OCI-31004: Length string of the BLOB in XDB$H_INDEX is below the minimum string
Cause: In the XDB$H_INDEX table, the CHILDREN column, a BLOB, must have a certain minimum length without being chained. The calculated length of the LOB was less than the stated minimum.
Action: Set the value of the init.ora parameter db_block_size to at least 2K. For XDB to run at its fastest, set db_block_size to 8K.
OCI-30991: cannot use DOM to add special attribute to schema-based parent
Cause: An attempt was made to add or remove an xsi:schemaLocation, xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation, xsi:type, or xsi:nil attribute to or from a schema-based XML node using DOM.
Action: Use the updateXML operator instead of DOM.
RMAN-00578: pipe string is not private and owned by SYS
Cause: The pipe that RMAN needs to use for its input or output is either a public pipe or a private pipe that is not owned by SYS. This is a potential security problem, because it allows a non-SYS user to issue commands to RMAN or to retrieve the RMAN output.
Action: If you are attempting to put data on the RMAN input pipe prior to starting RMAN, so RMAN will process the data on the pipe as soon as it starts, you must be connected as SYS and you must first use the dbms_pipe.create_pipe function to explicitely create the pipe as a private pipe.
RMAN-00577: PIPE requires that TARGET be specified on the command line
Cause: The PIPE option obtains its input from, and writes its output to, an Oracle database pipe in the target database. Therefore, the target database connection must be specified on the command line, so that RMAN can connect to the target database to receive its input from the pipe.
Action: Specify the TARGET option on the RMAN command line.
RMAN-00574: rman aborting due to errors read or writing dbms_pipe
Cause: RMAN was run with input or output being sent to dbms_pipe. An error was encountered while reading from or writing to the pipe. This error should be preceeded by information describing the error.
Action: RMAN terminates. Refer to the cause or action for the preceding errors.