LSX-00133: attribute use has invalid value ~S

LSX-00133: attribute use has invalid value ~S

Cause: A use attribute had an invalid value. Choices for use are default , fixed, optional , prohibited , or required .

Action: Change the attribute to one of the above values.

LSX-00132: attribute ~1S has invalid occurrences value ~2S

LSX-00132: attribute ~1S has invalid occurrences value ~2S

Cause: A minOccurs or maxOccurs attribute had an invalid value (not a integer or less than zero).

Action: Use a legal occurs value.

LSX-00130: attribute processContents has invalid value ~S

LSX-00130: attribute processContents has invalid value ~S

Cause: Attribute processContents in the any element or anyAttribute declaration has an invalid value.

Action: Specify one of the following values: lax, skip, or strict.

LSX-00126: facet ~1S has invalid value ~u

LSX-00126: facet ~1S has invalid value ~u

Cause: Facet value contained illegal characters or its value was out of range.

Action: Remove illegal characters.

LSX-00125: restriction element is improperly defined

LSX-00125: restriction element is improperly defined

Cause: A restriction element either must have its base attribute set or have one of its children be a simpleType element, but both conditions cannot exist.

Action: Remove the erroneous condition.

LSX-00124: list element is improperly defined

LSX-00124: list element is improperly defined

Cause: A list element either must have its itemType attribute set or have one of its children be a simpleType element, but both conditions cannot exist.

Action: Remove the erroneous condition.

LSX-00123: base type is required

LSX-00123: base type is required

Cause: Missing base type declaration in the type definition.

Action: Define a base type.

LSX-00122: value is not valid restriction of parent s whiteSpace

LSX-00122: value is not valid restriction of parent s whiteSpace

Cause: There was an error in that whiteSpace was among the members of {facets} of {base type definition} and at least one of the following conditions was true: 1 {value} is replace or preserve and {value} of the parent whiteSpace is collapse 2 {value} is preserve and the {value} of the parent whiteSpace is replace

Action: Change the {value} of whiteSpace.

LPX-00106: attribute ~1S of element ~2S is undefined

LPX-00106: attribute ~1S of element ~2S is undefined

Cause: Validity Constraint 3.1 failed:

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00105: element ~S is not empty as required by the DTD

LPX-00105: element ~S is not empty as required by the DTD

Cause: Validity Constraint 3 failed: The named element is declared as EMPTY in the DTD but contains sub-elements in the document.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00104: element ~S is not declared in the DTD

LPX-00104: element ~S is not declared in the DTD

Cause: Validity Constraint 3 failed: The named element has no matching elementdecl in the DTD

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00103: document structure does not match DTD

LPX-00103: document structure does not match DTD

Cause: Validity Constraint 3 failed: An element is valid if there is a declaration matching elementdecl where the Name matches the element type, and one of the following holds: * The declaration matches EMPTY and the element has no content * The declaration matches children and the sequence of child elements belongs to the language generated by the regular expression in the content model, with optional white space (characters matching the nonterminal S) between each pair of child elements. * The declaration matches Mixed and the content consists of character data and child elements whose types match names in the content model. * The declaration matches ANY, and the types of any child elements have been declared.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00102: standalone document declaration should be no

LPX-00102: standalone document declaration should be no

Cause: Validity Constraint 2.9 failed: Standalone document declaration must have the value no if any external markup declarations contain declarations of: * attributes with default values - or * entities - or * attributes with values subject to normalization - or * element types with element content

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00101: parameter-entity markup cannot be split up

LPX-00101: parameter-entity markup cannot be split up

Cause: Validity Constraint 2.8 failed: Parameter-entity replacement text must be properly nested with markup declarations. *Example: lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;?xml version= 1.0 ?lamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; DOCTYPE greeting ( lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ENTITY % e lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ELEMENT lamp;gt; %e; greeting (#PCDATA)lamp;gt; (lamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;greetinglamp;gt;Hello lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; or greetinglamp;gt; *Explanation: The parameter entity e contains markup which may not be split up; the entire ELEMENT (or ATTLIST or ENTITY) definition must be present in one piece.

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00100: root element ~1S does not match DTD root ~2s

LPX-00100: root element ~1S does not match DTD root ~2s

Cause: Validity Constraint 2.8 failed: The Name in the document type declaration must match the element type of the root element. *Example: lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;?xml version= 1.0 ?lamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; DOCTYPE greeting ( lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)lamp;gt; (lamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;salutationlamp;gt;Hello lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp; or salutationlamp;gt; *Explanation: The document s root element, salutation, does not match the root element declared in the DTD (greeting).

Action: Correct the document.

LPX-00054: LPU initialization failed, error ~u

LPX-00054: LPU initialization failed, error ~u

Cause: The LPU (URL Parser or Loader) package initialization failed.

Action: Internal error, contact Oracle Support Services and report the error.

LPX-00053: LML initialization failed

LPX-00053: LML initialization failed

Cause: The LML (Low-Level Memory manager) package initialization failed.

Action: Internal error, contact Oracle Support Services and report the error.

LPX-00052: LEH initialization failed

LPX-00052: LEH initialization failed

Cause: The LEH (Library Exception Handling) package initialization failed.

Action: Internal error, contact Oracle Support Services and report the error.

LPX-00051: NLS initialization failed

LPX-00051: NLS initialization failed

Cause: The NLS (National Language Support) package initialization failed.

Action: Internal error, contact Oracle Support Services and report the error.

LPX-00050: initialization error: NLS mismatch

LPX-00050: initialization error: NLS mismatch

Cause: A language ID was specified without the matching global area.

Action: Internal error, contact Oracle Support Services and report the error.

LPX-00019: property ~s unknown

LPX-00019: property ~s unknown

Cause: An unexpected error has occured in a subsystem used by XML. Subcode is the error code returned by that failing subsystem.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and report the error and subcode.

LPX-00018: internal error nested open strings

LPX-00018: internal error nested open strings

Cause: An internal error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and report the error.

LPX-00017: ~1sNodeName: lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;~2Slamp;gt;

LPX-00017: ~1sNodeName: lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;~2Slamp;gt;

Cause: More error message boilerplate.

Action: No action required. This is not an error message.

LPX-00014: context is not clean

LPX-00014: context is not clean

Cause: An operation was performed on a context that has already been used (so is not clean ).

Action: Some functions must be performed on a newly initialized context before being used for parsing. For example, setting a shared DTD. Change the code and do the call before parsing.

LPX-00013: wrong node type

LPX-00013: wrong node type

Cause: The wrong node type was given as argument to a DOM call.

Action: Review the failing function call, consult the documentation, and make sure the node types passed as correct.

LPX-00012: Unicode data alignment error

LPX-00012: Unicode data alignment error

Cause: An input Unicode (UCS2) datum was not aligned properly.

Action: UCS2 data consists of an array of shorts (ub2) which must be aligned on an even-byte boundary.

LPX-00008: invalid memory callback

LPX-00008: invalid memory callback

Cause: The memory callback structure passed to xmlinit was missing the allocate or free functions (or both).

Action: Provide both functions in the callback structure.

LPX-00007: unexpected end-of-file encountered

LPX-00007: unexpected end-of-file encountered

Cause: The documented ended unexpectedly, perhaps due to truncation.

Action: Verify that the document is complete.

LPX-00006: invalid child type for parent node

LPX-00006: invalid child type for parent node

Cause: An attempt was made to add an invalid node-type to a parent node.

Action: Correct the code.

LPX-00005: ~1s buffer overflow, maximum size is ~2u bytes

LPX-00005: ~1s buffer overflow, maximum size is ~2u bytes

Cause: A name, quoted string, URL, or other document component was too long.

Action: Restrict the component to the maximum size shown.

LPX-00004: internal error ~s

LPX-00004: internal error ~s

Cause: An internal error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and report the error.

LPX-00003: duplicate entry in hash table

LPX-00003: duplicate entry in hash table

Cause: An internal error has occurred (a key was requested to be placed in a hash table but was already there).

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and report the error.

LPX-00002: out of memory

LPX-00002: out of memory

Cause: The operating system has run out of memory.

Action: Make more memory available to the program.

LPX-00001: NULL pointer

LPX-00001: NULL pointer

Cause: A NULL pointer was detected as an internal error condition.

Action: This is a programming error by the caller of the XML parser. Please contact someone who can fix the problem.

DRG-11827: Request Timeout

DRG-11827: Request Timeout

Cause: The server is tired of waiting for the requst HTTP_ERROR = 408

Action: The user agent repeat the request

DRG-11826: Proxy Authentication Required

DRG-11826: Proxy Authentication Required

Cause: The client must authenticate itself with the proxy. HTTP_ERROR = 407

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11825: Not Acceptable

DRG-11825: Not Acceptable

Cause: Requested resource is not acceptable according to request header HTTP_ ERROR = 406

Action: The user agent should query the user for the next action.

DRG-11824: Method Not Allowed

DRG-11824: Method Not Allowed

Cause: The user agent specified method not allowed HTTP_ERROR = 405

Action: The user agent reads allow header to decide alternatives.

DRG-11823: Not Found

DRG-11823: Not Found

Cause: The server can not find the requested URI HTTP_ERROR = 404

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11822: Forbidden

DRG-11822: Forbidden

Cause: The server refuses to fulfil the request from client HTTP_ERROR = 403

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11821: Payment Required

DRG-11821: Payment Required

Cause: Reserved for future use. HTTP_ERROR = 402

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11820: Unauthorized

DRG-11820: Unauthorized

Cause: The request requires further authentication. HTTP_ERROR = 401

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11819: Bad Request

DRG-11819: Bad Request

Cause: The URL syntax is incorrect. Request rejected by server. HTTP_ERROR = 400

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11818: Temporary Redirect

DRG-11818: Temporary Redirect

Cause: The resource is temporarily under a different URI. HTTP_ERROR = 307

Action: The takes proper actions

DRG-11817: Proxy Redirect

DRG-11817: Proxy Redirect

Cause: Proxy redirection. Not used HTTP_ERROR = 306

Action: Outdated due to HTTP evolution

DRG-11816: Use Proxy

DRG-11816: Use Proxy

Cause: The client should use specified proxy to repeat the request HTTP_ERROR 305

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11815: Not Modified

DRG-11815: Not Modified

Cause: Response to conditional GET, indicating document not modified. HTTP_ ERROR = 304

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11814: See Other

DRG-11814: See Other

Cause: The URI can be found using GET METHOD under a different URI HTTP_ ERROR = 303

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11813: Moved Temporarily

DRG-11813: Moved Temporarily

Cause: The URI resides temporarily under a different URI. HTTP_ERROR = 302

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11812: Moved Permanently

DRG-11812: Moved Permanently

Cause: The URI has been assigned a new permanent URI HTTP_ERROR = 301

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11811: Multiple Choices

DRG-11811: Multiple Choices

Cause: Telling client multiple choices of resources is possible HTTP_ERROR = 300

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11810: Partial Update OK

DRG-11810: Partial Update OK

Cause: Telling client document is partially updated HTTP_ERROR = 207

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11809: Partial Content

DRG-11809: Partial Content

Cause: Telling client document content is a patial content HTTP_ERROR = 206

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11808: Reset Content

DRG-11808: Reset Content

Cause: Telling client to reset the document view HTTP_ERROR = 205

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11807: No Content

DRG-11807: No Content

Cause: request has been fulfilled but no new information found HTTP_ERROR = 204

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11806: Non-authoritative Information

DRG-11806: Non-authoritative Information

Cause: The returned metainformation is not the definitive set HTTP_ERROR = 203

Action: The user agent knows the information is Non-authoritative

DRG-11805: Accepted

DRG-11805: Accepted

Cause: Telling client things are accepted but not commited HTTP_ERROR = 202

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11804: Created

DRG-11804: Created

Cause: Telling client things are created HTTP_ERROR = 201

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11803: OK

DRG-11803: OK

Cause: Telling client things are ok HTTP_ERROR = 200

Action: The user agent takes proper actions

DRG-11802: Switching Protocols

DRG-11802: Switching Protocols

Cause: Telling client a protocol switching just happened HTTP_ERROR = 101

Action: The user agent takes proper actions