PCC-02348: indicators are not allowed in EXEC IAF statements
Cause: Indicator variables associated with host variables cannot be used in EXECIAF statements such as GET and PUT in a user exit.
Action: Eliminate the indicator variabls. If feasible (for example with Forms V4), use EXEC TOOLS statements, which do allow indicator variables. See the Programmer s Guide to the Oracle Precompilers for more information of EXECIAF and EXEC TOOLS statements.
Cause: Indicator variables associated with host variables cannot be used in EXECIAF statements such as GET and PUT in a user exit.
Action: Eliminate the indicator variabls. If feasible (for example with Forms V4), use EXEC TOOLS statements, which do allow indicator variables. See the Programmer s Guide to the Oracle Precompilers for more information of EXECIAF and EXEC TOOLS statements.