DRG-11867: Method Not Suited For Automatic Redirection

DRG-11867: Method Not Suited For Automatic Redirection

Cause: Telling client things are ok USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11866: Please Try `ftp: or or Instead Of `file: or or

DRG-11866: Please Try `ftp: or or Instead Of `file: or or

Cause: wrong access scheme is used. USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11865: News Server Replies

DRG-11865: News Server Replies

Cause: News Server is responding USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11864: Unknown Access Authentication Scheme

DRG-11864: Unknown Access Authentication Scheme

Cause: The server is using an unkown access authentication scheme USER_ AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11863: Bad, Incomplete, Or Unknown Response

DRG-11863: Bad, Incomplete, Or Unknown Response

Cause: The server is mumbering something not understandable USER_AGENT_ ERROR

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11862: This Is Probaly A HTTP Server 0.9 Or Less

DRG-11862: This Is Probaly A HTTP Server 0.9 Or Less

Cause: A very old web server USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11861: CSO-server Replies

DRG-11861: CSO-server Replies

Cause: Telling client things are ok USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11860: Connection Establishment Interrupted

DRG-11860: Connection Establishment Interrupted

Cause: Connection operation was interupped USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11859: Data Transfer Interrupted

DRG-11859: Data Transfer Interrupted

Cause: Processing of URL request was interrupted USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11858: Gopher Server Replies

DRG-11858: Gopher Server Replies

Cause: Gopher server responds to the agent request. USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11857: Server Timed Out

DRG-11857: Server Timed Out

Cause: Server operation timed out USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11856: FTP Server Doesn t Reply

DRG-11856: FTP Server Doesn t Reply

Cause: No response from FTP server during operation. USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11855: FTP Server Replies

DRG-11855: FTP Server Replies

Cause: FTP server responds to the agent request USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11854: No File Name Found Or File Not Accessible

DRG-11854: No File Name Found Or File Not Accessible

Cause: Unable to open the file specified USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11853: No Host Name Found

DRG-11853: No Host Name Found

Cause: The host name is not specicied in URI. USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent client takes proper action.

DRG-11852: Can t Locate Remote Host

DRG-11852: Can t Locate Remote Host

Cause: connection to remote host failed USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11851: Cache Related Warning

DRG-11851: Cache Related Warning

Cause: Arbitrary information about cache to be presented to logger. HTTP_ CACHE_ERROR = 99

Action: The user agent client must not take any automated action.

DRG-11850: Transformation Applied

DRG-11850: Transformation Applied

Cause: Telling cache manager, content encoding or media type has been changed in cache. HTTP_CACHE_ERROR = 14

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11849: Heuristic Expiration

DRG-11849: Heuristic Expiration

Cause: Cache freshness lifetime and response age both greater than 24 hours. HTTP_CACHE_ERROR = 13

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11848: Disconnected Operation

DRG-11848: Disconnected Operation

Cause: The cache is intentionally disconnected for a time period. HTTP_CACHE_ ERROR = 12

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11847: Revalidation Failed

DRG-11847: Revalidation Failed

Cause: User agent s attempt to revalidate a stale response failed. HTTP_CACHE_ ERROR = 11

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11846: Response Is Stale

DRG-11846: Response Is Stale

Cause: The the user agent knows the returned reponse is stale. HTTP_CACHE_ ERROR = 10

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions.

DRG-11845: No Partial Update

DRG-11845: No Partial Update

Cause: Reserved HTTP_ERROR = 506

Action: Reserved

DRG-11844: HTTP Version Not Supported

DRG-11844: HTTP Version Not Supported

Cause: The HTTP version in the request header is rejected by the server. HTTP_ ERROR = 505

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11843: Gateway Timeout

DRG-11843: Gateway Timeout

Cause: Upstream server did not timely respond to the gateway server. HTTP_ ERROR = 504

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11842: Service Unavailable

DRG-11842: Service Unavailable

Cause: Server overloaded or in maintenance mode. HTTP_ERROR = 503

Action: If retry-after header is in the response, retry the request.

DRG-11841: Bad Gateway

DRG-11841: Bad Gateway

Cause: In serving the request, the server received invalid response from gateway. HTTP_ERROR = 502

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11840: Not Implemented

DRG-11840: Not Implemented

Cause: The server can t support a request feature which has yet to be implemented. HTTP_ERROR = 501

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11839: Internal Server Error

DRG-11839: Internal Server Error

Cause: The server encountered internal error in fulfilling the request. HTTP_ ERROR = 500

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11838: Proxy Reauthentication Required

DRG-11838: Proxy Reauthentication Required

Cause: Reserved HTTP_ERROR = 419

Action: Reserved

DRG-11837: Reauthorization Required

DRG-11837: Reauthorization Required

Cause: Reserved HTTP_ERROR = 418

Action: Reserverd

DRG-11836: Expectation Failed

DRG-11836: Expectation Failed

Cause: Server can not meet the user agent s expectation. HTTP_ERROR = 417

Action: The user agent takes pro

DRG-11835: Requested Range Not Satisfiable

DRG-11835: Requested Range Not Satisfiable

Cause: The byte range request can not be satisfied by the resource extent. HTTP_ ERROR = 416

Action: The user agent reads content-range header in the response.

DRG-11834: Unsupported Media Type

DRG-11834: Unsupported Media Type

Cause: The server is refusing the request because of media type HTTP_ERROR = 415

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11833: Request-URI Too Big

DRG-11833: Request-URI Too Big

Cause: The server is refusing to accept the URI which is too big. HTTP_ERROR = 414

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11832: Request Entity Too Large

DRG-11832: Request Entity Too Large

Cause: Request rejected because request entity is too large. HTTP_ERROR = 413

Action: If Retry-After header found, the user agent should retry.

DRG-11831: Precondition Failed

DRG-11831: Precondition Failed

Cause: Telling the user agent that the resource failed preconditions HTTP_ERROR 412

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11830: Length Required

DRG-11830: Length Required

Cause: The server must receive a content-length header. HTTP_ERROR = 411

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11829: Gone

DRG-11829: Gone

Cause: The resource is no longer available and no forwarding address. HTTP_ ERROR = 410

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11828: Conflict

DRG-11828: Conflict

Cause: The request conflicts with the current state of the URI HTTP_ERROR = 409

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

LSX-00157: ~S is abstract and cannot be used in an instance document

LSX-00157: ~S is abstract and cannot be used in an instance document

Cause: The element declaration or the type definition was abstract.

Action: When an element is declared to be abstract, a member of that element s substitution group must appear in the instance document. When an element s corresponding type definition is declared as abstract, all instances of that element must use xsi:type to indicate a derived type that is not abstract.

LSX-00156: type is final and no derivations are allowed

LSX-00156: type is final and no derivations are allowed

Cause: Derivation from a type that is declared to be final occurred.

Action: Remove the final declaration from the base type.

LSX-00155: invalid use of attribute ref

LSX-00155: invalid use of attribute ref

Cause: If the item s parent is not lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;schemalamp;gt; and the attribute ref is present, then the element simpleType and the attributes form and type must be absent.

Action: Remove the prohibited items.

LSX-00154: attribute use must have its value set to optional

LSX-00154: attribute use must have its value set to optional

Cause: If default and use are both present, use must have its value set to optional.

Action: Remove the default attribute or change the value of the use attribute.

LSX-00153: invalid combination of default and fixed attributes

LSX-00153: invalid combination of default and fixed attributes

Cause: It is an error for a declaration to contain both fixed and default attributes.

Action: Remove either the default or the fixed attributes.

LSX-00152: only minOccurs , maxOccurs , or id is allowed

LSX-00152: only minOccurs , maxOccurs , or id is allowed

Cause: If the item s parent is not lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;schemalamp;gt; and ref is present, then complexType, simpleType , key , keyref , unique , nillable , default , fixed, form , block , and type must be absent.

Action: Remove the prohibited attribute.

LSX-00151: invalid combination of attributes ref and name

LSX-00151: invalid combination of attributes ref and name

Cause: If the item s parent is not lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;schemalamp;gt;, then either the ref or the name attribute must be present, but not both. Top-level elements or attributes must have a name.

Action: Specify either the ref or name attribute.

LSX-00150: attributeGroup reference shouldn t have children

LSX-00150: attributeGroup reference shouldn t have children

Cause: A reference-to-attributeGroup element has children. It is suppose to be empty except for annotations.

Action: Remove the children.

LSX-00149: duplicated ID specified in ~S

LSX-00149: duplicated ID specified in ~S

Cause: An attempt was made to specify two distinct members of {attribute uses}with {attribute declaration}s, both of whose {type definition}s are from ID or are derived from ID.

Action: Declare only one member of the {attribute uses} whose {type definition} is from ID or will be derived from ID.

LSX-00148: annotation must come first in ~S

LSX-00148: annotation must come first in ~S

Cause: annotation element must be the first in the content.

Action: Make annotation the first element.

LSX-00147: ~1S cannot contain ~2S

LSX-00147: ~1S cannot contain ~2S

Cause: An invalid schema component exists in the current declaration.

Action: Remove the schema component.

LSX-00146: element or attribute is improperly defined

LSX-00146: element or attribute is improperly defined

Cause: An element or attribute definition must have either its type attribute set or must have one of its children be a simpleType or complexType element but both conditions cannot exist.

Action: Remove the erroneous condition.

LSX-00145: attribute ~1S invalid derived value ~2S

LSX-00145: attribute ~1S invalid derived value ~2S

Cause: A derivedBy attribute had an invalid value. Choices are extension or restriction.

Action: Change the attribute to one of the above values.

LSX-00144: attribute ~1S invalid derivation-restriction value ~2S

LSX-00144: attribute ~1S invalid derivation-restriction value ~2S

Cause: An attribute which specifies a derivation-restriction setting (block, content, final) had an invalid value. Choices are #all , extension , or restriction .

Action: Change the attribute to one of the above values.

LSX-00143: element ~S must have type or ref

LSX-00143: element ~S must have type or ref

Cause: A Schema element was declared but was neither type or reference.

Action: One of type or reference must be specified.

LSX-00142: invalid sub-element ~1S for element ~2S

LSX-00142: invalid sub-element ~1S for element ~2S

Cause: There was an invalid sub-element in the content of either the attribute or the element declaration. This was because the sub-element was either at the wrong position or out of context.

Action: Remove the sub-element or move it to the correct position.

LSX-00141: ID type may only be used in attributes

LSX-00141: ID type may only be used in attributes

Cause: For backward compatibility with DTD, ID type may only be used in attributes.

Action: Remove the ID type.

LSX-00136: maxOccurs is less than minOccurs

LSX-00136: maxOccurs is less than minOccurs

Cause: The value of the maxOccurs specification is less than the value of the minOccurs specification.

Action: Correct minOccurs or maxOccurs .

LSX-00135: invalid min or max Occurs for lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;alllamp;gt; element, must be 0 or 1

LSX-00135: invalid min or max Occurs for lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;alllamp;gt; element, must be 0 or 1

Cause: minOccurs has a value other than 0 or 1 or maxOccurs has a value other than 1.

Action: Specify 0 or 1 for minOccurs or maxOccurs .

LSX-00134: attribute ~1S has invalid qualification ~2S

LSX-00134: attribute ~1S has invalid qualification ~2S

Cause: An attribute that specifies qualification (form, attributeFormDefault, elementFormDefault) was invalid; it must be one of qualified or unqualified .

Action: Change the attribute to one of the above values.