PLS-01903: : non-integer error number

PLS-01903: : non-integer error number

Cause: SQLERRM() was called with a non-integer value.

Action: Make sure SQLERRM() is called with an integer value.

PLS-01902: : hex to raw conversion error

PLS-01902: : hex to raw conversion error

Cause: There was a failure while converting a hexadecimal string to a raw.

Action: Verify that the hexadecimal variable to be converted contains a valid hexadecimal value.

PLS-01901: : host bind array too small

PLS-01901: : host bind array too small

Cause: PL or SQL was unable to transfer data into a host array because the array is too small.

Action: Increase the size of the host array.

PLS-01900: : character to number conversion error

PLS-01900: : character to number conversion error

Cause: There was a failure while converting a character string into a numeric value.

Action: Verify that all character strings assigned to number variables have valid numeric value interpretations.

PLS-01714: ANSI expects a column name not a literal value here

PLS-01714: ANSI expects a column name not a literal value here

Cause: ANSI expects a column name not a literal value here

Action: none

PLS-01713: The constraints on these types do not match

PLS-01713: The constraints on these types do not match

Cause: The constraints on these types do not match

Action: none

PLS-01712: ANSI does not allow bind variables as INDICATORS

PLS-01712: ANSI does not allow bind variables as INDICATORS

Cause: ANSI does not allow bind variables as INDICATORS

Action: none

PLS-01711: A SELECT statement may not contain ORDER_BY, HAVING, or GROUP_BY clause

PLS-01711: A SELECT statement may not contain ORDER_BY, HAVING, or GROUP_BY clause

Cause: A SELECT statement may not contain ORDER_BY, HAVING, or GROUP_ BY clause. Sect. 8.10.

Action: none

PLS-01710: In a positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, the cursor name must be of length 1

PLS-01710: In a positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, the cursor name must be of length 1

Cause: In a positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, the cursor name must be of length 1.

Action: none

PLS-01709: value list of INSERT statement, if specified with value list rather than subquery, must be value specification

PLS-01709: value list of INSERT statement, if specified with value list rather than subquery, must be value specification

Cause: In an INSERT statement, the insert value list, if specified with a value list rather than a subquery, must be value specifications, i.e. no compound expressions or column references. Sect 8.7.

Action: none

PLS-01708: In searched DELETE, UPDATE or INSERT, table must not appear in FROM clause of subqueries in search condition

PLS-01708: In searched DELETE, UPDATE or INSERT, table must not appear in FROM clause of subqueries in search condition

Cause: In a searched DELETE, UPDATE or INSERT statement, the table affected must not appear in a FROM clause in any of the subqueries in the search condition.

Action: none

PLS-01707: In positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, table must be identified in specification of cursor

PLS-01707: In positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, table must be identified in specification of cursor

Cause: In a positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, the table deleted fromor updated must be identified in the specifictation of the cursor.

Action: none

PLS-01705: table specified by a cursor not updatable if cursor specification has a UNION or ORDER_BY

PLS-01705: table specified by a cursor not updatable if cursor specification has a UNION or ORDER_BY

Cause: Missing keyword FROM.

Action: none

PLS-01704: The expressions in a sort clause must be column specs or unsigned integers, with optional ASC or DESC

PLS-01704: The expressions in a sort clause must be column specs or unsigned integers, with optional ASC or DESC

Cause: The expressions in a sort clause may only be column specifications or unsigned integers, followed by optional ASC or DESC.

Action: none

PLS-01703: Cursor name in CLOSE statment must be of length 1

PLS-01703: Cursor name in CLOSE statment must be of length 1

Cause: Cursor name in CLOSE statment must be of length 1.

Action: none

PLS-01702: Illegal syntax in COMMIT WORK statement

PLS-01702: Illegal syntax in COMMIT WORK statement

Cause: Illegal syntax in COMMIT WORK statement.

Action: none

PLS-01701: Illegal syntax in ROLLBACK WORK statement

PLS-01701: Illegal syntax in ROLLBACK WORK statement

Cause: Illegal syntax in ROLLBACK WORK statement.

Action: none

PLS-01507: DROP is non-ANSI

PLS-01507: DROP is non-ANSI

Cause: DROP is non-ANSI

Action: Sect. 6.2




Action: none

PLS-01505: ALTER is non-ANSI

PLS-01505: ALTER is non-ANSI

Cause: ALTER is non-ANSI

Action: none

PLS-01504: Use of AS phase in CREATE TABLE statement is non_ANSI

PLS-01504: Use of AS phase in CREATE TABLE statement is non_ANSI

Cause: CREATE TABLE allows only the definition of the structure of a table. Use of AS phase in CREATE TABLE statement is non-ANSI.

Action: none

PLS-01503: The expression in a SET clause must not include a set function

PLS-01503: The expression in a SET clause must not include a set function

Cause: The expression in a SET clause must not include a set function. Sect. 8.12.

Action: none

PLS-01502: Constraint name and constraint status are non-ANSI.

PLS-01502: Constraint name and constraint status are non-ANSI.

Cause: Constraint name and constraint status are non-ANSI. Sect. 6.3

Action: none

PLS-01501: Options in CREATE TABLE statement is non-ANSI.

PLS-01501: Options in CREATE TABLE statement is non-ANSI.

Cause: CREATE TABLE allows only the definition of the structure of a table. None of the .SPACE__name. .PCTFREE__numeric_literal. .cluster. is ANSI. Sect. 6.2

Action: none

PLS-01500: Unions are not allowed in the definition of a view

PLS-01500: Unions are not allowed in the definition of a view

Cause: Unions are not allowed in the definition of a view. Sect. 6.9

Action: none

PLS-01474: Use of ANY is non_ANSI

PLS-01474: Use of ANY is non_ANSI

Cause: Due to the combining of comparison_predicate and quantified_predicate, we may have something like sim_expr = ANY_ sim_expr, which is nonetheless accepted by kernel.

Action: none

PLS-01473: Use lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;lamp;gt; instead of = or ~=

PLS-01473: Use lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;lamp;gt; instead of = or ~=

Cause: Use lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;lamp;gt; instead of = or ~=. Sect 5.11.

Action: none

PLS-01472: In a set_function_specification, if DISTINCT is present, the expression must be a column_specification

PLS-01472: In a set_function_specification, if DISTINCT is present, the expression must be a column_specification

Cause: In a set_function_specification, if DISTINCT is present, the expression must be a column_specification.

Action: none

PLS-01471: The keyword DISTINCT must be present in a COUNT(DISTINCT sim_ expr)

PLS-01471: The keyword DISTINCT must be present in a COUNT(DISTINCT sim_ expr)

Cause: The keyword DISTINCT must be present in a COUNT(DISTINCT sim_ expr). Sect 5.8

Action: none

PLS-01470: The escape character in the like-predicate must be a literal or a variable of type CHAR

PLS-01470: The escape character in the like-predicate must be a literal or a variable of type CHAR

Cause: The escape character in the like-predicate must be a literal or a variable of type character.

Action: none

PLS-01469: ANSI standard does not permit records

PLS-01469: ANSI standard does not permit records

Cause: ANSI standard does not permit records.

Action: none

PLS-01468: The first argument of the like-predicate must be a column of type character string

PLS-01468: The first argument of the like-predicate must be a column of type character string

Cause: The first argument of the like-predicate must be a column of type character string.

Action: none

PLS-01467: The value list of the IN predicate, if not a subquery, must contain only value_specifications

PLS-01467: The value list of the IN predicate, if not a subquery, must contain only value_specifications

Cause: The value list of the IN predicate, if not a subquery, must contain only value_specifications (i.e. literals and PL or SQL or embedded variables).

Action: none

PLS-01466: Null strings are not allowed

PLS-01466: Null strings are not allowed

Cause: Null strings are not allowed.

Action: none

PLS-01464: VARIANCE is not a standard set function

PLS-01464: VARIANCE is not a standard set function

Cause: VARIANCE is not a standard set function.

Action: none

PLS-01463: STDDEV is not a standard set function

PLS-01463: STDDEV is not a standard set function

Cause: STDDEV is not a standard set function.

Action: none

PLS-01460: Cannot access object on a remote host

PLS-01460: Cannot access object on a remote host

Cause: Cannot access object on a remote host.

Action: none

PLS-01458: The set clause in an UPDATE statement requires a column name of length 1

PLS-01458: The set clause in an UPDATE statement requires a column name of length 1

Cause: The set clause in an UPDATE statement requires a column name of length 1. Sect. 8.11, 8.12

Action: none

PLS-00582: attribute declarations are not allowed in opaque types

PLS-00582: attribute declarations are not allowed in opaque types

Cause: An attempt was made to declare an attribute in an opaque type.

Action: Remove the attribute declaration.

PLS-00581: inheritance is not supported for opaque types

PLS-00581: inheritance is not supported for opaque types

Cause: An attempt was made to declare an opaque type with a supertype.

Action: Remove the supertype specification.

PLS-00580: supertype must be an object type

PLS-00580: supertype must be an object type

Cause: An attempt was made to declare an object type to have a supertype, but the specified supertype was not itself an object type. Object types can inherit only from other object types.

Action: Remove the supertype specification, or change it to refer to an object type. If the declaration appears correct, make sure the supertype has compiled correctly.

PLS-00573: cannot constrain scale, precision, or range of an anchored type declaration

PLS-00573: cannot constrain scale, precision, or range of an anchored type declaration

Cause: A variable declared with %TYPE or %ROWTYPE cannot have a scale, precision, or range constraint. Example: x y%TYPE(10) is not acceptable. It is legal to add NOT NULL or non-conflicting CHARACTER SET constraints to anchored type declarations.

Action: Remove the constraint or use a type name instead of an anchored type.

PLS-00572: improper constraint form used

PLS-00572: improper constraint form used

Cause: number types cannot have a range. user-defined aggregate types and integer types cannot have scale or precision specified. Example: x number(5,3) is acceptable but x number range 1..10 is not.

Action: Remove the constraint

PLS-00571: method access through data base link not yet supported on client side

PLS-00571: method access through data base link not yet supported on client side

Cause: Remote link is used with on client side

Action: Create a dummy function to call symbolic link on server side or wiat till it is implemented

PLS-00570: different number of columns in the multiset and cast expressions

PLS-00570: different number of columns in the multiset and cast expressions

Cause: Number of columns in the collection returned by MULTISET and the number of columns for the CAST type don t match. For example: create type tab_ obj as object (n number); create type tab1 as table of tab_obj; create table tab2 (col1 number, col2 number); select CAST(MULTISET(select col1, col2 from tab2) as tab1) from tab2;

Action: none

PLS-00569: numeric overflow or underflow

PLS-00569: numeric overflow or underflow

Cause: A constant literal is either too large or too small to fit in an Oracle number

Action: Change the value of the literal

PLS-00568: cannot access rows from a non-nested table item

PLS-00568: cannot access rows from a non-nested table item

Cause: You attempted to use TABLE expression, from a non-nested table

Action: pass the correct parameter

PLS-00567: cannot pass NULL to a NOT NULL constrained formal parameter

PLS-00567: cannot pass NULL to a NOT NULL constrained formal parameter

Cause: You attempted to pass NULL to a NOT NULL constrained parameter.

Action: Pass a NOT NULL expression instead.

PLS-00566: type name string cannot be constrained

PLS-00566: type name string cannot be constrained

Cause: A lob, date, boolean, rowid, or mlslabel type was constrained with a length specification. For example: X BLOB(5);

Action: Remove the constraint.

PLS-00565: %s must be completed as a potential REF target (object type)

PLS-00565: %s must be completed as a potential REF target (object type)

Cause: Incomplete library units that are potential targets of REF dependencies must be completed so that they continue to remain potential targets of REF dependencies (since there might be library units with REF dependencies on this library unit). Potential REF targets include complete and incomplete object types. This error happened because an attempt was made to complete a potential REF target as something other than a potential REF target.

Action: Use another name for this library unit, or drop the original incomplete library unit.

PLS-00564: lob arguments are not permitted in calls to remote server

PLS-00564: lob arguments are not permitted in calls to remote server

Cause: use of lob argument in call to remote server

Action: Do not use LOBs in call to remote server

PLS-00563: illegal use of CAST expression

PLS-00563: illegal use of CAST expression

Cause: CAST (in PLSQL) was used outside of a DML scope.

Action: Do not use CAST outside DML statements.

PLS-00562: a function must return a type.

PLS-00562: a function must return a type.

Cause: The current function was definied to return something other than a data type.

Action: Make sure the function is returning a data type.

PLS-00561: character set mismatch on value for parameter string

PLS-00561: character set mismatch on value for parameter string

Cause: An expression was used that contains an incorrect character set. The actual argument has a character set conflict. If a default argument value is being used, it might be in conflict with some actual argument that must have the same character set.

Action: Adjust the expression, using TRANSLATE(... USING ...) or change the character set.

PLS-00560: character set mismatch

PLS-00560: character set mismatch

Cause: An expression was used that has the wrong character set for this context.

Action: Adjust the expression, using TRANSLATE(... USING ...) or by rethinking the logic.

PLS-00555: default expressions are not allowed for SQL operators

PLS-00555: default expressions are not allowed for SQL operators

Cause: A default expression has been specified for a SQL operator.

Action: Eliminate the default expression from the operator.

PLS-00554: character set has already been determined

PLS-00554: character set has already been determined

Cause: A redundant or conflicting character set was specified.

Action: Remove the CHARACTER SET specification, or change the character set specified.

PLS-00553: character set name is not recognized

PLS-00553: character set name is not recognized

Cause: An unrecognized name appears in a character set specification.

Action: Change or remove the character set specification.

PLS-00552: flexible character set is not allowed on component element

PLS-00552: flexible character set is not allowed on component element

Cause: ANY_CS or %CHARSET was used to reference an ANY_CS parameter which is not a CHAR, VARCHAR2, or CLOB type. ANY_CS or %CHARSET is not allowed for fields of a record , object, elements of a collection, etc.

Action: Change or remove the character set specification.

PLS-00551: character set ANY_CS is only allowed on a subprogram parameter

PLS-00551: character set ANY_CS is only allowed on a subprogram parameter

Cause: The character set ANY_CS was specified when it is not allowed.

Action: Change or remove the character set specification.