DRG-11624: invalid attribute string for string: proper range string to string

DRG-11624: invalid attribute string for string: proper range string to string

Cause: unexpected error

Action: change attribute value

DRG-11623: URL store: unknown error getting string

DRG-11623: URL store: unknown error getting string

Cause: unexpected error

Action: contact support

DRG-11622: URL store: unknown HTTP error getting string

DRG-11622: URL store: unknown HTTP error getting string

Cause: an unexpected HTTP error has occurred

Action: consult HTTP error codes; if valid, contact support

DRG-11621: URL store: socket open error for string

DRG-11621: URL store: socket open error for string

Cause: socket open failed; probably too many open file descriptors

Action: reduce the maximum number of threads started

DRG-11620: URL store: thread operation error

DRG-11620: URL store: thread operation error

Cause: thread operation failed

Action: contact system administrator

DRG-11619: URL store: row in table is empty

DRG-11619: URL store: row in table is empty

Cause: row deleted or otherwise missing

Action: check table if necessary

DRG-11618: URL store: document identified by string is too large

DRG-11618: URL store: document identified by string is too large

Cause: document larger than user-set maximum size

Action: do not access URL, or increase document size limit

DRG-11617: URL store: URL string is too long

DRG-11617: URL store: URL string is too long

Cause: The length of the URL string is longer than URLSIZE

Action: set URLSIZE attribute to a larger value

DRG-11616: URL store: too many redirections trying to access string

DRG-11616: URL store: too many redirections trying to access string

Cause: too long a chain of HTTP redirections given the URL

Action: contact the Web administrator of the remote host

DRG-11615: URL store: write failed sending to string over network

DRG-11615: URL store: write failed sending to string over network

Cause: unknown error writing request to Web server

Action: check network connection

DRG-11614: URL store: communication with host specified in string timed out

DRG-11614: URL store: communication with host specified in string timed out

Cause: a network operation timed out

Action: try again later; network connection may be down to Web server

DRG-11613: URL store: connection refused to host specified by string

DRG-11613: URL store: connection refused to host specified by string

Cause: attempt to connect to host was forcibly refused

Action: check URL

DRG-11612: URL store: unknown host specified in string

DRG-11612: URL store: unknown host specified in string

Cause: the address of the host specified could not be resolved

Action: check URL

DRG-11611: URL store: unknown protocol specified in string

DRG-11611: URL store: unknown protocol specified in string

Cause: the protocol parsed is neither http or file

Action: check URL

DRG-11610: URL store: unable to read local file specified by string

DRG-11610: URL store: unable to read local file specified by string

Cause: attempt to read local file failed

Action: contact system administrator

DRG-11609: URL store: unable to open local file specified by string

DRG-11609: URL store: unable to open local file specified by string

Cause: attempt to open local file failed

Action: check URL

DRG-11608: URL store: host portion of string specified incorrectly

DRG-11608: URL store: host portion of string specified incorrectly

Cause: host portion of the URL could not be parsed

Action: check URL

DRG-11607: URL store: access to string was denied due to garbled response

DRG-11607: URL store: access to string was denied due to garbled response

Cause: Web server identified in URL doesn t obey HTTP protocol

Action: contact the Web administrator of the remote host

DRG-11606: URL store: access to string timed out waiting for client request

DRG-11606: URL store: access to string timed out waiting for client request

Cause: client did not make response within timeout period

Action: check URL

DRG-11605: URL store: document specified by string not found

DRG-11605: URL store: document specified by string not found

Cause: the document can not be found on the host specified

Action: check URL

DRG-11604: URL store: access to string is denied

DRG-11604: URL store: access to string is denied

Cause: access to the URL is denied

Action: check URL; if correct, do not try to access URL again

DRG-11603: URL store: payment required to access string

DRG-11603: URL store: payment required to access string

Cause: payment is required before the URL can be accessed

Action: check URL, or pay if required if access necessary

DRG-11602: URL store: access to string requires authentication

DRG-11602: URL store: access to string requires authentication

Cause: user has to provide password or other authentication

Action: get required access, or check URL

DRG-11601: URL store: bad syntax on request for string

DRG-11601: URL store: bad syntax on request for string

Cause: client did not make correct request

Action: contact support

DRG-11600: URL store: string has permanently moved

DRG-11600: URL store: string has permanently moved

Cause: the document referred to by the URL has permanently moved

Action: find the new address, if any, of the document

DRG-11535: error writing phrase or qualifier: string on line string to memory

DRG-11535: error writing phrase or qualifier: string on line string to memory

Cause: not enough memory

Action: allocate more memory, contact WorldWide Support if problem persists

DRG-11534: invalid column string

DRG-11534: invalid column string

Cause: column does not exist or it s misspelled

Action: processing discontinued - amend record

LSX-00004: unexpected XML node type

LSX-00004: unexpected XML node type

Cause: Schema contains an XML node other than element, text (or CDATA),

Action: Other node types are not permitted; remove them.

LSX-00003: invalid attribute ~1S for element ~2S

LSX-00003: invalid attribute ~1S for element ~2S

Cause: The named Schema element had an invalid attribute.

Action: Correct the Schema; consult the Schema specification.

LSX-00002: root element is not lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;schemalamp;gt;

LSX-00002: root element is not lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;schemalamp;gt;

Cause: The top-level element of an XML Schema must be lamp;lt;lamp;nbsp;schemalamp;gt;.

Action: Correct the Schema; consult the Schema specification.

LSX-00001: NULL pointer

LSX-00001: NULL pointer

Cause: A NULL pointer was detected as an internal error condition.

Action: This is a programming error by the caller of the Schema processor. Contact someone who can fix the problem.

LPX-00773: protocol violation: ~s

LPX-00773: protocol violation: ~s

Cause: The entity body sent by the server in Chunked Transfer Encoding violated protocol.

Action: Either this is an internal implementation error or a server implementation error. Users should file a bug agaist either the server s or the client s implementation.

LPX-00772: wrong object type

LPX-00772: wrong object type

Cause: The wrong object type was given as argument to a WebDAV call.

Action: Review the failing function call, consult the documentation, and make sure the object types pass as correct.

LPX-00771: missing lock token in UNLOCK request

LPX-00771: missing lock token in UNLOCK request

Cause: An UNLOCK request to remove a lock had no lock token header specified.

Action: Use XmlDavUpdResDesc to set a lock token in the resource

LPX-00770: missing lock token in lock refresh request

LPX-00770: missing lock token in lock refresh request

Cause: A LOCK request to refresh a lock had no lock token header specified.

Action: Use XmlDavUpdResDesc to set a lock token in the resource

LPX-00769: not xml media type

LPX-00769: not xml media type

Cause: An XML media type was expected. But other media types were found.

Action: Since this data cannot be read as an XML type, use another routine to read it.

LPX-00768: no entity body found

LPX-00768: no entity body found

Cause: No entity body was found when it was read.

Action: Check the HTTP status code and headers to see why the entity body was not found.

LPX-00767: not a text media type

LPX-00767: not a text media type

Cause: A text media type was expected. But other media types were found.

Action: Since this data cannot be read as a text type, use another routine to read it.

LPX-00766: unsupported transfer-coding values: ~s

LPX-00766: unsupported transfer-coding values: ~s

Cause: Only chunked and identity transfer-coding values are supported.

Action: This is WebDAV implementation s shortfall. There is no workaround for this problem.

LPX-00765: HTTP error ~s

LPX-00765: HTTP error ~s

Cause: An HTTP protocol error occurred.

Action: Corrective action depends on the error.

LPX-00764: TCP connection was broken

LPX-00764: TCP connection was broken

Cause: Either the server terminated the TCP connection or the TCP connection is in a bad state.

Action: Analyze the error. After cleanup, retry the method.

LPX-00763: exceeded maximum TCP connections

LPX-00763: exceeded maximum TCP connections

Cause: The maximum allowable number of TCP connections were exceeded. This happens only if too many pending HTTP responses have not been properly ended or destroyed.

Action: End a pending response session or destroy response objects that have been processed.

LPX-00762: read failed from host ~s

LPX-00762: read failed from host ~s

Cause: An error occurred trying to read data from a TCP connection.

Action: Verify network connectivity.

LPX-00761: send failed to host ~s

LPX-00761: send failed to host ~s

Cause: An error occurred trying to send data over a TCP connection.

Action: Verify network connectivity.

LPX-00760: couldn t connect to host ~s port ~u

LPX-00760: couldn t connect to host ~s port ~u

Cause: A TCP connection couldn t be opened to the named host.

Action: Verify the hostname and connectivity to the host.

LPX-00759: failed to initialize TCP or IP

LPX-00759: failed to initialize TCP or IP

Cause: The TCP or IP package could not be initialized.

Action: Check with your system administrator to see if this is a configuration problem or a connectivity problem.

LPX-00758: user-provided callback returns null

LPX-00758: user-provided callback returns null

Cause: Null was returned from user-provided callback function.

Action: Check error(s) encoutered within the callback function.

LPX-00757: maximum XML document size (~s bytes) exceeded

LPX-00757: maximum XML document size (~s bytes) exceeded

Cause: The input XML document s size exceeded the limit set by max_xml_size attribute set in XmlDavCreate().

Action: Raise the value set for max_xml_size attribute in XmlDavCreate() if this does not create problems with security.

LPX-00756: Etags and tokens must be either all tagged or all untagged

LPX-00756: Etags and tokens must be either all tagged or all untagged

Cause: The list of condition factors need to be either all tagged with absoluteURI s or all untagged with absoluteURI s.

Action: If all condition factors were applied to the resource receiving the request, make them all untagged. Otherwise, make them all tagged with appropriate resource s URI s.

LPX-00755: missing required argument ~s

LPX-00755: missing required argument ~s

Cause: A required argument was missing.

Action: Provide the missing argument to the function.

LPX-00754: invalid no_proxy ~s

LPX-00754: invalid no_proxy ~s

Cause: The no_proxy specification was invalid.

Action: Check and correct the specification. no_proxy is a comma- or space-separated list of machine or domain names, with an optional port part. If no port part is present, then it applies to all ports on that domain.

LPX-00753: invalid proxy ~s

LPX-00753: invalid proxy ~s

Cause: The proxy specification for the given protocol was invalid.

Action: Check and correct the proxy specification. For HTTP, this is the environment variable http_proxy .

LPX-00752: invalid ~1s, must be ~2s

LPX-00752: invalid ~1s, must be ~2s

Cause: Invalid value was specified for attribute.

Action: Correct the value with one of the suggested values.

LPX-00751: arguments ~s are exclusive

LPX-00751: arguments ~s are exclusive

Cause: Input arguments passed into this function are exclusive. Specify only one of them.

Action: Specify only one of the exclusive arguments.

LPX-00750: arguments ~1s to function ~2s are null

LPX-00750: arguments ~1s to function ~2s are null

Cause: Input arguments passed into this function are null when it is not supposed to.

Action: Make sure the caller function is not passing null for this parameter.

LPX-00723: no such element

LPX-00723: no such element

Cause: The element with requested namespace name and local part does not exists.

Action: This is legal, no action required.

LPX-00722: elem has no relay

LPX-00722: elem has no relay

Cause: Header block does not have a relay attribute.

Action: This is legal, no action required.

LPX-00721: envelope has no body

LPX-00721: envelope has no body

Cause: The message envelope does not have body.

Action: Most likely bug in the server.

LPX-00720: envelope has no header

LPX-00720: envelope has no header

Cause: The message envelope does not have header.

Action: This is legal, no action required

LPX-00719: prefix too long

LPX-00719: prefix too long

Cause: The maximum size of encoded namespace attribute name is 1022.

Action: Use shorter prefix.