Oracle Error Messages
DRG-11529: token exceeds maximum length
DRG-11529: token exceeds maximum length
Cause: value of the column name or value is too long
Action: processing discontinued - amend record
DRG-11528: LONG or LONG RAW column defintion found in structure data
DRG-11528: LONG or LONG RAW column defintion found in structure data
Cause: could be misplaced
Action: remove reference to LONG or LONG RAW column from structure data
DRG-11527: end token not found on line string
DRG-11527: end token not found on line string
Cause: lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;TEXTENDlamp;gt; not found at end of record
Action: processing discontinued - amend record
DRG-11526: filename exceeds maximum length
DRG-11526: filename exceeds maximum length
Cause: value of the file name is too long
Action: Specify a shorter file name
DRG-11525: invalid commitafter parameter of string specified
DRG-11525: invalid commitafter parameter of string specified
Cause: invalid option argument
Action: specify commitafter above 0
DRG-11524: primary key value is missing
DRG-11524: primary key value is missing
Cause: primary key value is not provided
Action: provide the primary key value(s)
DRG-11523: unable to lock the specified row for update
DRG-11523: unable to lock the specified row for update
Cause: some other process has a lock on the row
Action: release the lock or wait until the lock is released
DRG-11522: no row exists for the text key(s) specified
DRG-11522: no row exists for the text key(s) specified
Cause: no row in the table has the text key(s) specified
Action: use a valid text key(s)
DRG-11521: encounter error when updating a LONG or LONG RAW column
DRG-11521: encounter error when updating a LONG or LONG RAW column
Cause: see accompanying error message
Action: see accompanying error message
DRG-11520: error writing to file
DRG-11520: error writing to file
Cause: file does not exist
Action: make sure file exists
DRG-11519: encounter error when exporting a LONG or LONG RAW column
DRG-11519: encounter error when exporting a LONG or LONG RAW column
Cause: see accompanying error message
Action: see accompanying error message
DRG-11518: text table string does not have a LONG or LONG RAW column
DRG-11518: text table string does not have a LONG or LONG RAW column
Cause: table specified does not have a LONG or LONG RAW column
Action: check the table
DRG-11517: error when validating text objects
DRG-11517: error when validating text objects
Cause: see accompanying Oracle error
Action: see accompanying Oracle error
DRG-11516: user must be at least in role CTXUSER to perform this operation
DRG-11516: user must be at least in role CTXUSER to perform this operation
Cause: user does not have CTXUSER, CXAPP or CTXADMIN role
Action: grant user the proper role
DRG-11515: not enough text key values
DRG-11515: not enough text key values
Cause: number of values provided does not match the number of text keys
Action: provide same number of values as the number of text keys
DRG-11514: user string does not have UPDATE or SELECT privilege on string
DRG-11514: user string does not have UPDATE or SELECT privilege on string
Cause: user has not been granted UPDATE or SELECT privilege
Action: check privilege on the user
DRG-11513: unable to open or write to file string
DRG-11513: unable to open or write to file string
Cause: an attempt to open or to write to the given file failed
Action: check with system administrator
DRG-11512: bad syntax for thesaurus load file at line string
DRG-11512: bad syntax for thesaurus load file at line string
Cause: load file must have specific format for loading thesaurus
Action: check documentation for description of correct format
DRG-11511: specified table does not contain a LONG RAW column
DRG-11511: specified table does not contain a LONG RAW column
Cause: text must be inserted into a LONG RAW type column
Action: check table and type of data
DRG-11510: encountered unrecoverable error on line string
DRG-11510: encountered unrecoverable error on line string
Cause: see previous messages
Action: see previous errors
DRG-11509: value expected on line string
DRG-11509: value expected on line string
Cause: could not make sense of text where value expected
Action: move and amend record affected to error load file
DRG-11508: bad or missing string token on line string
DRG-11508: bad or missing string token on line string
Cause: token expected was not found
Action: move and amend record affected to error load file
DRG-11507: file error trying to read file string
DRG-11507: file error trying to read file string
Cause: file not found or could not be read
Action: check name and location of file
DRG-11506: record ignored on line string because of error(s)
DRG-11506: record ignored on line string because of error(s)
Cause: an error occured parsing this row s data
Action: move and amend line in error to alternate load file
DRG-11505: long data on line string not found or invalid
DRG-11505: long data on line string not found or invalid
Cause: either bad data or bad data file
Action: check file exists and is accessible, if separate
DRG-11504: invalid longsize parameter of string specified
DRG-11504: invalid longsize parameter of string specified
Cause: invalid option argument
Action: specify long buffer size in kbytes above 0
DRG-11503: insert statement overflows maximum statement size
DRG-11503: insert statement overflows maximum statement size
Cause: total length of statement exceeds database maximum
Action: reduce length of column names or number of columns
DRG-11502: read of file failed at line string for file string
DRG-11502: read of file failed at line string for file string
Cause: bad file name, wrong file_type or file system error
Action: check file name, type and or or file integrity
DRG-11501: identifier string found in place of column name on line string
DRG-11501: identifier string found in place of column name on line string
Cause: possibly miss-spelt column name
Action: check spellings around specified line
DRG-11500: column name expected, found string on line string
DRG-11500: column name expected, found string on line string
Cause: possibly miss-spelt column name or keyword
Action: check spellings and punctuation around specified line
DRG-11480: ctxkbtc memory allocation error: %(1)
DRG-11480: ctxkbtc memory allocation error: %(1)
Cause: Unable to allocate memory
Action: Contact your system administrator
DRG-11446: supplied knowledge base file string not installed
DRG-11446: supplied knowledge base file string not installed
Cause: Supplied Knowledge Base was required but was not installed.
Action: See post-installation tasks section of the Database Installation Guide for instructions to install supplied Knowledge Base.
DRG-11445: rowid value is invalid: string
DRG-11445: rowid value is invalid: string
Cause: the rowid value parameter passed to the service request is not valid
Action: check rowid parameter
DRG-11444: valid gist maxPercent values are string
DRG-11444: valid gist maxPercent values are string
Cause: invalid gist max percent
Action: Specify valid gist max percent
DRG-11443: gist maxPercent string is invalid
DRG-11443: gist maxPercent string is invalid
Cause: invalid gist max percent
Action: Specify valid gist max percent
DRG-11442: valid gist numParagraphs values are string
DRG-11442: valid gist numParagraphs values are string
Cause: invalid gist numparagraphs
Action: Specify valid gist numparagraphs
DRG-11441: gist numParagraphs string is invalid
DRG-11441: gist numParagraphs string is invalid
Cause: invalid gist numparagraphs
Action: Specify valid gist numparagraphs
DRG-11440: operation not supported for the string language
DRG-11440: operation not supported for the string language
Cause: the requested operation is not supported for the current language
Action: Do not request this operation
DRG-11439: index name length exceeds maximum of string bytes
DRG-11439: index name length exceeds maximum of string bytes
Cause: the length of the index name is longer than the maximum index name size
Action: drop the index and recreate the index with a shorter index name
DRG-11435: primary key value is invalid
DRG-11435: primary key value is invalid
Cause: the primary key value parameter passed to the service request is not valid
Action: check primary key parameter
LPX-00715: badly formed fault elemen
LPX-00715: badly formed fault elemen
Cause: Fault element does not have one of mandatory children or has children, which are not allowed.
Action: Most likely bug in the server.
LPX-00714: fault is not a single child
LPX-00714: fault is not a single child
Cause: Message body has additional children besides Fault.
Action: Most likely bug in the server.
LPX-00713: body has more than one fault
LPX-00713: body has more than one fault
Cause: Message body has multiple Fault children.
Action: Most likely bug in the server.
LPX-00712: failed to set HTTP header
LPX-00712: failed to set HTTP header
Cause: Connection does not exists, or header is badly formed, or maximum number of headers is exceeded.
Action: Check that connection exists, header has : , decrease number of headers.
LPX-00711: invalid SOAP version
LPX-00711: invalid SOAP version
Cause: The version string specified at SOAP creation time was invalid.
Action: Specify a valid version string, either 1.1 or 1.2 .
LPX-00709: SOAP reply not valid XML
LPX-00709: SOAP reply not valid XML
Cause: The reply to a SOAP call was not a valid XML document.
Action: Check the calling URL for validity; otherwise the problem is likely to be on the reply side.
LPX-00708: SOAP failed to make HTTP connection
LPX-00708: SOAP failed to make HTTP connection
Cause: SOAP failed to make an HTTP connection to the given URL.
Action: Possible cause is invalid URL or memory exhaustion.
LPX-00707: no Fault reason w or given language
LPX-00707: no Fault reason w or given language
Cause: Fault element does not have a reason with given language.
Action: This is legal, no action required.
LPX-00706: message has no fault
LPX-00706: message has no fault
Cause: Message body has no Fault child.
Action: This is legal, no action required.
LPX-00705: elem has no role
LPX-00705: elem has no role
Cause: Header block does not have a role attribute.
Action: This is legal, no action required.
LPX-00704: elem has no mustUnderstand
LPX-00704: elem has no mustUnderstand
Cause: Header block does not have a mustUnderstand attribute.
Action: This is legal, no action required.
LPX-00703: SOAP POST failed
LPX-00703: SOAP POST failed
Cause: A SOAP message sent with an HTTP binding failed.
Action: See the returned HTTP error to determine the problem.
LPX-00702: invalid SOAP connection binding
LPX-00702: invalid SOAP connection binding
Cause: An invalid SOAP connection binding was specified.
Action: Only xmlsoapbind enum values should be used (see xml.h).
LPX-00701: invalid SOAP role
LPX-00701: invalid SOAP role
Cause: An invalid SOAP role was specified.
Action: Only xmlsoaprole enum values should be used (see xml.h).
LPX-00700: invalid SOAP context
LPX-00700: invalid SOAP context
Cause: The SOAP context passed to an XmlSoap function was invalid.
Action: Make sure the context passed is an xmlsoapctx and is still valid (has not been destroyed).
LPX-00690: Invalid argument.
LPX-00690: Invalid argument.
Cause: Invalid or missing argument.
Action: Check the function signature.
LPX-00664: VM Node-Stack overflow.
LPX-00664: VM Node-Stack overflow.
Cause: Too many XML nodes.
Action: Increace the size of VM NodeStack in XmlXslVMCreate().
LPX-00663: VM String-Stack overflow.
LPX-00663: VM String-Stack overflow.
Cause: The string data is too large.
Action: Increace the size of VM StringStack in XmlXslVMCreate().
LPX-00662: Invalid encoding.
LPX-00662: Invalid encoding.
Cause: Invalid encoding specified.
Action: Check the encoding string.
LPX-00661: Failed to load: ~s .
LPX-00661: Failed to load: ~s .
Cause: Failed to load a document.
Action: Check the XSLT stylesheet.
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