LSX-00264: attribute ~S is prohibited (may not occur)

LSX-00264: attribute ~S is prohibited (may not occur)

Cause: Global declarations cannot contain the attributes ref , minOccurs , or maxOccurs, or the use of this attribute is explicitly declared as prohibited by the schema.

Action: Remove the attribute.

LSX-00263: undefined attribute ~S

LSX-00263: undefined attribute ~S

Cause: Violating attribute is not defined in the current scope.

Action: Correct the attribute name if it s misspelled.

LSX-00262: attribute ~1S cannot have complex type ~2S

LSX-00262: attribute ~1S cannot have complex type ~2S

Cause: The type of the attribute is complex .

Action: Specify the type of the attribute to be simple .

LSX-00261: invalid character property

LSX-00261: invalid character property

Cause: An error occurred when processing the character property. For example, { is missing after or p or or P .

Action: Fix the character property.

LSX-00260: unexpected end of pattern

LSX-00260: unexpected end of pattern

Cause: Something is missing at the end of the pattern.

Action: Fix the pattern.

LSX-00259: invalid character found in the pattern

LSX-00259: invalid character found in the pattern

Cause: An unexpected character was found in the pattern.

Action: Fix the pattern.

LSX-00258: invalid escape character

LSX-00258: invalid escape character

Cause: x in or x is not a valid escape character.

Action: Change x to a valid escape character.

LSX-00257: atom specification is missing

LSX-00257: atom specification is missing

Cause: A quantifier was found without an atom specification.

Action: Add an atom specification in front of the quantifier.

LSX-00256: empty character class expression

LSX-00256: empty character class expression

Cause: (( found when processing a character class expression.

Action: Specify the character group within the brackets.

LSX-00255: mismatched parentheses

LSX-00255: mismatched parentheses

Cause: ) found without a matching ( in a pattern specification.

Action: Add ( to the pattern specification.

LSX-00253: branch is empty

LSX-00253: branch is empty

Cause: The pattern specification branch1 | branch2 has either branch1 or branch2 missing.

Action: Remove | or add either branch1 or branch2 .

LSX-00252: invalid union ~S

LSX-00252: invalid union ~S

Cause: Data of simple type is not one of the union type.

Action: Use one of the union type as its type.

LSX-00251: invalid token ~S

LSX-00251: invalid token ~S

Cause: Invalid value for data of token type.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00250: invalid normalizedString ~S

LSX-00250: invalid normalizedString ~S

Cause: Invalid value for data of normalizedString type.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00249: invalid date or time ~S

LSX-00249: invalid date or time ~S

Cause: Invalid value for data of dateTime , time , gYearMonth , gYear , gMonthDay, gDay , or gMonth type.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00248: invalid duration ~S

LSX-00248: invalid duration ~S

Cause: Invalid value for data of duration type.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00247: invalid language specification ~S

LSX-00247: invalid language specification ~S

Cause: Invalid value for data of language type.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00246: invalid QName ~S

LSX-00246: invalid QName ~S

Cause: Invalid value for data of QName type.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00245: invalid ID ~S

LSX-00245: invalid ID ~S

Cause: Data specified is not of NCName type.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00244: invalid NCName ~S

LSX-00244: invalid NCName ~S

Cause: Invalid value for data of NCName type.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00243: invalid date ~S

LSX-00243: invalid date ~S

Cause: Invalid value for data of date type.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00242: bad Boolean ~S

LSX-00242: bad Boolean ~S

Cause: Boolean data must have a value from the following set: 1 , 0 , true , or false.

Action: Specify one of 1 , 0 , true , or false .

LSX-00241: bad double ~S

LSX-00241: bad double ~S

Cause: Invalid value for double type data.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00240: bad float ~S

LSX-00240: bad float ~S

Cause: Invalid value for float type data.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00238: invalid Nmtoken ~S

LSX-00238: invalid Nmtoken ~S

Cause: Invalid Nmtoken.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00237: invalid Name ~S

LSX-00237: invalid Name ~S

Cause: Invalid XML name.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00235: invalid URI ~S

LSX-00235: invalid URI ~S

Cause: Invalid URI specification for data of anyURI type.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00234: invalid decimal ~S

LSX-00234: invalid decimal ~S

Cause: Illegal characters exist in the decimal declaration.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00233: invalid long ~S

LSX-00233: invalid long ~S

Cause: Illegal characters exist in the long declaration.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00232: invalid unsigned long ~S

LSX-00232: invalid unsigned long ~S

Cause: Illegal characters exist in the unsignedLong declaration.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00231: invalid unsigned integer ~S

LSX-00231: invalid unsigned integer ~S

Cause: Illegal characters exist in the unsignedLong , unsignedInt , unsignedShort, or unsignedByte declarations.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00230: invalid integer ~S

LSX-00230: invalid integer ~S

Cause: Illegal characters exist in the integer or its derivative type declarations.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00229: item type is not a valid type for a list simple type

LSX-00229: item type is not a valid type for a list simple type

Cause: The specified item type must not itself be a list type, and must be one of the types identified in (XML Schemas: Datatypes( as a suitable item type for a list simple type.

Action: Change the list schema component s declaration.

LSX-00222: ~1S is too long (maximum length is ~2d)

LSX-00222: ~1S is too long (maximum length is ~2d)

Cause: The length of the data is too long.

Action: Remove extra characters from the data.

LSX-00221: ~1S is too short (minimum length is ~2d)

LSX-00221: ~1S is too short (minimum length is ~2d)

Cause: The length of the data is too short.

Action: Prepend extra characters (such as zeros or blank characters) to make the data longer.

LSX-00220: ~1S is wrong length, should be ~2d

LSX-00220: ~1S is wrong length, should be ~2d

Cause: Data of simple type has invalid length.

Action: Fix the length of the data.

LSX-00215: value ~1S whose total digits exceeds ~2d

LSX-00215: value ~1S whose total digits exceeds ~2d

Cause: There were too many digits in the decimal data.

Action: Remove the extra digits.

LSX-00214: too many occurrences of particle ~1S , maximum is ~2d

LSX-00214: too many occurrences of particle ~1S , maximum is ~2d

Cause: Too many occurrences of particles in the node.

Action: Remove extra ones.

LSX-00213: only ~1d occurrences of particle ~2S , minimum is ~3d

LSX-00213: only ~1d occurrences of particle ~2S , minimum is ~3d

Cause: Too few occurrences of particles in the node.

Action: Specify more particles.

LPX-00250: invalid attribute declaration

LPX-00250: invalid attribute declaration

Cause: Problems were encountered parsing an attribute declaration.

Action: Check and correct the declaration syntax.

LPX-00249: invalid external ID declaration

LPX-00249: invalid external ID declaration

Cause: Problems were encountered parsing an external ID declaration.

Action: Check and correct the declaration syntax.

LPX-00248: invalid entity declaration

LPX-00248: invalid entity declaration

Cause: Problems were encountered parsing an entity declaration.

Action: Check and correct the declaration syntax.

LPX-00247: invalid Document Type Declaration (DTD)

LPX-00247: invalid Document Type Declaration (DTD)

Cause: Problems were encountered in the DTD declaration.

Action: Review the DTD and correct the problems.

LPX-00246: missing system ID after public ID

LPX-00246: missing system ID after public ID

Cause: In an external ID declaration, the public ID literal was not followed by the system ID literal as required.

Action: Provide with public *and* system IDs for PUBLIC type.

LPX-00245: extra data after end of document

LPX-00245: extra data after end of document

Cause: After the close of the top-level element, more data was found.

Action: The end-element tag for the top-level element must be the last thing in the document.

LPX-00244: invalid use of less-than ( lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ) character (use lt;)

LPX-00244: invalid use of less-than ( lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ) character (use lt;)

Cause: The less-than character ( lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ) is not permitted as data.

Action: Use the built-in entity lt; instead. Check for mismatched quotes ( ) in case the lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; is part of subsequent markup.

LPX-00243: element attribute value must be enclosed in quotes

LPX-00243: element attribute value must be enclosed in quotes

Cause: An attribute defined in an element s start-tag must be enclosed in single ( ) or double ( ) quotes.

Action: Enclose the attribute value in quotes.

LPX-00242: invalid use of ampersand ( ) character (use amp;)

LPX-00242: invalid use of ampersand ( ) character (use amp;)

Cause: The ampersand character is used only to start entity or character references.

Action: To include an ampersand character as data, use the built-in amp; general entity.

LPX-00241: entity reference is not well formed

LPX-00241: entity reference is not well formed

Cause: An entity reference (general or parameter) was not formed properly.

Action: Form entity reference correctly as name; or %name; .

LPX-00240: element-start tag is not well formed

LPX-00240: element-start tag is not well formed

Cause: A start-element tag was improperly formed.

Action: Check and correct the start-element syntax.

LPX-00239: invalid attribute type ~s

LPX-00239: invalid attribute type ~s

Cause: The attribute type is not valid. Options are CDATA, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, ENTITY, ENTITIES, NMTOKEN, or NMTOKENS.

Action: Check and correct attribute declaration.

LPX-00238: unterminated conditional section

LPX-00238: unterminated conditional section

Cause: A conditional section was not properly terminated with ((lamp;gt;.

Action: Verify conditional nesting in document and correct.

LPX-00237: invalid condition section keyword, must be INCLUDE or IGNORE

LPX-00237: invalid condition section keyword, must be INCLUDE or IGNORE

Cause: A conditional section lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ( keyword ( markup ((lamp;gt; had invalid keyword, must be either IGNORE or INCLUDE

Action: Correct condition section usage in document.

LPX-00236: invalid character ~1u ( ~2c ) found in public identifier

LPX-00236: invalid character ~1u ( ~2c ) found in public identifier

Cause: An invalid character was found in a public identifier.

Action: Use only the characters allowed for public identifiers by the XML specification.

LPX-00235: invalid XML version, must be 1.0 or 2.0

LPX-00235: invalid XML version, must be 1.0 or 2.0

Cause: Only versions 1.0 and 2.0 of the XML specification are supported.

Action: Use the 1.0 or 2.0 specification set version# accordingly.

LPX-00234: namespace prefix ~S is not declared

LPX-00234: namespace prefix ~S is not declared

Cause: Namespace prefix is not declared.

Action: Declare the prefix in an attribute list.

LPX-00233: namespace prefixes starting with xml are reserved

LPX-00233: namespace prefixes starting with xml are reserved

Cause: Namespace prefix starting with XML was found.

Action: Use another name for the namespace prefix.

LPX-00232: invalid use of a parameter entity reference

LPX-00232: invalid use of a parameter entity reference

Cause: A parameter entity reference was found in an improper location in the internal DTD subset.

Action: Use a parameter entity reference only where markup declarations can occur in the internal DTD subset, in the external DTD subset, or in an external entity.

LPX-00231: invalid character ~1u ( ~2c ) found in a Name or Nmtoken

LPX-00231: invalid character ~1u ( ~2c ) found in a Name or Nmtoken

Cause: An invalid character was found in a NAME or NMTOKEN.

Action: Use only the characters allowed for NAMES and NMTOKENS by the XML specification.

LPX-00230: invalid character ~1u (~2x) found in a Name or Nmtoken

LPX-00230: invalid character ~1u (~2x) found in a Name or Nmtoken

Cause: An invalid character was found in a NAME or NMTOKEN.

Action: Use only the characters allowed for NAMES and NMTOKENS by the XML specification.