LPX-00229: input source is empty

LPX-00229: input source is empty

Cause: An XML input file has no contents.

Action: The XML file representing a document must contain at least one element.

LPX-00228: entity reference ~S refers to itself

LPX-00228: entity reference ~S refers to itself

Cause: An entity reference contains a recursive reference to itself.

Action: Modify the contents of the entity reference to remove this recursion.

LPX-00227: entity ~S is not a parsed entity

LPX-00227: entity ~S is not a parsed entity

Cause: An entity reference contained the name of an unparsed entity.

Action: Only reference parsed entities.

LPX-00226: entity ~S is not declared

LPX-00226: entity ~S is not declared

Cause: An entity is not declared.

Action: Declare the entity before referencing it.

LPX-00225: end-element tag ~1S does not match start-element tag ~2S

LPX-00225: end-element tag ~1S does not match start-element tag ~2S

Cause: An element tag was not ended properly.

Action: Make sure that the correct end element tag is used.

LPX-00224: multiple occurrences of attribute ~S found

LPX-00224: multiple occurrences of attribute ~S found

Cause: An attribute occurred multiple times in the same start-tag or empty-element tag.

Action: Make sure that the attributes are unique.

LPX-00223: external entity ~s found in an attribute value

LPX-00223: external entity ~s found in an attribute value

Cause: An external entity reference was found in an attribute value.

Action: Use only references to internal or character entities in attribute values.

LPX-00222: error received from SAX callback function

LPX-00222: error received from SAX callback function

Cause: An error was received from the SAX callback function.

Action: Examine the additional error messages and take corrective action.

LPX-00221: the character lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; cannot occur in attribute values

LPX-00221: the character lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; cannot occur in attribute values

Cause: Found lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; in an attribute value.

Action: Do not use lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; in attribute values.

LPX-00220: the string ((lamp;gt; cannot occur in character data

LPX-00220: the string ((lamp;gt; cannot occur in character data

Cause: Found ((lamp;gt; in character data.

Action: Do not use ((lamp;gt; in character data.

LPX-00219: invalid digit ~c in character reference

LPX-00219: invalid digit ~c in character reference

Cause: An invalid digit was found in a character reference.

Action: Character references are either #DDD; where D s are decimal digits, or #xHHH; where H s are hexadecimal digits.

LPX-00218: invalid character ~1u ( ~2c )

LPX-00218: invalid character ~1u ( ~2c )

Cause: An invalid native (ASCII or EBCDIC) character was found.

Action: Use only characters allowed by the XML specification.

LPX-00217: invalid character ~1u (~2x)

LPX-00217: invalid character ~1u (~2x)

Cause: An invalid Unicode character was found.

Action: Use only characters allowed by the XML specification.

LPX-00216: invalid character ~1u (~2X)

LPX-00216: invalid character ~1u (~2X)

Cause: An invalid multibyte character was found.

Action: Use only characters allowed by the XML specification.

LPX-00215: processing instruction did not end in ?lamp;gt;

LPX-00215: processing instruction did not end in ?lamp;gt;

Cause: A syntax error was detected in the PI section.

Action: Be sure to end the PI with ?lamp;gt; .

DRG-12434: connection failed using configuration string information

DRG-12434: connection failed using configuration string information

Cause: Configuration information is not correct.

Action: Contact the administrator to modify configuration.

DRG-12433: load of string JDBC driver class failed

DRG-12433: load of string JDBC driver class failed

Cause: Driver class is invalid.

Action: Contact the administrator to modify configuration.

DRG-12432: configuration file string not found or unreadable

DRG-12432: configuration file string not found or unreadable

Cause: An error occurred when processing the configuration file.

Action: Contact the administrator.

DRG-12431: configuration section string not found

DRG-12431: configuration section string not found

Cause: Specified conf argument is invalid.

Action: Re-submit the URL with this argument corrected.

DRG-12430: mandatory argument missing: string

DRG-12430: mandatory argument missing: string

Cause: This argument is mandatory.

Action: Re-submit the URL with this argument supplied.

DRG-12422: write to client failed

DRG-12422: write to client failed

Cause: See the following messages.

Action: Contact the administrator.

DRG-12412: missing or invalid Template Processor attribute (string)

DRG-12412: missing or invalid Template Processor attribute (string)

Cause: The specified attribute was missing or invalid in a HTML input field.

Action: Check the Template Processor-specific attributes in the INPUT, SELECT, RADIO and CHECKBOX tags of the template.

DRG-12411: SQL processing error: string

DRG-12411: SQL processing error: string

Cause: Error executing SQL from SQL attribute of CTX EXEC tag.

Action: Check the SQL in the SQL attribute.

DRG-12410: could not process CTX EXEC tag

DRG-12410: could not process CTX EXEC tag

Cause: An error occurred when processing the SQL attribute of a CTX EXEC tag.

Action: See other errors on the stack and take the appropriate action.

DRG-12409: syntax error for label in string

DRG-12409: syntax error for label in string

Cause: The SQL in a CTX EXEC tag has incorrect syntax for a label or label type.

Action: Check the SQL attribute of the CTX EXEC tag.

DRG-12408: invalid variable reference: string.string

DRG-12408: invalid variable reference: string.string

Cause: The variable referenced does not exist.

Action: Check the label and column name.

DRG-12407: invalid CTX REPEAT tag attribute (string)

DRG-12407: invalid CTX REPEAT tag attribute (string)

Cause: The specified attribute is incorrectly specified.

Action: Check the sytax of the specified attribute.

DRG-12406: invalid CTX EXEC tag attribute (string)

DRG-12406: invalid CTX EXEC tag attribute (string)

Cause: The specified attribute is incorrectly specified.

Action: Check the sytax of the specified attribute.

DRG-12405: error occurred processing CTX REDIRECT or CTX LABEL tag

DRG-12405: error occurred processing CTX REDIRECT or CTX LABEL tag

Cause: Error in syntax of a tag.

Action: Correct the syntax of the tag.

DRG-12404: more than one template string found

DRG-12404: more than one template string found

Cause: More than one template with the same name was found.

Action: Remove templates as appropriate.

DRG-12403: template string was not found

DRG-12403: template string was not found

Cause: The template does not exist.

Action: Check the name of the template and check that it is installed.

DRG-12402: error processing template string, line string

DRG-12402: error processing template string, line string

Cause: An error occurred when processing a template.

Action: See other errors on the stack and take the appropriate action.

DRG-12401: invalid template: query within a loop

DRG-12401: invalid template: query within a loop

Cause: A CTX EXEC tag cannot occur within a CTX REPEAT tag.

Action: Remove the CTX EXEC tag.

DRG-12400: template string is empty

DRG-12400: template string is empty

Cause: The template is empty.

Action: Check the template was installed successfully.

DRG-12308: use ctx_ddl.create_index_set to create index sets

DRG-12308: use ctx_ddl.create_index_set to create index sets

Cause: you tried to use ctx_ddl.create_preference to create an index set

Action: use ctx_ddl.create_index_set

DRG-12307: column string is NULL and cannot be indexed

DRG-12307: column string is NULL and cannot be indexed

Cause: You tried to index a row where at least one of the meta columns was NULL.

Action: provide a value for the meta column and reindex the row

DRG-12306: column string is too long for index set columns

DRG-12306: column string is too long for index set columns

Cause: You specified a column in the column list of an index of an index set which is too long

Action: CHAR and VARCHAR2 columns must be 30 bytes or less max length

DRG-12305: column string data type is not supported for index set columns

DRG-12305: column string data type is not supported for index set columns

Cause: You specified a column in the column list of an index of an index set which does not have a valid datatype

Action: use only DATE, NUMBER, CHAR, or VARCHAR2 columns in index column lists

DRG-12304: index set string does not exist

DRG-12304: index set string does not exist

Cause: You specified an invalid index set name

Action: none

DRG-12303: cannot add more than 99 indexes to an index set

DRG-12303: cannot add more than 99 indexes to an index set

Cause: You tried to add too many indexes to the index set

Action: none

DRG-12302: invalid column list

DRG-12302: invalid column list

Cause: You specified an invalid column list --it may have a syntax error, duplicate columns, or invalid column names

Action: none

DRG-12301: index does not exist in index set

DRG-12301: index does not exist in index set

Cause: You tried to remove an index from an index set, but the specified index was not found

Action: none

DRG-12300: an index with this column list already exists in the index set

DRG-12300: an index with this column list already exists in the index set

Cause: You tried to add an index to an index set, but an index with the specified column list already exists

Action: none

DRG-12233: xml sections cannot co-exist with other section types

DRG-12233: xml sections cannot co-exist with other section types

Cause: you tried to add an xml section to a section group or index which already has zone, field, attr, or special sections, or you tried to add a zone, field, attr, or special section to a section group or index which already has xml sections

Action: none

DRG-12232: invalid attribute tag format

DRG-12232: invalid attribute tag format

Cause: you specified a tag for use as an attribute tag which did not have the correct format. An attribute tag must have the form TAGATTR

Action: use correct format

DRG-12231: an attr section named string already exists in this section group

DRG-12231: an attr section named string already exists in this section group

Cause: you tried to name a field or zone section the same name as an existing attribute section

Action: use another name

DRG-12230: special section name must be one of string

DRG-12230: special section name must be one of string

Cause: you tried to add an invalid special section

Action: specify a valid special section

DRG-12229: special section string already exists in this section group

DRG-12229: special section string already exists in this section group

Cause: you tried to add a special section which already exists

Action: no action required

DRG-12228: maximum number of field sections (string) exceeded

DRG-12228: maximum number of field sections (string) exceeded

Cause: a section group has more than the maximum number of unique field sections

Action: no action required

DRG-12227: a zone section named string already exists in this section group

DRG-12227: a zone section named string already exists in this section group

Cause: you tried to name an attribute or field section the same name as an existing zone section

Action: use another name

DRG-12226: a field section named string already exists in this section group

DRG-12226: a field section named string already exists in this section group

Cause: you tried to name an attribute or zone section the same name as an existing field section

Action: use another name

DRG-12224: use ctx_ddl.create_section_group to create section groups

DRG-12224: use ctx_ddl.create_section_group to create section groups

Cause: you tried to use ctx_ddl.create_preference to create a section group

Action: use ctx_ddl.create_section_group

DRG-10827: open_con must be performed before count_last

DRG-10827: open_con must be performed before count_last

Cause: last_count returns hit from in-memory query,so an in-memory query must be run before you can use count_last

Action: execute open_con before run count_last

DRG-10826: no document with the specified textkey is found

DRG-10826: no document with the specified textkey is found

Cause: There is no document with the specified textkey.

Action: Check the textkey

DRG-10825: stored query does not exist: string

DRG-10825: stored query does not exist: string

Cause: The specified stored query does not exist.

Action: Check the query name

DRG-10823: invalid query name

DRG-10823: invalid query name

Cause: The query name specified is not valid

Action: Check the query name

DRG-10822: duplicate query name

DRG-10822: duplicate query name

Cause: You tried to create a stored query with a name already used.

Action: Use different name

DRG-10821: contains cursor is not open

DRG-10821: contains cursor is not open

Cause: You tried to fetch from a contains cursor which was not open.

Action: Open cursor first

DRG-10820: invalid contains cursor id

DRG-10820: invalid contains cursor id

Cause: You tried to fetch or close a contains cursor with an id which does not exist.

Action: Review fetch or close invocation

non-stopwords. DRG-10819: could not open contains cursor

non-stopwords. DRG-10819: could not open contains cursor

Cause: An error occurred while trying to open a contains cursor

Action: See accompanying error messages in the stack