OCI-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

OCI-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

Cause: The input data to be converted using a date format model was incorrect. The input data did not contain a number where a number was required by the format model.

Action: Fix the input data or the date format model to make sure the elements match in number and type. Then retry the operation.

OCI-01854: julian date must be between 1 and 5373484

OCI-01854: julian date must be between 1 and 5373484

Cause: An invalid Julian date was entered.

Action: Enter a valid Julian date between 1 and 5373484.

OCI-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0

OCI-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0

Cause: Illegal year entered

Action: Input year in the specified range

OCI-00972: identifier is too long

OCI-00972: identifier is too long

Cause: An identifier with more than 30 characters was specified.

Action: Specify at most 30 characters.

OCI-00602: internal programming exception

OCI-00602: internal programming exception

Cause: Internal programming exception.

Action: Report as a bug. Caution: The following error code is not relocatable.

OCI-00601: cleanup lock conflict

OCI-00601: cleanup lock conflict

Cause: PMON process runs into lock conflict trying to recover processes.

Action: This is trapped internally, no action necessary.

QSM-03120: Cannot create materialized view log on encrypted columns

QSM-03120: Cannot create materialized view log on encrypted columns

Cause: There were encrypted columns in materialized view defining query.

Action: Try to remove the encrypted columns in the materialized view defining query.

QSM-03119: The WHERE or HAVING clause is too complex for general query rewrite

QSM-03119: The WHERE or HAVING clause is too complex for general query rewrite

Cause: The WHERE or HAVING was too complex for general rewrite.

Action: Try to simplify the WHERE or HAVING clause in the materialized view defining query.

QSM-03118: Cannot tune the materialized view for general rewrite

QSM-03118: Cannot tune the materialized view for general rewrite

Cause: The materialized view could not be tuned for supporting general rewrite.

Action: Run the dbms_mview.explain_mview to find out the reason.

QSM-03117: Cannot tune the materialized view to be fast refreshable

QSM-03117: Cannot tune the materialized view to be fast refreshable

Cause: The materialized view could not be tuned or decomposed to be fast refreshable.

Action: Run the dbms_mview.explain_mview to find out the reason.

QSM-03116: The materialized view is already optimal and cannot be tuned any further

QSM-03116: The materialized view is already optimal and cannot be tuned any further

Cause: The materialized view has the capabilities that are specified in the statement.

Action: none

QSM-03115: Cannot tune materialized view ON PREBUILT table

QSM-03115: Cannot tune materialized view ON PREBUILT table

Cause: The materialized view was created on a prebuilt table.

Action: Rephrase the statement to avoid the use of the ON PREBUILT option.

QSM-03114: Cannot tune FOR UPDATE materialized view

QSM-03114: Cannot tune FOR UPDATE materialized view

Cause: The materialized view was created with the FOR UPDATE option.

Action: Rephrase the statement to avoid the use of the FOR UPDATE option.

QSM-03113: Cannot tune the MATERIALIZED VIEW statement string

QSM-03113: Cannot tune the MATERIALIZED VIEW statement string

Cause: The MATERIALIZED VIEW statement could not be tuned.

Action: Check the reason(s) following the error or the statement and retry the operation.

QSM-03112: Invalid CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement string

QSM-03112: Invalid CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement string

Cause: The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement that was passed into the procedure was not a valid one.

Action: Check the reason(s) following the error or the statement and retry the operation.

QSM-02189: materialized view definition changes

QSM-02189: materialized view definition changes

Cause: The definition of the materialized view has changed. Usually redefining the synonym or table in the definition can cause this. The materialized view can not be fast refreshed.

Action: Complete refresh or recreate the materialized view.

QSM-02188: named view in FROM list not supported for this type MV

QSM-02188: named view in FROM list not supported for this type MV

Cause: You have specified a materialized view that references a named view The indicated capability is not supported for this type of materialized view.

Action: Restructure the materialized view query.

QSM-02187: materialized view on external table

QSM-02187: materialized view on external table

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references an external table.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the external tables.



Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view has PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN.


QSM-02185: no partition key or PMARKER in select list

QSM-02185: no partition key or PMARKER in select list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view unless the select list (and group by list if a GROUP BY clause is present) includes either the partition key of or a PMARKER function reference to the table in question.

Action: Add the partition key or a PMARKER function reference to the select list (and the GROUP BY clause, if present).

QSM-02184: Expression to enable PCT cannot be rolled up

QSM-02184: Expression to enable PCT cannot be rolled up

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the expression is rolled up

Action: Change the query so that the expression is not rolled up

QSM-02183: Expression to enable PCT not in PARTITION BY of analytic function or SPREADSHEET

QSM-02183: Expression to enable PCT not in PARTITION BY of analytic function or SPREADSHEET

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the expression is not in the PARTITION BY clause

Action: Change the query so that the expression is in the PARTITION BY

QSM-02182: PCT is enabled through a join dependency

QSM-02182: PCT is enabled through a join dependency

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view does not contain some expression join dependent on the partitioning key of relation in question in the select list. For definition of join dependency, please look at Oracle documentation.

Action: Change the query to contain the partitioning key

QSM-02181: a SPREADSHEET clause is present

QSM-02181: a SPREADSHEET clause is present

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a SPREADSHEET clause.

Action: Remove the SPREADSHEET clause.

QSM-02180: no primary key constraint in the master table

QSM-02180: no primary key constraint in the master table

Cause: The explain_mview assumes that the materialized view is going to be created as the Primary Key materialized view. A Primary Key materialized view can not be created if the base table does not have a primary key constraint.

Action: Add a primary key constraint to the base table, or create the materialized view as Rowid MV by specifying the WITH ROWID option. If the materialized view is a Rowid MV, then it should be able to do complete refresh and even fast refresh, given that the materialized view log on the master table has a rowid.

OCI-30187: reserved for future use

OCI-30187: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

OCI-30186: reserved for future use

OCI-30186: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

OCI-30185: output too large to fit in the buffer

OCI-30185: output too large to fit in the buffer

Cause: The buffer is not large enough to hold the entire output string.

Action: Fix the buffer size and length passed in.

OCI-30184: argument type not compatible with a format code

OCI-30184: argument type not compatible with a format code

Cause: Bad argument type given for a format code.

Action: Make format and arguments be compatible.

OCI-30183: invalid field width specifier

OCI-30183: invalid field width specifier

Cause: Invalid field width supplied.

Action: Replace the invalid field width with a valid one.

OCI-30182: invalid precision specifier

OCI-30182: invalid precision specifier

Cause: Period in format specification not followed by valid format.

Action: Replace the invalid precision specifier with a valid one.

OCI-30181: integer in argument index is not immediately followed by )

OCI-30181: integer in argument index is not immediately followed by )

Cause: Missing closing parenthesis in argument index.

Action: Fix the format specification.

OCI-30180: argument index is too large

OCI-30180: argument index is too large

Cause: An argument index exceeds actual number of arguments supplied.

Action: Fix format string or pass additional arguments.

OCI-30179: invalid argument index used in a format code

OCI-30179: invalid argument index used in a format code

Cause: Zero or negative argument index or index not following (.

Action: Replace the invalid argument index with a valid one.

OCI-30178: duplicate flag used in a format specification

OCI-30178: duplicate flag used in a format specification

Cause: There is a duplicate flag in a format specification.

Action: Remove the duplicate flag.

OCI-30177: invalid flag used in a format specification

OCI-30177: invalid flag used in a format specification

Cause: There is an invalid flag in a format specification.

Action: Replace the invalid flag with a valid one.

OCI-30176: invalid format code used in the format string

OCI-30176: invalid format code used in the format string

Cause: There is an invalid format code in the format string.

Action: Replace the invalid format code with a valid one.

OCI-30175: invalid type given for an argument

OCI-30175: invalid type given for an argument

Cause: There is an argument with an invalid type in the argument list.

Action: Use the correct type wrapper for the argument.

OCI-30163: The thread safety initialization failed

OCI-30163: The thread safety initialization failed

Cause: The call to SlgInit failed in OCIFileInit.

Action: Contact support

OCI-30162: The OCIFile context is not initialzed

OCI-30162: The OCIFile context is not initialzed

Cause: The function OCIFileInit need to be called before calling any other OCIFile function to initialize the OCIFile context.

Action: Call the function OCIFileInit need to be called before calling any other OCIFile function.

OCI-30161: A system error occurred during the OCIFile function call

OCI-30161: A system error occurred during the OCIFile function call

Cause: A system error occured while executing the OCIFile function.

Action: Depend on the error.

OCI-30160: Unable to access the file

OCI-30160: Unable to access the file

Cause: The function was unable to access the existing the file.

Action: Check if the user has the required permissions on the file.

OCI-30159: OCIFileOpen: Cannot create the file or cannot open in the requested mode

OCI-30159: OCIFileOpen: Cannot create the file or cannot open in the requested mode

Cause: The create flag was specified in OCIFileOpen such that the file was to be created. But unable to do so. Or the file already exists and the permissions on it doesn t allow the file to be opened in in the requested open mode

Action: Check whether the user has permissions to create the specified file or if the file exists whether the permissions on it allow the requested open mode.

OCI-30158: The OCIFileWrite causes the file to exceed the maximum allowed size

OCI-30158: The OCIFileWrite causes the file to exceed the maximum allowed size

Cause: There is no space to write to the file. Its size is at the maximum limit.

Action: Up to the user.

OCI-30157: An invalid argument was given to operating system call

OCI-30157: An invalid argument was given to operating system call

Cause: The OS call was called with an invalid argument.

Action: Check the values passed. If unsuccessful to solve the problem contact ORACLE support.

OCI-30156: Out of disk space

OCI-30156: Out of disk space

Cause: The disks associated with the underlying file system are full.

Action: Create more disk space.

OCI-30155: An I or O Error occured during an OCIFile function call

OCI-30155: An I or O Error occured during an OCIFile function call

Cause: An I or O error occurred at the system level.

Action: This is a system error and the action will depnd on the error.

OCI-30154: The memory address given as buffer for OCIFileRead or Write is invalid

OCI-30154: The memory address given as buffer for OCIFileRead or Write is invalid

Cause: An invalid memory address is given as the buffer pointer for OCIFileRead or Write.

Action: Make sure that the required memory is allocated and pass a valid memory address as buffer pointer.

OCI-30153: An invalid File Object is passed to the OCIFile function

OCI-30153: An invalid File Object is passed to the OCIFile function

Cause: An invalid File Object is passed to the OCIFile function.

Action: Make sure that the file object is a valid one. Create a new file object by calling OCIFileOpen if needed.

OCI-30152: File does not exist

OCI-30152: File does not exist

Cause: The OCIFile function requires the file to exist, but it does not.

Action: Make sure that the file exists.

OCI-30151: File already exists

OCI-30151: File already exists

Cause: Tried to open a file with OCI_FILE_EXCL flag and the file already exists.

Action: OCIFile is supposed throw this exception in this case.

OCI-30150: Invalid argument passed to OCIFile function

OCI-30150: Invalid argument passed to OCIFile function

Cause: An invalid argument is passed to the OCIFile function. The most common cause is that a NULL pointer is passed where a non-NULL pointer is expected.

Action: Make sure that the values passed as arguments are valid. Esp check for NULL pointers.

OCI-30135: OCI Thread operation fails

OCI-30135: OCI Thread operation fails

Cause: An OCI Thread function call has failed.

Action: Check the function call to make sure that the correct parameters are being passed and take the apropriate action.

OCI-30134: reserved for future use

OCI-30134: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

OCI-30133: reserved for future use

OCI-30133: reserved for future use

Cause: None.

Action: None.

OCI-30132: invalid key index supplied

OCI-30132: invalid key index supplied

Cause: The key index specified was not within bounds

Action: Change key index to ensure it lies within bounds

OCI-30131: number of keys being set exceeds allocation

OCI-30131: number of keys being set exceeds allocation

Cause: Number of parameter keys being set exceeds allocation

Action: Reduce the number of keys being set or increase allocation

OCI-30130: invalid parameter key type received

OCI-30130: invalid parameter key type received

Cause: A function received an invalid parameter key type

Action: Check parameter key types in function calls

OCI-30129: invalid function argument received

OCI-30129: invalid function argument received

Cause: A function received an invalid argument

Action: Check function calls, make sure correct arguments are being passed.

OCI-30122: value string for string must be between number and number

OCI-30122: value string for string must be between number and number

Cause: The value of the parameter is not within the legal range.

Action: Specify a value that is within the legal range.