RMAN-06103: duplicate qualifier found in REPORT command: string

RMAN-06103: duplicate qualifier found in REPORT command: string

Cause: The indicated qualifier appears more than once in a REPORT qualifier list.

Action: delete the duplicate qualifier

RMAN-06102: no channel to restore a backup or copy of log thread number seq number lowscn string

RMAN-06102: no channel to restore a backup or copy of log thread number seq number lowscn string

Cause: An archive log restore restore could not proceed because the backup of the indicated file exists on a device type that was not allocated for restore.

Action: None -this is an informational message. See message 6026 for further details.

RMAN-06101: no channel to restore a backup or copy of the control file

RMAN-06101: no channel to restore a backup or copy of the control file

Cause: A control file restore could not proceed because the backup of the indicated file exists on a device type that was not allocated for restore.

Action: None -this is an informational message. See message 6026 for further details.

RMAN-06100: no channel to restore a backup or copy of datafile number

RMAN-06100: no channel to restore a backup or copy of datafile number

Cause: A datafile, tablespace, or database restore could not proceed because the backup of the indicated file exists on a device type that was not allocated for restore.

Action: None -this is an informational message. See message 6026 for further details.

RMAN-06099: error occurred in source file: string, line: number

RMAN-06099: error occurred in source file: string, line: number

Cause: See accompanying error

Action: See accompanying error

RMAN-06098: the target database must be mounted when issuing a BACKUP command

RMAN-06098: the target database must be mounted when issuing a BACKUP command

Cause: A BACKUP command was issued, but the target database control file is not mounted.

Action: Mount the target database control file by issuing ALTER DATABASE MOUNT via Enterprise Manager or Server Manager.

RMAN-06096: SWITCH required for newname of datafile string to take effect

RMAN-06096: SWITCH required for newname of datafile string to take effect

Cause: A SET NEWNAME was issued for this datafile, but no SWITCH command was issued before the RECOVER command.

Action: Issue a SWITCH command to make the newname take effect before doing RECOVER.

RMAN-06095: a backup control file must be restored to recover datafile string

RMAN-06095: a backup control file must be restored to recover datafile string

Cause: The controfile currently mounted by the target database contains a newer incarnation of the datafile than the recovery catalog indicates is appropriate for the point-in-time being recovered to.

Action: Restore the control file, using the same UNTIL clause specified on the failing RECOVER command, then reissue the command. If no control file can be restored, then you should issue a CREATE CONTROLFILE command.

RMAN-06094: datafile string must be restored

RMAN-06094: datafile string must be restored

Cause: A RECOVER command was issued, and the recovery catalog indicates the specified datafile should be part of the recovery, but this datafile is not listed in the control file, and cannot be found on disk.

Action: Issue a RESTORE command for this datafile, using the same UNTIL clause specified to the RECOVER command (if any), then reissue the RECOVER.

RMAN-06093: recovery catalog contains obsolete version of datafile string

RMAN-06093: recovery catalog contains obsolete version of datafile string

Cause: The specified datafile number was dropped and then reused. The control file mounted by the target database contains the newer version of the datafile, but the recovery catalog contains information about only the older version.

Action: Issue a RESYNC command to update the recovery catalog, then reissue the failing command. If the error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

RMAN-06092: error while looking up backup piece

RMAN-06092: error while looking up backup piece

Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified backup piece in the recovery catalog or target database control file.

Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the failure. Ensure that the name or key is entered correctly. If the backup piece was created when the recovery catalog was not available, then a RESYNC CATALOG must be done to update the recovery catalog.

RMAN-06091: no channel allocated for maintenance (of an appropriate type)

RMAN-06091: no channel allocated for maintenance (of an appropriate type)

Cause: A command was entered that requires a maintenance channel, and no maintenance channel is allocated, or none of the appropriate type.

Action: Use ALLOCATE CHANNEL FOR MAINTENANCE before deleting backup pieces, or using the CROSSCHECK or DELETE EXPIRED commands. Proxy copies require a non-DISK channel.

RMAN-06090: error while looking up control file copy: string

RMAN-06090: error while looking up control file copy: string

Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified control file copy in the recovery catalog or target database control file.

Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the failure. Ensure that the filename is entered correctly. If the control file copy was created when the recovery catalog was not available, then a RESYNC CATALOG must be done to update the recovery catalog.

RMAN-06089: archived log string not found or out of sync with catalog

RMAN-06089: archived log string not found or out of sync with catalog

Cause: The indicated file is not found, or is found but is not the same file that the recovery catalog thinks it is. It is likely that some operation outside of Recovery Manager has altered the file, or that Recovery Manager has not resynced with the target database.

Action: Re-catalog the file and retry the operation.

RMAN-06088: datafile copy string not found or out of sync with catalog

RMAN-06088: datafile copy string not found or out of sync with catalog

Cause: The indicated file is not found, or is found but is not the same file that the recovery catalog thinks it is. It is likely that some operation outside of Recovery Manager has altered the file, or that Recovery Manager has not resynced with the target database.

Action: Re-catalog the file and retry the operation.

RMAN-06087: read-only files may only be skipped in a datafile backup set

RMAN-06087: read-only files may only be skipped in a datafile backup set

Cause: The SKIP READONLY option was specified for an archive log backup set.

Action: Use this option only for datafile backup sets.

RMAN-06086: offline files may only be skipped in a datafile backup set

RMAN-06086: offline files may only be skipped in a datafile backup set

Cause: The SKIP OFFLINE option was specified for an archive log backup set.

Action: Use this option only for datafile backup sets.

RMAN-06085: must use SET NEWNAME command to restore datafile string

RMAN-06085: must use SET NEWNAME command to restore datafile string

Cause: A RESTORE command for the specified datafile could not find a destination name for the specified datafile.

Action: Add a SET NEWNAME command prior to the RESTORE command to specify the restore destination for this file.

RMAN-06084: the target database may not be mounted when issuing REPLICATE

RMAN-06084: the target database may not be mounted when issuing REPLICATE

Cause: A REPLICATE command was issued, but the target database is already mounted.

Action: dismount the target database control file by issuing ALTER DATABASE CLOSE and ALTER DATABASE DISMOUNT via Enterprise Manager or Server Manager.

RMAN-06083: error when loading stored script string

RMAN-06083: error when loading stored script string

Cause: The recovery catalog database returned an error. This error explains the cause of the problem.

Action: Correct the problem and retry.

RMAN-06082: datafile copy tag string is ambiguous

RMAN-06082: datafile copy tag string is ambiguous

Cause: The specified tag refers to multiple datafile copies belonging to different datafiles.

Action: Specify the datafile copy by filename rather than by tag.

RMAN-06014: command not implemented yet: string

RMAN-06014: command not implemented yet: string

Cause: Not all commands are implemented for the beta release.

Action: Avoid using the command.

RMAN-06013: duplicate channel identifier found: string

RMAN-06013: duplicate channel identifier found: string

Cause: A channel identifier was reused without first releasing the channel.

Action: Add a RELEASE CHANNEL command.

RMAN-06012: channel: string not allocated

RMAN-06012: channel: string not allocated

Cause: A RELEASE or SETLIMIT command was found for a channel identifier that was not yet allocated.

Action: Correct the channel identifier, or add an ALLOCATE CHANNEL command.

RMAN-06011: invalid level specified: number

RMAN-06011: invalid level specified: number

Cause: An invalid incremental backup level was specified.

Action: Incremental backup level must be between 0 and 4.

RMAN-06010: error while looking up datafile: string

RMAN-06010: error while looking up datafile: string

Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified datafile in the recovery catalog or target database control file.

Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the failure. Ensure that the filename is entered correctly. If the datafile was added recently, then a RESYNC CATALOG must be done to update the recovery catalog.

RMAN-06009: using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

RMAN-06009: using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-06008: connected to recovery catalog database

RMAN-06008: connected to recovery catalog database

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-06007: target database not mounted and db_name not set in init.ora

RMAN-06007: target database not mounted and db_name not set in init.ora

Cause: The target database has not mounted the control file, and its init.ora file does not specify the DB_NAME parameter.

Action: MOUNT the target database, or add the DB_NAME parameter to its init.ora and restart the instance.

RMAN-06006: connected to target database: string (not mounted)

RMAN-06006: connected to target database: string (not mounted)

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-06005: connected to target database: string (DBID=string)

RMAN-06005: connected to target database: string (DBID=string)

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-06004: ORACLE error from recovery catalog database: string

RMAN-06004: ORACLE error from recovery catalog database: string

Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

Action: Check the accompanying errors.

RMAN-06003: ORACLE error from target database: string

RMAN-06003: ORACLE error from target database: string

Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

Action: Check the accompanying errors.

RMAN-06002: command not allowed when not connected to a recovery catalog

RMAN-06002: command not allowed when not connected to a recovery catalog

Cause: A command that is allowed only when a recovery catalog connect string was supplied was attempted.

Action: Avoid using the command, or restart RMAN and supply a recovery catalog connect string via the CATALOG parameter.

RMAN-06001: error parsing job step library

RMAN-06001: error parsing job step library

Cause: A syntax error was encountered while parsing recover.bsq .

Action: Ensure that the correct version of the file is installed and that it has not been modified in any way.

RMAN-06000: could not open recovery manager library file: string

RMAN-06000: could not open recovery manager library file: string

Cause: The recover.bsq file could not be opened.

Action: Check that the file was installed correctly and that the user running RMAN has authority to read the file.

RMAN-05520: database name mismatch, auxiliary instance has string, command specified string

RMAN-05520: database name mismatch, auxiliary instance has string, command specified string

Cause: The database name specified in the initialization parameter was not the same as the database name provided in the DUPLICATE command.

Action: Correct the database name in the command or adjust the database name of the auxiliary instance.

RMAN-05517: temporary file string conflicts with file used by target database

RMAN-05517: temporary file string conflicts with file used by target database

Cause: RMAN attempted to use the specified temporary file as a restore destination in the auxiliary database, but this name was already in use by the target database.

Action: Use the SET NEWNAME FOR TEMPFILE command to specify a name for the indicated temporary file, making sure that the new name does not conflict with a filename in use by target database. Alternatively, use DB_FILE_NAME_ CONVERT and retry the command.

RMAN-05516: duplicate operand specified: string

RMAN-05516: duplicate operand specified: string

Cause: The specified operand appears more than once in the same duplicate option list

Action: Delete the duplicated operand.

RMAN-05515: Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of SET UNTIL

RMAN-05515: Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of SET UNTIL

Cause: A SET UNTIL clause was specified for the command.

Action: Remove the SET UNTIL clause and try again.

RMAN-05514: tablespace string has undo information, cannnot skip

RMAN-05514: tablespace string has undo information, cannnot skip

Cause: All tablespaces that have undo information must be included in the duplication.

Action: Remove the specified tablespace from the SKIP list and retry the operation.

RMAN-05513: cannot duplicate, control file is not current or backup

RMAN-05513: cannot duplicate, control file is not current or backup

Cause: DUPLICATE requires that the target database has a current control file.

Action: Open the target database and retry operation.

RMAN-05512: tablespace string cannot be skipped from duplication

RMAN-05512: tablespace string cannot be skipped from duplication

Cause: The SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces were not included in the duplicate database. They must be present.

Action: Remove the SYSTEM and or or SYSAUX tablespace from the SKIP list and retry the operation.

RMAN-05511: Datafile string skipped by request

RMAN-05511: Datafile string skipped by request

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-05510: Duplicate finished

RMAN-05510: Duplicate finished

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-05507: standby control file checkpoint (string) is more recent than duplication point in time (string)

RMAN-05507: standby control file checkpoint (string) is more recent than duplication point in time (string)

Cause: A DUPLICATE FOR STANDBY command was issued, but the checkpoint of the control file is more recent than the last archivelog or the specified point in time.

Action: If an explicit point in time was specified, change it to be at least the control file checkpoint; otherwise archive (and backup or copy) the current log.

RMAN-05506: error during recursive execution

RMAN-05506: error during recursive execution

Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.

Action: Check the accompanying errors.

RMAN-05505: auxiliary filename conversion of string exceeds maximum length of string

RMAN-05505: auxiliary filename conversion of string exceeds maximum length of string

Cause: When the given filename is converted to the name used for the auxiliary database, the converted name is larger than the maximum allowed filename.

Action: Change initialization parameter DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT to convert to a valid filename.

RMAN-05504: at least two redo log files or groups must be specified for this command

RMAN-05504: at least two redo log files or groups must be specified for this command

Cause: Only one redo log file or group was specified

Action: Specify at least one more redo log file or group

RMAN-05503: at least one auxiliary channel must be allocated to execute this command

RMAN-05503: at least one auxiliary channel must be allocated to execute this command

Cause: No auxiliary channels were allocated.

Action: Allocate an auxiliary channel.

RMAN-05502: the target database must be mounted when issuing a DUPLICATE command

RMAN-05502: the target database must be mounted when issuing a DUPLICATE command

Cause: A DUPLICATE command was issued, but the target database control file is not mounted.

Action: Mount the target database control file by issuing ALTER DATABASE MOUNT via Enterprise Manager or Server Manager.

RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database

RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database

Cause: Previously encountered errors require corrective action.

Action: Resolve the error conditions, and reissue the DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE command.

RMAN-05500: the auxiliary database must be not mounted when issuing a DUPLICATE command

RMAN-05500: the auxiliary database must be not mounted when issuing a DUPLICATE command

Cause: A DUPLICATE command was issued, but the auxiliary database is mounted.

Action: Dismount the auxiliary database.

RMAN-05049: datafile string is an Oracle Managed File, DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST not set at target

RMAN-05049: datafile string is an Oracle Managed File, DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST not set at target

Cause: A tablespace point-in-time recovery (tspitr) was attempted but the datafile is an Oracle Managed File and DB_FILE_CREATE_DEST is not currently set for the target database.

Action: Specify DB_FILE_CREATE_DEST for the target database or provide a NEWNAME for the specified datafile.

RMAN-05048: specified filename string conflicts with a file used by the target database

RMAN-05048: specified filename string conflicts with a file used by the target database

Cause: The specified filename was already in use by another datafile in the database.

Action: Use SET NEWNAME command to specify a different name for the datafile that does not conflict with a filename in use by the target database.

RMAN-05047: Import completed

RMAN-05047: Import completed

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-05046: Export completed

RMAN-05046: Export completed

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-05045: Performing import of metadata...

RMAN-05045: Performing import of metadata...

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-05044: Performing export of metadata...

RMAN-05044: Performing export of metadata...

Cause: This is an informational message only.

Action: No action is required.

RMAN-05043: tablespace string

RMAN-05043: tablespace string

Cause: Accompanying message to 5040.

Action: See Action of message 5040.