SQL-02116: FATAL ERROR: Reentrant code generator gave invalid context

SQL-02116: FATAL ERROR: Reentrant code generator gave invalid context

Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

SQL-02115: Code interpretation problem -- check COMMON_NAME usage

SQL-02115: Code interpretation problem -- check COMMON_NAME usage

Cause: With PRO*FORTRAN, this error occurs if the precompiler option COMMON_NAME is specified incorrectly. With other Oracle Precompilers, this error occurs when the precompiler cannot generate a section of code.

Action: With Pro*FORTRAN, when using COMMON_NAME to precompile two or more source modules, make sure to specify a different common name for each module. With other Oracle Precompilers, if the error persists, call customer support for assistance.

SQL-02114: Invalid SQL Cursor usage: trying to CLOSE a CLOSEd cursor

SQL-02114: Invalid SQL Cursor usage: trying to CLOSE a CLOSEd cursor

Cause: An attempt was made to CLOSE a cursor that was already CLOSEd with MODE={ANSI|ANSI14}. A CLOSEd cursor can be re-CLOSEd only when MODE={ORACLE|ANSI13}.

Action: When MODE={ANSI|ANSI14}, verify that a cursor is not already CLOSEd before trying to CLOSE it. Specify MODE={ORACLE|ANSI13} if a CLOSEd cursor is to be re-CLOSEd.

SQL-02113: Unable to open message file

SQL-02113: Unable to open message file

Cause: SQLLIB was unable to find or open the sqllib message file sql*.msb

Action: Check that the file exists in the mesg directory and that it is readable

SQL-02112: SELECT..INTO returns too many rows

SQL-02112: SELECT..INTO returns too many rows

Cause: A SELECT...INTO statement returned more rows than can be stored in the host variable provided.

Action: There are 3 possible solutions: 1. Use the precompiler option select_error=no. 2. Declare a host variable with a larger array dimension. 3. Declare a cursor or cursor variable for the select statement.

SQL-02111: Heap consistency error

SQL-02111: Heap consistency error

Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

SQL-02110: Inconsistent host cache. Invalid host cache entry type

SQL-02110: Inconsistent host cache. Invalid host cache entry type

Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

SQL-02109: Inconsistent host cache. Host reference is out of range

SQL-02109: Inconsistent host cache. Host reference is out of range

Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

SQL-02108: Invalid descriptor passed to run-time library

SQL-02108: Invalid descriptor passed to run-time library

Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

SQL-02107: Program too old for runtime library; please re-precompile it

SQL-02107: Program too old for runtime library; please re-precompile it

Cause: The program was precompiled by an older version of the Oracle Precompilers, which is incompatible with this release of SQLLIB.

Action: Precompile the program with a newer version of the Oracle Precompilers.

SQL-02106: Inconsistent cursor cache. Invalid Oracle cursor number

SQL-02106: Inconsistent cursor cache. Invalid Oracle cursor number

Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

SQL-02105: Inconsistent cursor cache. Global cursor not found

SQL-02105: Inconsistent cursor cache. Global cursor not found

Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

SQL-02104: Inconsistent host cache. No cursor cache available

SQL-02104: Inconsistent host cache. No cursor cache available

Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

SQL-02103: Inconsistent cursor cache. Out of range cursor cache reference

SQL-02103: Inconsistent cursor cache. Out of range cursor cache reference

Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

SQL-02102: Inconsistent cursor cache. No global cursor entry.

SQL-02102: Inconsistent cursor cache. No global cursor entry.

Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

SQL-02101: Inconsistent cursor cache. Unit cursor or global cursor mismatch

SQL-02101: Inconsistent cursor cache. Unit cursor or global cursor mismatch

Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

SQL-02100: Out of memory (i.e., could not allocate)

SQL-02100: Out of memory (i.e., could not allocate)

Cause: SQLLIB was unable to allocate enough memory to execute the program.

Action: Allocate more memory to the user session, then rerun the program. If the error persists, call customer support for assistance.

SQL-01075: you are currently logged on

SQL-01075: you are currently logged on

Cause: There is already a connection on this host.

Action: Do not attempt the second connection.

PCC-02451: Value of offset cannot be negative in ABSOLUTE orientation mode

PCC-02451: Value of offset cannot be negative in ABSOLUTE orientation mode

Cause: The offset for the FETCH ABSOLUTE statement is negative.

Action: Value of offset should be positive.

PCC-02450: Cursor was not declared in scrollable mode

PCC-02450: Cursor was not declared in scrollable mode

Cause: A cursor which was not DECLAREd in SCROLL mode was used in scrollable mode in the FETCH statement.

Action: Declare the cursor in scroll mode using the SCROLL keyword.

PCC-02449: Cannot type equivalence a UCS2 type

PCC-02449: Cannot type equivalence a UCS2 type

Cause: A UCS2 type has been type equivalenced in an EXEC SQL TYPE statement or a variable of UCS2 type has been type equivalenced in an EXEC SQL VAR statement.

Action: Remove the EXEC SQL TYPE or EXEC SQL VAR statement.

PCC-02448: Cannot specify a UCS2 variable in the NLS_NCHAR option

PCC-02448: Cannot specify a UCS2 variable in the NLS_NCHAR option

Cause: A variable declared as utext, uvarchar, or longuvarchar was specified in the NLS_NCHAR command line option.

Action: Re-precompile without specifying the variable in an NLS_NCHAR command line option.

PCC-02447: Cannot specify destination offset in a LOB WRITE APPEND

PCC-02447: Cannot specify destination offset in a LOB WRITE APPEND

Cause: A destination offset was specified in a LOB WRITE APPEND statement. The destination offset is assumed to be the end of the LOB so specifying an explicit destination offset is erroneous.

Action: Remove the destination offset from the LOB WRITE APPEND statement.

PCC-02446: FOR clause not allowed in a DEALLOCATE statement

PCC-02446: FOR clause not allowed in a DEALLOCATE statement

Cause: An explicit FOR clause was used in a DEALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement.

Action: Remove the FOR clause from the statement.

PCC-02445: USING clause valid only on a PREPAREd dynamic statement

PCC-02445: USING clause valid only on a PREPAREd dynamic statement

Cause: The USING clause was used with an OPEN cursor statement where the cursor declaration was not for a PREPAREd statement. The correct sequence of statements should be as follows EXEC SQL PREPARE s FROM :stmt; EXEC SQL DECLARE c CURSOR FOR s; EXEC SQL OPEN c USING ...;

Action: Use the PREPARE statement for the SQL statement and use that in the DECLARE CURSOR statement.

PCC-02444: Invalid combination of descriptor and non-descriptor clauses

PCC-02444: Invalid combination of descriptor and non-descriptor clauses

Cause: There was a mixing of descriptor and non-descriptor clauses in an ANSI Dynamic SQL statement.

Action: Do not mix descriptors and non-descriptors in the ANSI statement in question.

PCC-02443: This usage is only valid when DYNAMIC=ANSI is specified

PCC-02443: This usage is only valid when DYNAMIC=ANSI is specified

Cause: One of the following statements was used without specifying a DYNAMIC=ANSI command line option setting o EXEC SQL ALLOCATE or DEALLOCATE or GET or SET DESCRIPTOR o EXEC SQL DESCRIBE OUTPUT or INPUT ... USING ... lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;descriptorlamp;gt; o EXEC SQL EXECUTE ... INTO ... o EXEC SQL EXECUTE ... USING ... lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;descriptorlamp;gt; o EXEC SQL OPEN ... INTO ... o EXEC SQL OPEN ... USING ... lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;descriptorlamp;gt;

Action: Specify DYNAMIC=ANSI or remove statements like those above from the program.

PCC-02442: Expecting a value between 1 and 65535 inclusive

PCC-02442: Expecting a value between 1 and 65535 inclusive

Cause: The value specified in the WITH MAX clause of an ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement or the VALUE clause of a GET or SET DESCRIPTOR statement was either less than 1 or greater than 65535.

Action: Specify a value between 1 and 65535 inclusive.

PCC-02441: Number of attributes does not match number of host variables

PCC-02441: Number of attributes does not match number of host variables

Cause: There is a mismatch between the number of attributes and the number of valid host variables in the LOB or Collection DESCRIBE.

Action: Make sure that for each attribute being requested there is at most a single valid host variable given to hold its value.

PCC-02440: This attribute is valid for either internal or external LOBs

PCC-02440: This attribute is valid for either internal or external LOBs

Cause: A request for a LOB attribute was made in a LOB DESCRIBE statement in which the given LOB host variable was neither an Internal an External LOB (BFILE) type.

Action: Use either an Internal or External LOB host variable in the LOB DESCRIBE statement.

PCC-02439: FOR clause not allowed in this COLLECTION statement

PCC-02439: FOR clause not allowed in this COLLECTION statement

Cause: An illegal FOR clause was used in a COLLECTION statement that did not allow one, particularly, one of either the TRIM or DESCRIBE COLLECTION statements.

Action: Remove the FOR clause from the statement.

PCC-02438: Arrays of collection objects are not allowed

PCC-02438: Arrays of collection objects are not allowed

Cause: An array of collections was given in a COLLECTION statement. Only scalar (non-array) collection objects are allowed in any of the COLLECTION statements.

Action: Change the declaration of the Collection host variable so that it is not an array.

PCC-02437: Expecting an expression having binary integral type

PCC-02437: Expecting an expression having binary integral type

Cause: A host variable was given that was not declared to be of some acceptable binary numberic integral type. Generally, when this error occurs, a signed or unsigned integral type was expected. Floating point or otherwise imprecise numeric types are considered erroneous.

Action: Replace the problematic host variable with one that was declared using a proper exact numeric integral type.

PCC-02436: This attribute is only valid for external LOB types (BFILEs)

PCC-02436: This attribute is only valid for external LOB types (BFILEs)

Cause: A request for a LOB attribute was made in a LOB DESCRIBE statement in which the given LOB was not an External LOB type (BFILE).

Action: Use an External LOB (BFILE) host variable in the LOB DESCRIBE statement.

PCC-02435: This attribute is only valid for internal LOB types

PCC-02435: This attribute is only valid for internal LOB types

Cause: A request for a LOB attribute was made in a LOB DESCRIBE statement in which the given LOB was not of some Internal LOB type.

Action: Replace the LOB host variable in the LOB DESCRIBE with one that was declared to be an Internal LOB.

PCC-02434: FOR clause not permitted in any LOB statement

PCC-02434: FOR clause not permitted in any LOB statement

Cause: An explicit FOR clause was used in some LOB statement. The use of the FOR clause in LOB statements is erroneous.

Action: Remove the FOR clause.

PCC-02433: Invalid host variable and attribute pairing

PCC-02433: Invalid host variable and attribute pairing

Cause: The host variable and attribute pairing in a LOB or Collection DESCRIBE is invalid. Most likely, this was due to some problem with the host variable. For example, this error could occur if the host variable was not declared or is otherwise not provided.

Action: Usually, other, more specific, errors will accompany this one. Correcting some or all of those problems should resolve this error.

PCC-02432: Cannot open an external LOB (BFILE) in READ WRITE mode

PCC-02432: Cannot open an external LOB (BFILE) in READ WRITE mode

Cause: An attempt was made to OPEN a BFILE in READ WRITE mode. Writable BFILEs are currently not supported so this operation is considered erroneous.

Action: Do not open BFILEs using READ WRITE mode. BFILEs can only be OPENed in READ ONLY mode.

PCC-02431: Expecting an expression of type external LOB (BFILE)

PCC-02431: Expecting an expression of type external LOB (BFILE)

Cause: The given host variable was not declared to be an External LOB. Only BFILE would have been accepted in this case.

Action: Redeclare the host variable using an External LOB type (BFILE).

PCC-02430: Expecting an expression of some arbitrary LOB type

PCC-02430: Expecting an expression of some arbitrary LOB type

Cause: The given host variable was not declared to be any type of LOB, Internal or External. In addition to any Internal LOB type, BFILE would also have been accepted, however, the type of the host variable did not match any of these.

Action: Redeclare the host variable using any of the LOB types, Internal or External.

PCC-02429: Expecting an expression of some internal LOB type

PCC-02429: Expecting an expression of some internal LOB type

Cause: The given host variable was not declared to be an Internal LOB. BLOB, CLOB or NCLOB would have been accepted, however, the type of the host variable did not match any of these.

Action: Redeclare the host variable using one of the Internal LOB types.

PCC-02428: Buffer type is incompatible with LOB type

PCC-02428: Buffer type is incompatible with LOB type

Cause: This error can occur in either of the following situations 1. An attempt to READ from a LOB into a buffer whose type was not compatible with the LOB type. 2. An attempt to WRITE a buffer into a LOB whose type was not compatible with the buffer type.

Action: Either the LOB type or the buffer type needs to be changed so that the LOB and buffer types become compatible for the specified operation.

PCC-02427: Expression is not of the correct character string type

PCC-02427: Expression is not of the correct character string type

Cause: The given host variable expression was not declared to be of the required character type. In this case, one of several possible character types would have been accepted. However, the host variable type did not match any of them.

Action: Redeclare the problematic host variable, using one of the permitted character types.

PCC-02426: Incompatible LOB types

PCC-02426: Incompatible LOB types

Cause: A LOB operation was attempted between LOBs whose types were not compatible. For example, When ASSIGNing one LOB to another, both LOBs must be of the same type. If they are not, this error results.

Action: Correct the LOB operation by having it function between LOBs of the same type. This may require a redeclaration of one of the LOBs used in the LOB statement performing the specified operation.

PCC-02425: An indicator variable is not required with this attribute

PCC-02425: An indicator variable is not required with this attribute

Cause: In a LOB or Collection DESCRIBE, an Indicator Variable was used with a Host Variable when retrieving a LOB attribute that doesn t require one.

Action: Remove the Indicator Variable.

PCC-02424: The number of values and host variables does not match

PCC-02424: The number of values and host variables does not match

Cause: There is a mismatch between the number of values specified and the number of valid host variables given in a CONTEXT lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;optionlamp;gt; OPTION SET (or GET) statement.

Action: Use the same number of host variables as there are values given in that particular statement.

PCC-02423: Host variable has an invalid type for this option value

PCC-02423: Host variable has an invalid type for this option value

Cause: The type of the host variable corresponding to a specific option value in a CONTEXT lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;optionlamp;gt; OPTION SET (or GET) statement is invalid for that particular value.

Action: Use a type suitable for the specific value being manipulated.

PCC-02422: Invalid value specified for the given context option

PCC-02422: Invalid value specified for the given context option

Cause: An illegal value was given for the specified runtime context option in the CONTEXT lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;optionlamp;gt; OPTION SET (or GET) statement.

Action: Use a valid option value in the statement for the specified option being manipulated by the statement.

PCC-02421: This host variable requires the use of an indicator variable

PCC-02421: This host variable requires the use of an indicator variable

Cause: No indicator variable was provided (or matched) with a specific host variable where one was explicitely required.

Action: Provide an indicator variable for use with the specified host variable in the given SQL statement.

PCC-02420: Incomplete (or missing) type specification

PCC-02420: Incomplete (or missing) type specification

Cause: An incomplete or perhaps missing type specification was given when declaring a host variable used in some SQL statement.

Action: Provide a complete type definition when declaring host variables intended for use inside any SQL statements.

PCC-02419: Host variable arrays not allowed in an OBJECT SET or GET

PCC-02419: Host variable arrays not allowed in an OBJECT SET or GET

Cause: An array was found in the host variable list of an OBJECT SET or GET statement.

Action: Only scalars are allowed (except for single dimensioned char or varchar variables) in the host variable list of an OBJECT SET or GET. Make sure to use only scalars in these statements.

PCC-02418: Array size mismatch between Object and REF host variables

PCC-02418: Array size mismatch between Object and REF host variables

Cause: The array sizes of the Object and REF variables in an OBJECT CREATE or DEREF do not match.

Action: Adjust the array dimensions of the two host variables so that they are equal to one another.

PCC-02417: Illegal type conversion between attribute and host variable

PCC-02417: Illegal type conversion between attribute and host variable

Cause: An illegal type conversion was attempted in a Navigational GET or SET statement between the type of the Attribute and the type of the Host Variable.

Action: Change the type of either the Attribute or the Host Variable.

PCC-02416: The Object in an OBJECT GET or SET must not be an array

PCC-02416: The Object in an OBJECT GET or SET must not be an array

Cause: The Object specified in an OBJECT GET or SET statement is an array which is illegal.

Action: Redeclare the Object so that it is not an array or subscript the Object so that only a single element of the Object array is specified.

PCC-02415: Cannot manipulate Object attributes in an OBJECT GET or SET

PCC-02415: Cannot manipulate Object attributes in an OBJECT GET or SET

Cause: An attempt was made to either GET or SET an attribute of an Object that itself was an Object or REF type.

Action: Remove the attribute from the attribute list in the statement.

PCC-02414: This attribute does not exist in the specified Object

PCC-02414: This attribute does not exist in the specified Object

Cause: An attribute given in the attribute list of an OBJECT SET or GET statement is not a member of the specified object in that statement.

Action: Remove the attribute from the list.

PCC-02413: Number of attributes does not match number of host variables

PCC-02413: Number of attributes does not match number of host variables

Cause: The number of attributes supplied in the attribute list of an OBJECT SET of GET statement does not match the total number of host variables also supplied in that statement.

Action: Either remove some attributes or remove some host variables from the statement in order to make the total count for each the same.

PCC-02412: FOR clause not permitted in OBJECT GET or SET statement

PCC-02412: FOR clause not permitted in OBJECT GET or SET statement

Cause: An explicit FOR clause was used in an OBJECT GET or OBJECT SET statement. Use of the FOR clause is illegal for these statements.

Action: Remove the FOR clause.

PCC-02411: Invalid type for INDICATOR descriptor item host variable

PCC-02411: Invalid type for INDICATOR descriptor item host variable

Cause: The type of the host variable paired with the INDICATOR descriptor item was invalid. The only permissable types for the INDICATOR item are a signed 2 byte numeric type or an indicator struct generated by the Object Type Translator for a user defined object type.

Action: Either replace the INDICATOR host variable with a valid one having an acceptable type or redeclare the existing host variable to be of a valid type.

PCC-02410: Expecting an expression of some Collection type.

PCC-02410: Expecting an expression of some Collection type.

Cause: The expression is not a Collection type. A VARRAY or Nested Table object was expected, but the given host variable did not resolve to a valid Collection type.

Action: Check that the OTT-generated header for the Collection type was properly #included in the Pro*C or C++ program and that the typefile was specified in the INTYPE option on the Pro*C or C++ command line.