Cause: You specified an invalid relation. The set of valid relations will be displayed. Additionally, you may be able to specify a translation, which has the syntax languagename: where languagename can be any string up to 10 bytes
Cause: You specified an invalid relation. The set of valid relations will be displayed. Additionally, you may be able to specify a translation, which has the syntax languagename: where languagename can be any string up to 10 bytes
Cause: The entity body sent by the server in Chunked Transfer Encoding violated protocol.
Action: Either this is an internal implementation error or a server implementation error. Users should file a bug agaist either the server s or the client s implementation.
Cause: The maximum allowable number of TCP connections were exceeded. This happens only if too many pending HTTP responses have not been properly ended or destroyed.
Action: End a pending response session or destroy response objects that have been processed.
LPX-00756: Etags and tokens must be either all tagged or all untagged
Cause: The list of condition factors need to be either all tagged with absoluteURI s or all untagged with absoluteURI s.
Action: If all condition factors were applied to the resource receiving the request, make them all untagged. Otherwise, make them all tagged with appropriate resource s URI s.
Action: Check and correct the specification. no_proxy is a comma- or space-separated list of machine or domain names, with an optional port part. If no port part is present, then it applies to all ports on that domain.
DRG-50954: Theme index is required for CTXCAT about queries
Cause: There is no theme index, but the catsearch query contains about clause. You must create a theme index before using ABOUT query against CTXCAT index
DRG-50948: ABOUT clause required in the absence of a text index
Cause: There is no text index, but the query does not contain any about clause. With only a theme index present, each query term must belong to an ABOUT clause
DRG-50704: Net8 listener is not running or cannot start external procedures
Cause: Oracle Text needs to call external code to complete your request, and could not start the extproc agent process.
Action: Start listener if it is configured for external procedures and is not running. If your listener is running, configure it for starting external procedures and restart it. Consult Oracle documentation for details.
DRG-11418: insufficient document content for linguistic parser
Cause: the document specified for linguistic extraction was parsed but the document content was insufficient for linguistic extraction by the specified parser.
Action: check the document contents or try modifying linguistic settings
Cause: An error was encountered while indexing the document. The error may have occurred during lexing, parsing for sections, or other
Action: review document and update with valid data. Note that the document contents may have been partially indexed, so it may be returned by some queries.
Cause: Third-party filter could not filter this document because the filter timed out.
Action: Increase the value of the TIMEOUT attribute of INSO_FILTER filter type and reindex this document. When TIMEOUT attribute is set to 0 and the session hangs then contact Oracle Support.
DRG-11224: Third-party filter is unable to create or write to temporary file.
Cause: Third-party filter could not filter this document because it was unable to create a temporary file or unable to write to a temporary file.
Action: Make sure that the Operating System specified temporary directory has enough space and that the Operating System Oracle user has the privileges to create files in this temporary directory.
DRG-11223: Third-party filter indicates this document is password protected or encrypted.
Cause: Third-party filter encountered a password protected or encrypted document and could not filter it because this level of password protection or encryption is not supported.
Action: Remove this document or specify it to be ignored.