DRG-12003: Please enter username for this FTP server:

DRG-12003: Please enter username for this FTP server:

Cause: Prompt user for name W3CLIB_MSG = 2

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12002: Please enter username for proxy authentication:

DRG-12002: Please enter username for proxy authentication:

Cause: Prompt user for name W3CLIB_MSG = 1

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-12001: Please enter username:

DRG-12001: Please enter username:

Cause: Prompt user for name W3CLIB_MSG = 0

Action: The user agent client takes proper actions

DRG-11879: Automatic Proxy Redirection Msut Be Explicitly Acknowledged

DRG-11879: Automatic Proxy Redirection Msut Be Explicitly Acknowledged

Cause: Let user agent client be aware of proxy redirection USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11878: Loading New Rules Must Be Explicitly Acknowledged

DRG-11878: Loading New Rules Must Be Explicitly Acknowledged

Cause: Let user agent client be aware of new rule loading USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11877: This Cache Version Has Expired And Will Be Automatically Reloaded

DRG-11877: This Cache Version Has Expired And Will Be Automatically Reloaded

Cause: Need to tell user that cache entry has been reloaded USER_AGENT_ ERROR

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11876: When Your Are Connected, You Can Log In

DRG-11876: When Your Are Connected, You Can Log In

Cause: Pass information to telnet agent USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11875: Access Scheme Is Not Allowed

DRG-11875: Access Scheme Is Not Allowed

Cause: Telling client things are ok USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11874: Wrong Or Unknown Access Scheme

DRG-11874: Wrong Or Unknown Access Scheme

Cause: Protocol class is wrongfully connected to ther server USER_AGENT_ ERROR

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11873: System Call Replies

DRG-11873: System Call Replies

Cause: register what system call replies USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11872: Can t Connect To WAIS Server

DRG-11872: Can t Connect To WAIS Server

Cause: Connect to WAIS server failed USER_AGENT_ERROR

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11871: WAIS Server Doesn t Return Any Data

DRG-11871: WAIS Server Doesn t Return Any Data


Action: The user agent takes proper actions

PLS-00658: constructor method name must match type name

PLS-00658: constructor method name must match type name

Cause: The name of the object type constructor does not match the type name.

Action: Change the name of the constructor method to match the type name.

PLS-00657: Implementation restriction: bulk SQL with associative arrays with VARCHAR2 key is not supported.

PLS-00657: Implementation restriction: bulk SQL with associative arrays with VARCHAR2 key is not supported.

Cause: Variable or expression of associative array type was used as bulk SQL bind or define.

Action: Use colleciton types supported by bulk SQL.

PLS-00656: field string not available in input argument

PLS-00656: field string not available in input argument

Cause: An EXTRACT operation specified a field that was not present. For example, you tried to extract the YEAR field from a TIME variable.

Action: Specify a legal field in the call to EXTRACT.

PLS-00655: only functions can be declared as PIPELINED

PLS-00655: only functions can be declared as PIPELINED

Cause: user is trying to declare a procedure to be pipeliend function

Action: declare a function instead of a procedure to be a pipelined function

PLS-00654: PARTITION or ORDER or CLUSTER BY are allowed for only with PARALLEL_ENABLE

PLS-00654: PARTITION or ORDER or CLUSTER BY are allowed for only with PARALLEL_ENABLE

Cause: User tried partion by order by cluster by without parallel enable clause in table function.

Action: specify parallel enable also when using partion by, cluster by order by clause.

PLS-00653: aggregate or table functions are not allowed in PL or SQL scope

PLS-00653: aggregate or table functions are not allowed in PL or SQL scope

Cause: User tried to use a table or aggregate function in PL or SQL scope.

Action: Do not use table or aggregate function in PL or SQL scope.

PLS-00652: aggregate functions should have exactly one argument

PLS-00652: aggregate functions should have exactly one argument

Cause: User tried to create aggregate function with either 0 or more than one arguments.

Action: Do not create aggregate function with 0 or more than one argument.

PLS-00651: implementation type in Aggregate or Table function should be a valid type

PLS-00651: implementation type in Aggregate or Table function should be a valid type

Cause: User tried to use some other database object like a package to define implementation type of an aggregate or table function.

Action: Use a valid user defined type as implementation type.

PLS-00650: invalid type for PARTITION or CLUSTER or ORDER BY clause

PLS-00650: invalid type for PARTITION or CLUSTER or ORDER BY clause

Cause: Uer tried to use invalid type for PARTITION or CLUSTER?ORDER BY clause.

Action: Use legal allowed types.

PLS-00649: method string can be overridden only once per object type

PLS-00649: method string can be overridden only once per object type

Cause: User tried to override the method more than once in the same subtype.

Action: Either make this an extra overload by removing the OVERRIDING keyword where the method signature is different. The argument types should be reconsidered otherwise.

PLS-00648: type of supertype attribute string can not be a subtype or reference to a subtype in this release

PLS-00648: type of supertype attribute string can not be a subtype or reference to a subtype in this release

Cause: User tried to complete a type, Tsub as a subtype of another type, Tsuper where Tsuper contained an attribute of type Tsub or of type REF to Tsub. This is an implementation restriction.

Action: Change the design of code to not use any type with attribute whose type is of subtype or REF to subtype.

PLS-00647: attribute by name string conflicts with method by same name

PLS-00647: attribute by name string conflicts with method by same name

Cause: While creating a subtype some attribute name conflicted with a method name.

Action: Use a different name for attribute or method in the type being created.

PLS-00646: MAP or ORDER method must be defined in the root of the subtype hierarchy

PLS-00646: MAP or ORDER method must be defined in the root of the subtype hierarchy

Cause: An attempt was made to define a MAP or ORDER method in a subtype.

Action: Define the MAP or ORDER method in the root of the subtype hierarchy. You can override MAP methods in subtypes.

PLS-00645: character set mismatch found at string among operands in a COALESCE expression

PLS-00645: character set mismatch found at string among operands in a COALESCE expression

Cause: In a COALESCE expression, the operands do not match in character set and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.

Action: Change the operands so that their character sets match.

PLS-00644: character set mismatch found at string among result expressions in a CASE expression

PLS-00644: character set mismatch found at string among result expressions in a CASE expression

Cause: In a CASE expression, the result expressions do not match in character set, and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.

Action: Change the result expressions so that their character sets match.

PLS-00643: booleans, index tables, records and cursors not allowed in SQL statements

PLS-00643: booleans, index tables, records and cursors not allowed in SQL statements

Cause: Items of type boolean, table of foo index by binary_integer, record and static cursors cannot be used in SQL statements.

Action: Remove expressions of these types from the SQL statement.

PLS-00642: local collection types not allowed in SQL statements

PLS-00642: local collection types not allowed in SQL statements

Cause: A locally-defined (i.e. not schema level) collection type was used in a SQL statement. The type must be defined in a schema to be accepted in a SQL statement.

Action: Define the collection type in your schema, not inside a PL or SQL subprogram.

PLS-00641: INTO clause not allowed for this SELECT statement

PLS-00641: INTO clause not allowed for this SELECT statement

Cause: A SELECT statement in a cursor definition, an OPEN statement or a cursor FOR loop has an erroneous INTO clause.

Action: Remove the INTO clause.

PLS-00640: a pipelined function cannot be called from PL or SQL context

PLS-00640: a pipelined function cannot be called from PL or SQL context

Cause: A pipelined function was invoked from a PL or SQL expression.

Action: Use the pipelined function in the FROM clause of a SQL query.

PLS-00639: NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 cannot be byte length semantics

PLS-00639: NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 cannot be byte length semantics

Cause: NCHAR or NVARCHAR can only be codepoint length sematics. BYTE qualifiers used with NCHAR is illegal: nc NCHAR(7 BYTE); name NVARCHAR2(10 byte);

Action: Remove BYTE qualifier to make it as codepoint length semantics

PLS-00638: cannot overload MAP method

PLS-00638: cannot overload MAP method

Cause: The MAP method does override the inherited one.

Action: Make the specifications match.

PLS-00637: FINAL method cannot be overriden or hidden

PLS-00637: FINAL method cannot be overriden or hidden

Cause: An attempt was made to override a FINAL MEMBER method or hide a FINAL STATIC method.

Action: Avoid overriding FINAL MEMBER methods or hiding FINAL STATIC methods

PLS-00636: overriding method requires OVERRIDING keyword

PLS-00636: overriding method requires OVERRIDING keyword

Cause: An attempt was made to provide an overriding method specification, but the OVERRIDING keyword was not specified.

Action: Modify the method specification and specify the OVERRIDING keyword.

PLS-00635: method does not override

PLS-00635: method does not override

Cause: The method specification contains the OVERRIDING keyword but the method does not override a method in the ancestor types.

Action: Check the method specification.

PLS-00634: type with NOT INSTANTIABLE methods must be declared NOT INSTANTIABLE

PLS-00634: type with NOT INSTANTIABLE methods must be declared NOT INSTANTIABLE

Cause: The type being created contains NOT INSTANTIABLE methods, either declared or inherited. The type must be explicitly declared NOT INSTANTIABLE

Action: Explicitly specify the NOT INSTANTIABLE keyword or provide implementations for all the NOT INSTANTIABLE methods.

PLS-00633: RETURN statement in a pipelined function cannot contain an expression

PLS-00633: RETURN statement in a pipelined function cannot contain an expression

Cause: A RETURN statement in a pipelined function contains an expression, which is not allowed. Pipelined functions must send back values to the caller by using the PIPE statement.

Action: Remove the expression from the RETURN statement and use a PIPE statement to return values. Else, convert the function into a non-pipelined function.

TNS-01026: Start Date string

TNS-01026: Start Date string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None.

TNS-01025: Security string

TNS-01025: Security string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None.

TNS-01024: Trace Level string

TNS-01024: Trace Level string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None.

TNS-01023: Version string

TNS-01023: Version string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None.

TNS-01022: Alias string

TNS-01022: Alias string

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None.

TNS-01021: ------------------------

TNS-01021: ------------------------

Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None.



Cause: Control program status message.

Action: None.

TNS-01019: set rawmode ON | OFF: set output mode for services and status commands

TNS-01019: set rawmode ON | OFF: set output mode for services and status commands

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01018: save_config (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;(: saves configuration changes to parameter file

TNS-01018: save_config (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;(: saves configuration changes to parameter file

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01017: set|show current_listener (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;(: sets|shows current listener

TNS-01017: set|show current_listener (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;(: sets|shows current listener

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01016: change_password (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;(: changes the password of the listener

TNS-01016: change_password (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;(: changes the password of the listener

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01015: set|show parm_name (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;valuelamp;gt;(: sets|shows current listener parm values

TNS-01015: set|show parm_name (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;valuelamp;gt;(: sets|shows current listener parm values

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01014: set|show log_{ } (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;valuelamp;gt;(: set|show log parameters of current listener

TNS-01014: set|show log_{ } (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;valuelamp;gt;(: set|show log parameters of current listener

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01013: set|show trc_{ } (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;valuelamp;gt;(: set|show trace parameters of current listener

TNS-01013: set|show trc_{ } (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;valuelamp;gt;(: set|show trace parameters of current listener

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01009: service (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : get the service information of the listener

TNS-01009: service (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : get the service information of the listener

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01008: version (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : get the version information of the listener

TNS-01008: version (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : get the version information of the listener

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01007: quit | exit : exit LSNRCTL

TNS-01007: quit | exit : exit LSNRCTL

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01006: set password : set the password for subsequent calls

TNS-01006: set password : set the password for subsequent calls

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01005: trace OFF | USER | ADMIN | SUPPORT (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : set tracing to the specified level

TNS-01005: trace OFF | USER | ADMIN | SUPPORT (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : set tracing to the specified level

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01004: reload (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : reload the parameter files and SIDs

TNS-01004: reload (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : reload the parameter files and SIDs

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01003: status (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : get the status of listener

TNS-01003: status (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : get the status of listener

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.

TNS-01002: stop (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : stop listener

TNS-01002: stop (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : stop listener

Cause: Control program usage message.

Action: None.