QSM-01085: materialized view, string, has a lossy join between tables, string

QSM-01085: materialized view, string, has a lossy join between tables, string

Cause: There are no primary key, foreign key constraints between these tables. But query rewrite is still possible if the lossy join between the above tables also appear in the query

Action: none

QSM-01084: materialized view string has an anchor table string not found in query

QSM-01084: materialized view string has an anchor table string not found in query

Cause: A table in a materialized view is an anchor, (a) if it is not joined to any other table or (b) joined to other tables but each of its joins is either lossy or lossless with the above table being child-side table. If an anchor which is present in the materialized view is not found in the query, then query rewrite will not take place.

Action: none

QSM-01083: query text not available - possible inline view

QSM-01083: query text not available - possible inline view

Cause: During the query rewrite transformation, orignal query was possibly transformed into an inline view.

Action: none

QSM-01082: Joining materialized view, string, with table, string, not possible

QSM-01082: Joining materialized view, string, with table, string, not possible

Cause: A column in the query is not found in the summary. To obtain the column, a join back of materialized view to the table by means of either the primary key, foreign key or rowid of the table is required. The specified materialized view does not have the primary key, foreign key or rowid of the table to perform the join operation.

Action: Consider building a dimension-table to provide the missing information.

QSM-01081: no primary key or row id found for table, string, in MV, string

QSM-01081: no primary key or row id found for table, string, in MV, string

Cause: In order to obtain a missing column, the materialized view needs to join back to the above table. But it lacks the primary key or rowid for the table.

Action: none

QSM-01080: invalid dimension, string

QSM-01080: invalid dimension, string

Cause: This dimension table has authorization or compilation problems.

Action: none

QSM-01079: DML operation occurred on a table referenced by MV, string

QSM-01079: DML operation occurred on a table referenced by MV, string

Cause: If any dependent tables of a materialized view undergoes a DML operation, query rewrite may be restricted depending on the query rewrite integrity mode for the session. In this situation, query rewrite will take place only if the rewrite integrity mode is STALE_TOLERATED.

Action: Consider refreshing the materialized view chaning the rewrite integrity mode to STALE_TOLERATED.

QSM-01078: materialized view, string, is marked invalid

QSM-01078: materialized view, string, is marked invalid

Cause: The materialized view s kglobsta field has KGLSINV bit set.

Action: none ??

QSM-01077: materialized view, string, is grouping at a higher level than query

QSM-01077: materialized view, string, is grouping at a higher level than query

Cause: If a query column, which is not present in the materialized view, can be obtained by a rollup within the materialized view, then it should group at a higher level than the materialized view.

Action: none

QSM-01076: no materialized join view was found

QSM-01076: no materialized join view was found

Cause: To support an MJV rewrite, we require a materialized join view.

Action: none

QSM-01075: materialized view, string, does not support aggregate function, string

QSM-01075: materialized view, string, does not support aggregate function, string

Cause: The specified aggregate function is not found in the materialized view.

Action: none

QSM-01074: query rewrite not possible because materialized view, string, and query have different number of joins between tables, string

QSM-01074: query rewrite not possible because materialized view, string, and query have different number of joins between tables, string

Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the query has some joins that the materialized view does not have between the same pair of tables.

Action: none

QSM-01073: query rewrite not possible because materialized view, string, has a join not found in query

QSM-01073: query rewrite not possible because materialized view, string, has a join not found in query

Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the materialized view has some joins that query does not have

Action: none

QSM-01072: materialized view, string, and query have different joins between tables, string

QSM-01072: materialized view, string, and query have different joins between tables, string

Cause: Anchors, if any, in the MV and query match. But the joins between these anchors in the MV and query are different.

Action: none

QSM-01071: query rewrite not possible because a join in materialized view % with table % has eliminated some rows found in query

QSM-01071: query rewrite not possible because a join in materialized view % with table % has eliminated some rows found in query

Cause: All lossy joins in the materialized view must be present in the query for query rewrite to occur.

Action: none

QSM-01070: equivalence class manager was not found

QSM-01070: equivalence class manager was not found

Cause: An equivalence class manager is required to compute the transitive closure for the columns in an equivalence class.

Action: none

QSM-01069: summary join graph for, string, does not have table, string

QSM-01069: summary join graph for, string, does not have table, string

Cause: An attempt to locate an object that is part of a join failed.

Action: none

QSM-01068: no dimensions present

QSM-01068: no dimensions present

Cause: An attempt was made to load a dimension from the dataware house, but there were no dimensions present.

Action: none

QSM-01067: materialized view, string, cannot support the query measure, string

QSM-01067: materialized view, string, cannot support the query measure, string

Cause: An attempt was made to push a grouping function through an expression specified in the query to transform a measure. Query rewrite will not occur if this measure transformation failed.

Action: none

QSM-01066: materialized view, string, does not have the column, string, from query

QSM-01066: materialized view, string, does not have the column, string, from query

Cause: Query rewrite will not occur, if the materialized view cannot provide all the columns that the query has

Action: none

QSM-01065: materialized view, string, cannot compute measure, string, in the query

QSM-01065: materialized view, string, cannot compute measure, string, in the query

Cause: If the materialized view cannot compute a measure in the query using the measures in its definition, then query rewrite will not occur.

Action: none

QSM-01064: query has a fixed table or view

QSM-01064: query has a fixed table or view

Cause: Query rewrite is not allowed if query references any fixed tables or views

Action: none

QSM-01063: query has a dictionary table or view

QSM-01063: query has a dictionary table or view

Cause: Query rewrite is not allowed if query references any dictionary tables or views.

Action: none

QSM-01062: query has one or more manual partition(s)

QSM-01062: query has one or more manual partition(s)

Cause: Query rewrite is not possible if query has any manual partitions.

Action: none

QSM-01061: illegal query expression

QSM-01061: illegal query expression

Cause: An illegal query was specified. Specifically one of the following criteria was not satisfied: (a) All (non-constant, non-aggregate) SELECT expressions in the query should be made up of group expressions. (b) All column references in the HAVING clause should come from the GROUP BY expressions. (c) If there is an ORDER BY clause, then all column references should come from the GROUP BY or SELECT clause, depending on whether the query selects DISTINCT.

Action: Correct error in the syntax and rerun the query.

QSM-01060: illegal subquery in the HAVING clause

QSM-01060: illegal subquery in the HAVING clause

Cause: When a HAVING clause has a subquery, then any references to the tables in the outer query should only reference the tables in the GROUP BY clause.

Action: Correct error in the syntax and rerun the query.

QSM-01059: HAVING clause in the query block is malformed

QSM-01059: HAVING clause in the query block is malformed

Cause: An illegal HAVING clause has been specified in the query.

Action: Correct the query syntax and run the query again.

QSM-01058: MV, string, does not have column, string, for a joinback

QSM-01058: MV, string, does not have column, string, for a joinback

Cause: A GROUP BY column in the query is not present in the GROUP BY clause of of the materialized view. This usually requires a join back to a third table.

Action: none

QSM-01057: no query rewrite for this DML expression

QSM-01057: no query rewrite for this DML expression

Cause: Current DML is being done using an updatable view, so it is not eligible for rewrite.

Action: none

QSM-01056: no query rewrite for this DDL expression

QSM-01056: no query rewrite for this DDL expression

Cause: Some SELECT statements which are part of a DDL expression may be eligible for rewrite. These include CREATE AS SELECT and CREATE OUTLINE statements. The given query expression is a DDL expression, which doesn t fall in this category.

Action: none

QSM-01055: Query Rewrite failed to allocate the necessary materialized view join graph

QSM-01055: Query Rewrite failed to allocate the necessary materialized view join graph

Cause: Join graph allocation and initialization failed, possibly due to one or more undetermined operand(s).

Action: none

QSM-01054: no join match between query and summary, string

QSM-01054: no join match between query and summary, string

Cause: There are no common joins between the query and the the materialized view

Action: none

QSM-01053: NORELY referential integrity constraint on table, string, in TRUSTED or STALE TOLERATED integrity mode

QSM-01053: NORELY referential integrity constraint on table, string, in TRUSTED or STALE TOLERATED integrity mode

Cause: A join present in the materialized view requires RELY mode to be set on the primary or foreign key constraints.

Action: Set the RELY mode with ALTER TABLE lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;tablelamp;gt; MODIFY CONSTRAINT lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;constraintlamp;gt; RELY command. Alternatively validate the constraint with ALTER TABLE lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;tablelamp;gt; VALIDATE CONSTRAINT lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;constraintlamp;gt;.

QSM-01052: referential integrity constraint on table, string, not VALID in ENFORCED integrity mode

QSM-01052: referential integrity constraint on table, string, not VALID in ENFORCED integrity mode

Cause: A join present in the materialized view requires validated primary or foreign key constraints in ENFORCED query rewrite integrity mode.

Action: Validate the constraint or change the integrity mode with ALTER SESSION SET QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = STALE_TOLERATED command.

QSM-01051: no support for rollup when a window function is present on the column

QSM-01051: no support for rollup when a window function is present on the column

Cause: No query rewrite if a window function is present on a column that requires a roll-up to compute a measure.

Action: none

QSM-01050: roll-up check failed for materialized view, string

QSM-01050: roll-up check failed for materialized view, string

Cause: A column in the query cannot be computed from the materialized view.

Action: Consider creating a dimension to supply the missing information

QSM-01049: semi-join check failed for materialized view, string

QSM-01049: semi-join check failed for materialized view, string

Cause: If there is a semi join in the query, then Query Rewrite will create (select distinct lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;pk-listlamp;gt;, lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;ref-collamp;gt; from mjv) where lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;pk-listlamp;gt; is the list of rowids or pk of all mjv tables that don t correspond to a right side of a semi-join and lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;ref-collamp;gt; are their columns. Query Rewrite will not occur if a join from the materialized view cannot match the semi-join from the query.

Action: none

QSM-01048: join back level(s) not present (string)

QSM-01048: join back level(s) not present (string)

Cause: Query Rewrite requires joining back to a level of a dimension to find a missing information.

Action: Consider creating a dimension.

QSM-01047: complex join back on non-MAV rewrite not allowed (string)

QSM-01047: complex join back on non-MAV rewrite not allowed (string)

Cause: Query Rewrite can occur by means of a complex join back only during a MAV rewrite.

Action: none

QSM-01046: complex join back on correlated columns not allowed (string)

QSM-01046: complex join back on correlated columns not allowed (string)

Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back is required on a column that is referenced by a sub-query.

Action: none

QSM-01044: join back attempted on a view for string

QSM-01044: join back attempted on a view for string

Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back to a table is required to find any missing columns.

Action: none

QSM-01043: join back attempted on a table to the RHS of a semi or anti join for string

QSM-01043: join back attempted on a table to the RHS of a semi or anti join for string

Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back is required to a table that appears to the right hand side of a semi or anti-join.

Action: none

QSM-01042: anchor and matching join arc check failed for string

QSM-01042: anchor and matching join arc check failed for string

Cause: If there is a lossy join in the materialized view that doesn t exist in the query, query rewrite will not take place.

Action: none

QSM-01041: materialized view, string, does not match with a measure in the query

QSM-01041: materialized view, string, does not match with a measure in the query

Cause: If a measure (such as SUM, AVERAGE) in the query cannot be matched or computed from the materialized view, it will not be used for rewrite.

Action: none

QSM-01040: match between the materialized view (string) and query join graphs failed

QSM-01040: match between the materialized view (string) and query join graphs failed

Cause: Query rewrite will not take place if the joins in the query and the materialized view do not have any match.

Action: none

QSM-01039: selection present on right hand side of an outer join

QSM-01039: selection present on right hand side of an outer join

Cause: Query cannot be rewritten if any predicate contains a selection on the right hand side of an outer join.

Action: none

QSM-01038: logical operator(s) could not be processed

QSM-01038: logical operator(s) could not be processed

Cause: One or more logical operator(s) in the query predicates could not be processed, possibly due to invalid operator(s).

Action: none

QSM-01037: Query Rewrite failed to allocate the necessary query join graph

QSM-01037: Query Rewrite failed to allocate the necessary query join graph

Cause: Join graph allocation and initialization failed, possibly due to one or more undetermined operand(s) in the query expression.

Action: none

QSM-01036: unmatched column, string, present in query after view merging

QSM-01036: unmatched column, string, present in query after view merging

Cause: Clearing the columns after view merging failed due to some reasons bug??

Action: none

QSM-01035: a row level security policy exists on this table

QSM-01035: a row level security policy exists on this table

Cause: Any row level security policy that may exist on a base-table prevents exact text match query rewrite.

Action: none.

QSM-01034: materialized view, string, needs a dimension level to join table, string

QSM-01034: materialized view, string, needs a dimension level to join table, string

Cause: One or more hierarchical relationship(s) in the table(s) could not be established.

Action: Consider adding a level in the dimension to provide the missing intra- table relationships.

QSM-01033: query rewritten with materialized view, string

QSM-01033: query rewritten with materialized view, string

Cause: The specified materialized view was used to rewrite the given query.

Action: none

QSM-01032: materialized view, string, not found

QSM-01032: materialized view, string, not found

Cause: There was no associated metadata for the materialized view.

Action: Check the spelling and re-run the query.

QSM-01031: materialized view, string, is stale in TRUSTED integrity mode

QSM-01031: materialized view, string, is stale in TRUSTED integrity mode

Cause: A stale materialized view cannot be used for query rewrite when the query rewrite integrity mode is set to TRUSTED.

Action: Refresh the materialized view or alter the rewrite integrity mode with ALTER SESSION QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = STALE TOLERATED command.

QSM-01030: materialized view, string, has PL or SQL functions in ENFORCED integrity mode

QSM-01030: materialized view, string, has PL or SQL functions in ENFORCED integrity mode

Cause: A materialized view with PL or SQL functions in its definition cannot be used for query rewrite when query rewrite integrity is set to ENFORCED.

Action: Consider running the query in STALE TOLERATED mode.

QSM-01029: materialized view, string, is stale in ENFORCED integrity mode

QSM-01029: materialized view, string, is stale in ENFORCED integrity mode

Cause: A stale materialized view cannot be used for query rewrite when the query rewrite integrity mode is set to ENFORCED.

Action: Refresh the materialized view or alter the rewrite integrity mode with ALTER SESSION QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = STALE TOLERATED command.

QSM-01028: materialized view, string, is currently being refreshed

QSM-01028: materialized view, string, is currently being refreshed

Cause: Materialized view cannot be used for query rewrite while it is being refreshed

Action: Rerun the query, after the refresh operation is completed.

QSM-01027: materialized view, string, is unusable

QSM-01027: materialized view, string, is unusable

Cause: Materialized view probably has some metadata errors.

Action: Consider recreating it.

QSM-01026: query rewrite is disabled for, string

QSM-01026: query rewrite is disabled for, string

Cause: Query rewrite could not use this materialized view, because query rewrite was not enabled for it.

Action: Enable query rewrite for the materialized view with ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW mv ENABLE QUERY REWRITE command, where mv is the name of the materializev view.

QSM-01025: materialized view, string, not found

QSM-01025: materialized view, string, not found

Cause: The specified materialized view is not found in the database.

Action: Check the spelling or create a new materialized view