PROC-00027: Error in authentication layer

PROC-00027: Error in authentication layer

Cause: An error occurred in the authentication layer while performing a cluster registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

PROC-00026: Error while accessing the physical storage

PROC-00026: Error while accessing the physical storage

Cause: An error occurred while accessing the physical storage of the cluster registry

Action: Check that the storage has the correct permissions.

PROC-00025: Error in the NLS services

PROC-00025: Error in the NLS services

Cause: An error occurred in the NLS services while performing a cluster registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

PROC-00024: Error in the messaging layer

PROC-00024: Error in the messaging layer

Cause: An error occurred in the messaging layer while performing a cluster registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

PROC-00023: Error in cluster services layer

PROC-00023: Error in cluster services layer

Cause: An error occurred in the cluster services layer while performing a cluster registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

PROC-00022: The OCR backend has an invalid format

PROC-00022: The OCR backend has an invalid format

Cause: An attempt was made to use OCR before initializing it.

Action: Use srvconfig -init -f to initialize OCR.

PROC-00021: Maximum permitted depth of the OCR tree is reached

PROC-00021: Maximum permitted depth of the OCR tree is reached

Cause: An attempt was made to create subkeys under a key which is already at depth PROCR_MAX_KEY_DEPTH

Action: Create the key under some other key.

PROC-00020: ORACLE_HOME environment not set

PROC-00020: ORACLE_HOME environment not set

Cause: ORACLE_HOME environment not set.

Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.

PROC-00019: Cannot create more subkeys for the key

PROC-00019: Cannot create more subkeys for the key

Cause: An attempt was made to create more subkeys under a key that is not permitted by the cluster registry.

Action: Delete some subkeys before creating new subkeys under the key.

PROC-00018: The value size passed is too large

PROC-00018: The value size passed is too large

Cause: Cannot set a value of the given size.

Action: Pass a smaller value size to procr_set_value API.

PROC-00017: Unimplemented feature

PROC-00017: Unimplemented feature

Cause: Requested feature has not been implemented in the current release.

Action: Try the feature again in the upcoming Oracle release.

PROC-00016: Cannot retrieve any more subkeys for the given keyhandle

PROC-00016: Cannot retrieve any more subkeys for the given keyhandle

Cause: The key has no more subkeys to enumerate.

Action: Call procr_close_key on the key and then procr_open_key again followed by procr_enumerate_key call.

PROC-00015: Failed to initialize the cluster registry successfully

PROC-00015: Failed to initialize the cluster registry successfully

Cause: There are the following possible causes: The backend is not reachable. This could happen if the permissions are not set correctly for a shared device backend. CSS could not be contacted because of communication failure. This could happen if the cluster registry was never initialized at PROCR_INSTALL_LEVEL and one tried to initialize it at other OCR levels.

Action: Make sure that cluster registry was initialized properly. Make sure that the clusterware is working.

PROC-00014: Unknown error occurred

PROC-00014: Unknown error occurred

Cause: This is generic internal error for Oracle Cluster Registry.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

PROC-00013: Cannot perform cluster registry operation because one of the parameters is NULL.

PROC-00013: Cannot perform cluster registry operation because one of the parameters is NULL.

Cause: Program tried a cluster registry operation using an NULL parameter.

Action: Check the parameters, and retry the operation.

PROC-00012: Out of heap memory.

PROC-00012: Out of heap memory.

Cause: The program ran out of heap memory.

Action: Contact Oracle Custmoer Support.

PROC-00011: Cannot perform cluster registry operation because key is NULL.

PROC-00011: Cannot perform cluster registry operation because key is NULL.

Cause: The cluster registry key passed was NULL.

Action: Retry the operation with a valid keyname.

PROC-00010: Cannot delete the cluster registry key as subkeys exist.

PROC-00010: Cannot delete the cluster registry key as subkeys exist.

Cause: The program tried to delete a key for which subkeys exist.

Action: retry the operation with the recurse flag set to TRUE.

PROC-00009: Cannot perform cluster registry operation because the buffer passed is too small.

PROC-00009: Cannot perform cluster registry operation because the buffer passed is too small.

Cause: The amount of memory allocated for the buffer was insufficent.

Action: Allocate sufficient memory, and retry the operation.

PROC-00008: Cannot perform cluster registry operation because one of the parameters is invalid.

PROC-00008: Cannot perform cluster registry operation because one of the parameters is invalid.

Cause: Program tried a cluster registry operation using an invalid parameter.

Action: Check the parameters, and retry the operation.

PROC-00007: Cannot perform cluster registry operation because key handle is invalid.

PROC-00007: Cannot perform cluster registry operation because key handle is invalid.

Cause: The cluster registry key handle passed was invalid.

Action: Open the cluster registry key again, and retry the operation.

PROC-00006: User does not have permission to perform a cluster registry operation on this key.

PROC-00006: User does not have permission to perform a cluster registry operation on this key.

Cause: Program tried a cluster registry operation on a key for which it does not have permission.

Action: Check to see if program is run as the correct user.

PROC-00005: User does not have permission to perform a cluster registry operation on this key.

PROC-00005: User does not have permission to perform a cluster registry operation on this key.

Cause: Program tried an operation on a cluster registry key for which it does not have permission.

Action: Check to see if program is run as the correct user.

PROC-00004: The cluster registry key to be operated on does not exist.

PROC-00004: The cluster registry key to be operated on does not exist.

Cause: Program tried a cluster registry operation on a key which does not exist.

Action: Check to see if the key exists and try the operation again.

PROC-00003: Cannot perform cluster registry operation because context is invalid.

PROC-00003: Cannot perform cluster registry operation because context is invalid.

Cause: The Oracle Cluster Registry context passed was invalid.

Action: Intialize Oracle Cluster Registry and retry the operation.

PROC-00002: Cannot perform cluster registry operation at the current init level.

PROC-00002: Cannot perform cluster registry operation at the current init level.

Cause: Program tried a cluster registry operation which is not permitted at the init level.

Action: Initialize Oracle Cluster Registry with an appropriate init level.

PLS-01455: The predicates IS NULL and IS NOT NULL are defined only for column specifications

PLS-01455: The predicates IS NULL and IS NOT NULL are defined only for column specifications

Cause: The predicates IS NULL and IS NOT NULL are defined only for column specifications, not for any other expressions. Section 5.15, lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;null predicatelamp;gt; , indicates that in the predicate x IS NULL , x must be a column, and may not be any other kind of expression.

Action: none

PLS-01454: No operator may be used with values of data type CHAR

PLS-01454: No operator may be used with values of data type CHAR

Cause: No operator may be used with values of data type character string . Section 5.9, lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;value expressionlamp;gt; , syntax rule 3, of X3H2 states: If the data type of a lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;primarylamp;gt; is character string, then the lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;value expressionlamp;gt; shall not include any operators. This warning is placed on many functions in STDBASE that take CHAR args.

Action: none

PLS-01453: This procedure is not part of the ANSI standard

PLS-01453: This procedure is not part of the ANSI standard

Cause: This procedure is not part of the ANSI standard. This warning is used to flag such procedures as STOP that are not mentioned in the ANSI specifications.

Action: none

PLS-01452: This function is not part of the ANSI standard

PLS-01452: This function is not part of the ANSI standard

Cause: This function is not part of the ANSI standard. This warning is used to flag such functions as POWER that are not mentioned in the ANSI specifications.

Action: none

PLS-01451: The data types of these lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;value expressionslamp;gt; must be comparable

PLS-01451: The data types of these lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;value expressionslamp;gt; must be comparable

Cause: The data types of these lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;value expressionslamp;gt; must be comparable. Section 4.2 of X3H2, Data types , states that: A character string and a number are not comparable values. Many builtin functions in STANDARD will be flagged with this warning by means of a pragma. This warning will be place on data-type coercion functions, for example, TO_CHAR(lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;numberlamp;gt;), that are inserted in OracleSQL to allow non-conforming data type combinations.

Action: none

PLS-01450: This lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;value expressionlamp;gt; contains a nonconforming data type

PLS-01450: This lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;value expressionlamp;gt; contains a nonconforming data type

Cause: This lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;value expressionlamp;gt; contains a nonconforming data type. Section 4.2 of X3H2, Data types states that: A nonnull value is either a character string or a number. Many builtin functions in STANDARD will be flagged with this warning by means of a pragma.

Action: none

PLS-01425: Connect-by clause

PLS-01425: Connect-by clause

Cause: ANSI doesn t allow connect-by clauses.

Action: none

PLS-01424: Non-ANSI order of clauses

PLS-01424: Non-ANSI order of clauses

Cause: ANSI specifies an ordering to clauses in a table-expression which PL or SQL doesn t. The ordering according to ANSI must be: (1) from clause (2) where clause (3) group-by clause (4) having clause In PL or SQL, the from clause must come first, and the clauses after it can appear in any order (with the addition of the non-ansi connect-by clause).

Action: none

PLS-01423: Subquery on right-hand-side in set clause

PLS-01423: Subquery on right-hand-side in set clause

Cause: Subquery on right-hand-side in set clause is not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01422: Aliases

PLS-01422: Aliases

Cause: Aliases are not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01421: FOR UPDATE clause

PLS-01421: FOR UPDATE clause

Cause: FOR UPDATE clause is not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01420: INTERSECT and MINUS set operators are not ANSI

PLS-01420: INTERSECT and MINUS set operators are not ANSI

Cause: INTERSECT and MINUS set operators are not ANSI

Action: none

PLS-01419: Subquery must have either * or exactly one column in its select list

PLS-01419: Subquery must have either * or exactly one column in its select list

Cause: Subquery must have either * or exactly one column in its select list according to ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01418: Subquery cannot include set operators in ANSI s grammar

PLS-01418: Subquery cannot include set operators in ANSI s grammar

Cause: Subquery cannot include set operators in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01417: Use of %%attribute

PLS-01417: Use of %%attribute

Cause: Use of %%attribute value here is not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01416: Use of lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;idlamp;gt; (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;valuelamp;gt;...) here

PLS-01416: Use of lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;idlamp;gt; (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;valuelamp;gt;...) here

Cause: Use of lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;idlamp;gt; (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;valuelamp;gt;...) here is not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01415: Use of aggregate value here

PLS-01415: Use of aggregate value here

Cause: Use of aggregate value here is not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01414: Use of qualified expression here

PLS-01414: Use of qualified expression here

Cause: Use of qualified expression here is not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01413: Use of NULL an expression

PLS-01413: Use of NULL an expression

Cause: Use of NULL an expression not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01412: Use of EXP token

PLS-01412: Use of EXP token

Cause: Use of EXP token in expressions is not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01411: Use of REM token

PLS-01411: Use of REM token

Cause: Use of REM token in expressions is not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01410: Use of MOD token

PLS-01410: Use of MOD token

Cause: Use of MOD token in expressions is not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01409: Use of PRIOR_ token

PLS-01409: Use of PRIOR_ token

Cause: Use of PRIOR_ token in expressions is not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01408: Use of token

PLS-01408: Use of token

Cause: Use of token in expressions is not in ANSI s grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01407: One of the identifiers CHAR, CHARACTER, or INTEGER has been redefined by the programmer

PLS-01407: One of the identifiers CHAR, CHARACTER, or INTEGER has been redefined by the programmer

Cause: One of the identifiers CHAR , CHARACTER , or INTEGER (all ansi keywords) has been redefined by the programmer.(special case of 1406, above).

Action: none

PLS-01406: An identifier has been found that is considered a keyword in ANSI s grammar but not in PL or SQL s

PLS-01406: An identifier has been found that is considered a keyword in ANSI s grammar but not in PL or SQL s

Cause: An identifier has been found that is considered a keyword in ANSI s grammar but not in PL or SQL s.

Action: none

PLS-01405: Under ANSI s grammar, numeric data represented in exponent notationmust use an uppercase E

PLS-01405: Under ANSI s grammar, numeric data represented in exponent notationmust use an uppercase E

Cause: Under ANSI s grammar, numeric data represented in exponent notation must use an uppercase E . Example: 3.45E-6 is ANSI, but 3.45e-6 is not.

Action: none

PLS-01404: ANSI Identifiers can only consist of letters, digits, and the underscore character

PLS-01404: ANSI Identifiers can only consist of letters, digits, and the underscore character

Cause: ANSI identifiers can only consist of letters, digits, and the underscore character. PL or SQL allows # and $ in identifiers, but these are not ANSI.

Action: none

PLS-01403: Comment delimiters or * * or

PLS-01403: Comment delimiters or * * or

Cause: C-style comments (introduced with the or and * characters) are not part of the ANSI grammar. To conform with ANSI, comments must be preceded by the ANSI comment introducer, -- , and must not contain a newline. If someone can figure out a way to make this message look less cheesy without ending up with nested comments, be my guest.

Action: none

PLS-01402: Use of quoted identifier

PLS-01402: Use of quoted identifier

Cause: The use of quoted identifiers is a PL or SQL extension and is not allowed under the ANSI grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01401: Identifier over 18 characters long

PLS-01401: Identifier over 18 characters long

Cause: Identifiers over 18 characters long are not allowed under the ANSI grammar.

Action: none

PLS-01400: Use of || token

PLS-01400: Use of || token

Cause: Use of || token in expressions is not in ANSI s grammar. This corresponds to the binary_add_op s reduction to a CAT_ in plsql.y

Action: none

PLS-00997: no cursor return types allowed in this beta version

PLS-00997: no cursor return types allowed in this beta version

Cause: Cursor return types have bugs, and it is best to disable them for now.

Action: none

PLS-00996: out of memory

PLS-00996: out of memory

Cause: A request from PL or SQL for more memory failed.

Action: Make sure that you are not referencing the wrong row in a PL or SQL table and that the program is not recursing too deeply.