LSX-00281: referenced ID ~S is not defined

LSX-00281: referenced ID ~S is not defined

Cause: Referenced ID name is not defined within the schema scope.

Action: Define the ID.

LSX-00280: duplicate ID ~S

LSX-00280: duplicate ID ~S

Cause: ID name is not unique within the schema scope.

Action: Rename the ID.

LSX-00274: invalid padding in base64-encoded binary

LSX-00274: invalid padding in base64-encoded binary

Cause: Invalid padding characters at the end of data.

Action: Use = as the padding characters.

LPX-00282: document cannot have both internal or external and shared DTDs

LPX-00282: document cannot have both internal or external and shared DTDs

Cause: A parser context which had a shared DTD set was used to parse a document which also contained a DTD. You cannot use both a shared DTD and and internal or external one.

Action: If a shared DTD is to be used, then the documents parsed must not contain or reference a DTD.

LPX-00281: unsupported encoding ~s

LPX-00281: unsupported encoding ~s

Cause: The specified encoding is known but not supported by the parser.

Action: Try a different encoding.

LPX-00280: HTTP error ~s

LPX-00280: HTTP error ~s

Cause: An HTTP protocol error occurred.

Action: Corrective action depends on the error..

LPX-00279: invalid no_proxy ~s

LPX-00279: invalid no_proxy ~s

Cause: The no_proxy specification was invalid.

Action: Check and correct it. no_proxy is a comma- or space-separated list of machine or domain names, with an optional port part. If no port part is present, then it applies to all ports on that domain.

LPX-00278: invalid ~s proxy ~s

LPX-00278: invalid ~s proxy ~s

Cause: The proxy specification for the given protocol was invalid.

Action: Check and correct the proxy specification. For HTTP, this is the environment variable http_proxy .

LPX-00277: no closing quote was seen

LPX-00277: no closing quote was seen

Cause: A quoted string was started but not finished.

Action: Put a closing quote in the proper location.

LPX-00276: bad HTTP or Mime header

LPX-00276: bad HTTP or Mime header

Cause: An HTTP reply contained an invalid Mime header.

Action: Verify HTTP reply for accuracy. See RFC 2616.

LPX-00275: can t set output or data encoding AFTER parsing

LPX-00275: can t set output or data encoding AFTER parsing

Cause: Output or data encoding must be set after initialization but BEFORE any parsing has taken place.

Action: Set encoding before parsing any documents.

LPX-00274: can t import node type

LPX-00274: can t import node type

Cause: Some node types (DOCUMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) cannot be imported with importNode().

Action: No action required.

LPX-00273: failed to initialize TCP or IP

LPX-00273: failed to initialize TCP or IP

Cause: The TCP or IP package could not be initialized.

Action: Check with system administrator to see if this is a configuration problem or a connectivity problem.

LPX-00272: FTP server unavailable: ~s

LPX-00272: FTP server unavailable: ~s

Cause: The FTP server is unavailable for use.

Action: No action is possible from the client side. See server s error message.

LPX-00271: FTP login failed: ~s

LPX-00271: FTP login failed: ~s

Cause: The username or password combination was invalid for FTP login.

Action: Specify a valid pair.

LPX-00270: FTP error: ~s

LPX-00270: FTP error: ~s

Cause: An error was returned from the FTP server while trying to retrieve a file. See the specific message for details.

Action: Corrective action depends on the error.

LPX-00269: all three access functions (open or close or read) must be provided

LPX-00269: all three access functions (open or close or read) must be provided

Cause: An attempt was made to set the access method callbacks, but all three functions were not provided.

Action: All three callback functions (open, close, and read) are required. They must all be provided, even if they are stub functions which do nothing.

RFC-2396 sections 4, 5, and appendix C. LPX-00268: invalid access method ~1d, must be 0 to ~2d

RFC-2396 sections 4, 5, and appendix C. LPX-00268: invalid access method ~1d, must be 0 to ~2d

Cause: The provided access code was not in the valid range.

Action: The code should be one of the XMLACCESS_xxx codes defined in oraxml.h, in the range shown in the error message.

LPX-00267: could not resolve relative URL ~s

LPX-00267: could not resolve relative URL ~s

Cause: The named relative URL couldn t be resolved against its parent.

Action: Make sure the relative makes sense in relation to its parent URL; see

LPX-00266: invalid language specification ~s

LPX-00266: invalid language specification ~s

Cause: The given language specification was invalid.

Action: Language specification has the format lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;languagelamp;gt;_lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;territorylamp;gt;.lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;character setlamp;gt;. For example, French_France .

LPX-00265: read failed from to host ~s

LPX-00265: read failed from to host ~s

Cause: An error occurred trying to read data from a TCP connection.

Action: Verify network connectivity, and so on.

LPX-00264: send failed to host ~s

LPX-00264: send failed to host ~s

Cause: An error occurred trying to send data over a TCP connection.

Action: Verify network connectivity, and so on.

LPX-00263: couldn t connect to host ~s port ~d

LPX-00263: couldn t connect to host ~s port ~d

Cause: A TCP connection couldn t be opened to the named host.

Action: Verify the hostname and connectivity to the host.

LPX-00262: unsupported protocol ~s

LPX-00262: unsupported protocol ~s

Cause: An URL was encountered which requested a protocol not supported by the XML parser. Only HTTP and file are currently allowed.

Action: Make the data available through the filesystem or HTTP.

LPX-00261: invalid URL ~s

LPX-00261: invalid URL ~s

Cause: The specified URL was invalid and could not be parsed.

Action: Correct the URL; consult RFC-2396.

LPX-00260: invalid xml:space attribute declaration

LPX-00260: invalid xml:space attribute declaration

Cause: The xml:space attribute must be declared as an enumeration with choices default and preserve . For example, lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ATTLIST foo xml:space (default|preserve) preserve ).

Action: Declare the special attribute as above.

LPX-00259: invalid notation declaration

LPX-00259: invalid notation declaration

Cause: Problems were encountered parsing a notation declaration.

Action: Check and correct the declaration syntax.

LPX-00258: invalid Mixed specification in element declaration

LPX-00258: invalid Mixed specification in element declaration

Cause: The Mixed specification in an element declaration was invalid.

Action: Check and correct the declaration.

LPX-00257: invalid children specification in element declaration

LPX-00257: invalid children specification in element declaration

Cause: The children specification in an element declaration was invalid.

Action: Check and correct the declaration.

LPX-00256: invalid element declaration

LPX-00256: invalid element declaration

Cause: Problems were encountered parsing an element declaration.

Action: Check and correct the declaration.

LPX-00255: XML standalone declaration must be yes or no

LPX-00255: XML standalone declaration must be yes or no

Cause: The standalone parameter in the XML declaration had an invalid value.

Action: standalone must be set to either yes or no . Case is sensitive, so Yes , YES, and so on, are invalid.

LPX-00254: invalid XML declaration

LPX-00254: invalid XML declaration

Cause: Problems were encountered parsing an XML declaration.

Action: Check and correct the declaration syntax.

LPX-00253: missing required version number in XML declaration

LPX-00253: missing required version number in XML declaration

Cause: An XML declaration was missing the required version#.

Action: Always provide a version#, which must come first in the declaration. XML is case sensitive, so only version (not Version , and so on) is valid.

LPX-00252: invalid entity replacement-text nesting

LPX-00252: invalid entity replacement-text nesting

Cause: Markup included from an entity must nest or group properly. That is, open or close markup must occur within the same entity. For example, lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; DOCTYPE doc ( lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ENTITY e lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; or foolamp;gt;lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;foolamp;gt; lamp;gt; (lamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;doclamp;gt;lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;foolamp;gt; e;lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; or foolamp;gt;lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; or doclamp;gt; Is invalid since foo s start-tag occurs in the top-level document, but the close-tag is provided by the e entity. Both start and end must be provided by the same source.

Action: Examples, such as the ones above, are not permitted.

LPX-00251: conditional sections are valid only in external DTDs

LPX-00251: conditional sections are valid only in external DTDs

Cause: A condition section is not permitted in internal DTDs.

Action: Remove the condition section.

DRG-13001: sub lexer and multi lexer must have the same owner

DRG-13001: sub lexer and multi lexer must have the same owner

Cause: you specified a sub lexer which is not owned by the owner of the enclosing multi-lingual lexer preference

Action: specify a sub lexer owned by the owner of the multi-lexer preference

DRG-13000: error while adding or removing a sub lexer

DRG-13000: error while adding or removing a sub lexer

Cause: see next error

Action: none

DRG-12900: Operation:string for index: string has already been started

DRG-12900: Operation:string for index: string has already been started

Cause: the specified operation has been started

Action: none

DRG-12803: invalid text datatype

DRG-12803: invalid text datatype

Cause: LONG and LONG RAW are not supported in nested table

Action: change text column to a supported data type

DRG-12802: invalid type column: string

DRG-12802: invalid type column: string

Cause: column specified does not exist in the type table

Action: check the type table

DRG-12801: invalid type: string

DRG-12801: invalid type: string

Cause: invalid nested_type or

Action: check the owner and the type attribute names

DRG-12800: Attribute NESTED_TYPE must have owner name as prefix

DRG-12800: Attribute NESTED_TYPE must have owner name as prefix

Cause: the attribute NESTED_TYPE does not have an owner name prefix

Action: reset the attribute NESTED_TYPE to include owner name prefix

DRG-12700: seed word must be a single word

DRG-12700: seed word must be a single word

Cause: seed word is not a single word

Action: use a single-word seed word

DRG-12607: only ctxsys can create MULTI_COLUMN preferences

DRG-12607: only ctxsys can create MULTI_COLUMN preferences

Cause: In order to create a multi column datastore preference, the effective user must be ctxsys.

Action: contact your DBA to create the preference as ctxsys

DRG-12606: error encountered while parsing COLUMNS list

DRG-12606: error encountered while parsing COLUMNS list

Cause: An oracle error was encountered while parsing the columns list of the multi datastore.

Action: See next error on stack and take appropriate action

DRG-12605: datatype of column number in COLUMNS list is not supported

DRG-12605: datatype of column number in COLUMNS list is not supported

Cause: one or more of the columns in the column list of the multi datastore are of a type which the multi datastore is unable to process

Action: change the column list of the multi datastore to contain only supported types. PL or SQL functions can be used in the comlumn list to convert unsupported types to supported types.

DRG-12604: execution of user datastore procedure has failed

DRG-12604: execution of user datastore procedure has failed

Cause: an error occur while executing the user datastore procedure

Action: check or debug the datastore procedure

DRG-12603: CTXSYS does not own user datastore procedure: string

DRG-12603: CTXSYS does not own user datastore procedure: string

Cause: CTXSYS does not have execute privilege to the user datastore procedure

Action: make sure the package is owned by CTXSYS and the procedure exist

DRG-12602: index owner does not have access to user datastore procedure: string

DRG-12602: index owner does not have access to user datastore procedure: string

Cause: the index owner does not have execute privilege of the procedure

Action: CTXSYS to grant execute privilege of the procedure to index owner

DRG-12601: invalid user datastore procedure name: string

DRG-12601: invalid user datastore procedure name: string

Cause: the format of the procedure name is invalid. It should be in the form PACKAGENAME.PROCEDURENAME or PROCEDURENAME


DRG-12600: user datastore procedure name contains a semicolon

DRG-12600: user datastore procedure name contains a semicolon

Cause: the procedure name specified had a semicolon

Action: remove semicolon or rename procedure name. The correct format is PACKAGENAME.PROCEDURE_NAME

DRG-12517: cannot add stopthemes to a MULTI_STOPLIST

DRG-12517: cannot add stopthemes to a MULTI_STOPLIST

Cause: you tried to add a stoptheme to a MULTI_STOPLIST. This is not supported in this version.

Action: none

DRG-12516: language column must be specified when using the multi stoplist

DRG-12516: language column must be specified when using the multi stoplist

Cause: you tried to create an index using a multi stoplist but you did not specify a language column

Action: specify a language column

DRG-12515: cannot specify language for stopwords in a BASIC_STOPLIST

DRG-12515: cannot specify language for stopwords in a BASIC_STOPLIST

Cause: You tried to add a language-specific stopword to a basic stoplist.

Action: Do not specify language for the stopword

DRG-12514: languages must be specified for stopwords in a MULTI_STOPLIST

DRG-12514: languages must be specified for stopwords in a MULTI_STOPLIST

Cause: You tried to add a stopword to a multi_stoplist without specifying the language of the stopword

Action: Specify the language of the stopword

DRG-12513: valid stop classes are: string

DRG-12513: valid stop classes are: string

Cause: You specified an invalid stop class

Action: Specify a valid stop class

DRG-12512: invalid stop class string

DRG-12512: invalid stop class string

Cause: you specified an invalid stop class

Action: specify a valid stop class

DRG-12511: use ctx_ddl.create_stoplist to create stoplists

DRG-12511: use ctx_ddl.create_stoplist to create stoplists

Cause: you tried to use ctx_ddl.create_preference to create a stoplist

Action: use ctx_ddl.create_stoplist

DRG-12509: length of the stop word string exceeded the limit of string bytes

DRG-12509: length of the stop word string exceeded the limit of string bytes

Cause: A stop list entry has exceeded the maximun length

Action: Reduce the length of the stop list entry

DRG-12508: null stop words are not allowed

DRG-12508: null stop words are not allowed

Cause: the specified stop word is null

Action: must remove the null stop word if you want to re-create it.