LPX-00212: comment must not contain --

LPX-00212: comment must not contain --

Cause: A syntax error was detected in the comment.

Action: Use -- only when specifying the end of the comment.

LPX-00211: attribute default must be REQUIRED, IMPLIED, or FIXED

LPX-00211: attribute default must be REQUIRED, IMPLIED, or FIXED

Cause: Attribute default was invalid.

Action: Default must be REQUIRED, IMPLIED, or FIXED.

LPX-00210: expected ~1c instead of ~2c

LPX-00210: expected ~1c instead of ~2c

Cause: A syntax error was detected.

Action: Use proper syntax.

LPX-00209: PI names starting with XML are reserved

LPX-00209: PI names starting with XML are reserved

Cause: Processing instruction starting with XML was found.

Action: Use another name for the processing instruction.

LPX-00208: unknown DTD keyword ~s

LPX-00208: unknown DTD keyword ~s

Cause: An unknown keyword was found in the DTD.

Action: Use a proper keyword.

LPX-00207: expected ( at the start of conditional section

LPX-00207: expected ( at the start of conditional section

Cause: Bad syntax detected when processing a conditional section.

Action: Fix the conditional section syntax.

LPX-00206: invalid CDATA section

LPX-00206: invalid CDATA section

Cause: Bad syntax detected when processing CDATA. Proper format is lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; (CDATA( data ((lamp;gt; .

Action: Correct the CDATA syntax.

LPX-00205: expected lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; -- at the start of comment

LPX-00205: expected lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; -- at the start of comment

Cause: Bad syntax detected when processing a comment.

Action: Fix the comment syntax.

LPX-00204: syntax error

LPX-00204: syntax error

Cause: A syntax error was found.

Action: Check the XML document line and correct it.

LPX-00203: could not read from ~s (error ~u)

LPX-00203: could not read from ~s (error ~u)

Cause: Data could not be read from the named input.

Action: Take appropriate action to allow data to be read.

LPX-00202: could not open ~s (error ~u)

LPX-00202: could not open ~s (error ~u)

Cause: The named input (file, URL, etc) does not exist.

Action: Make sure the named input is available and can be opened.

LPX-00201: unknown encoding ~s

LPX-00201: unknown encoding ~s

Cause: The specified encoding was not known. It should be an IANA or Oracle encoding name.

Action: Use an appropriate encoding.

LPX-00200: could not convert from encoding ~1s to ~2s

LPX-00200: could not convert from encoding ~1s to ~2s

Cause: The conversion cannot be made between the specified encodings.

Action: Choose a data encoding which can represent all expected input encoding (such as a Unicode-based encoding, UTF-8 or UTF-16).

LPX-00125: duplicate entity ~S (ignored)

LPX-00125: duplicate entity ~S (ignored)

Cause: Warning returned by XmlDomGetDecl when original document did not contain an XMLDecl

Action: This is a warning, not an error. The value XMLERR_NO_DECL is used by the programmer to detect whether a document had an XMLDecl or not. It does not indicate a problem.

LPX-00124: attribute value should be one or more tokens

LPX-00124: attribute value should be one or more tokens

Cause: An attribute with tokenized type (IDREFS, ENTITIES, NMTOKENS) did not contain any tokens.

Action: Value must contain one or more tokens, separated by spaces.

LPX-00123: duplicate ID ~S

LPX-00123: duplicate ID ~S

Cause: An ID was used twice, they must be unique.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00122: undefined ID ~S in IDREF

LPX-00122: undefined ID ~S in IDREF

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.1 failed: A name must not appear more than once in an XML document as a value of this type; i.e., ID values must uniquely identify the elements which bear them.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00121: undefined notation ~S

LPX-00121: undefined notation ~S

Cause: Notation is not known.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00120: entity ~1S NDATA (notation) ~2S is undefined

LPX-00120: entity ~1S NDATA (notation) ~2S is undefined

Cause: Entity s NDATA (notation) is undefined

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00119: element ~1S attribute ~2S must be an unparsed entity

LPX-00119: element ~1S attribute ~2S must be an unparsed entity

Cause: The attribute value must be an unparsed entity.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00118: undefined entity ~S

LPX-00118: undefined entity ~S

Cause: Validity Constraint 4.1 failed: In a document with an external subset or external parameter entities with standalone= no , the Name given in the entity reference must match that in an entity declaration.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00116: element ~1S attribute ~2S has invalid value ~3S , must be ~4S

LPX-00116: element ~1S attribute ~2S has invalid value ~3S , must be ~4S

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.2 failed: If an attribute has a default value declared with the #FIXED keyword, instances of that attribute must match the default value.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00115: element ~1S is missing required attribute ~2S

LPX-00115: element ~1S is missing required attribute ~2S

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.2 failed: If the default declaration is the keyword #REQUIRED, then the attribute must be specified for all elements of the type in the attribute-list declaration.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00114: element ~1S attribute ~2S has invalid enumeration value ~3S

LPX-00114: element ~1S attribute ~2S has invalid enumeration value ~3S

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.1 failed: Values of this type must match one of the Nmtoken tokens in the declaration.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00113: element ~1S ID attribute ~2S must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED

LPX-00113: element ~1S ID attribute ~2S must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.1 failed: An ID attribute must have a declared default of #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00112: element ~S has multiple ID attributes

LPX-00112: element ~S has multiple ID attributes

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.1 failed: No element type may have more than one ID attribute specified.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00111: invalid ~1s ~2S (not a Nmtoken)

LPX-00111: invalid ~1s ~2S (not a Nmtoken)

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.1 failed: Given thing is not a Nmtoken

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00110: invalid ~1s ~2S (not a Name)

LPX-00110: invalid ~1s ~2S (not a Name)

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.3.1 failed: Given thing is not a Name

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00109: duplicate name ~S in mixed-content declaration

LPX-00109: duplicate name ~S in mixed-content declaration

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.2.2 failed: The same name must not appear more than once in a single mixed-content declaration. *Example: lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ELEMENT p (#PCDATA|a|b|c|d|a)lamp;gt; *Explanation: a occurs more than once in the mixed-content declaration.

Action: Correct the DTD.

LPX-00108: parameter-entity parenthetical cannot be split up

LPX-00108: parameter-entity parenthetical cannot be split up

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.2.1 failed: Parameter-entity replacement text must be properly nested with parenthesized groups. For interoperability, if a parameter-entity reference appears in a choice, seq, or Mixed construct, its replacement text should not be empty, and neither the first nor last non-blank character of the replacement text should be a connector (| or ,). *Example: lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;?xml version= 1.0 ?lamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; DOCTYPE foo ( lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)lamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ENTITY % e (#PCDATA| lamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ELEMENT foo %e; greeting)lamp;gt; (lamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;greetinglamp;gt;Hello lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; or greetinglamp;gt; *Explanation: The parenthetical content of the e entity may not be split up into sections: both open and close parentheses must be in the same declaration.

Action: Correct the DTD.

LPX-00107: element ~S has multiple declarations

LPX-00107: element ~S has multiple declarations

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.2 failed: No element type may be declared more than once.

Action: Correct the DTD.

DRG-12223: section name string is a reserved name

DRG-12223: section name string is a reserved name

Cause: you tried to name a section a reserved name

Action: Specify a different name for the section

DRG-12220: a valid tag must be provided

DRG-12220: a valid tag must be provided

Cause: must provide tag when adding a section to a section group

Action: provide a tag

DRG-12219: section name missing

DRG-12219: section name missing

Cause: must provide Section name when creating a Section

Action: provide a Section name

DRG-12218: section group name missing

DRG-12218: section group name missing

Cause: must provide section group name

Action: provide a section group name when creating Section or section group

DRG-12217: tags cannot be more than 64 bytes

DRG-12217: tags cannot be more than 64 bytes

Cause: max limit of start and end tag is 64 bytes

Action: provide a shorter start and end tag

DRG-12213: cannot create or drop section group or sections for other user

DRG-12213: cannot create or drop section group or sections for other user

Cause: You can only create or drop section group objects of your own

Action: have the other user create or drop his or her own objects

DRG-12212: error while dropping section string

DRG-12212: error while dropping section string

Cause: detect an Oracle error while dropping a Section

Action: see the accompanying Oracle error and take appropriate action

DRG-12211: section or section id string does not exist

DRG-12211: section or section id string does not exist

Cause: Section name or Section id to be dropped does not exist

Action: provide an existing Section name or Section id

DRG-12210: error while adding section string

DRG-12210: error while adding section string

Cause: detect an Oracle error while adding a section

Action: see the accompanying Oracle error and take appropriate action

DRG-12206: tag string already exists in section group string

DRG-12206: tag string already exists in section group string

Cause: the start tag provided already exists in the same Section

Action: provide another start tag

DRG-12204: error while dropping section group string

DRG-12204: error while dropping section group string

Cause: detect an Oracle error while dropping a section group

Action: see the accompanying Oracle error and take appropriate action

DRG-12203: section group string does not exist

DRG-12203: section group string does not exist

Cause: section group provided does not exist

Action: provide an existing section group

DRG-12202: error while creating section group

DRG-12202: error while creating section group

Cause: detect an Oracle error while creating section group

Action: see the accompanying Oracle error and take appropriate action

DRG-12201: section group string already exists

DRG-12201: section group string already exists

Cause: Section group with the same name already exists

Action: Use another name or delete the existing one first

DRG-12018: Encountered an automatic request for changing proxy - continue?

DRG-12018: Encountered an automatic request for changing proxy - continue?

Cause: Warn user of automatic proxy change W3CLIB_MSG = 17

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12017: A redirection may change the behavior of this method - proceed anyway?

DRG-12017: A redirection may change the behavior of this method - proceed anyway?

Cause: Warn user of redirection effects on method W3CLIB_MSG = 16

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12016: The target document for this operation has moved - continue?

DRG-12016: The target document for this operation has moved - continue?

Cause: Warn user of destination document changes W3CLIB_MSG = 15

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12015: The source document for this operation has moved - continue?

DRG-12015: The source document for this operation has moved - continue?

Cause: Warn user of location changes W3CLIB_MSG = 14

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12014: This document is very big - continue operation?

DRG-12014: This document is very big - continue operation?

Cause: Warn user of big document processing W3CLIB_MSG = 13

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12013: This method has already been performed - repeat operation?

DRG-12013: This method has already been performed - repeat operation?

Cause: Warn user the repetition of previous method used W3CLIB_MSG = 12

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12012: Proxy authentication failed - retry?

DRG-12012: Proxy authentication failed - retry?

Cause: Warn user of proxy authentication failure W3CLIB_MSG = 11

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12011: Authentication failed - retry?

DRG-12011: Authentication failed - retry?

Cause: Warn user of authentication failure W3CLIB_MSG = 10

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12010: This file already exists - replace existing file?

DRG-12010: This file already exists - replace existing file?

Cause: Warn user of pending replacement W3CLIB_MSG = 9

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12009: A new set of rules is requested to be added to your setup - continue?

DRG-12009: A new set of rules is requested to be added to your setup - continue?

Cause: Warn user of rule changes. W3CLIB_MSG = 8

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12008: Location has moved, continue?

DRG-12008: Location has moved, continue?

Cause: Warn user of location changes. W3CLIB_MSG = 7

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12007: You might not be allowed to use this method here, continue?

DRG-12007: You might not be allowed to use this method here, continue?

Cause: Warn user of deny of service. W3CLIB_MSG = 6

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12006: Plase enter account:

DRG-12006: Plase enter account:

Cause: Prompt user for account W3CLIB_MSG = 5

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12005: Please give name of file to save in:

DRG-12005: Please give name of file to save in:

Cause: Prompt user for file name W3CLIB_MSG = 4

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12004: Password:

DRG-12004: Password:

Cause: Prompt user for password W3CLIB_MSG = 3

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions