PLS-00550: character set specification is not allowed for this type

PLS-00550: character set specification is not allowed for this type

Cause: A character set specification was made on a type that does not require one.

Action: Remove the character set specification, or change the type.

PLS-00548: invalid use of operator.

PLS-00548: invalid use of operator.

Cause: A name of an operator is used as a qualifier or appears outside from sql context.

Action: Eliminate the use of operator name as a qualifier or place it in a sql clause.

PLS-00546: SELF may not be declared as a REF parameter.

PLS-00546: SELF may not be declared as a REF parameter.

Cause: SELF was declared as a ref parameter to a member function or procedure. SELF is not supported as a REF.

Action: Redeclare SELF as a value parameter.

PLS-00543: a PLSQL Table may not contain a nested table type or VARRAY.

PLS-00543: a PLSQL Table may not contain a nested table type or VARRAY.

Cause: An attempt was made to define a PLSQL table that contained a (possibly deeply) nested table type or VARRAY. Nested collection types are not supported.

Action: Remove the nested table type or VARRAY from the table. Then retry the operation.

TNS-00309: Connection Manager: Failed to open log while re-reading parameter data

TNS-00309: Connection Manager: Failed to open log while re-reading parameter data

Cause: Request sent by the Connection Manager to control program indicating that it could not reopen log file after rereading parameter data.

Action: None.

TNS-00308: Navigator: Failed to open log while rereading parameter data

TNS-00308: Navigator: Failed to open log while rereading parameter data

Cause: Request sent by the Navigator to control program indicating that it could not reopen log file after rereading parameter data.

Action: None.

TNS-00307: Navigator: Reread parameter data

TNS-00307: Navigator: Reread parameter data

Cause: Request sent by the Navigator to control program indicating that parameter data was read.

Action: None.

TNS-00306: Connection Manager encountered an invalid or unknown trace level

TNS-00306: Connection Manager encountered an invalid or unknown trace level

Cause: Message sent back by the Connection Manager indicating an invalid trace level.

Action: Reattempt the request with a correct trace level.

TNS-00305: The Navigator encountered an invalid or unknown trace level

TNS-00305: The Navigator encountered an invalid or unknown trace level

Cause: Message sent back by the Navigator indicating an invalid trace level.

Action: Reattempt the request with a correct trace level.

TNS-00304: Status Information for Connection Manager:

TNS-00304: Status Information for Connection Manager:

Cause: Message sent back by Interchange as header for status request.

Action: None

TNS-00303: Connection Manager: Reread parameter data

TNS-00303: Connection Manager: Reread parameter data

Cause: Request sent by control manager to control programming indicating that parameter data was read.

Action: None.

TNS-00302: Connection Manager: Unknown Request

TNS-00302: Connection Manager: Unknown Request

Cause: Request sent by Interchange control program is unknown.

Action: None.

TNS-00301: ***Enabling Interchange : string

TNS-00301: ***Enabling Interchange : string

Cause: Log entry for disabling a particular Interchange.

Action: None.

TNS-00300: ***Disabling Interchange : string

TNS-00300: ***Disabling Interchange : string

Cause: Log entry for disabling a particular Interchange.

Action: None.

TNS-00299: Response from Navigator: string

TNS-00299: Response from Navigator: string

Cause: Log entry for request to Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00298: Request to Navigator: string

TNS-00298: Request to Navigator: string

Cause: Log entry for request to Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00297: Logging Level : string

TNS-00297: Logging Level : string

Cause: Message sent back to control program indicating whether program can be stopped.

Action: None.

TNS-00296: Stoppable : string

TNS-00296: Stoppable : string

Cause: Message sent back to control program indicating whether program can be stopped.

Action: None.

TNS-00295: Navigator: Security is enabled, you cannot STOP the Navigator

TNS-00295: Navigator: Security is enabled, you cannot STOP the Navigator

Cause: Message sent back to control program indicating that the Navigator is secure.

Action: None.

TNS-00294: Connection Manager: Security is enabled, you cannot STOP the Interchange

TNS-00294: Connection Manager: Security is enabled, you cannot STOP the Interchange

Cause: Message sent back to control program indicating that the connection manager is secure.

Action: None.

TNS-00293: Trace File Name : string

TNS-00293: Trace File Name : string

Cause: Message sent back to control program showing trace file name

Action: None.

TNS-00292: Log File Name : string

TNS-00292: Log File Name : string

Cause: Message sent back to control program showing log file name

Action: None.

TNS-00291: Navigator: Enabled Interchange

TNS-00291: Navigator: Enabled Interchange

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00290: Navigator: Failed to Enable Interchange

TNS-00290: Navigator: Failed to Enable Interchange

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00289: Navigator: Disabled Interchange

TNS-00289: Navigator: Disabled Interchange

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00288: Navigator: Failed to Disable Interchange

TNS-00288: Navigator: Failed to Disable Interchange

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00287: Min Connect Time (secs) : number

TNS-00287: Min Connect Time (secs) : number

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00286: Max Connect Time (secs) : number

TNS-00286: Max Connect Time (secs) : number

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00285: Avg Connect Time (secs) : number

TNS-00285: Avg Connect Time (secs) : number

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00284: Imm Max Avg Bytes or Sec : number

TNS-00284: Imm Max Avg Bytes or Sec : number

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00283: Listening on the following TNS addresses:

TNS-00283: Listening on the following TNS addresses:

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None.

TNS-00282: Connection Manager: Failed to force log, logging is off

TNS-00282: Connection Manager: Failed to force log, logging is off

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None.

TNS-00281: Connection Manager: Forced Log output

TNS-00281: Connection Manager: Forced Log output

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None.

TNS-00280: Max Avg Bytes or Sec : number

TNS-00280: Max Avg Bytes or Sec : number

Cause: Part of status request for Connection Manager.

Action: None

TNS-00279: Navigator: Failed to Start Tracing

TNS-00279: Navigator: Failed to Start Tracing

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00278: Navigator: Failed to Open Log file

TNS-00278: Navigator: Failed to Open Log file

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00277: Navigator: Request Failed

TNS-00277: Navigator: Request Failed

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00276: Navigator: Tracing is now OFF

TNS-00276: Navigator: Tracing is now OFF

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00275: Navigator: Tracing is now ON

TNS-00275: Navigator: Tracing is now ON

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00274: Navigator: Logging is now OFF

TNS-00274: Navigator: Logging is now OFF

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00273: Navigator: Logging is now ON

TNS-00273: Navigator: Logging is now ON

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00272: Navigator

TNS-00272: Navigator

Cause: Name for the Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00271: Connection Manager

TNS-00271: Connection Manager

Cause: Name of the Connection Manager.

Action: None.

TNS-00270: %s: Terminal Error string

TNS-00270: %s: Terminal Error string

Cause: Message put out in error file of executable when it fails to start.

Action: None.

TNS-00269: OFF

TNS-00269: OFF

Cause: Off component of message.

Action: None.

TNS-00268: ON

TNS-00268: ON

Cause: On component of message.

Action: None.

TNS-00267: Navigator: Internal Error

TNS-00267: Navigator: Internal Error

Cause: Generated when a request was made to the Navigator it knows nothing about.

Action: None.

TNS-00266: Navigator: Unknown Request

TNS-00266: Navigator: Unknown Request

Cause: Request was made to Navigator that it knows nothing about.

Action: None.

TNS-00265: Navigator: Reloaded network configuration data

TNS-00265: Navigator: Reloaded network configuration data

Cause: Message sent to Interchange control program when reload of network is successful.

Action: None.

TNS-00264: Navigator: Failed to reload configuration data

TNS-00264: Navigator: Failed to reload configuration data

Cause: Message sent to the Interchange control program when reload of network configuration failed. TNSNET.ORA Poorly configured or missing.

Action: None.

TNS-00263: Navigator: Request Failed

TNS-00263: Navigator: Request Failed

Cause: Response from Navigator when a particular request failed.

Action: None.

TNS-00262: %20sstringnumber

TNS-00262: %20sstringnumber

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None.

TNS-00261: Interchange Name Community Link Down Time Remaining (secs)

TNS-00261: Interchange Name Community Link Down Time Remaining (secs)

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None.

TNS-00260: -------------------------------------------------------------------

TNS-00260: -------------------------------------------------------------------

Cause: Navigator status message component

Action: None.

PROC-00033: Oracle Cluster Registry is not configured

PROC-00033: Oracle Cluster Registry is not configured

Cause: Cluster Ready Services did not exist on the node.

Action: Install and configure Cluster Ready Services.

PROC-00032: Cluster Ready Services on the local node is not running

PROC-00032: Cluster Ready Services on the local node is not running

Cause: Cluster Ready Services daemon on the local node was not running

Action: Bring up the Cluster Ready Services on the local node.

PROC-00031: Storage device for the cluster registry is too small

PROC-00031: Storage device for the cluster registry is too small

Cause: The configured storage device for cluster registry was too small.

Action: Please follow the documentation and configure a storage device that is large enough for use by cluster registry.

PROC-00030: Oracle Cluster Registry IDs do not match

PROC-00030: Oracle Cluster Registry IDs do not match

Cause: The cluster registry storage seen by the client was not the same as the one seen by the server. This may be caused by a misconfiguration.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

PROC-00029: Error in logging layer

PROC-00029: Error in logging layer

Cause: An error occurred in the logging layer while performing a cluster registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

PROC-00028: Oracle Cluster Registry already in current version

PROC-00028: Oracle Cluster Registry already in current version

Cause: An attempt to upgrade the cluster registry which has already been upgraded.

Action: No action required.