PCC-00017: Unable to parse statement at line number in file string

PCC-00017: Unable to parse statement at line number in file string

Cause: There is a syntax error in an array declaration. The precompiler was expecting a right bracket (() but found something else.

Action: Check the syntax, then correct the array declaration.

PCC-00016: Unable to open a cursor at line number in file string

PCC-00016: Unable to open a cursor at line number in file string

Cause: The syntax in a SQL statement is faulty. The precompiler was expecting a host variable, but found something else.

Action: Check the syntax and the spelling, then correct the SQL statement.

PCC-00015: Unrecognized Host Language syntax ignored at line number in file string

PCC-00015: Unrecognized Host Language syntax ignored at line number in file string

Cause: The host language syntax used to define a host variable in the Declare Section is incorrect.

Action: Check the syntax and the spelling, then correct the declaration.

PCC-00014: Undeclared SQL Identifier string at line number in file string

PCC-00014: Undeclared SQL Identifier string at line number in file string

Cause: The name of a descriptor, statement, or cursor was not declared or is misspelled.

Action: Add or correct the descriptor, statement, or cursor declaration.

PCC-00013: Unable to open include file string at line number in file string

PCC-00013: Unable to open include file string at line number in file string

Cause: The precompiler was unable to open the input file specified in the INCLUDE statement. Some possible causes follow: o The filename is misspelled. o The file does not exist. o The search path to the file is incorrect. o File access privileges are insufficient. o There is not enough disk space. o There are too many open files.

Action: Check that the file exists, that the search path to the file is correct, that sufficient privileges to access the file have been granted, and that it is not locked by another user. Also, check that there is enough disk space and that the limit for open files is set high enough (check with the system manager).

PCC-00012: Not in a declare section at line number in file string

PCC-00012: Not in a declare section at line number in file string

Cause: An END DECLARE SECTION statement without a matching BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement was found. Either the BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement is missing or misspelled or the END DECLARE SECTION statement is an extra.

Action: Add or correct the BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement or remove the extra END DECLARE SECTION statement.

PCC-00011: Already in a declare section at line number in file string

PCC-00011: Already in a declare section at line number in file string

Cause: A BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement was found inside a Declare Section.

Action: Remove the extra BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement.

PCC-00010: Statement out of place at line number in file string

PCC-00010: Statement out of place at line number in file string

Cause: An EXEC statement was not placed properly in the host program. For example, there might be a data manipulation statement in the Declare Section. In a Pro*COBOL program, the Declare Section might be outside the WORKING-STORAGE or LINKAGE SECTION.

Action: Remove or relocate the statement.

PCC-00009: Invalid host variable at column number in line number of file string

PCC-00009: Invalid host variable at column number in line number of file string

Cause: A host variable used in an EXEC SQL statement was not declared in the Declare Section or has an unsupported datatype.

Action: Declare the host variable in the Declare Section, making sure it has one of the supported datatypes.

PCC-00008: Invalid WHENEVER action at column number in line number of file string

PCC-00008: Invalid WHENEVER action at column number in line number of file string

Cause: At lease one of the following: o An action other than CONTINUE, DO, GOTO, or STOP was specified in an EXEC SQL WHENEVER statement. o One of the specified actions was spelled incorrectly. o The host language does not allow the action (STOP is illegal in Pro*Pascal programs). o A GOTO label is invalid.

Action: Check that the host language allows the specified WHENEVER action. If necessary, correct the spelling of the WHENEVER action or correct the GOTO label.

PCC-00007: Invalid WHENEVER condition at column number in line number of file string

PCC-00007: Invalid WHENEVER condition at column number in line number of file string

Cause: A condition other than SQLERROR, SQLWARNING, or NOT FOUND was specified in an EXEC SQL WHENEVER statement, or one of these was used, but spelled incorrectly.

Action: Correct the spelling of the WHENEVER condition or use a host- language IF statement to test the special condition.

PCC-00005: Unsupported datatype in line number of file string

PCC-00005: Unsupported datatype in line number of file string

Cause: A host variable defined in the Declare Section has an unsupported datatype or has a scale or precision outside the supported range.

Action: Redefine the host variable using a supported datatype. Check that the scale and precision of a numeric variable are in the accepted range.

PCC-00004: Mismatched IF or ELSE or ENDIF block at line number in file string

PCC-00004: Mismatched IF or ELSE or ENDIF block at line number in file string

Cause: There is an EXEC ORACLE ELSE or EXEC ORACLE ENDIF statement without a matching EXEC ORACLE IFDEF statement.

Action: Add the missing EXEC ORACLE IFDEF statement or deletee or move the EXEC ORACLE ELSE or EXEC ORACLE ENDIF statement.

PCC-00003: Invalid SQL Identifier at column number in line number of file string

PCC-00003: Invalid SQL Identifier at column number in line number of file string

Cause: The symbol in a conditional precompilation statement (such as EXEC ORACLE IFDEF) is invalid, or the name of a SQL descriptor, statement, or cursor is invalid or was not properly declared.

Action: Check the statement syntax and spelling of the identifier and check that a reserved word was not accidentally used. If necessary, define the identifier in a variable declaration or DECLARE statement ahead of the line in error.

PCC-00002: Invalid syntax at column number in line number of file string

PCC-00002: Invalid syntax at column number in line number of file string

Cause: There is a syntax error in an EXEC statement or the statement is not properly terminated.

Action: Correct the syntax of the EXEC statement. If the error occurred at the end of the input file, check that the last EXEC statement is properly terminated.

PCC-00001: Unable to open file string

PCC-00001: Unable to open file string

Cause: The precompiler was unable to open a temporary file for internal use. There might be insufficient disk space, too many open files, or read-only protection on the output directory.

Action: Check that there is enough disk space, that the limit for open files is set high enough (check with the system manager) and that protection on the directory allows opening a file for writing.

PCB-00903: Pro*COBOL is unable to initialize its parser function

PCB-00903: Pro*COBOL is unable to initialize its parser function

Cause: Pro*COBOL was unable to access the message file containing message text. The file is possibly corrupt.

Action: Contact customer support for information on reinstalling the Pro*COBOL message files.

PCB-00902: Unable to read message file, facility PCB

PCB-00902: Unable to read message file, facility PCB

Cause: Pro*COBOL was unable to access the message file containing message text. The file is possibly corrupt.

Action: Contact customer support for information on reinstalling the Pro*COBOL message files.

PCB-00901: Pro*COBOL internal error condition detected (Code = number)

PCB-00901: Pro*COBOL internal error condition detected (Code = number)

Cause: Pro*COBOL had detected an abnormal condition in its internal data structures. This error message should not normally ever be produced. Customer service should be contacted to report the error.

Action: Correct any other errors which have been reported. If the internal error still exist, examine the source code where the condition was detected and try modifying in some way. Possibly this will alleviate the internal error condition.

PCB-00702: Out-of-range item number

PCB-00702: Out-of-range item number

Cause: The value specified in the VALUES clause of an EXEC SQL GET or SET DESCRIPTOR statement was less than one or greater than 65535.

Action: Specify a value between 1 and 65535. 900 - 1000, Fatal error conditions

PCB-00701: MAX OCCURRANCES must be between 1 and 65535

PCB-00701: MAX OCCURRANCES must be between 1 and 65535

Cause: The value specified in the WITH MAX clause of an EXEC SQL ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement was less than 1 or greater than 65535

Action: Specifiy a value between 1 and 65535 inclusive

700 - 725, Dynamic SQL error conditions PCB-00700: This statement can only be used with DYNAMIC=ANSI

700 - 725, Dynamic SQL error conditions PCB-00700: This statement can only be used with DYNAMIC=ANSI

Cause: One of the following statements was used without specifying DYNAMIC=ANSI: o EXEC SQL ALLOCATE or DEALLOCATE or GET or SET DESCRIPTOR o EXEC SQL DESCRIBE OUTPUT or INPUT ... USING ... lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;descriptor namelamp;gt; o EXEC SQL EXECUTE ... INTO ... o EXEC SQL EXECUTE ... USING... lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;descriptor namelamp;gt; o EXEC SQL OPEN ... INTO ... o EXEC SQL OPEN ... USING... lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;descriptor namelamp;gt; o SCROLL in DECLARE CURSOR o EXEC SQL FETCH lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;orientationlamp;gt; ... where lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;orientationlamp;gt; is NEXT, PRIOR, FIRST, LAST, ABSOLUTE, or RELATIVE

Action: Specify DYNAMIC=ANSI or remove statement(s) like those above.

PCB-00639: Cannot specify destination offset in a LOB WRITE APPEND

PCB-00639: Cannot specify destination offset in a LOB WRITE APPEND

Cause: A destination offset was specified in a LOB WRITE APPEND statement. The destination offset is assumed to be the end of the LOB so specifying an explicit destination offset is erroneous.

Action: Remove the destination offset from the LOB WRITE APPEND statement.

PCB-00638: This attribute is only valid for internal or external LOB types

PCB-00638: This attribute is only valid for internal or external LOB types

Cause: A request for a LOB attribute was made in a LOB DESCRIBE statement in which the given source was not an internal or external LOB type.

Action: Use a LOB host variable in the LOB DESCRIBE statement.

PCB-00637: Host variable is not an exact binary integer

PCB-00637: Host variable is not an exact binary integer

Cause: A host variable was given that was not declared to be of some acceptable exact binary integer type. Generally, when this error occurs, a signed or unsigned integer type was expected. Floating point or otherwise imprecise numeric types are considered erroneous.

Action: Replace the problematic host variable with one that was declared using a proper binary integer type.

PCB-00636: This attribute is only valid for External LOB types

PCB-00636: This attribute is only valid for External LOB types

Cause: A request for a LOB attribute was made in a LOB DESCRIBE statement in which the given LOB was not an External LOB type (BFILE).

Action: Use an External LOB (BFILE) host variable in the LOB DESCRIBE statement.

PCB-00635: This attribute is only valid for Internal LOB types

PCB-00635: This attribute is only valid for Internal LOB types

Cause: A request for a LOB attribute was made in a LOB DESCRIBE statement in which the given LOB was not of some Internal LOB type.

Action: Replace the LOB host variable in the LOB DESCRIBE with one that was declared to be an Internal LOB.

PCB-00633: Invalid host variable and attribute pairing

PCB-00633: Invalid host variable and attribute pairing

Cause: The host variable and attribute pairing in a LOB DESCRIBE was invalid. Most likely, this was due to some problem with the host variable. For example, this error could occur if the host variable was not declared.

Action: Usually, other, more specific, errors will accompany this one. Correcting some or all of those problems should resolve this error.

PCB-00632: Cannot open an External LOB in READ WRITE mode

PCB-00632: Cannot open an External LOB in READ WRITE mode

Cause: An attempt was made to OPEN a BFILE in READ WRITE mode. Writable BFILEs are currently not supported so this operation is considered erroneous.

Action: Do not open BFILEs using READ WRITE mode. BFILEs can only be OPENed in READ ONLY mode.

PCB-00631: Host variable is not an External LOB

PCB-00631: Host variable is not an External LOB

Cause: The given host variable was not declared to be an External LOB. BFILE is an external type.

Action: Redeclare the host variable using an External LOB type (BFILE).

PCB-00630: Host variable is not of LOB type

PCB-00630: Host variable is not of LOB type

Cause: The given host variable was not declared to be any type of LOB, Internal or External. BLOB, CLOB or NCLOB are internal lob types. BFILE is an external type.

Action: Redeclare the host variable using any of the LOB types, Internal or External.

PCB-00629: Host variable is not of Internal LOB type

PCB-00629: Host variable is not of Internal LOB type

Cause: The given host variable was not declared to be an internal LOB. BLOB, CLOB or NCLOB are internal lob types.

Action: Redeclare the host variable using one of the internal LOB types.

PCB-00628: Buffer type is incompatible with LOB type

PCB-00628: Buffer type is incompatible with LOB type

Cause: This error can occur in either of the following situations 1. An attempt to READ from a LOB into a buffer whose type was not compatible with the LOB type. 2. An attempt to WRITE a buffer into a LOB whose type was not compatible with the buffer type.

Action: Either the LOB type or the buffer type needs to be changed so that the LOB and buffer types become compatible for the specified operation.

PCB-00627: Host variable is not of character type

PCB-00627: Host variable is not of character type

Cause: The given host variable was not declared to be of the required character type. In this case, one of several possible character types would have been accepted. However, the host variable type did not match any of them.

Action: Redeclare the problematic host variable, using one of the permitted character types.

PCB-00626: Incompatible LOB types

PCB-00626: Incompatible LOB types

Cause: A LOB operation was attempted between LOBs whose types were not compatible. For example, When ASSIGNing one LOB to another, both LOBs must be of the same type. If they are not, this error results.

Action: Correct the LOB operation by having it function between LOBs of the same type. This may require a redeclaration of one of the LOBs used in the LOB statement performing the specified operation.

PCB-00625: An indicator variable is not required with this attribute

PCB-00625: An indicator variable is not required with this attribute

Cause: In a LOB DESCRIBE, an indicator variable was used with a host variable when retrieving a LOB attribute that does not require one.

Action: Remove the indicator variable.

PCB-00603: An EXEC TOOLS MESSAGE host variable is not a character type

PCB-00603: An EXEC TOOLS MESSAGE host variable is not a character type

Cause: If a host variable is used to specify the message in an EXEC TOOLS MESSAGE statement, that host variable must be of a character type.

Action: Declare the message to a host variable of a char type. 625 - 649, EXEC SQL LOB statements

PCB-00600: indicators are not allowed in EXEC IAF statements

PCB-00600: indicators are not allowed in EXEC IAF statements

Cause: Indicator variables associated with host variables cannot be used in EXEC IAF statements such as GET and PUT in a user exit.

Action: Eliminate the indicator variables. If feasible (for example with Forms V4), use EXEC TOOLS statements, which do allow indicator variables. See the Programmer s Guide to the Oracle Precompilers for more information of EXEC IAF and EXEC TOOLS statements.

PCB-00581: string used as both host variable and indicator

PCB-00581: string used as both host variable and indicator

Cause: Within a PL or SQL statement, the variable was used as both a host variable and an indicator variable.

Action: Use different variables for host variables and indicator variables. 600 - 624, EXEC TOOLS

PCB-00580: Previous use of host variable string uses different indicator

PCB-00580: Previous use of host variable string uses different indicator

Cause: Within a PL or SQL statement, a host variable was used with two different indicator variables or was used with an indicator variable in one instance and without an indicator in another instance.

Action: Change all references to the host variable so that they all use the same indicator variable or all use no indicator variable.

PCB-00579: Invalid ARRAYLEN length variable type for string

PCB-00579: Invalid ARRAYLEN length variable type for string

Cause: A valid table dimension was not specified in an ARRAYLEN statement. The table dimension must be specified using a previously declared 4-byte integer host variable, not a literal or expression. For example, the offending code might look like: EXEC SQL ARRAYLEN ETABLE (25) END-EXEC. -- illegal dimension

Action: Supply a valid table dimension. If necessary, declare a 4-byte integer host variable for use in the ARRAYLEN statement.

PCB-00577: Use of ARRAYLEN with host tables in SQL statements is ignored

PCB-00577: Use of ARRAYLEN with host tables in SQL statements is ignored

Cause: ARRAYLEN is only valid with PL or SQL.

Action: Use an appropriate table type.

PCB-00576: PLS-number: string

PCB-00576: PLS-number: string

Cause: The precompiler found an error in an embedded SQL statement or PL or SQL block.

Action: Refer to the indicated PL or SQL error message to correct the SQL statement or embedded PL or SQL block.

PCB-00575: PLS-number: string

PCB-00575: PLS-number: string

Cause: Refer to the indicated PL or SQL error message for the indicated condition.

Action: Refer to the indicated PL or SQL error message to correct the SQL statement or embedded PL or SQL block.

PCB-00558: Invalid external datatype specified in EXEC SQL VAR statement

PCB-00558: Invalid external datatype specified in EXEC SQL VAR statement

Cause: An invalid external datatype was specified in the EXEC SQL VAR statement.

Action: Specify a valid external datatype. 575 - 599, PL or SQL (including ARRAYLEN)

PCB-00557: USING clause can only be used on a PREPAREd dynamic statement

PCB-00557: USING clause can only be used on a PREPAREd dynamic statement

Cause: A severe semantics error occurred because the USING clause was used with the OPEN cursor statement and the cursor declaration is not for a PREPAREd statement. The correct sequence of statements should be like: EXEC SQL prepare sv from :sel_stmt END-EXEC. EXEC SQL declare csv cursor for sv END-EXEC. EXEC SQL open csv USING :hv1, :hv2 END-EXEC.

Action: Use the prepare statement for the sql statement and use that in the declare cursor statement.

PCB-00556: Unrecoverable error. Fix previous errors and re-precompile

PCB-00556: Unrecoverable error. Fix previous errors and re-precompile

Cause: A fatal parsing error or token stack overflow error has been encountered.

Action: Fix the syntax error that is causing the parsing error.

PCB-00555: Using WHERE CURRENT OF on cursor defined without FOR UPDATE clause

PCB-00555: Using WHERE CURRENT OF on cursor defined without FOR UPDATE clause

Cause: if mode=ORACLE, then a cursor defined with a WHERE CURRENT OF clause must also have a FOR UPDATE clause.

Action: Rewrite the cursor definition.

O2I-00132: Unable to close a Java file

O2I-00132: Unable to close a Java file

Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to close a Java file.

Action: Try creating or modifying the Java file to make sure you are able to access the file.

O2I-00131: Error opening a Java file

O2I-00131: Error opening a Java file

Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to open a Java file for writing.

Action: Make sure the filename is spelled correctly. Try creating or modifying the file to make sure you have write access to the file.

O2I-00130: Invalid Java file name

O2I-00130: Invalid Java file name

Cause: A Java file name was specified that is not syntactically correct.

Action: Make sure the Java filename is spelled correctly.

O2I-00129: No Java file specified

O2I-00129: No Java file specified

Cause: The file to which Java declarations generated by OTT are written was not specified.

Action: This message should never be seen, because Java files are named after the classes declared within them. Contact ORACLE customer support.

O2I-00128: Unable to write to the Java file

O2I-00128: Unable to write to the Java file

Cause: An operating system error occurred when attempting to write to a Java source file.

Action: Make sure you have operating system permission to write to the file. Also, make sure disk space is available.

O2I-00127: Illegal INITFUNC name

O2I-00127: Illegal INITFUNC name

Cause: The name of the INITFUNC function is not a legal C or C++ identifier.

Action: Specify the name of the INITFUNC function as a legal C or C++ identifier. This name may be given in the INTYPE file, given on the command line, or derived from the INITFILE name.

O2I-00126: You must specify an INTYPE file with SCHEMA_NAMES=FROM_ INTYPE

O2I-00126: You must specify an INTYPE file with SCHEMA_NAMES=FROM_ INTYPE

Cause: The option SCHEMA_NAMES=FROM_INTYPE requests that schema names be written to the OUTTYPE file as given in the INTYPE file. However, an INTYPE file was not specified.

Action: Either supply the name of an INTYPE file, or specify the SCHEMA_ NAMES option ALWAYS or IF_NEEDED.

O2I-00125: Error writing to the INITFILE file

O2I-00125: Error writing to the INITFILE file

Cause: An operating system error occurred when attempting to write to the INITFILE file.

Action: Make sure you have operating system permission to write to the file. Also, make sure disk space is available.

O2I-00124: Error opening the INITFILE file for writing

O2I-00124: Error opening the INITFILE file for writing

Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to open the INITFILE file for writing.

Action: Make sure the INITFILE filename is spelled correctly. Try creating or modifying the INITFILE file to make sure you have write access to the file.

O2I-00123: Unable to close the INITFILE file

O2I-00123: Unable to close the INITFILE file

Cause: An operating system error occurred while attempting to close the INITFILE file.

Action: Try opening the INITFILE file with an editor to make sure the file can be accessed.

O2I-00122: Invalid filename for the INITFILE file

O2I-00122: Invalid filename for the INITFILE file

Cause: The filename specified for the INITFILE file is not syntactically correct.

Action: Make sure the filename of the INITFILE file is spelled correctly.

O2I-00121: No value was specified for the CODE option

O2I-00121: No value was specified for the CODE option

Cause: The required CODE option was not specified on the command line or in a configuration file.

Action: Specify the CODE option on the command line or in a configuration file. Currently, the following values of the CODE option are supported: CODE=ANSI_ C, CODE=KR_C, CODE=C