that does evaluate to a constant integer.

PCC-02314: cannot evaluate constant sizeof expression

PCC-02314: cannot evaluate constant sizeof expression

Cause: A SIZEOF operator was used where a precompiler expression was expected. For example, as the length of a varchar.

Action: Eliminate the SIZEOF operator in this instance.

PCC-02313: malformed VARCHAR declaration - missing length

PCC-02313: malformed VARCHAR declaration - missing length

Cause: When a VARCHAR is declared, a length specification is mandatory. For example, the following VARCHAR declaration is meaningless, hence illegal: VARCHAR v1((;

Action: Specify the length for each declared VARCHAR.

PCC-02312: arrays of VARCHAR greater than 2 dimensions not allowed

PCC-02312: arrays of VARCHAR greater than 2 dimensions not allowed

Cause: A VARCHAR variable having more that 2 dimensions was declared. Multidimensional arrays are not supported as host variables.

Action: Recode the application to remove multidimensional array usage.

PCC-02311: cannot have VARCHAR bit fields

PCC-02311: cannot have VARCHAR bit fields

Cause: Host variables cannot contain bit fields.

Action: Recode the application to remove the bit fields.

PCC-02310: formal parameter VARCHARs should be declared as pointers

PCC-02310: formal parameter VARCHARs should be declared as pointers

Cause: Many C compilers allow structures to be passed to and returned from functions. Although a VARCHAR is implemented as a C struct, VARCHARs must be passed to a function as pointers.

Action: Take the address of a VARCHAR when it is passed to a function. See the example in the section Referencing VARCHAR Variables in the Programmer s Guide to the Oracle Precompilers.

PCC-02309: illegal formal parameter declaration

PCC-02309: illegal formal parameter declaration

Cause: A formal parameter to a function was specified without giving its type.

Action: Rewrite the function declaration and include types of all parameters in function declarations.

PCC-02308: identifier required in this function declaration

PCC-02308: identifier required in this function declaration

Cause: A function definition written in ANSI C must have both the name and the type for all parameters.

Action: Rewrite the function definition so that it contains the name of each parameter.

PCC-02307: void can only be used when single parameter

PCC-02307: void can only be used when single parameter

Cause: A function can be declared or defined using the following syntax: int func1(void) to indicate that the function has no parameters. void can be used only once in this case.

Action: Remove the extra voids in the function definition or declaration.

PCC-02306: illegal name of C function

PCC-02306: illegal name of C function

Cause: A C function was declared with a name that is not a legal C identifier.

Action: Use legal C identifiers for all function names.

PCC-02305: illegal mixing of new and old style C function declarations

PCC-02305: illegal mixing of new and old style C function declarations

Cause: All C functions using either the traditional style (K R style) function declarations or the new (ANSI) style must be declared; the two styles cannot be mixed.

Action: Adopt a consist declaration style for functions.

PCC-02304: invalid declaration of C function

PCC-02304: invalid declaration of C function

Cause: A C function using invalid syntax was declared.

Action: Consult a C programming manual and correct the declaration.

PCC-02302: cannot open code generation output file string

PCC-02302: cannot open code generation output file string

Cause: Pro*C was unable to open one or both temporary files required for code generation. The user executing the precompiler must have write permission (and or or the appropriate privileges) on the current directory.

Action: Check that permission exists to create files in the the directory where you precompile.

PCC-02301: cannot reopen input file for reading

PCC-02301: cannot reopen input file for reading

Cause: The semantic analysis phase of the precompiler could not reopen the input file to generate the output code.

Action: Check that the input file and it s directory protection and priveleges do not change during precompilation.

PCC-02210: C++ punctuation sequences are not permitted

PCC-02210: C++ punctuation sequences are not permitted

Cause: C++ punctuation sequences are not supported by the ProC or C++ precompiler.

Action: Rewrite your C++ code without using punctuation sequences and precompile it again.

PCC-02209: Macro invocation has incorrect number of arguments

PCC-02209: Macro invocation has incorrect number of arguments

Cause: A macro invocation in the source does not have the same number of arguments as the macro definition in the #define line.

Action: Correct the macro reference or the macro definition.

PCC-02208: No filename specified in #include statement

PCC-02208: No filename specified in #include statement

Cause: The precompiler parser encountered a #include directive that had no filename associated with it. For example, #include

Action: Specify appropriate filename with the #include directive, or correct the syntax.

PCC-02207: Invalid macro name

PCC-02207: Invalid macro name

Cause: The precompiler parser encountered a #define directive that had no macro name associated with it. For example, #define

Action: Correct the syntax.

PCC-02206: Host variables are not permitted within a DDL statement

PCC-02206: Host variables are not permitted within a DDL statement

Cause: A Data Definition Language statement cannot use host variables. For example, the statement CREATE TABLE :table_name (c1 char(10)); is illegal, because the name of the table in a CREATE TABLE statement cannot be represented using host variable.

Action: Use dynamic SQL to create the names of database objects (tables, views, columns, etc.) at runtime. See the Programmer s Guide to the Oracle Precompilers, Release2.2 for information about dynamic SQL.

PCC-02205: Parser error at line number, column number, file string:

PCC-02205: Parser error at line number, column number, file string:

Cause: The precompiler parser encountered a syntax error, either in C code or in SQL code. A more specific message should follow.

Action: for any following messages.

PCC-02204: EXEC SQL INCLUDE not permitted from within an included file

PCC-02204: EXEC SQL INCLUDE not permitted from within an included file

Cause: EXEC SQL INCLUDE statements cannot be nested. Also, EXEC SQL INCLUDE statement cannot be put inside a file that is included using the #include preprocessor command.

Action: Recode the program so that the nested include statement is not required.

PCC-02203: found end of file when not expected

PCC-02203: found end of file when not expected

Cause: The parser can emit this message when a general syntax error occurs, for example, an unmatched { or ( .

Action: Correct the syntax.

PCC-02202: No typedef name was given

PCC-02202: No typedef name was given

Cause: The precompiler parser encountered a typedef statement that had no name after the type specification. For example, typedef int;

Action: Correct the syntax

PCC-02201: Found syntax error

PCC-02201: Found syntax error

Cause: This general message precedes one or more specific messages that detail the nature of the error.

Action: No action required. Correct the errors diagnosed in the following message(s).

PCC-02200: found unrecognized punctuation sequence

PCC-02200: found unrecognized punctuation sequence

Cause: The error indicates that the precompiler parser encountered a badly-formed identifier or keyword.

Action: Correct the syntax.

PCC-02154: Close file: string

PCC-02154: Close file: string

Cause: A source file was closed while producing the list file.

Action: No action required; this is an informational message.

PCC-02153: Open file: string

PCC-02153: Open file: string

Cause: A new source file was opened while producing the list file.

Action: No action required; this is an informational message.

PCC-02152: Unable to open file string to display or list the source line number

PCC-02152: Unable to open file string to display or list the source line number

Cause: The file contains an error, but could not be reopened to list or display the incorrect line.

Action: Check that the file is intact and it has read permission. Then rerun the operation.

PCC-02151: Line number column number file string:

PCC-02151: Line number column number file string:

Cause: An error was encounter at the given location.

Action: Check the listed source file and correct the error using the additional information which follows this error message.

PCC-02150: Error at line number, column number in file string

PCC-02150: Error at line number, column number in file string

Cause: An error was encounter at the given location.

Action: Check the named source file and correct the error using the additional information which follows this error message.

PCC-02146: CMD-LINE: value of option too long

PCC-02146: CMD-LINE: value of option too long

Cause: The length of the user option exceeded 1023 bytes

Action: Reduce the length of the user option

PCC-02144: CMD-LINE: Blank characters are not allowed on either side of an equal sign (=)

PCC-02144: CMD-LINE: Blank characters are not allowed on either side of an equal sign (=)

Cause: An equal sign (=) was either immediately preceded or followed by a blank character.

Action: Precompile your program again without blank characters on either side of any equal sign (=) on the command line.

PCC-02138: CMD-LINE: Internal consistency error

PCC-02138: CMD-LINE: Internal consistency error

Cause: This is an internal message for program exceptions. An unexpected condition was encountered by the command-line processor and a consistency check failed. Some possible causes of this message include: --invalid command-line options --memory corruption

Action: Report this error to Worldwide Support after gathering the following information: --the events that led to the error --the attempted operations that led to the error --any unusual circumstances prior to this error

PCC-02135: CMD-LINE: User asked for help

PCC-02135: CMD-LINE: User asked for help

Cause: This is a final message that the precompiler issues when information about the command line options has been requested. For example, if the command proc ? is issued to get a list of current default values for the command line options, this message appears at the end of the list.

Action: No action required.

PCC-02134: CMD-LINE: Null option supplied

PCC-02134: CMD-LINE: Null option supplied

Cause: A zero length option was specified on the command line.

Action: Re-enter the command line with a valid option.

PCC-02133: CMD-LINE: Error in string processing function

PCC-02133: CMD-LINE: Error in string processing function

Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued. It indicates that a C string function, such as strcpy or strlen, returned an error.

Action: Call Oracle customer support.

PCC-02132: CMD-LINE: Could not allocate memory

PCC-02132: CMD-LINE: Could not allocate memory

Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.

Action: Call Oracle customer support.

PCC-02129: CMD-LINE: Client supplied static options table is invalid

PCC-02129: CMD-LINE: Client supplied static options table is invalid

Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.

Action: Call Oracle customer support.

PCC-02116: You must specify a file extension using the HEADER option

PCC-02116: You must specify a file extension using the HEADER option

Cause: An attempt was made to precompile a header file without specifying the name of the extension to use when creating the generated data file.

Action: Use the HEADER option to specify the name of a file extension to use when creating a data file for a precompiled header.

PCC-02115: Unable to open output file for writing

PCC-02115: Unable to open output file for writing

Cause: An attempt was made to precompile a header file where the output data file could not be opened (or created) for writing.

Action: Check for appropriate permissions on the directory and possibly file objects (if a data file already exists) to make sure that write permissions have been granted.

PCC-02114: Command line argument MODE=ANSI may not be used with DBMS=V6

PCC-02114: Command line argument MODE=ANSI may not be used with DBMS=V6

Cause: The semantics of certain operations (such as character comparison) in Oracle version ^ are not 100% compliant with the ANSI or ISO SQL standards. When V6 semantics are requested, using the DBMS=V6 or DBMS=V6_CHAR option, precompilation with MODE=ANSI is not permitted.

Action: Do not use ANSI mode with V6 options.

PCC-02113: DBMS=V6 no longer supported; using DBMS=NATIVE, CHAR_ MAP=VARCHAR2.

PCC-02113: DBMS=V6 no longer supported; using DBMS=NATIVE, CHAR_ MAP=VARCHAR2.

Cause: DBMS=V6 was specified on the command line, but is no longer a supported option value. The options DBMS=NATIVE and CHAR_ MAP=VARCHAR2 were used instead.

Action: Check your program to verify that you are not depending on any V6 behavior. Please refer to the Programmer s Guide to the Pro*C or C++ Precompiler for effects of specifying DBMS=V6.

PCC-02112: OBJECTS option ignored. OBJECTS=YES is not allowed for DBMS=V6 or V7.

PCC-02112: OBJECTS option ignored. OBJECTS=YES is not allowed for DBMS=V6 or V7.

Cause: OBJECTS=YES was specified on the Pro*C command line, but the DBMS option value was not valid.

Action: This is a warning message only. To avoid this warning for OBJECTS=YES, use DBMS=V8 or DBMS=NATIVE with a V8 database.

PCC-02111: CHAR_MAP option ignored. Only CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2 allowed for DBMS=V6

PCC-02111: CHAR_MAP option ignored. Only CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2 allowed for DBMS=V6

Cause: DBMS=V6 was specified, and CHAR_MAP was specified with a value other than VARCHAR2. The CHAR_MAP value is ignored.

Action: This is a warning message only. To avoid this warning, specify a DBMS value other than DBMS=V6 or use CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2.

PCC-02110: DBMS=V6_CHAR is deprecated. Use CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2, DBMS=V7 instead

PCC-02110: DBMS=V6_CHAR is deprecated. Use CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2, DBMS=V7 instead

Cause: DBMS=V6_CHAR was specified on the command line but is no longer a supported option. The options CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2 and DBMS=V7 were used instead.

Action: This is a warning message only. To avoid this warning, specify CHAR_ MAP=VARCHAR2 and, if required, DBMS=V7.

PCC-02109: SQLCHECK=NONE is no longer supported.. using SYNTAX

PCC-02109: SQLCHECK=NONE is no longer supported.. using SYNTAX

Cause: SQLCHECK=NONE was specified on the command line but is no longer a supported option. SQLCHECK=SYNTAX was used instead.

Action: This is a warning message only. To avoid this warning, specify SQLCHECK=SYNTAX or SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS.