NCR-03024: NCRO: Transport type LIST not supported

NCR-03024: NCRO: Transport type LIST not supported

Cause: Support for transport type LIST has not been built.

Action: Re-compile NCR library with NCR_USE_LIST defined.

NCR-03023: NCRO: Cannot receive the break

NCR-03023: NCRO: Cannot receive the break

Cause: There is an error occur when receiving the break using the side-band channel

Action: Read the documention regarding to side-band break support issues

NCR-03022: NCRO: Cannot send the break

NCR-03022: NCRO: Cannot send the break

Cause: There is an error occur when sending the break using the side-band channel

Action: Read the documention regarding to side-band break support issues

NCR-03021: NCRO: Reset the in-band line

NCR-03021: NCRO: Reset the in-band line

Cause: Our parnter is asking to reset the in-band line, after receiving a break

Action: The in-band line is required to be reset

NCR-03020: NCRO: Invalid call context

NCR-03020: NCRO: Invalid call context

Cause: The call context is not an valid call context.

Action: Call context was destroyed, probably because the Break was received

NNL-00833: Fastest delete processing time: string

NNL-00833: Fastest delete processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00832: Deletes refused, name is a topology name: number

NNL-00832: Deletes refused, name is a topology name: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00831: Deletes refused, name is not a leaf name: number

NNL-00831: Deletes refused, name is not a leaf name: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00830: Delete requests received: number

NNL-00830: Delete requests received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00814: Total query processing time: string

NNL-00814: Total query processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00813: Average query processing time: string

NNL-00813: Average query processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00812: Slowest query processing time: string

NNL-00812: Slowest query processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00811: Fastest query processing time: string

NNL-00811: Fastest query processing time: string

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00810: Queries received with no type: number

NNL-00810: Queries received with no type: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00809: Queries received, multiple types: number

NNL-00809: Queries received, multiple types: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00808: Queries received, all user-defined types: number

NNL-00808: Queries received, all user-defined types: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00807: Queries received, type SOA: number

NNL-00807: Queries received, type SOA: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00806: Queries received, type RELATED-INFO: number

NNL-00806: Queries received, type RELATED-INFO: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00805: Queries received, type NAME-SERVER: number

NNL-00805: Queries received, type NAME-SERVER: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00804: Queries received, type META-DATA: number

NNL-00804: Queries received, type META-DATA: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00803: Queries received, type ALIAS: number

NNL-00803: Queries received, type ALIAS: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00802: Queries received, type ADDRESS: number

NNL-00802: Queries received, type ADDRESS: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00801: Queries received, type ANY: number

NNL-00801: Queries received, type ANY: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00800: Query requests received: number

NNL-00800: Query requests received: number

Cause: Control program statistic description

Action: None.

NNL-00582: dump_alias: dump aliases in the domain or region to LDAP

NNL-00582: dump_alias: dump aliases in the domain or region to LDAP

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00581: unregister_ns: lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;name serverlamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;domainlamp;gt;

NNL-00581: unregister_ns: lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;name serverlamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;domainlamp;gt;

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00580: register_ns: lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;name serverlamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;addresslamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;domainlamp;gt;

NNL-00580: register_ns: lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;name serverlamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;addresslamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;domainlamp;gt;

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00579: _scan: find objects or records matching the given types

NNL-00579: _scan: find objects or records matching the given types

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00578: dump_ldap: dump addresses in the domain or region to LDAP

NNL-00578: dump_ldap: dump addresses in the domain or region to LDAP

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00577: list_domains: list authoritative domains in the region or subtree

NNL-00577: list_domains: list authoritative domains in the region or subtree

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00576: list_delegated: list all delegated domains in the region or subtree

NNL-00576: list_delegated: list all delegated domains in the region or subtree

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00575: list_objects: list all objects in a domain or subtree

NNL-00575: list_objects: list all objects in a domain or subtree

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00574: dump_tnsnames (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;filelamp;gt;( : dump ONames addresses into tnsnames file

NNL-00574: dump_tnsnames (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;filelamp;gt;( : dump ONames addresses into tnsnames file

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00573: load_tnsnames (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;filelamp;gt;, ... ( : load tnsnames into ONames

NNL-00573: load_tnsnames (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;filelamp;gt;, ... ( : load tnsnames into ONames

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00572: set|show save_config_interval (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;secondslamp;gt;( (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_listlamp;gt;( : set time of next config save

NNL-00572: set|show save_config_interval (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;secondslamp;gt;( (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_listlamp;gt;( : set time of next config save

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00571: set|show save_config_on_stop (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;on|offlamp;gt;(

NNL-00571: set|show save_config_on_stop (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;on|offlamp;gt;(

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00570: save_config (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_listlamp;gt;( : saves server configuration to parameter file

NNL-00570: save_config (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_listlamp;gt;( : saves server configuration to parameter file

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00569: domain_hint lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;domain_namelamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;NS_namelamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;NS_Addrlamp;gt; : Provide hint of a nameserver for a given domain

NNL-00569: domain_hint lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;domain_namelamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;NS_namelamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;NS_Addrlamp;gt; : Provide hint of a nameserver for a given domain

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00568: delegate_domain lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;domain_namelamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;NS_namelamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;NS_Addrlamp;gt; : Delegate the given domain to the given nameserver

NNL-00568: delegate_domain lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;domain_namelamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;NS_namelamp;gt; lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;NS_Addrlamp;gt; : Delegate the given domain to the given nameserver

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00567: reorder_ns (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_addresslamp;gt;( : Generate the enhanced discovery file

NNL-00567: reorder_ns (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_addresslamp;gt;( : Generate the enhanced discovery file

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00566: set|show log_file_name (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;filenamelamp;gt;( (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_listlamp;gt;( : set|show the log file name on one or more servers

NNL-00566: set|show log_file_name (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;filenamelamp;gt;( (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_listlamp;gt;( : set|show the log file name on one or more servers

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00565: set trace_file_name (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;filenamelamp;gt;( (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_listlamp;gt;( : set|show the server s trace file name

NNL-00565: set trace_file_name (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;filenamelamp;gt;( (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_listlamp;gt;( : set|show the server s trace file name

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00563: timed_query (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;timestamplamp;gt;( : query all objects in the Names server s cache

NNL-00563: timed_query (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;timestamplamp;gt;( : query all objects in the Names server s cache

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00562: unregister lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;namelamp;gt; (-dlamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;addresslamp;gt;( (-llamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : unregister an object with Oracle Names

NNL-00562: unregister lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;namelamp;gt; (-dlamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;addresslamp;gt;( (-llamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;listener_namelamp;gt;( : unregister an object with Oracle Names

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00560: Shows or sets the server s request-processing delay

NNL-00560: Shows or sets the server s request-processing delay

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00559: Shows, sets, or cancels the time for the next cache dump to the trace file

NNL-00559: Shows, sets, or cancels the time for the next cache dump to the trace file

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00558: set|show namesctl_trace_level : set|show the controller s tracing level

NNL-00558: set|show namesctl_trace_level : set|show the controller s tracing level

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00556: set|show reset_stats_interval (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;secondslamp;gt;( (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_listlamp;gt;( : set|show server statistic counter reset interval

NNL-00556: set|show reset_stats_interval (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;secondslamp;gt;( (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_listlamp;gt;( : set|show server statistic counter reset interval

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00555: Displays meta data statistics

NNL-00555: Displays meta data statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00553: Displays forwarding statistics

NNL-00553: Displays forwarding statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00551: Displays cache statistics

NNL-00551: Displays cache statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00550: flush (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_listlamp;gt;( : flush one or more servers cache(s)

NNL-00550: flush (lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;server_listlamp;gt;( : flush one or more servers cache(s)

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00549: Displays stream usage statistics

NNL-00549: Displays stream usage statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00548: Displays update request statistics

NNL-00548: Displays update request statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00547: Displays rename request statistics

NNL-00547: Displays rename request statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00546: Displays delete request statistics

NNL-00546: Displays delete request statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00545: Displays query request statistics

NNL-00545: Displays query request statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.

NNL-00544: Displays operations statistics

NNL-00544: Displays operations statistics

Cause: Control program help text.

Action: None.