Cause: a table, column or procedure name specified had an invalid format. It is either too long or contains illegal characters. Probably you are passing in incorrect parameters.
IMG-02004: 2FF04 - incorrect feature list specification
Cause: There was a SQL or MM Still Image exception. Either the specified feature values were invalid or the specified feature weights were invalid.
Action: Check the values of feature and featureweight pairs. For a non null feature value, the corresponding feature weight value must be a double precision number greater than 0.0. Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for more information on the SI_FeatureList object type and its methods.
IMG-02003: 2FF03 - incorrect color histogram feature specification
Cause: There was a SQL or MM Still Image exception. This exception was caused by one of the following.
Action: Ensure that the following are true(as applicable to your case): -The SI_Color attribute values are integers from 0 to 255. - The frequency value is a double precision number from 0 to 100. than the SI_MaxHistogramLength value listed in the SI_VALUES view in the SI_ INFORMTN_SCHEMA. Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for more information on constructing SI_ColorHistogram objects.
IMG-02002: 2FF02 - incorrect average color feature specification
Cause: There was a SQL or MM Still Image exception. The specified average color value was not a valid SI_Color value.
Action: Specify an average color value that is not null and contains valid SI_Color values. SI_Color attribute values must be integers from 0 to 255. Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for more information on constructing valid SI_ Color objects.
Cause: There was a SQL or MM Still Image exception. Either the supplied image BLOB format did not match the image format or the image format is unsupported.
Action: For supported image formats, specify an input BLOB that has the same format as the image. For unsupported image formats, this method is not supported. Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for more information.
Cause: The operation failed because the transfer syntax in the DICOM object, which describes the binary encoding of the DICOM object, was not supported by Oracle interMedia.
Action: Use a DICOM object with a transfer syntax supported by Oracle interMedia. Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for more details.
Cause: The category of DICOM objects is not supported by Oracle interMedia.
Action: Use a DICOM image is supported by Oracle interMedia. interMedia supports image types defined in the DICOM standard release 2003. Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for more details.
IMG-00926: tablespace specified during CREATE INDEX is not valid
Cause: A tablespace specified in the parameter string of a CREATE INDEX operation did not exist or the current user did not have sufficient privileges on the tablespace.
Action: Create the tablespace, grant appropriate privileges on the tablespace to the current user, or choose a different tablespace.
IMG-00925: unable to write to the ORDImageSignature object
Cause: The signature object was not valid and therefore the write operation failed. This problem is commonly caused by an attempt to invoke the generateSignature method on an uninitialized ORDImageSignature object.
Action: Ensure that the ORDImageSignature object has been initialized and inserted into a table. Also ensure that the row containing the signature object is locked. (The two previous actions do not apply to signature objects created using temporary BLOBs). Ensure that there is sufficient tablespace to contain the signature.
IMG-00924: Incorrect parameter specification during CREATE INDEX
Cause: There is a spelling error, or duplicate parameter specification, or incorrect specification of parameters while creating an index of type ORDIMAGEINDEX.
Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for correct specification of CREATE INDEX parameters.
Action: Specify at least one other parameter (color, texture or shape) along with location. Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for more details.
Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for information on how to use the IMGSimilar operator. Check whether the value returned by IMGSimilar is compared to the value 1.
Cause: An invalid value was found while parsing the attribute string for the image matching operators.
Action: Refer to the Oracle interMedia documentation for a description of the correct usage and syntax for the attributes string. The weight values should be between 0.0 and 1.0.