RMAN-07528: number of files not managed by recovery area is string, totaling stringB

RMAN-07528: number of files not managed by recovery area is string, totaling stringB

Cause: This message should be accompanied by other message(s) indicating the list of files. Either the files listed are not known to the database or not managed by flash recovery area. The number and size of the files are shown. This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07527: Reason: File was not created using DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization parameter

RMAN-07527: Reason: File was not created using DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization parameter

Cause: This message should be accompanied by other message(s) indicating the name of file that was not created using DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization parameter. One of the following scenarios caused this error: 1) This is an archived log file and was created when the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter was set explicitly to flash recovery area location. For example, LOG_ ARCHIVE_DEST_1= location=+FRA where +FRA was also your DB_ RECOVERY_FILE_DEST value. 2) This is an RMAN backup file and was created in a flash recovery area using the FORMAT option of the BACKUP command. 3) This is an online log file or current control file and was created prior to setting the flash recovery area. 4) This file fits none of the above scnearios and is not supported by the flash recovery area.

Action: All of following actions will resolve future occurences of this error: 1) To create archived logs in flash recovery area, set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter to location=USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST . Do not explicitly set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter to a flash recovery area location. 2) To create RMAN backups in flash recovery area, do not use the FORMAT option of the BACKUP command. All of following actions will resolve current problem: 1) If this is an archived log file or an RMAN backup file, use the CATALOG command to re-catalog the files. 2) If this is an online log file or a current control file to be managed by the flash recovery area, re-create the file using the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization parameter.

RMAN-07526: Reason: File is not an Oracle Managed File

RMAN-07526: Reason: File is not an Oracle Managed File

Cause: This message should be accompanied by other message(s) indicating the name of file that was not a oracle managed file. This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07525: Reason: File is not a supported file type in Recovery Area

RMAN-07525: Reason: File is not a supported file type in Recovery Area

Cause: This message should be accompanied by other message(s) indicating the name of file that was not supported in flash recovery area. Any file other than current control file, online log, archived log, RMAN backups and flashback log is not supported in flash recovery area. This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07524: ==========================================================

RMAN-07524: ==========================================================

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07523: List of files in Recovery Area not managed by the database

RMAN-07523: List of files in Recovery Area not managed by the database

Cause: This message was issued in response to a CATALOG RECOVERY AREA command.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07522: CREATE TYPE privilege must be granted to user string

RMAN-07522: CREATE TYPE privilege must be granted to user string

Cause: The CREATE CATALOG or UPGRADE CATALOG command was used, but the userid that was supplied in the CATALOG connect string does not have the CREATE TYPE privilege granted.

Action: Grant CREATE TYPE privilege to the recovery catalog owner.

RMAN-07521: cannot create recovery catalog in database version string; version string required

RMAN-07521: cannot create recovery catalog in database version string; version string required

Cause: An attempt was made to use a version of the recovery catalog schema that was incompatible with the version of the database.

Action: Upgrade the catalog database to at least the required version or install the catalog schema in a different database which is of at least the required version.

RMAN-07520: Reason: Data pump dump file

RMAN-07520: Reason: Data pump dump file

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07519: Reason: Error while cataloging. See alert.log.

RMAN-07519: Reason: Error while cataloging. See alert.log.

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07518: Reason: Foreign database file DBID: string Database Name: string

RMAN-07518: Reason: Foreign database file DBID: string Database Name: string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07517: Reason: The file header is corrupted

RMAN-07517: Reason: The file header is corrupted

Cause: Either the file is not an Oracle file or the file header is corrupted.

Action: Delete the file using OS utility.

RMAN-07516: Reason: Error reading

RMAN-07516: Reason: Error reading

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07515: File Name: string

RMAN-07515: File Name: string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07514: =======================================

RMAN-07514: =======================================

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07513: List of Files Which Where Not Cataloged

RMAN-07513: List of Files Which Where Not Cataloged

Cause: This message is issued in response to a CATALOG command.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07509: List of Cataloged Files

RMAN-07509: List of Cataloged Files

Cause: This message is issued in response to a CATALOG command.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07508: cataloging done

RMAN-07508: cataloging done

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07507: cataloging files...

RMAN-07507: cataloging files...

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07506: Do you really want to catalog the above files (enter YES or NO)?

RMAN-07506: Do you really want to catalog the above files (enter YES or NO)?

Cause: This is a user prompt.

Action: Answer the question to proceed.

RMAN-07505: no files found to be unknown to the database

RMAN-07505: no files found to be unknown to the database

Cause: This is an informational message displayed by the CATALOG command. The command either found no files, or all files that matched the specified search pattern were already present in the target database control file.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07502: List of Files Unknown to the Database

RMAN-07502: List of Files Unknown to the Database

Cause: This message is issued in response to a CATALOG command.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07501: searching for all files in the recovery area

RMAN-07501: searching for all files in the recovery area

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07500: searching for all files that match the pattern string

RMAN-07500: searching for all files that match the pattern string

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-07000: List of SPFILE Backups

RMAN-07000: List of SPFILE Backups

Cause: This message is issued in response to a LIST BACKUP OF SPFILE command.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-06941: Database must be closed and mounted EXCLUSIVE and RESTRICTED.

RMAN-06941: Database must be closed and mounted EXCLUSIVE and RESTRICTED.

Cause: DROP DATABASE was attempted while the database was open or not mounted EXCLUSIVE and RESTRICTED.

Action: Change the database state to mounted EXCLUSIVE and RESTRICTED.

RMAN-06935: Convert script name too long

RMAN-06935: Convert script name too long

Cause: The specified convert script name exceeded the maximum allowable script name length.

Action: Correct the script name.

RMAN-06934: Format string too long

RMAN-06934: Format string too long

Cause: The specified format string exceeded the maximum allowable format string length.

Action: Correct the format string.

RMAN-06933: Transport script name too long

RMAN-06933: Transport script name too long

Cause: The specified transport script name exceeded the maximum allowable script name length.

Action: Correct the script name.

RMAN-06932: Database name string longer than number

RMAN-06932: Database name string longer than number

Cause: The specified database name exceeded the maximum allowable database name length.

Action: Correct the database name.

RMAN-06931: Cannot specify FROM PLATFORM clause

RMAN-06931: Cannot specify FROM PLATFORM clause

Cause: CONVERT DATABASE command cannot use FROM PLATFORM clause.

Action: Change FROM PLATFORM clause and retry.

RMAN-06930: Cannot specify SKIP clause more than once

RMAN-06930: Cannot specify SKIP clause more than once

Cause: SKIP clause specified more than once

Action: Remove redundant SKIP clause and retry the operation.

RMAN-06770: backup encryption requires Enterprise Edition

RMAN-06770: backup encryption requires Enterprise Edition

Cause: The backup command tried to create encrypted backups, but Enterprise Edition is not installed.

Action: Do not create encrypted backups.

RMAN-06769: length of password must be greater than zero

RMAN-06769: length of password must be greater than zero

Cause: Zero length password was specified for encrypted backups.

Action: Retry the command using a password with non-zero length.

RMAN-06768: duplicate or conflicting options are specified: string and string

RMAN-06768: duplicate or conflicting options are specified: string and string

Cause: An error occured when processing the command because user specified two duplicate options or the two options are not allowed to be used together.

Action: Remove one of the above options and retry the command.

RMAN-06767: tablespace string will default to database encryption configuration

RMAN-06767: tablespace string will default to database encryption configuration

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-06766: tablespace string will not be encrypted in future backup sets

RMAN-06766: tablespace string will not be encrypted in future backup sets

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-06765: tablespace string will be encrypted in future backup sets

RMAN-06765: tablespace string will be encrypted in future backup sets

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-06764: %s

RMAN-06764: %s

Cause: An error occured when processing user request.

Action: none

RMAN-06763: specified encryption algorithm not supported

RMAN-06763: specified encryption algorithm not supported

Cause: An encryption algorithm not supported by the database is specified during backup.

Action: Refer to contents of v$backup_encryption_algorithms view for the list of supported encryption algorithm. Specify a valid encryption algorithm and retry the command.

RMAN-06762: ignoring encryption for proxy or image copies

RMAN-06762: ignoring encryption for proxy or image copies

Cause: This information message is displayed when the RMAN client is generating proxy or image copies and encryption was enabled for the input files.

Action: This is an informational message only.

RMAN-06761: skipping backup sets that are already backed up

RMAN-06761: skipping backup sets that are already backed up

Cause: Some backup sets were not be backed up because they were already backed up on the device requested.

Action: No action is required. You can use the FORCE option to override backup optimization and force these files to be backed up.

RMAN-06760: skipping archived logs that are already backed up

RMAN-06760: skipping archived logs that are already backed up

Cause: Some archived logs were not be backed up because they were already backed up on the device requested.

Action: No action is required. You can use the FORCE option to override backup optimization and force these files to be backed up.

RMAN-06759: skipping datafile copies that are already backed up

RMAN-06759: skipping datafile copies that are already backed up

Cause: Some datafile copies were not be backed up because they were already backed up on the device requested.

Action: No action is required. You can use the FORCE option to override backup optimization and force these files to be backed up.

RMAN-06758: DB_UNIQUE_NAME is not unique in the recovery catalog

RMAN-06758: DB_UNIQUE_NAME is not unique in the recovery catalog

Cause: RMAN could not identify which SPFILE to restore for this target database, because the recovery catalog contained two or more different instances of this database, each with different DB_UNIQUE_NAME values.

Action: Use the FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME option to specify the name of the instance whose parameter file you want to restore.

RMAN-06757: DB_UNIQUE_NAME string does not match target database ( string )

RMAN-06757: DB_UNIQUE_NAME string does not match target database ( string )

Cause: The value specified in the FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME option did not match the DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter setting of the target database.

Action: Use the RMAN STARTUP command, with no parameter file option, to start the target database without a parameter file, then run the RESTORE SPFILE command again.

RMAN-06756: cannot flashback database to non-guaranteed restore point string when flashback is off

RMAN-06756: cannot flashback database to non-guaranteed restore point string when flashback is off

Cause: The indicated restore point was not guranteed and flashback was disabled. When flashback is disabled, Oracle can flashback only to guranteed restore point.

Action: Specify a guranteed restore point or turn on flashback and retry the command. the command.

RMAN-06755: WARNING: datafile string: incremental-start SCN is too recent; using checkpoint SCN string instead

RMAN-06755: WARNING: datafile string: incremental-start SCN is too recent; using checkpoint SCN string instead

Cause: The incremental-start SCN which was specified when starting an incremental datafile backup is greater than the datafile checkpoint SCN, which could cause some blocks to be missed.

Action: Specify a smaller incremental-start SCN.

RMAN-06754: INCREMENTAL FROM SCN option is not supported with (string(

RMAN-06754: INCREMENTAL FROM SCN option is not supported with (string(

Cause: The INCREMENTAL FROM SCN option was supplied but does not apply to this type of backup.

Action: Remove the INCREMENTAL FROM SCN operand and re-enter the command.

RMAN-06753: temporary file not found in the repository

RMAN-06753: temporary file not found in the repository

Cause: The specified temporary file is not found in the control file or recovery catalog.

Action: Make sure that the temporary file name is correct and retry

RMAN-06752: error while looking up temporary file: string

RMAN-06752: error while looking up temporary file: string

Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified temporary file in the recovery catalog or target database control file.

Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the failure; see those error messages for further information. One possible problem is that the temporary file name was not entered correctly.

RMAN-06751: ASM file string cannot be proxy backed up.

RMAN-06751: ASM file string cannot be proxy backed up.

Cause: The PROXY option was specified, but proxy copy of ASM file is not supported. This file will be placed into a non-proxy backup set.

Action: No action required, this is an informational message only.

RMAN-06750: SPFILE cannot be backed up by proxy.

RMAN-06750: SPFILE cannot be backed up by proxy.

Cause: The PROXY option was specified, but proxy copy of SPFILE is not supported. This file will be placed into a non-proxy backup set.

Action: No action required, this is an informational message only.

RMAN-06749: restore point string does not exist.

RMAN-06749: restore point string does not exist.

Cause: The specified restore point does not exists in v$restore_point table of the target database.

Action: Check the name of restore point and retry the command.

RMAN-06748: no or more than one tertiary storage channel found

RMAN-06748: no or more than one tertiary storage channel found

Cause: RECOVERY FILES, RECOVERY AREA or DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST option was specified in BACKUP command, but no or more than one tertiary channel was found. One of the following could have caused this error: 1) All of the allocated channels are of type DISK. 2) No tertiary storage (SBT) channel configured. 3) CHANNEL or DEVICE TYPE option specified is of DISK type. 4) More than one tertiary storage channel allocated or configured and no DEVICE TYPE or CHANNEL option specified.

Action: One of the following: 1) Allocate a channel of TYPE SBT. 2) Configure a SBT channel. 3) Specify CHANNEL, DEVICE TYPE option of TYPE SBT.

RMAN-06747: at least 1 channel of tertiary storage must be allocated to execute this command

RMAN-06747: at least 1 channel of tertiary storage must be allocated to execute this command

Cause: The executed command requires a SBT channel, but no channels of type SBT were configured or allocated.

Action: ALLOCATE or CONFIGURE a SBT channel.

RMAN-06560: WARNING: backup set with key number will be read number times

RMAN-06560: WARNING: backup set with key number will be read number times

Cause: This message should be followed by one or more 6562 messages.

Action: Check the accompanying messages.

RMAN-06559: MAXSIZE must be larger than 1 kb

RMAN-06559: MAXSIZE must be larger than 1 kb

Cause: The MAXSIZE parameter is out of range.

Action: Specify a valid size and retry the command.

RMAN-06558: archived log size of number kb is bigger than available space of number kb

RMAN-06558: archived log size of number kb is bigger than available space of number kb

Cause: This message should be followed by one or more 6557 messages.

Action: Check the accompanying errors.

RMAN-06557: unable to restore archived log thread number, sequence number

RMAN-06557: unable to restore archived log thread number, sequence number

Cause: Restore of the specified archived log failed because the size of the archived log is larger than available disk space.

Action: One of the following: 1) Increase the MAXSIZE parameter and retry the command. 2) Free up disk space in the recovery area.