TNS-00222: -------------------------------------------------------------------

TNS-00222: -------------------------------------------------------------------

Cause: Part of status request.

Action: None

TNS-00221: Pump Connections Total Data Bytes or Second

TNS-00221: Pump Connections Total Data Bytes or Second

Cause: Part of status request.

Action: None

TNS-00220: Pump Breakdown --------------

TNS-00220: Pump Breakdown --------------

Cause: Part of status request.

Action: None

TNS-00219: Pump Strategy : string

TNS-00219: Pump Strategy : string

Cause: Part of status request.

Action: None

PROC-00001: Oracle Cluster Registry cannot be initialized.

PROC-00001: Oracle Cluster Registry cannot be initialized.

Cause: An invalid init level was passed to initialize Oracle Cluster Registry.

Action: Initialize Oracle Cluster Registry with a valid init level.

CLSS-03202: out of sync with master: (string( (string( (string( (string(

CLSS-03202: out of sync with master: (string( (string( (string( (string(

Cause: Consistency checks between the local node and the master failed.

Action: The local daemon will terminate itself to ensure that the surviving cluster is all properly coordinated.

CLSS-03201: An attempt to begin a nested reconfiguration failed.

CLSS-03201: An attempt to begin a nested reconfiguration failed.

Cause: unable to cancel previous reconfiguration to begin a new one

Action: None.

CLSS-03200: timed out waiting on nested reconfiguration

CLSS-03200: timed out waiting on nested reconfiguration

Cause: The current reconfiguration hung. A network failure may have or occurred.

Action: The local node will terminate itself to cause remote nodes to enter a nested reconfiguration. This may allow the cluster to continue operation.

CLSS-03001: local node number string, master node number string

CLSS-03001: local node number string, master node number string

Cause: Informational message regarding this incarnation

Action: None

CLSS-03000: reconfiguration successful, incarnation string with string nodes

CLSS-03000: reconfiguration successful, incarnation string with string nodes

Cause: A rconfiguration has completed successfully

Action: None

CLSS-02207: error string getting status from vendor node monitor

CLSS-02207: error string getting status from vendor node monitor

Cause: The CSS daemon received a failure interacting with the vendor node monitor. The local node may have been evicted or the vendor node monitor may have been shut down.

Action: Examine the vendor node monitor s logs for relevant information.

CLSS-02206: local node evicted by vendor node monitor

CLSS-02206: local node evicted by vendor node monitor

Cause: The Operating System vendor s node monitor evicted the local node.

Action: Examine the vendor node monitor s logs for relevant information.

CLSS-02205: remote node string signaled our eviction via voting device: cause string

CLSS-02205: remote node string signaled our eviction via voting device: cause string

Cause: A remote node of the cluster evicted the local node due to network failure or due to software failure in the local CSS daemon.

Action: Verify the stability of the private network between the local node and the specified remote node.

CLSS-02204: voting device not configured. (string( (string(

CLSS-02204: voting device not configured. (string( (string(

Cause: A voting device was not supplied during configuration.

Action: The voting device assists in ensuring data integrity and is required by the CSS daemon. Configure a voting device and restart the cluster.

CLSS-02203: unable to access voting device: string

CLSS-02203: unable to access voting device: string

Cause: The CSS daemon received a failure using the voting device.

Action: Examine the permissions on the voting device. If this failure occurred later than boot time, then access to the voting device was lost.

CLSS-02202: voting device access took an excessive amount of time. (string sec)

CLSS-02202: voting device access took an excessive amount of time. (string sec)

Cause: A read or write to the voting device took an unacceptable amount of time.

Action: Contact the disk hardware vendor for information on improving the availability of the disk.

CLSS-02201: endpoint already in use: string

CLSS-02201: endpoint already in use: string

Cause: The specified endpoint is already in use. Another process is using the endpoint.

Action: Shut down the other process, and retry the startup attempt.

CLSS-02200: Received node deletion request for active node string.

CLSS-02200: Received node deletion request for active node string.

Cause: User attempted to delete a node from the configuration before shutting it down.

Action: Shut down the specified node and retry the node deletion.

CLSS-02001: local node number string, master node number string

CLSS-02001: local node number string, master node number string

Cause: Informational message regarding this incarnation

Action: None

CLSS-02000: reconfiguration successful, incarnation string with string nodes

CLSS-02000: reconfiguration successful, incarnation string with string nodes

Cause: A rconfiguration has completed successfully

Action: None

CLSS-01200: skgxn errror: category string, operation string, loc string

CLSS-01200: skgxn errror: category string, operation string, loc string

Cause: The skgxn service encountered an error, the information in the error message is vendor supplied diagnostic information

Action: Report this error to the vendor who supplied the skgxn

CLSS-00200: local node string not listed in configuration

CLSS-00200: local node string not listed in configuration

Cause: The OCR configuration information does not list this node as a member of the cluster

Action: Verify that the clusterware installation was successful and that the node has not been added since installation

CLSS-00103: unable to read configuration information for node string

CLSS-00103: unable to read configuration information for node string

Cause: Incomplete configuration information for the specified node was found.

Action: Validate the integrity of the Oracle Cluster Repository, restoring it from backup if necessary.

CLSS-00102: initialization failure: (string( (string( (string( (string( (string( (string(

CLSS-00102: initialization failure: (string( (string( (string( (string( (string( (string(

Cause: A general initialization failure occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Service for more information.

CLSS-00101: Oracle Cluster Repository mismatch with node string. (string = string)

CLSS-00101: Oracle Cluster Repository mismatch with node string. (string = string)

Cause: A remote node is accessing a different set of configuration. This situation can be caused by attempting to reinstall while there are active cluster nodes.

Action: Verify that the local and remote nodes are accessing the same Oracle Cluster Repository.

CLSS-00100: configuration data access failed for key string

CLSS-00100: configuration data access failed for key string

Cause: Access of the configuration data indicated by key failed with error code error

Action: Verify that the clusterware installation was successful and that the OCR registry is accessible

CLSS-00099: logfile open failed for string, err string

CLSS-00099: logfile open failed for string, err string

Cause: The log file could not be opened, with error type err

Action: Verify that the log directory specified during installation exists and that the ocssd executable has permission to create a file in that directory

CLSS-00004: unable to allocate memory resources

CLSS-00004: unable to allocate memory resources

Cause: Memory allocation routines failed.

Action: Validate that the system has sufficient memory resources to use the product.

CLSS-00003: unable to determine cluster name. type string

CLSS-00003: unable to determine cluster name. type string

Cause: Name of the cluster cannot be determined from configuration.

Action: Verify that the clusterware installation was successful and that the OCR registry is available.

CLSS-00002: unable to determine local node number. type string

CLSS-00002: unable to determine local node number. type string

Cause: Either the skgxn service is unavailable, or the OCR configuration is incomplete or inaccurate.

Action: Verify that the clusterware skgxn is active and restart it if necessary. Additionally validate that the clusterware installation was successful, and that the local node was entered in the node listings.

CLSS-00001: skgxn not active

CLSS-00001: skgxn not active

Cause: The skgxn service is required, but is not active

Action: Verify that the clusterware skgxn is active and restart it if necessary

CLSR-06507: Cannot add to SERVICE_NAMES, SERVICE_NAMES will be too long

CLSR-06507: Cannot add to SERVICE_NAMES, SERVICE_NAMES will be too long

Cause: Adding the service name will exceed the limit of SERVICE_NAMES.

Action: Change the configuration to avoid SERVICE_NAMES becomes too long.

CLSR-06506: Error number encountered when executing string

CLSR-06506: Error number encountered when executing string

Cause: Error occurred when executing the SQL statement.

Action: Check alert log for more detail.

PLS-00995: unhandled exception # string

PLS-00995: unhandled exception # string

Cause: An exception was raised for which no handler was found. If it cannot find a handler for a raised exception, PL or SQL returns an unhandled exception to the host environment. The number embedded in the message is an Oracle error code listed in this manual.

Action: Fix the condition that raised the exception, write an appropriate exception handler, or use the OTHERS handler. If there is an appropriate handler in the current block, the exception was raised in a declaration or exception handler, and therefore propagated immediately to the enclosing block.

PLS-00994: Cursor Variables cannot be declared as part of a package

PLS-00994: Cursor Variables cannot be declared as part of a package

Cause: An attempt was made to declare a cursor variable in a package specification, which is not allowed. Although REF CURSOR types can be defined in a PL or SQL block, subprogram, or package, cursor variables can be declared only in a block or subprogram.

Action: Move the cursor variable declaration into a PL or SQL block or subprogram.

PLS-00993: Cursor variables cannot be passed as forwarded RPC arguments or results

PLS-00993: Cursor variables cannot be passed as forwarded RPC arguments or results

Cause: An attempt was made to pass a cursor variable to or from a remote subprogram by way of a forwarded RPC, which is not allowed. For example, from a client-side tool, a procedure on a remote database cannot be used to open a cursor variable because remote subprograms cannot return the values of cursor variables.

Action: Change the subprogram call to reference the local database.

PLS-00992: Cursor Variables cannot be FETCH ed from

PLS-00992: Cursor Variables cannot be FETCH ed from

Cause: 2.2 Implementation Restriction for Ref Cursors

Action: none

PLS-00990: Index Tables of Cursor Variables are disallowed

PLS-00990: Index Tables of Cursor Variables are disallowed

Cause: 2.2 Implementation Restriction for Ref Cursors

Action: none

PLS-00989: Cursor Variable in record, object, or collection is not supported by this release

PLS-00989: Cursor Variable in record, object, or collection is not supported by this release

Cause: 3.0 Implementation Restriction for Ref Cursors

Action: none

PLS-00970: The class name of a method must match that of EXTERNAL NAME clause in the type header

PLS-00970: The class name of a method must match that of EXTERNAL NAME clause in the type header

Cause: The class name defined as part of the method signature does not match the one defined in the type header in the EXTERNAL NAME clause. create type foo as object EXTERNAL NAME foo LANGUAGE JAVA (... MEMBER FUNCTION my (number) return number EXTERNAL NAME bar.func(oracle.sql.NUMBER) return oracle.sql.NUMBER , .. );

Action: Either omit the class name from the method signature or use the one defined in the type header.

PLS-00960: RPCs cannot use parameters with schema-level object types in this release

PLS-00960: RPCs cannot use parameters with schema-level object types in this release

Cause: Schema-level object types, or types which recursively use such types, were used in an RPC, which is not permitted. For example: create type foo as object (...) create package my_pack is type my_rec is record(v foo); -- on a remote server: x my_pack.my_recrpc; -- illegal attempt to use type my_rec

Action: Use only PL or SQL-defined types in RPC calls. It may be necessary to add extra code to element-wise copy schema-level types into local types in order to move such data through an RPC.

PLS-00951: %s Feature is not supported by this release

PLS-00951: %s Feature is not supported by this release

Cause: PL or SQL cannot understand something in an imported library unit. It uses some feature either too new or too old for this version to understand it.

Action: Recompile the imported library unit with this version of PL or SQL, to discover more precisely what feature is not supported.

PLS-00950: In this version, PL or SQL tables can not be used in this SQL statement.

PLS-00950: In this version, PL or SQL tables can not be used in this SQL statement.

Cause: In a SQL statement, a PL or SQL table was referenced incorrectly. For example, the following reference might have been made, but PL or SQL table attributes can only be used in procedural statements: SELECT ename_tab.COUNT INTO name_count WHERE ...

Action: Remove the incorrect reference from the SQL statement.

PLS-00925: native compilation failed: Unable to create C file (string string)

PLS-00925: native compilation failed: Unable to create C file (string string)

Cause: Native compilation of a PL or SQL program failed because the C file could not be created. It is likely that the system paramter plsql_native_library_dir does not reference a writable, existing directory

Action: Ensure that the system parameter plsql_native_library_dir references a dirextory which exists, and is writable.

PLS-00924: native compilation is not supported on this platform

PLS-00924: native compilation is not supported on this platform

Cause: Native compilation of PL or SQL programs is not supported on this platform.

Action: Compile the PL or SQL program to bytecode by setting the parameter plsql_compiler_flags to INTERPRETED.

PLS-00923: native compilation failed: string:string

PLS-00923: native compilation failed: string:string

Cause: The native compilation of PL or SQL program has failed because the native shared object (DLL) could not be created successfully.

Action: The DBA should ensure that the commands specified in spnc_commands file are correct.

PLS-00920: parameter plsql_native_library_dir is not set

PLS-00920: parameter plsql_native_library_dir is not set

Cause: A PL or SQL program is being compiled natively, but the compiler parameter plsql_native_library_dir, which denotes the directory to store the native shared objects (DLL), is not set.

Action: The DBA should set this parameter.

PLS-00910: insufficient privilege to inherit from type string

PLS-00910: insufficient privilege to inherit from type string

Cause: An attempt was made to inherit from a type without the required UNDER privilege.

Action: none

PLS-00909: object string is not declared or insufficient privileges to access object string

PLS-00909: object string is not declared or insufficient privileges to access object string

Cause: An object from the operator declaration is not declared, or it is declared but there is no sufficient privileges to access that object.

Action: Declare the object, or ask the DBA to grant the privileges required to access the object.

PLS-00908: The stored format of string is not supported by this release

PLS-00908: The stored format of string is not supported by this release

Cause: PL or SQL cannot understand the stored format of a library unit. It has been compiled or shrink-wrapped with a version of PL or SQL either too new or too old for this version to understand it.

Action: Recompile the library unit for this version of PL or SQL.

PLS-00907: cannot load library unit string (referenced by string)

PLS-00907: cannot load library unit string (referenced by string)

Cause: PL or SQL is unable to find and load a library unit that was previously available. This typically happens when you try to load a unit which references another library unit that is non-existent or invalid.

Action: Provide the needed library unit.

PLS-00906: Compilation is not possible

PLS-00906: Compilation is not possible

Cause: The PL or SQL compiler cannot run properly because its operating environment is corrupted. For example, its error message file might be inaccessible.

Action: Check the PL or SQL operating environment, making sure that all files required by the compiler are accessible.

PLS-00905: object string is invalid

PLS-00905: object string is invalid

Cause: An invalid package specification or stored subprogram was referenced. A package specification or stored subprogram is invalid if its source code or any database object it references has been DROPped, REPLACEd, or ALTERed since it was last compiled.

Action: Find out what invalidated the package specification or stored subprogram, then make sure that Oracle can recompile it without errors.

PLS-00519: This INSERT statement requires a VALUES clause containing an object type expression, not a list of values

PLS-00519: This INSERT statement requires a VALUES clause containing an object type expression, not a list of values

Cause: In an INSERT statement with typed tables, an aggregate was used when an object type item was expected.

Action: Replace the aggregate with an object constructor or other object type expression.

PLS-00518: This INSERT statement requires VALUES clause containing a parenthesised list of values

PLS-00518: This INSERT statement requires VALUES clause containing a parenthesised list of values

Cause: A VALUES clause was entered without a list of SQL data items in parentheses. In all INSERT statements with an explicit column list, the VALUES clause must contain a list of SQL data items in parentheses. For example: INSERT INTO my_tab (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,my_variable);

Action: Rewrite the statement to include a list of SQL data items in parentheses.

PLS-00517: Type mismatch between a select list element string and corresponding table column in INSERT statement with a subquery

PLS-00517: Type mismatch between a select list element string and corresponding table column in INSERT statement with a subquery

Cause: In an INSERT statement with subquery, at lease one of the elements of the select list was not type-compatible with the corresponding column of the table in the INTO clause. This error indicates that the subquery should be rewritten to match the structure of the target table.

Action: none

PLS-00516: Type mismatch between object table and value string in INSERT statement.

PLS-00516: Type mismatch between object table and value string in INSERT statement.

Cause: In the INSERT statement operating on typed tables (tables of objects), the type of a non-aggregate value did not match the object type of the table.

Action: none

PLS-00515: The type of the REF INTO variable string must be REF to the table s type

PLS-00515: The type of the REF INTO variable string must be REF to the table s type

Cause: In INSERT statement with REF INTO clause, the type of the data item must be REF to the type of the table used in INTO clause.

Action: none

PLS-00514: INSERT statement with REF INTO clause requires a typed table

PLS-00514: INSERT statement with REF INTO clause requires a typed table

Cause: This INSERT statement provides REF INTO clause, which is only legal when the table specified in the INTO clause is an object table.

Action: none

PLS-00513: PL or SQL function called from SQL must return value of legal SQL type

PLS-00513: PL or SQL function called from SQL must return value of legal SQL type

Cause: In a SQL statement, do not call a PL or SQL function having a return type that can not be handled by SQL. For example, type BOOLIAN, records and indexed-tables are not supported by SQL and functions returneing such values can not be called from SQL.

Action: none